TTC – How to Play Chess – 24 Lessons from an International Master
These guidelines will help you, no matter if you are a beginner or a veteran player. 24 Lessons on strategy and gameplay will improve your skills and make you a better chess player.
1: The World of Chess
Chess transcends all boundaries of social class, language barriers and national borders. It can be played in the family living room, local chess parlors, or online. This makes it a truly universal pastime. Learn the basics of chess and how it started; how each piece is valued and how it moves; as well as the mathematical notation that allows players to play. to Record games, learn from Correct your mistakes and make …. better
2: Secrets of the Knights and Pawns
Although they may seem simple, pawns make up the most complex pieces of the chessboard. The most bizarre pieces are the leaping knights. Find out how these pieces move and which strategies they use. to You can work with them to You can control the board. Consider a few scenarios that will test what you have learned ….
3: Castling. Checkmate. Chess Engines. Draws
Completion of your review of the basics and how to play chess to Castle is the difference between checkmate vs stalemate and the etiquette and play of castle. Now shift your attention. to You will be amazed at the amazing aspects of the game. Learn about simultaneous exhibitions and blindfolded play.
4: Essential Tactical Patterns to Know in Chess
You can build your arsenal of tactical skills and look for winning patterns across the board. You have now covered three of the most important aspects of tactical Punches-pins, Skwers, and Forks-Mr. Silman Turns to Double attacks, discovered attacks and decoys are just a few of the many tactics you can use. These play patterns will give you a significant tactical advantage ….
5: Chess Combinations & Kings in Check
Continue your study of patterns, but this time you will be learning combination moves that require complex calculations. You may be wondering when and why. to Or, you could sacrifice a piece. to You can trap kings in tight corners or simply want to to You can unleash a torrent on the board with the right tactics from This lesson will make you a better player ….
6: Checkmate! 6: Checkmate!
Explore the world of “piece collaboration” Use two or more pieces to win a checkmate. Mr. Silman shows you many classic mates who have thrilled fans for decades. These mating patterns are not only exciting but also provide a deeper understanding of the game ….
7: Checkmate against the Castled King
Castling is an Excellent strategy isn’t invincible, however, a castled King is. Check out some of these patterns. to Checkmate a castled King-especially using square h7. Take a look at when to sacrifice a bishop, how to use your queen to You must go on the hunt. How pieces must work in partnership to achieve success ….
8: Legendary Chess Attacking Greats
The most fascinating chess players in history are the famous. You can enrich your knowledge about tactics by studying the lives of four of the most prominent attacking players: Alexander Alekhine and Garry Kasparov. Check out several of their games to Take a look at their playing style ….
9: A Cascade of Short and Brutal Chess Games
All levels of players make mistakes. We can fall into traps and get swept into them. an The opponent’s tactic may be missed, or they simply fail to make a good move. Consider the many possible outcomes of a game. from The quick “fool’s mate” to Many of these brutal, short takedowns are very effective. from Famous matches ….
10: Chess Heroes of the Romantic Age
Rewind to an Old Europe was ruled by gaslights and chess cafés. The “romantic era of chess” The 18th and 19th centuries were filled with wild characters who used swashbuckling strategies to You will please a large crowd. Meet Adolph and Adolph Anderssen, Joe Henry Blackburne, and Baron Ignatz Von Kolisch, to learn more about their memorable …. games.
11: Open Files & the Positional Rook
Although tactics are a favorite part of the game, they are not the most important. Learn the basics of chess strategy and positional play, starting with the Rooks. Find out why and how to Create an Open file and use your rooks to best advantage. See examples of these powerful pieces at work
12: Pawns – The Positional Soul Of Chess
This lesson will help you understand why “pawns are the soul of chess.” Your eye is your most important asset. to You can see the strategic implications of the pawn structures in a game. After improving your skill, to read a position and see patterns, study a few strategies for making the most out of the pawns-including pawn chains, the passed pawn, the Grünfeld Defense center, and more….
13: Targets and Positional Weaknesses in Chess
Examine a variety of weaknesses in your study of pawn movement. Mr. Silman can help you spot and exploit potential weaknesses such as doubled and isolated pawns. Your chess game will leapfrog …. if you improve your observation skills.
14: Closed and open positions on the Chessboard
It is always important to You should work as fast as you can to develop your pieces. However, once you have them developed, open or closed board positions will require very different strategic strategies. These differences can be used to your advantage. to Your knights, bishops or rooks can help you achieve your greatest success. to Get all the pieces in order
15: Chess Statics and Dynamics: An Eternal Conflict
Chess is a game that boils down to its essence. to The tension between dynamic and static play. Dynamic play is about tactics and aggressive attacks, while static play is about the long game and positional advantages. Find out when to Rely on each approach ….
16: Chessboard Imbalances to Plan your future
This lesson will teach you how to put all the pieces together from previous lessons. Learn to Look at the board to find imbalances and then figure out how to fix them. to You can correct these imbalances to work. You can learn from a wealth of examples. to understand “the body language of the board”A skill that distinguishes successful players from They were …. their opponents
17: Legendary teachers who transformed chess
Meet key players who helped to advance the game from Romantic to The Modern Era. Additional to Learn about the personalities of players such Asre Philidor and Siegbert Tarrasch. You will also learn about some of their most fascinating games to Get a sense of how chess has evolved ….
18: Chess Endgames, and the King’s Magical Powers
However, you will need to have both tactical and positional skills. to You can be a powerful chess player by learning how to play the endgame. to Bring your knowledge of chess to The next level. This is the first lesson in a series of three on endgame strategy, which you will learn. to The powers of the King Mr. Silman will show you how the King can take control of the …. Chessboard.
19: Kings and Pawns at Next-Level Endgames
Keep studying endgames, particularly those that involve the king and one or two pawns. You’ll learn how. to Avoid-or-create-stalemates, draws, and the critical techniques to get pawns to The end of the board or blocking dangerous pawn advances ….
20: Triangulation, Two Critical Rook Endgames
Add to your endgames collection with an Triangulation is a key tactic to gaining control. It is also known as “the opposition”In a king-versus king standoff, ), Next, turn to Two common rook endgames are the Lucena Position (Lucena Position) and the Philidor Position (Philidor Position). These situations can be handled …. by Mr. Silman.
21: Chess Openings: The Right & Wrong WayMany people believe that openings should be the most important part. But, as this lesson will show, it is not true on many levels. This article will provide you with some basic strategies to develop your pieces and get there. to The middle of each game. To be able to successfully navigate the opening with minimal memorization …., learn Mr. Silman’s recommended repertoire.
22: Chess Psychology & The Known Unknown
Psychological traps are a common problem in Chess. This is especially true if you find yourself playing an intimidating opponent. Mr. Silman gives insight into these traps and helps to maintain your confidence whether you’re playing a peer of your level or one among the most advanced computers on this planet …..
23: The Chess Amateur’s Mind
See how amateur chess players tend to Avoid ignoring the game-giving bits and focusing on the winning. to You can defend yourself against enemy attacks. Learn from some common amateur errors to improve your chess abilities and become more capable of anticipating your opponent’s best answer. to Every move ….
24: How to Pick a Chess Hero
As you can see, the chess world’s greatest players all have their own unique approach. to Understanding other players is often the foundation of the game. Round out the course by studying four final champions-Jose Raúl Capablanca, Vera Menchik, Bobby Fischer, and Hou Yifan-to Analyse their play style and get the benefit of thinking about your favorite chess player ….
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