Tom Bisio – Revival Techniques: Emergency Medicine for Sports & Martial Arts
Revival Techniques: Emergency Medicine for Sports & Martial Arts
Join acupuncturist and veteran martial artist Tom Bisio as he presents the theory and practice of revival techniques, and the use of acupuncture points for a variety of martial arts and sport injuries as well as emergency situations such as Qi shock, syncope (fainting), heart attack, stroke, drowning and breathlessness.
This course covers all of the revival methods contained in Tom Bisio’s new book: A Pearl From the Dragon’s Neck: Secret Revival Methods & Vital Points for Injury, Healing And Health from the Great Martial Arts Masters.
These life-saving techniques are a priceless part of traditional emergency medicine. In the past, they were rarely taught outside of martial traditions. The theory and practice of revival techniques is presented systematically, and the more complex techniques are demonstrated on a live model. Tom presents practical tested methods – he has used many of these techniques in actual emergency situations. Herbal formulae for revival from shock, summer heatstroke and desertion of Yang Qi are also presented.
A must for martial artists, coaches, athletic trainers, nurses, physicians, and professional health practitioners.
Here’s What You Get When You Order Today!
Over 50 pages of written material and 11 Videos (streaming)
• Course Handout (PDF) with further details on point location and revival methods.
• 27 page Article (PDF): Vital Points, Revival Methods & Chinese Medicine by Tom Bisio
• 11 Videos (streaming)
Revival Techniques: Emergency Medicine Course Outline
- 1. Introduction to Revival Techniques
- 2. 10 Key Revival Points
- 3. Qi Shock: Positioning the Patient, Sleeping Snake Revival Method, and Syncope (Fainting)
- 4. Kidney and Groin Injury Revival Methods
- 5. Revival Methods for Chokes and Blows to the Carotid Sinus
- 6. Revival Techniques for Injuries to the Neck, Head, and Brain, Blows to the Solar Plexus and Palpitations
- 7. Revival Techniques for Injury to the Heart, Drowning & Wind-Stroke
- 8. Revival Techniques for Heatstroke & Emergency Treatments for Breathlessness and Nosebleeds
- 9. Emergency Treatments for Migraine Headache, Toothache and Rib Pain
- 10. Herbal Formulae for Revival
- 11. Audience Questions on Qi Gong and Qi Shock
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