Steve Siebold – The Making of a Million Dollar Mind
The Making of a Million Dollar MindWho has time to recite affirmations every day?
Reprogramming your thinking by reciting affirmations has been used for decades, and its an effective method of building new beliefs. Its just not very efficient in modern day life. WHO HAS TIME TO RECITE AFFIRMATIONS? Were all running 900 hundred miles an hour attempting to balance our work and family lives. Were exhausted at the end of the day, and really don’t need another activity to add to our schedules. And that’s one of the reasons these MP3s are so effective: Because you will actually USE THEM because they blend beautifully into the background of your daily life. Research shows that the best way to learn a NEW LANGUAGE is to thrust yourself into the environment in which that language is spoken. We learn to speak the language of our native country (for the most part) by listening to our parents and family members as infants and toddlers. They speak, and we mimic and imitate them. Then we go off to school and learn how to polish what we’ve learned. But the fact is that most of the work had already been done by SHEER EXPOSURE and IMITATION.
That’s the idea behind The Making of a Million Dollar Mind, but in a much more efficient, effective, methodical manner. All you have to do to gain the exposure you need to world-class language is listen to these MP3s in the background of your life. You don’t even have to pay attention to whats being said. Play them like you’re playing the radio as your doing other things like exercising, working in your office, driving, getting dressed, taking a shower, answering your email, cooking dinner, and any other activity that doesn’t require dead silence.
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