Summer Huntington – Kinesioloyoga 101
What is the Course?
Summer Huntington, created this course to allow anyone and everyone to learn her signature Awaken, Condition, Practice & Flow method. Kinesiologyoga 101 The course covers every drill, exercise, and pose that was taught in her yoga seminars. Updated with the highly effective cueing of maximum fascial tension and deep core stability with RAD Roller tools (code SH) to receive 15% off your RAD Roller checkout
This private training course lasts for a year. SummerThis includes all the things she teaches in her private sessions as well as in her seminars.
Kinesiologyoga is:
Summer Recently, her strength and conditioning yoga syllabus was accepted at WWU as a Kinesiology197 class. She also served as an Adjunct faculty member. Kinesiologyoga 101 Course is for those involved in yoga, coaching, yoga, and other wellness fields. It helps them to use the tools effectively and access Flow State. This information should be accessible to everyone, regardless of where they live, what their income is, or even their college degree.
Summer also wants people to be able to fully understand Awaken, Condition, Practice & Flow concepts to be fully prepared to learn from her in person at one of her many educational seminars. You can learn from her at your own pace and receive expert guidance.
To help you understand the program better, we have included live lectures at the beginning of each section. Anyone can use it!
What equipment is recommended?
Any steel club can be used for this program. A simple internet search will show you where to find them. Indian Clubs can weigh anywhere from 1 to 5 lbs.
You can also get your RAD Roller. “All in One Kit” Use this link to get 15% off Summer’s code: SH at RAD Roller Checkout. These tools will also be used in the Awakening Section.
All flows shown on the Naboso Technology Mat.
Who is this online Kinesiologyoga course?
All fitness & flexibility levels welcome!
Trainers & Coaches
Yoga Instructors
Kinesiology & Physical Therapy Students
People who love yoga
People who don’t love yoga
Inflexible people
Hyper-mobile people
Wellness Professionals
Seminar attendees who are familiar with the topic. Summer Do you need a refresher?
Mace Athletes
People who enjoy quality instruction are happy
Fit Body Wellness clients
People who want to train with Summer In person
Flow Freaks
Movement nerds
Fascia nerds
How do I use it?
Step 1: Take time to learn. (i.e. (i.e., decrease in social media time
Step 1.5: Take a deep breath.
Step 2: Roll out your Naboso Technology Mat, get your clubs & RAD Roller tools ready.
Step 3 – Practice and learn from the material Summer.
Step 4: Show us your flows on social, tag @summerhuntington when you feel proficient in Conditioning exercises & Flows. Take before-and-after photos. Your yoga poses will get easier.
You can strengthen your yoga practice and tap into Flow State.
These are testimonials from people who have used the Awaken Condition Practice method for many years. It can have a profound impact on your mental and physical health.
Praise for Summer’s Work:
“I have been training with Summer for about 4 years now. The impact this has had on my life , my quality of health and the various disciplines I’m involved in has been nothing short of profound. As a full time martial arts instructor, trainer and recent white belt in a new style, this practice has given me a greater depth of physical preparedness for my training that carries over into all areas of my life. It has allowed incredible restoration, stability and a deep accessing of natural movement and power. Summer has provided a system that has delivered profound results for me and continues to do so.”
-Dean Jones, South Africa
“My personal training experience with this program. Summer Huntington It stands out for its intelligence and functionality. Incorporating strength and yoga into my life over the past 2 years through practicing, learning, and teaching has helped me to gain a better understanding of alignment as well as the ease with which structure can actually hold! I’ve been able to reduce the effort I use in poses and strengthen poses where I’d built a pattern that I’d ‘cheat’ in.
SummerMy training at’s gave me the confidence to create dynamic flows in classes that are fun for my students. Summer’s training empowered me to deliver classes where all abilities practiced together. I am able to provide regressions for those who need to be adjusted, whether it is because of injury or new to Yoga. Also, I can challenge others.
The club is a tool I have loved since the moment I got it and I was eager to learn how to use it. The 1kg and 2kg clubs can be added to your practice to give you instant feedback on alignment. This will add an extra dimension to your class flow, strength, and toning abilities.
Whether you are a yoga teacher already or wanting to learn for your own practice, this will be beneficial to you and I know you’ll turn up to your mat with an expanded toolkit and big smile!”
-Cameron Taylor, Brisbane, Australia
“Practicing yoga and joining clubs has transformed my life. Literally. I spent many years trying to relieve chronic neck and upper back pain. As I was going through recovery, I realized it was crucial to build strength and mobility to heal fully and to create resilience. Kinesiologyoga training protocols began in January 2017. To help my shoulder mobility and ease my upper body, I first used a dowel. I then switched to a 3lb weight club. Now I can use the 5lb weight clubs. I was able not only to relieve my body from pain, but I’m also stronger than ever before.
I decided to train with @Summer Huntington Get certified in her modality and help others in my area develop inner strength, mobility, resilience. These online courses have many benefits.
-Natalie Marnica Sacred Mountain Yoga Toronto, CA
Kinesiologyoga is a combination of yoga asana and strength conditioning. It allows athletes to improve mobility and core stability, and yoga yogis to build strength and stamina through their yoga practice. Kinesiologyoga allows me to combine my yoga practice with a weight-lifting program. I am a certified yoga teacher and fitness professional. Because I am a regular practitioner of this style, my movement patterns are stronger and more stable because weight is combined with flowing. I feel more fulfilled by my yoga practice because of this fusion.
Megan Percy, Kinesiology Grad & Fit Body Wellness Coach, Bellingham, WA
Thank you for your support of Flow State, and meaningful movement training. We are so excited to meet you where you are and help you reach your mobility & strength goals! Productions has registered the marks Clubbell, FlowFit.
Clubbell Yoga is a trademarked product of Productions
Your Instructor
Summer Huntington
Summer Huntington
BIO: Summer Huntington, MS is the founder of Clubbell Yoga, a Master Trainer for RAD Roller and an Ambassador for Naboso Barefoot Technology yoga & workout mats. Through her Flow State of Mind Coaching programs, she also helps emerging entrepreneurs create authentic brands that are heartfelt. Summer He leads immersion retreats to personal development and mentors people around world.
Summer Clubbell Yoga seminars and workshops have been led in New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago and Denver. She has been a teacher of Clubbell Yoga at Wanderlust Yoga Festival, Whistler, Victoria Yoga Conference and contributed to Shape Magazine.
Shop Wellness at
Clubbell Yoga Seminars:
Summer’s official biz coaching & consulting website:
Course Curriculum
Introduction & Key Concepts
Kinesiologyoga 101 Introduction Summer Huntington (3:38)
Live Lecture #1: How to Get Ed (7:27)
Live Lecture 2: How to Make a Four Day Wave (8:00)
Introducing Equipment – Clubs RAD Roller, Naboso Technology (1.58)
Getting Aligned & Key Terms for this course (5:41)
Learning the 6 Degrees of Freedom (3.31)
4 major Players of Inner Core (6.30).
Fundamental Inner Core Exercises 11:12
Awakening Drills + RAD Roller
Live Lecture 1.1 – Using the New Client Manual (7.27)
Live Lecture 3 – How to use the Awakening section (10:53).
Joint Mobility Head To Toe Pt 1 (9.50).
Joint Mobility Head To Toe Pt 2 (11.38)
The Chair Pose is awakening: Chair with Arm Sweeps, Diving Chair, and Chair with Shoulder Slides (5:00).
RAD Roller Techniques – Shoulders and T-spine Pt1 (9.36).
RAD Roller Techniques – Shoulders and T-spine Pt2 (10.15)
**RAD Roller Techniques: T-Spine & Serratus Anterior (5:42)
Awakening drills from Quadruped Pt. 1: Cat Cow (dynamic), Quadruped avec Hip Circles (6.58)
Quadruped Tail Wag and Quadruped +Arm Thread are the Awakening Drills (6:00).
RAD Roller Techniques for Lower Traps Pt 1 (6:52)
RAD Roller Techniques for QL (Quadratus Lumborum) Pt 2 (10:35)
RAD Roller Techniques: Illiacus & Psoas (Hip Flexors) Pt 3 (10:00)
Awakening Drills from Kneeling Lunge Pt 1: Kneeling Lunge + Chest Expansion, Kneeling Lunge + twist (6:15)
Awakening drills from Kneeling Lunge PT2: Kneeling Lunge + Sidebending, Kneeling Lunge To Scandasana (7.40)
RAD Roller Techniques: TFL & IT Band (11:33)
RAD Roller Techniques – Quadriceps and Adductors (10.36)
Awakening drills from Down Dog: Circular Dog. Hip Circles in Down Dog. Bear Squats.
Drills to Awaken from Down Dog: Knee To Nose; Down Dog to Tripod; Down Dog to Dances Bridge; Down Dog + Twist (8.32).
RAD Roller Techniques: Feet/Arches (7:36)
RAD Roller Techniques: Calves (7:36)
Sun Salutation A (2:45)
Sun Salutation B (4:55)
Conditioning Exercises
How to do conditioning class planning (5:25)
Monitoring your results (5.59)
8 Club Mechanics – Common Positions (6.44)
Club Shoulder Drills – Club Switches (Fwd/Backward Circles), Inside/Outside Circles (9.08)
Bonus Rad Roller Rotator Cuff & Clubbell Scapular Stability (6:40)
Condition: Quad Press & Rocca Press (1:49)
Condition: Base switches (1:44).
Condition: Mountain Climber (Childs Pose Outer Lunge) (3:23)
Condition: Tripod switches (2:50).
Condition: Upward to downward dog (2:40).
Condition: Spinal Rock (2.12)
Condition: Yogi Lunge (10:25)
Condition: Diagonal Squat (2.46)
Condition: Warrior 2 Lunges (4:02)
Condition: Warrior2 Switches (2.53)
Condition: Big Wheel at Warrior 2 (3.41)
Condition: Warrior 2 to Scandasana (5.05)
Condition: 4 Corner Balance (5.23)
Condition: Warrior 3RDLS (3.54)
Condition: Good Morning Torch Press (3.42).
Condition: Lying Scissor Kicks (2.28)
Condition: Spinal Balance (4.17)
Condition: Boat Pose (2.39)
Conditioning Yogi Squat (5:09)
Conditioning Flow Fit Demo (4:58)
Conditioning Standing Cat Cow (4.11)
Yoga poses – unweighted & weighted
Childs Pose + Modifications & Hands on Assists (5:08)
*Childs Pose w title duplicate (5:12)
Downward Facing Dog + Assists (6:07)
Baby Cobra, Full Cobra & Upward Facing Dog (8:11)
Warrior 1, Spinal Balance and 3 Legged Dog Warrior 1 (+ wrist mobility drillings) (9.26)
Warrior 1: unweighted/weighted (+ alt. Arm variations (8:58).
High Lunge, Pyramid (unweighted/weighted) (13:26)
Warrior 2: (unweighted/weighted) (4:31)
Extended Side Angle: (unweighted/weighted) (6:04)
Triangle Pose: (unweighted/weighted) (8:29)
Scandasana (from Warrior 2 (8:23)
Warrior 3 (unweighted/weighted) (8:28)
Half Moon (unweighted/weighted) (6:49)
16 Flows to Improve Athletic Performance
Closed Hip Stability flow – unweighted (10.36).
Closed Hip Stability flow – weighted (9.21).
Hamstring Flexibility Flow – unweighted (9.50)
Hamstring Flexibility and Flow – Weighted (8.23).
Open Hip Stability flow – unweighted (8.21).
Open Hip Stability Flow, Weighted (8.08)
Adductor Flexibility and Flow – Unweighted (6.12)
Adductor Flexibility and Flow – Weighted (6:47).
Closed Hip Balance flow – unweighted (8.37).
Closed Hip Balance Flow – weighted (8.17)
Open Hip Balance Flow – unweighted (6.22)
Open Hip Balance Flow – weighted (6.01)
Dynamic Flexibility Flow Unweighted (4.48)
Dynamic Flexibility and Flow – weighted (6.08)
Hip Endurance Flow – unweighted (6.05)
Hip Endurance flow- weighted (6.19)
Decompensation: Half Pigeon (6:00)
Decompensation: Shinbox Bow-Block – Thread (2.22)
Butterfly Pose (2.07): Decompensation
Decompensation: Fire Log Pose (3:07)
Decompensation: Single Hamstring Stretch (4:17)
Decompensation: Lie forward and fold (2:21).
Decompensation: Forward Facing split (3:43).
Happy Baby Pose (1.41)
Decompensation: camel pose (1:24)
Decompensation Spinal Twist (8.04).
Decompensation chest opener (4:00)
Decompensation Happy Babies (2:37).
Decompensation Prone Twist (4.39)
Decompensation – Seated Butterfly Pose (3:08).
Most Frequently Asked Questions
What is the final point of the course?
It is a course that never ends. It is completely self-explanatory.-Online course that you can pace yourself – You decide when and how you want to finish.
What length of access do I have to the course?
What is lifetime access? You have unlimited access to the course after enrolling – on any device you own.
What happens if I’m unhappy with the course?
We don’t want you to be dissatisfied! You can return your item if you are unhappy within 30 days.
We are grateful that you have signed up for the course. Please take your time to learn this material. I would love to meet you one day.
In Flow
Coach Summer
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected]
or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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