Victor Da Ponte – Abundance Manifested Now
What IS your reality? now?
What you see and experience in the world is a reflection on your beliefs about what IS true.
Because you already create your reality, all the suffering and struggle you are currently experiencing is an option. You can choose to create a new reality. now!
The possibilities are limitless when you’re the creator and owner of your reality.
It is easy to feel anger, frustration, fear and doubt.
‘Blocks to Abundance”” are illusions of our inherited belief systems.
Abundance It is not something that you have to search for or achieve, as it is already in you and available at any time.
Introduce Abundance Manifested now
Victor Invites you to come along to a Quantum Experience to make your dreams a reality. You will be able to transmit powerful messages using the power and command of the I AM voice. Victor will guide you to awaken to your own divinity, allowing you to ‘tune’ your reality to the channels you want dissolve out of the channels you don’t — so you can manifest supreme Abundance With total ease
Eliminate Separation Illusion
When you are able to embody your awakened I Am Creative Power, all illusions of separation dissolve and you realize that unlimited abundance is available to you right now.
Recognizing the abundance you already have is just remembering who and what you are. You will find some truths that you can KNOW deep inside your being at the conclusion of this book.
Abundance The Manifested Now program is:
You are NOT
A Victim
Manufacture shortage
Your mind is your limit
Stuck in Scarcity
Un-Unloved and loved-supported
Abundance in Essence
Amazingly Powerful
You are the creator of your reality
You have complete control over your thoughts
Unlimitable Potential
Unconditionally loved
All you want is oneness
Harmony and joy
Fully Supported
Your limitless potential can be transformed into an abundance of overflowing wealth!
You can put an end to the striving, reaching and trying. now! It would be great to let go and feel the abundance within yourself. Abundance Manifested Now is much more than money. But you will notice a rapid change in your money situation when you take on the role of divine creator. There are many ways to experience unlimited abundance:
Love in all your relationships
Infinite Joy
Self Image and Self Esteem
Learning and Knowledge
Awareness and intuition
Bliss and Ecstasy
Your own rich story now!
Imagine your reality as a movie being projected on a big screen. Whether you know it or not, you are the director and editor of this movie. Write it in the film to get what you want (abundance and bliss, etc).
Our bodies are the film that project our reality. Thoughts are not enough. You’ve probably felt the frustration and disappointment of trying to ‘attract’ what you wanted to experience, as most of us have. Write that in your film to get more abundance.
The transmissions Abundance Manifested Now infuses abundance into your life through layers of vibrations. Once the energy is anchored in your body, it will fuse to your reality and you will see abundance everywhere you want it to be.
What to expect Abundance Manifested now
Quantum Reprogramming is a series that rewrites your subconscious mind in order to align you with abundance already within you. nowTake these new truths and make them your reality.
10 I AM transmissions with the power and command of the I am voice.
Transform disharmonious energies such as fear, victimhood, scarcity, and disempowerment.
Your energy system can be restored to its natural, abundant state.
Supreme Abundance Downloaded into your consciousness
Open your arms to infinite receiving
Enjoy downloading consciousness downloads such as luck, courage and Divine wealth.
Deep knowing that all you want is possible manifested Get it done right now!
Open to Abundance – Abundance Is My Reality Now
Are you open to receiving without boundaries? This is the first session. Victor All the obstacles that keep you from receiving abundance will disappear now Not if or when you see evidence, but right now! This simple adventure will help you see beyond the illusions of time and space. It will also give you a new reality for the abundant goal that you are aspiring to. This is an inexplicable experience that is rooted in the I AM Pure Power and Presence, which shatters all paradigms of scarcity and lack.
The Reality Infusions are anchored in your body and fused to your subconscious.
I AM unrestricted abundance manifested now
I AM abundance manifested now
Abundance Is this my reality right now?
Total Abundance Is my only reality
I am open to receiving infinite abundance. now. It IS now.
Transform Victimhood into Victoriously Abundant Today
The illusions of victimization and disempowerment can be transformed into unlimited power and potential. Victimhood, blame and forgetfulness are two of the most destructive states of forgetfulness. Your truth will come out, and you’ll feel empowered to take complete control of your life. These rich energies will be drawn out of your DNA, passed down from generation one to generation. Are you ready to awaken to your amazing and inspiring divine power?
Imagine the sensation of Total Victory in your bones, and how it is projected into your reality now!
I AM a Giant Success. It IS manifested now!
I AM Supreme Success. It IS manifested Now!
Supreme Victory is manifested now.
I AM Supreme Power and Command now.
Victimhood is not a reality of mine. I AM Absolute Victory Now!
Everything is manifested immediately
You can’t create subconscious beliefs like “I am afraid I will not manifest everything” And “I am not manifesting everything that I want.” This is a big stroke clearing. These infusions will help you create a strong foundation to allow you to achieve your dream life. Believe that you can achieve your dreams. “Everything that I want is manifested NOW” It is already a reality.
The Reality Infusions can be found in your body and incorporated into your subconscious.
Everything IS Possible Now!
All my dreams are now realized
I AM Total abundance Now!
All I Need Now!
Everything is already manifested now!
From Separation To I AM Total Abundance Get it now
Think about the walls that block you from accessing the deep oceans riches and abundance within you. You will be able to receive an extraordinary download of unlimited abundance. You will be flooded with love, light, and wealth that is second nature. It is unconditioned by your mind. “I AM not separate from infinite abundance” These truths and many others will become crystallized and embedded deep in your reality.
The Reality Infusions are anchored in your body and fused to your subconscious.
I am NOT independent from my Abundance
I am One with Infinite Wealth.
I AM One with my abundance source
I AM Infinite Abundance NOW.
I Radiate INFINITE riches now!
Transmute Fear into Abundance IS Manifested Now
Fear is the greatest drain on your creativity and vitality. Fear of failure, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear, fear taking a leap, fear in trusting, fear in letting it go and trusting, these are just some of the reality that can’t be created and rewritten at a quantum level to Self-Love, Self-Trust, Confidence, Security, Fearlessness, and Supreme Courage are the foundation of trust. Imagine creating endless new waves of free flowing abundance. This Divine transmission takes your on a journey that will gently, but powerfully, shift your core. You’ll feel 50lbs lighter and without any fear.
The Reality Infusions can be found in your body and incorporated into your subconscious.
I AM receiving exponential abundance NOW.
Absolute fearlessness is what I am. IT IS NOW!
I AM Absolute Abundance MANIFESTED Right Now.
I AM supreme COURAGE manifested.
Total Flow of Wealth IS NOW
Unconditionally Blessed, Abundant, and Beyond
Are you preventing blessings from coming into your life? Are you ready to receive unconditional blessings now beyond what you could ever imagine? Are you a victim of your own judgments? Do you feel like you are being denied the divine gift of abundance? Be fully blessed, abundant, and beyond. This is how you can receive more and more of the infinite. Exponential abundance can be described as the Reality manifested. Enjoy the infinite receiving. You will manifest exponential love, joy, abundance, deservingness and worthiness, as well as certainty.
Some blessings that have become your reality are:
I RECEIVE more than what I can see NOW
I am infinitely blessed to be with Abundance.
I am worthy to receive limitless blessings
I DESERVE Unlimited Abundance. It is!
I am more wealthy and more successful. Abundance NOW!
I am blessed with infinite luck now!
Resistance & Blocks Melted Into Infinite Abundance Get it now
Transform unidentified resistance into freedom, abundance and success manifested now! Do you feel that your energy is stifled, restricted or stuck in your body? Are you unable to move freely and have little or no flow? Are you having trouble pinpointing the source of subconscious resistance? Fear not, as the I AM has the absolute authority to dissolve all resistance, blocks, and inner constrictions, freeing you from any limitations.
These blessings are infused and crystallized in your reality:
It is now melting. It IS melting NOW.
All constrictions are now gone! Infinite Abundance Flowing!
Genetic blocks to total abundance are now dissolved!
Divine Abundance DNA activated NOW.
I AM completely melted into Divine Wealth!
Transform scarcity into infinite Abundance NOW (Love and Money).
Imagine your life if you could live in Infinite. Abundance Was it infused into you mind and anchored in to your body? You can have a miraculous life experience faster than you might think. Supreme abundance is the only absolute reality that can be separated from fear, insecurity SCARCITY guilt, judgment and guilt. This transmission is about fully accepting your infinite potential, unlimited support from the universe, infinite love of the universe, and of course infinite abundance. All things have access to this and much more. You can see the walls falling. You awaken. It is possible to live a life of infinite joy!
Some Quantum Manifestations are crystallized into your reality by:
All Scarcity is Conquered Into Abundance Now!
Everything is possible out of lack manifested All things considered Now
My only reality is infinite wealth!
Scarcity is a illusion. All you have is now!
There is no end to the possibilities!
I AM Infinitely MORE
Transform Judgment into I AM Abundance Manifested now
Imagine yourself awakening to the unlimited you. Everything is a portal to unlimited abundance. Negative beliefs, trauma, and conditioned energies all wait to unleash the divine gifts of an ever-expanding well of light, love, and creativity. Judgements are not to be used as a tool for transforming your infinitely abundant blueprint into a new, better version.
Victor brings in the light and source of truth to transcend separation from abundance that is rooted in judgement. Through the I AM crystal-Heart, mind and spirit made prisons have no power to stop your divine riches. Enjoy and celebrate your freedom to live in the best version of yourself, to live an extraordinary and miraculous life.
You can get some blessings infused and reprogrammed into reality by:
I AM the unconditional love of abundance
I am the infinite joy that manifests Abundance Now!
I am the infinite celebration of my SOURCE now!
I AM manifested Absolute Love
I AM ONE with Divine Wealth
I AM Unbroken Wholeness
There’s more!
Absolute Reality Abundance Manifested now
This is your grand final, a divine manifestation of who you truly are. Exponential self-You can make love, gratitude, and appreciation your reality. You will find new streams of financial abundance and relationships abundance. Divine abundance is your source of happiness, joy, bliss, and joy. Your inner walls will fall into the ocean of your infinite natural state of grace. The Divine and infinitely abundant You are manifested NOW!
Here are some of the blessings that have been infused into your reality and made crystallized:
I AM Awakened NOW.
I am overflowing
I AM Infinitely Blessed and Graced with LOVE
I am in infinite gratitude for the fulfillment of my dreams now
Everything I want NOW is infinite love
All of my abundance will be made manifest immediately!
All my dreams are unconditionally mine manifested NOW!
There’s more!
2 Live Calls, 60 Minute Quantum Programming I AM Transmissions
Beyond struggle and into effortlessness
Beyond ego to total Unconditional Self-Love
Reprogramming I AM Pure Presence
These sessions will take place at 5 p.m. Pacific and 8 p.m. Eastern on July 10th and 11. Purchase VictorYou’ll get the special offer by calling-Please find more information on the download page. Also, remember to send reminder emails. An MP3 recording of the call will be sent to all who have purchased this exclusive offer.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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