You Everywhere Now – Create and Profit
Find out How to Quickly and You can do it easily Create an Evergreen, On-Demand Product Marketing Funnel that Pays You Month-In-And-Month-Out
This One Time Offer Includes…
All you need to market your creations and Profit from your stories and ideas and expertise. Isn’t it time you started working less and Do you want to do more? You If you have a system that allows you to receive PAID, it is possible. This innovative new system uses technology to help you get leads and Customers who have not had a cold-Leg or calling-work.
You It can be done once and Over get paid. and Over and over.
Also, it is possible to create an income stream and build a list people who will stay, pay. and refer.
This is The Fastest and Easiest. “Get Leads, Make Sales” Business-Construction Courses Available.
You The entire document can be viewed, listened to, or read. Create and Profit Course and start getting leads and New customers can be found online within a matter of days.-To-implement modules…
This exact system was used and Many entrepreneurs, coaches, and consultants have implemented this model in hundreds of countries to help create new (and In their spare time, passive income streams!
What’s the deal? You Can actually be paid to create products Not After They can be created – Before. You can use the YEN Zero Risk Product Creation Formula also known as “The “live masterclass model” You only need to do it once and you profit forever!
- How to Create A Deal That Pays You It’s Over and It’s Over Again
- The one and Only way to Any product can be priced perfectly. (NOTE: without this, you’ll leave massive amounts of money on the table).
- How to Create an irresistible offerThis brings prospects in (by their eyes). and They feel compelled by it to purchase.
- Ethical Marketing Persuasion and Influence strategies That will enable you to sell more and Help more people by sharing your message.
- FINALLY, you’ll discover the 5 Key Components That Must Be Present Every website and webinar. These will allow you to get started.-demand, passive income.
- This module focuses on how to Encourage people to actually do something. It outlines the most important points you should discuss when talking about creating. and Selling a masterclass and Create and Selling a product
Mike will show you how to use this module. “the minimum effective dose strategy” You can create a business you love. You can also find talent.and Avoiding time-vampires) You can do more! and Take more time off.
- How to Your product should be structured to generate maximum revenue and minimum refunds.
- Key Product design elements are a must-have In any online product.
- What is (?and When is it best to build your staff?A personal assistant, project manager, business manager, designer, web developer, techie, shopping cart supervisor, marketing assistant. and a bookkeeper.
- Or…how to Create software systems This can be used to replace any (or all) of the preceding.
- How to Take (and Find) others to do the job for you.
There are two ways you can create products.
- How to Set up a studio or home office This is how it appears and It sounds amazing – and it doesn’t cost a lot.
- The Insider secrets for teaching modules with more traction and Action. Your customers will also use your strategies. and Tell your friends!
- How to Create membership sites that provide passive revenue streams…and They are also easy to put in place!
- Tips for interviewing Here are some tips to make your camera look amazing and ask great questions.
- The Secret to OPC (Other People’s Content) – How to get smart people share your content in your products – free!
This module is all about making money. At this point you’ve created a great offer, you’ve got your order form, you’ve created a great presentation. You’ve also put together your video content, and now you’ve got to market your product.
- How to transform digital products into physical goods and Increase your Profitsand Credibility)
- Live Event Marketing & Fulfillment – how to create, fill, and Profit from your events and seminar. Plus, we’ll show you how to structure an event to create the maximum opportunity to build life-Customers who have been with us for many years.
- Big Ticket Offerings – you’ll find out how to structure and Selling programs from From $5,000 to $70,000
- PLUS, we’ll show you a seamless way to discuss price and Encourage more people and get them to take action.
Are you looking to be paid more? and Over for the same content, expertise and stories? If so, there’s nothingand It is not possible to get membership sites (and I don’t mean that). You can get a well-crafted membership site, you’ll have an automated way to make money and You can deliver your product online without having to be present. Additionally, membership sites create community. Your customers will soon be coaching you.
The Create and Profit Action Guide
You can learn if you want and retain better by listening, reading or doing, we’ve got you covered!
A well-An organized and easy-to-follow pdf with word-For-Text transcripts and These are the outline of the entire training.
Action Book
You will find detailed notes on each module. Plus, some fun stuff.-In-The-You can use the blank worksheets to make notes during the course or test your knowledge afterwards.
MP3 Audio’s of All Modules
Download and Take the audio files along with you to any mp3 or MP3 player.
- Product Outlines So you can see our process for creating our products and These can be used to model them.
- Showflow templates How we organize our events to maximize engagement and action.
- Sales Funnel Email Marketing Campaigns All event emails sent and This is what I wrote for you!
- Get Order Forms – our live sales forms you can copy and Copy and paste to create your own offers
- Some things are even included, such as a Non-Disclosure Agreement and Consent of Individual Attendee and Release Form so you can see what we’re using and model it.
- PLUS – Keynote and PowerPoint Templates for everything so you don’t have to start from scratch.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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