Dr Heinz M. Kabutz – Refactoring to Java 8 Streams and Lambdas Online Self- Study Workshop
Course Curriculum
1. Welcome to The Age of Monolithic Legacy
1.1 Welcome (1.12)
1.1.1 Slides
1.1.2 Exercises
1.2 Refactoring (3:48)
1.3 Setting up your IDE (6:14).
1.4 Building the OFBiz Project (6.32)
1.5 Analyzing Code for Refactoring IDEA (12.01)
2. Cleaning up Some Pre-Java 5 Dinosaur Code
2.1 Refactoring to Java 5 (2:04)
2.2 Get Rid Of UnnecessaryBoxing:Unboxing (9.37).
2.3 Changing StringBuffer to StringBuilder (1:30).
2.4 String.contains() IndexOf is better than indexOf() (4:19)
2.5 Replace “for” Loop With Java 5-In (9:47).
2.6 Replace “while” Loop With Java 5-In (10:22).
3. Moving to Java 7. Our Code is entering the Age of Mammals
3.1 Java 5 Refactorings8:18)
3.2 Java 7 Refactorings, Diamond Operator (5.18)
3.3 Java 7 Collapsing Try-Catch Blocks (2.38)
3.4 Java 7 Refactoring to Try-With-Resource (13:11).
4. Fire is Discovered in Lambdas and Method References Java 8
4.1 Java 8 Interfaces: Static Methods (1.27)
4.2 Java 8 Default Methods for Interfaces (2:04).
4.3 How Functional Interfaces Work (1.58)
4.4 The Four Types of Method Refers (10:45).
4.5 Refactoring to Iterable.forEach() (4:41)
4.6 Refactoring to Use Collection.removeIf() (9:10)
5. Java 8 StreamsWe are moving towards the Stone Age
5.1 Introduction to Java 8 Streams (4:43)
5.2 Stream map()Filter()Collect() (4:15)
5.3 Refactoring to Lambdas and Method References (9.54)
5.4 Comparators Java 8 (23:51)
5.5 Arrays.setAll() (1:59)
5.6 Single Map Methods getOrDefault()Fusion(), putIfAbsent() (7:47)
6. Refactoring Our Code to Use map()/collect() The Bronze Age
6.1 Refactoring ContainerConfig.getContainerPropsFromXML() (3:24)
6.2 collect() UtilCache.values() (1:58)
6.3 map():collect() in UtilDateTime.getTimeZones() (4:03)
6.4 Map():collect() in EntityJoinOperator.freeze() (1:35)
6.5 Collection.forEach() in EntityJoinOperator.visit() (0:21)
6.6 map():filter():collect() in EntitytFinderUtil.createCondition() (1:40)
6.7 Map():filter():collect() in EntityDataLoader.getUrlByComponentList() (0:39)
6.8 Map():collect() DelegatorContainer() (1:09)
6.9 Map():sum() in OagisShipmentServices.oagisReceiveShowShipment() (4:20)
6.10 Arrays.setAll() in ShoppingListEvents.markCartItemsArray() (3:21)
7. Matching and Find in StreamsOur Code is Close to the Iron Age
7.1 Stream all.any:noneMatch() (2:06)
7.2 AnyMatch() in MapContext.containsKey() (0:25)
7.3 AllMatch() FileUtil (1.43)
7.4 AllMatch() in EntityJoinOperator.isEmpty() (0:24)
7.5 anyMatch() in ModelEntity.getHasFieldWithAuditLog() (0:43)
7.6 allMatch() in ModelEntity.areFields() (0:16)
7.7 Collect() in ModelEntity.getFieldNamesFromFieldVector() (0:33)
7.8 AnyMatch() in ProductPromoWOrker.hasOrderTotalCondition() (2:16)
7.9 Stream.findFirst:Any (1:57)
7.10 findFirst() MapContext.get() (4:34)
7.11 Creating Stream with Spliterator in findFirst() in UtilObject.getObjectFromFactory() (3:38)
7.12 findFirst() ModelRelation (0.58)
7.13 FindFirst() ShoppingCartItem (1.11)
7.14 FindFirst() in LoadSale.selectedSale() (4:47)
7.15 Optional in OrderReadHelper.getShippableSizes() (5:00)
8. We enter the Information Age, but not a monolithic one.
8.1 distinct() in PaymentGatewayServices.capturePaymentsByInvoice() (3:23)
8.2 filter():collect() in ContainerConfig.getPropertiesWithValue() (2:27)
8Map.3():sum() in UtilCache.getSizeInBytes() (4:23)
8.4 deep Refactoring in UtilMisc.LocaleHolder.getAvailableLocaleList() (12:22)
8.5 filter():map():collect() in ModelGroupReader.getEntityNamesByGroup() (1:01)
8.6 map():reduce() in InvoiceServices.updatePaymentApplicationDefBd() (3:41)
8.7 Collectors.groupingBy() in ModelReader.rebuildResourceHandlerEntities() (4:58)
8.8 groupingBy():Checked Exception with ModelReader.getEntitiesByPackage() (13:42)
8.9 Creating Own Spliterator for NodeELResolver.getValue() (6:27)
8.10 Conclusion (1.11)
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