Erle Montaigue – Bagua Collection
With Bagua, you should start with the Circular form, then move onto the Linear and Animal forms. With heavy concentration on the circle walking. Adding in the fighting methods etc as you go along.
Most of the DVDs here are £30, for a full list of discounts and prices please click here.
The Circular form
MTG4 Baguazhang The Complete Basic System
- Level: Beginner
- Run Time: Approx 120 mins
- Learn the complete basic system of Baguazhang, Including…
- Circular form, Explosive linear form and pushing hands.
MTG38 Baguazhang Essentials Vol. 1: The Classics
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 90 mins
- The ‘Classics’ are the writings left to us from the Masters of old.
- Hidden within the classics is all that there is to know about Bagua.
MTG39 Baguazhang Essentials Vol. 2: Hands & Feet
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 70 mins
- Exactly what the hands & feet are doing in great detail.
- Bagwa has the fastest stepping methods of any martial art.
MTG40 Baguazhang Essentials Vol. 3: Form Applications & Dim-Mak
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 98 mins
- Every conceivable application is covered here.
- Erle shows the Bagwa Dim-Mak applications for the first time.
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 100 mins
- Here are the deadly Dim-Mak applications.
- Never have these been shown in such detail.
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 90 mins
- Palm changes 6, 7 & 8 are shown in their most intricate form.
- Shown to be so simple in application and deadly.
MTG316 Bagua Walking, This is How It Is Done
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Most important Bagua walking method.
- Mud stepping and what it really means.
MTG99 Bagua To The Max Volume One
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 90 mins
- Teaches Baguazhang at it’s highest level.
- With the dim-Mak Applications.
MTG111 Bagwa To The Max Volume 2
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 90 mins
- Circular form at its highest level.
- Moves never intended for beginners are shown.
MTG112 Bagwa To The Max Volume 3
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: TBC
- Circular form at its highest level.
- Through to the end of palm change No. 7.
MTG114 Bagwa To The Max Volume 4
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: TBC
- Includes 3 of the rare ‘animal forms’,
- to make a total of 11 palm changes.
MTG256 Hidden Qigong Meanings of Each Baguazhang Posture: Vol. 1
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Postures from Bagua have a hidden meaning.
- Was only ever given out to the very advanced.
MTG264 Hidden Qigong Means of Each Baguazhang Posture: Vol. 2
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- This information was only ever given out
- to very advanced students after they…
MTG272 The Hidden Qigong Meanings of Bagua Volume 3
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Meanings are hidden in the names of each posture.
- Last three Palm training drills, 6, 7, 8.
Linear Form
MTG4 Baguazhang The Complete Basic System
- Level: Beginner
- Run Time: Approx 120 mins
- Learn the complete basic system of Baguazhang, Including…
- Circular form, Explosive linear form and pushing hands.
MTG70 Bagwa Linear Fighting Form To The Max. With Applications. Vol. 1
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 90 mins
- Linear Bagwa form is covered in detail at its highest level.
- ‘Helps to lose weight naturally.
MTG85 Bagwa Linear Fighting Form To The Max Volume Two
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 90 mins
- Showing more of the Linear Fighting Form.
- Get healthy and learn how to defend.
MTG89 Baguazhang Pauchui Linear Form To The Max Volume 3
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 95 mins
- Bagua linear form at its most advanced level.
- Dim-mak applications for each movement.
MTG92 Baguazhang Pauchui Linear Form To The Max Volume 4
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 80 mins
- Last in the series.
- Contains info never before published.
MTG330 The Bagua Linear Qigong and Body Building Form
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Advanced methods of doing the Bagua Linear.
- Excellent for anti-depression etc.
MTG340 Bagua Linear Qigong and Body Building Form: Vol. 2
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Bagua form as a healing Qigong method.
- Sub-conscious body building method.
Animal Forms
MTG255 Baguazhang Animals: The Qi Shaking Methods. Volume One
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Derived from the “8 Animal Forms” of Bagua.
- Force the body to learn about Bagua Fa-Jing.
MTG258 The Bagua Animals: The Qi Shaking Forms Volume 2: Phoenix
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Very beautiful and deadly Phoenix animal.
- Using the backs of the palms (like wings).
MTG261 Bagua Animals: Qi Shaking Forms Volume Three: Snake
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- One of the most beautiful.
- Snake also works upon the life force.
MTG263 Bagua Animals: V. 4: The Unicorn
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Regal but also deadly and very powerful.
- 3 and 4 of the two person Palm Training.
MTG267 8 Bagua Animal Forms, Volume 5, The Lion
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- The Lion is the most violent of all.
- He is solemn, explosive and aggressive.
MTG268 8 Bagua Animal Forms, Volume 6, The Hawk
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- The Hawk’s element is ‘Fire’.
- Fights to the finish to save his family.
MTG274 Bagua Animals Qi Awaking Forms V. 7 Dragon
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- The Dragon is unpredictable.
- Attack from any position at any time.
MTG279 Baguazhang Dragon Form: Full
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Here are the original Animal Forms.
- Teach you how to release the stored energy.
MTG287 Bagua Monkey Boxing (The Full Bagua Animal Form)
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 90 mins
- The monkey is relentless in his attack.
- Relaxed but deadly palm fighting methods.
MTG292 Bagua Lion Boxing: The Full Bagua Animal Forms V. 3
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- The most violent of all the animals.
- Go into their ‘Reptile Brain’.
MTG295 Bagua Bear Boxing: Bear Form
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- The bear is ferocious when protecting its young.
- This is one of the shortest of the forms.
MTG304 Bagua Phoenix Boxing
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- His attacking method is ‘windmill palm’.
- Gives power in fighting and healing.
MTG323 Bagua Eagle Boxing Full Animal Form Plus Applications
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- A chopping method is his way of fighting.
- Also deals with the Liver and Kidneys.
MTG324 Bagua Unicorn Boxing: Full Animal Form With Applications
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- One of the nicest Bagua Animal forms ever.
- Just makes one feel great!
MTG335 Bagua Animals Power Qigong: Lion and Dragon
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Learn about reflexive attack and defence.
- Perform fa-jing energy strikes.
MTG269 The Entering Methods V. 1 Hawk and Dragon
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- These are methods that allow us to get in.
- Bagua Animal Forms have two ‘entering’ methods.
MTG285 Bagua Animals Entering and Fighting Techniques Volume 2
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Phoenix, Monkey and Lion entering methods.
- These two are Erle’s favourites.
MTG259 Bagua Animal Forms, Two Person Training Methods: Vol. 1
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Snake and Phoenix Forms.
- An integral part of one’s Bagua training.
MTG266 Bagua Animal Forms, Two Person Training Methods: Vol. 2
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Very powerful two person set of the
- Bear and Monkey Forms.
MTG7 Advanced Techniques Of Taiji & Bagua
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 120 mins
- Advanced training methods from T’ai Chi and Bagua.
- “Chee-Sau” or Taiji Sticking Hands is also presented.
MTG25 Bagwa Fighting Techniques And. Training Methods
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- How to use Baguazhang for fighting.
- The 32 main fighting techniques are given.
MTG38 Baguazhang Essentials Vol. 1: The Classics
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 90 mins
- The ‘Classics’ are the writings left to us from the Masters of old.
- Hidden within the classics is all that there is to know about Bagua.
MTG39 Baguazhang Essentials Vol. 2: Hands & Feet
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 70 mins
- Exactly what the hands & feet are doing in great detail.
- Bagwa has the fastest stepping methods of any martial art.
MTG66 Bagwa Fighting Vol. One
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 100 mins
- Right from the beginning of Bagwa sparring/self defense.
- This is done with two people standing around the circle.
MTG68 Bagwa Fighting Volume 2
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 96 mins
- Feet and how to use them in fighting.
- It gives you reflex actions.
MTG75 Bagwa Fighting Volume 3
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 90 mins
- More on how to gain the way to fight.
- How to fight the Internal Way. Last Volume.
MTG289 Bagua Fighting: The Beginning, Volume One
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- React at a reflex level instinctively.
- Theory behind the way we use Bagua.
MTG299 Bagua Fighting: The Beginning, Volume Two
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- React at a reflex level instinctively.
- Deadly methods of ‘Single Pounding Palm’.
MTG316 Bagua Walking, This is How It Is Done
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Most important Bagua walking method.
- Mud stepping and what it really means.
MTG169 The Mighty Baguazhang Wooden Man Vol. 1
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 70 mins
- Not only teaching techniques,
- But also body mechanics and Qi flow.
MTG176 Baguazhang’s Mighty Wooden Man Vol. 2
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: TBC
- Last 4 Palm Changes with their deadly applications.
- It can be used to enhance any martial art.
MTG194 Bagua Training Methods Volume One
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: TBC
- Shows some of the very best training methods.
- The little known ‘Bagua Small Disperse Hands’.
MTG226 Bagua Fighting: The Most Deadly Point Strikes. Volume One
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- How Bagua uses three consecutive strikes.
- All aimed at the most deadly dim-mak points.
MTG229 Bagua Fighting: The Most Deadly Points Strikes. Volume Two
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- How Bagua uses three consecutive strikes.
- All aimed at the most deadly dim-mak points.
MTG280 The Bagua Dispersing Hands: Two Person Set, Volume 1
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Most useful two person training exercises.
- Make use of every possible attack and defence.
MTG283 The 8 Bagua Internal Power Sets/Exercises
- Level: Intermediate
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Gain great power from within and from without.
- Excellent for the healing arts such as massage.
MTG376 The Bagua Palm: Volume 1. Plus Iron Shirt
- Level: Advanced
- Run Time: Approx 60 mins
- Use the palm for attack and defence.
- Insight into Iron Shirt and why we do it.
MTG377 The Bagua Palm: Volu
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