Yuri Simoes – High Efficiency No Gi Jiu Jitsu Top Game
Yuri Simoes has 2 ADCC Gold Medals
- Yuri Simoes is one of the best modern day No Gi Grapplers
- Yuri does not mess around when he grapples, he passes and submits his opponents
- Yuri has battled some of the best Jiu Jitsu competition in the world
- His passing is relentless and technical
- This is your chance to dominate anyone No Gi
The No Gi Formula by Yuri Simoes Product 2
Want To Learn A Simple Takedown System That Works Even If You’re Not A Wrestler?
Yuri Simoes doesn’t mess around when he grapples… he takes his opponent down, he passes, he submits. He has 2 ADCC Championship Gold Medals – which are the equivalent to 2 Gold medals at the Olympics of Grappling, held only every two years.
Yuri wasn't a high school wrestler, but he can take anyone down… He's taken down good
college wrestlers, UFC Icons, Olympic Judokas and everyone he's competed against in BJJ. He has competed against all of the best grapplers in the entire world. Yuri has faced the best of the best and been able to implement his game on almost everyone. Yuri Simoe’s has finally revealed his tried and true methods in his news series High Efficiency No Gi Jiu Jitsu: Top Game and it will accelerate your No Gi game tenfold!
The funny thing is that taking down the BJJ guys is the easiest, most of them don't even try to learn how to defend and with Yuri's simple system, you won't believe how easy it is… Yuri is an animal with his takedowns. They are the best in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. There have been several people who question whether or not Yuri had high school or college wrestling experience. He understands the mechanics of how to manipulate his opponent while standing and how to take them down at will. There is a lack of fundamentals on takedowns in BJJ and Yuri's system will show you the ropes.
Check Out This Takedown from Yuri Below
Fortunately, Yuri gave us the FORMULA you need to become a monster with takedowns and on top. Yuri claims this formula was the key to his 2 ADCC titles and 2 absolute black belt No Gi world titles and he even included a few upgrades for this series.
NOTE: Yuri’s formula has not only allowed him to take down and pass the best guards in the world but simultaneously shutdown the best leg attack games.
Yuri is now going to hold your hand and walk you step-by-step through his High Efficiency No Gi Jiu Jitsu: Top Game formula. Yuri’s takedown and passing style not only takes little energy, it is also very safe. In fact, many of Yuri’s techniques work perfectly for smaller-framed guys who have to deal with trickier and flexible guards.
Yuri’s takedown and passing game are the type that will leave your opponent saying “I’m screwed” once you close the distance on them.
What do we mean by that?
As you inch up on your opponent he will realize he can’t stop your takedown and he can’t choke, kimura or leg lock you when you get on top. His only hope will be to frantically struggle to recover his guard. The only problem is by that time it will be too late. In fact, most people will literally give up from sheer physical and mental exhaustion when they go against Yuri. They will let you have the guard pass because the effort to try and stop you will seem hopeless.
A HUGE difference between Yuri and other top guys is that most of them use different passing games against different styles. It’s like they wear a tool belt and when they encounter one guard they use a certain type of pass. When they encounter another guard they pull out a different tool to pass another way.
That’s fine and dandy. To each his own. Some people spend a lot of time trying to configure a complex game. The only problem is sometimes it can be cumbersome to teach so many different passing styles to a person who is looking for something simple and effective.
Check Out This Pass From Yuri
Yuri’s game is not complicated. Yuri uses his takedown to pressure style passes against everyone – and it works.
To date, Yuri has defeated a who’s who of A-Player world level talent in No Gi such as:
Keenan Cornelius;
Felipe Pena;
Garry Tonon;
Murrilo Santana;
among others.
When we talk about pressure this doesn’t mean you must have big muscles or be a heavyweight. Pressure also doesn’t mean continued maximal effort.
The pressure we are talking about means you will use very little energy while making your opponent carry all of your weight (you will feel ten times heavier because of the specific way you position your body).
Yuri’s Formula will show you how to methodically take your opponent down then break through your opponent’s guard. Yuri will show you how to beat just about every guard structure by approaching the guard on your terms. Yuri will show you how to get your grips and go in a direction where you are not even letting your opponent set up a guard. Yuri is thinking the same thing the whole time, how can he advance to the next position and get what he wants without giving you what you want. This is a huge perspective change. This is vastly different than what most of us are taught. Instead of worrying about which guard your opponent will set up you will make him worry about your guard passing.
Sound like fun?
Hell yeah!
The problem today is takedowns are being taught by wrestlers who are not great grapplers, on top of that guard players are becoming more and more sophisticated. There is the X-guard, Single X, Z-Guard, Ashi orientations, reverse De La Riva, upside down guard – all this on top of other traditional guards that can also be complex depending on who is playing them.
So how do you navigate and pass through each guard?
You can try your best to learn how to pass the ins and outs of every guard and also keep up with every new guard as it surfaces and develops. You can get quicker and stronger so you can blow through them or around them.
But do you have to do all this to beat the guys in your local gym?
Do you have to do all this to beat the world’s best guys?
Yuri Simoes has proven you can beat the top guys by doing much less.
Now for the first time ever Yuri’s going to show you how to do it the easy way.
Yuri’s passing is more about technical precision than any other quality. In fact, Yuri’s passing really took off and became even better when he honed it with his professor 12 x World Champion (10-times No Gi) Caio Terra, who is widely considered one of the best technicians alive today.
Believe it was Einstein who once said:
If you can’t explain it simply you don’t understand it well enough.
Yuri understands exactly what he does and he can teach it to you with his eyes closed. This is rare for many top level guys. Everything Yuri does is purposeful and simple.
You can plug & play what is in Yuri’s Formula within a few weeks max. Yuri chains the techniques together so you know exactly what to do without having BJJ brain-fart.
And once you watch it you will have it stored in your memory bank forever. The best part is you aren’t going to need to drill these moves a hundred times. They are explained to a “T”. Just having an understanding will allow you to translate the skill to the mat. We guess the best way to put it is that it’s kind of something like this (picture this in your head): “When you are passing the guard and they are blocking you with a hand “here” you now know that you put your other hand “there.”
Make sense?
Yuri literally shows you how and why you do exactly what you do like he is explaining it to a 5- year old. This just makes it stick in your head so much better.
Think about it…
Now you have a pre-planned formula that allows you to implement what you want to do and at the same time addresses each and every reaction so your opponent will feel like you are a telepath.
Would that feel good?
Lol, maybe not good for your opponent.
And listen, it doesn’t even matter what you have going on right now. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner or an expert. You now get to decide if you want to keep doing what you are doing or start using what is working at the very top.
Don’t feel bad if this seems like starting over. Ask yourself where will you be in a year from now if you don’t learn this Formula? Will you be better off doing what you are doing right now?
Obviously it’s smart to keep an open mind in Jiu Jitsu. Many of the best are always changing and learning from one another no matter how hard they try and hide it. Lol, we know this for a fact because many world class guys buy our DVDs. Either way just don’t be one of those people who keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. That’s called insanity.
So what do I get?
Volume 1
-Learn how to break and pass from the closed guard without exposing yourself to being swept or attacked. This simple strategy is responsible for a lot of confidence in Yuri’s top game. To finally know that you can easily break someone’s closed guard is going to allow you to focus on passing without worrying if you get placed back in closed guard.
-Ever wonder how some guys can pass and avoid people coming underneath them? Ever wonder how some people can pass without worrying about getting caught in a reverse-triangle or having the bottom guy hip escaping? Yuri shows you the correct details to not only manage the distance but intricate hand placement and how to use your weight on your hips that makes a HUGE difference in passing and not wasting precious time and energy.
-The weave pass is often taught in Gi because of the grips you can utilize. But have no fear, Yuri shows you a way of weaving where you dip your shoulder and bring your body up along the upper part of the leg so that your opponent will feel as though you are glued to them. And if they try and stuff your head with a frame or stiff arm it will actually play right into your hands.
-Learn the standing weave vs inverted De La Riva. This is the type of stuff training partners would tell you about but they would usually have to KILL you. The weave pass from inverted De La Riva is so simple and effective that you will kick yourself for not having ever thought of it before. This pass will make even the best inverted player have to develop a whole new game plan against you, especially if this is their go to guard.
-Discover a butterfly guard pass to back that will leave your opponent bewildered. This is what we would call an unusual technique because it allows you to pass your opponent’s butterfly guard and go directly to the back. There are two simple grips that Yuri uses that will be game-changing. No matter what level you are at today you need to start doing this if you aren’t already.
-Plus much more…
Volume 2
-Yuri opens the floodgates on what many will probably consider one of his best guard passing orientations. Yuri’s details for the over/under pass seem almost counter-intuitive. Yuri shows multiple finishes included a leg weave that plenty of people have the opportunity to use but do not even realize it’s there. The tiny details he shows on how to finish and block your opponent’s hips are what you may call ground-breaking. You will be pleasantly surprised by how much easier it is to do it this way.
-Discover how to break down the different frames your opponent will use when you are passing guard. This is a big issue for a lot of you out there. It’s normal. You pass a person’s hips and then you are stuck trying to pass a frame that is pushing you away so you feel like you did all that work for nothing. Have no fear! Yuri will show you how to beat the frames on your head, shoulder, hip and neck while you simultaneously stop your opponent’s under-hook attempt so you have the option to get the under-hook yourself. Yuri also dives into what occurs when your opponent not only has a frame with their arms but with their knee on your chest. This is all about specific positioning and if you don’t learn this now you may spend years trying to figure it out yourself.
-A big problem many guard passes are facing nowadays are people who come underneath them and get into deep half guard. This can make things complicated, especially for a passer who is working hard to get the pass. They may find themselves bewildered once in deep half against an A-level player. Have no fear Yuri will teach you how to see and stop the deep half guard entry so that your opponent is left with a “WTF” look on their face as you easily pass their guard.
-Learn a very high-percentage way to go for a step over triangle from side position. You do not need to be flexible or have long legs to do this. You just have to follow the simple instructions and you will see yourself hitting these over and over in training. Yuri goes over multiple submission holds in this part of the series and he connects them so they stick in your head while you grappling.
-Plus much more…
Volume 3
-Learn how to pass the inverted guard to a leg drag. This pass finish by itself is worth buying the whole series. The head positioning Yuri uses in order to pass from the inverted guard position is so simple and efficient that you will be kicking yourself for not having thought of it before. If you study Jiu Jitsu you know about the leg-drag. But it is often easier shown than done. Yuri shows you a simple way to make it tight so that you won’t have to use any strength, speed or intricate set up to get the pass. All that clutter will become clear after you watch it.
-Yuri teaches you a highly-efficient variation to pass the inverted guard that will make a huge difference when you go in between your opponent’s legs in order to pass and settle via north/south position. Yuri doesn’t simply shoot his head and arms through. Yuri does two things different than most that will prove to be the difference between having to do ten times more work and ending it right there and passing clean. This is a MUST see for people who have trouble with flexible guards.
-Discover how to feel 3-times your bodyweight while passing. Yuri is going to walk you through each detail that will make your opponent feel like they are carrying deadweight. The key is when you pass to close the space and continue doing this until you have secured the pass. Most people lose the pass and have to do all the work over again. You won’t have to feel like that ever again with Yuri’s eye-opening details.
***SPECIAL BONUS*** Pressure Passing Private Class trouble shooting Q & A 40-minute p lesson.
-Yuri teaches a private lesson on this Volume that really helps to drill down anything that isn’t clear in your pressure passing game. We won’t go into heavy detail about the private class. You’ll get those details when you order this Formula. But we will say that what Yuri demonstrates is the “real deal”. Yuri is one of the most successful and innovative over/under pressure passers of our era. Again, without going into great detail, Yuri troubleshoots the problems that occur when world-class people are trying to stop you. What this ultimately means is that you can use this against local training partners at your gym and you can also use these techniques against a stellar black belt coming in through your doors. You’ll have iron-clad techniques with a deep understanding of what to do and why.
-Plus much more…
Volume 4
-Volume 4 not only walks you through mind-blowing takedowns, it walks you through Yuri’s mind-set when it comes to dominating the takedown game. This is crucial. Keep in mind Yuri never had much formal wrestling. That’s the best part because Yuri’s takedowns are truly set up and executed from a grappler’s point-of-view. This mind-set helps dramatically because instead of shooting regular takedowns that leave you susceptible for guillotines and arm attacks, Yuri goes in-depth about how and why to take certain attacks. Yuri also follows up with submissions he likes to attack from standing.
-Learn the most common mistake made by 99% of all grapplers when it comes to stopping the single leg takedown. Yuri not only shows you how to stop and address several common takedowns, he provides a wealth of variations by addressing the “what ifs,” you know like “what if they do this, and this and this, then this…” Let’s put it this way…. After you watch this you will know enough about takedown defense that you can not only apply it in training but teach it to elite grapplers.
-Little known secrets that will show you how to DOMINATE the tie-ups from the very beginning. Understand the mind-set for why you are where you are at all times and what your goal is when you tie up and what to watch out for when your opponent ties you up. Understanding this by itself can really help you penetrate toward your opponent. If you can’t beat the tie-up you likely will not get a takedown. After you watch this you will beat and be able to dominate in any tie-up situation.
-Yuri lets you in on his drilling secrets for double and single legs. Simply watching these will make a total mental switch in terms of how you can transition and attack your opponent’s legs. This will also prove instrumental so you can understand better how to deal with a solid wrestler. These are also drills that are considered “soft”. This means they will not beat up your body when you do them but will make you a much better and more well-rounded grappler.
-You will probably never look at a guillotine the same after Yuri shows you some very subtle details he uses. The head tie-up Yuri uses us really game-changing in order to make this work. You don’t need to be big and strong to do these, you just have to use the right technique. Yuri breaks down a plethora of guillotine variations and details that will give you supreme confidence that you can catch anyone in a guillotine while rolling or competing.
-Plus much more…
Success leaves clues. And the success that Yuri had is now going to be implanted into your memory bank forever when you purchase this No Gi series. This series is going to change your game the day you watch it. There are not many people at the top who play a simple game like Yuri. The key here is that it is simple and effective. If you want to learn No Gi takedowns and have a dominating top game (that is fun and easy to follow) then by all means grab this series and never look back.
So What Exactly Is On This DVD?
Opening the closed guard and pass
Steering wheel pass
Weave pass
Standing weave on inverted de la riva
2 handed shin pass to shelf
Smash pass from butterfly
Reverse de la riva horse kick
Butterfly cradle to back take
Standing over/under with 3 finishes
Breaking frames from half guard
Double over pass from half guard
Deep half cross face defense
Triangle from side control
Kimura from side control
Arm bar from kimura set up
Passing inverted guard
Passing inverted guard #2
Passing private class with Zenga
Passing private class #2
Over/over pass private class
The hell pressure turtle breakdown
High crotch single leg
Double leg
Single leg to double leg drill
3 counters to single leg
Under hook backside single
Fake uchi mata to ankle pick
Throw by takedown
Guillotine and guillotine takedown
The sticker
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