Richard C. Schwartz – Healing Self: Going Beyond Acceptance to Self-Compassion
Mindfulness has become a popular and useful tool in psychotherapy, but therapists too often encourage clients to adopt a passive-observer stance in therapy, as if it’s enough to just observe thoughts and emotions from a place of separation. This workshop will provide a comprehensive overview of how to guide your client move beyond detachment into a more engaged and relational form of self-compassion and self-healing.
Attachment Injuries
Internalized Parts of the Self
Parts Can Be Useful
Extreme Beliefs and Emotions
Injuries Like a Virus
Goal of Therapy
Harmony and Integration
Use the One Mind of Integration
Mindfulness Approaches Allow the Noticing and Awareness of What Happens in Emotional Pain
Can be used to move away from pain without resolving it
Parts Work Results in Healing Legacy Burdens
Map of the Parts Territory
Vulnerable Parts that are hurt by Trauma
Exiles: connect, witness, and retrieval: interact with adult part, and move to present time
Bring Protectors into Realization That They do not Have to Change Now
Can Ask How the Self Feels Toward Different Parts = Parts Detector
Parts Protect the System
Recognizing These Parts
Parts Triggered in Relationship
Curiosity, Confidence, Compassion, Creativity, Courage, Calm
Connectedness and Clarity
Self Heals and Becomes the Absence of Parts with the Ability to Love Parts Under Stress
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