Todd Lamb – Specforce Alpha
Discover the Previously Non-Disclosed System that Special Operators and Real-Life Action-Heroes Are Using Right Now to carve Rock Hard Bodies and Maintain Mission Readiness — With Zero Equipment!
Have you ever noticed that some guys dominate the room, just by being there?…
Do you want the specific power-physique that naturally attracts women and demands respect from other men?
New behavioral research reveals that such a shape exists. And that you CAN attain Alpha Male status, no matter how tall, short, fat, thin, young or old you are right now…
Recent breakthroughs prove there’s a little-known and well guarded shortcut to forcing your body to torch off embarrassing fat, and develop the exact masculine muscle-shape that silently signals to everyone around you that you are the dominant male.
And this secret loophole was uncovered studying the only group of men universally recognized to have the highest concentrations of Alpha Male physiques…
The elite operators of the world’s special forces units…
Now, for the first time, you have access to the same previously non-disclosed techniques used by real-life special operators to build the Alpha Male bodies they are famous for…
Is the Silent Feminization of Your Body Holding You Back From the Physique That Is Your Male Birthright?
Hi, I’m Todd Lamb, SWAT Team leader and tactical fitness consultant. And I need to talk to you about a serious and very real problem men face today…
Until you fully accept this, you won’t achieve the body you desire and deserve. Yet, up until now, your frustration with building a ripped, muscular physique has not been your fault… it all comes down to this one dilemma facing modern men — feminization…
I’m going to be brutally honest… and I know some guys might stop reading right now…
And that’s fine, because if this offends you, you are NOT man enough for the 3 powerful physique transforming methods I’ll be revealing in just a minute. These are the 3 things you MUST know if you want to develop the kind of muscular, rock-hard and lean physique you desire and deserve.
The truth of the matter is… your manhood is under attack. Environmental and cultural factors are causing an alarming “sissy-fication” of the male population. Men are becoming more submissive. And Male Sex Hormones are being suppressed… ”Feminizing” the once proud male physique…
This is not just my opinion… Research indicates that men’s testosterone levels are more than 20 percent lower than they were 20 years ago!
Yet gym memberships, bodybuilding magazines, and “intense” workouts like Crossfit and P90X are more popular than ever. So why are man-boobs and soft, skinny-fat male bodies now the norm?
Because most popular muscle building or weight loss programs actually make the problem WORSE… and suppress your most important male sex hormones even more!…
If you are one of the MILLIONS of men who have fallen victim to the feminization of your body, then you need to decide right now to accept the truth. Because: If you don’t, you’ll never build the head-turning physique you deserve.
You will end up ashamed of your soft body, feeling “less of a man”. And, you may even stay trapped in the negative hormone loop that causes your body to get softer and softer, even as you work out more, and eat less and less…
However, now that you’re aware of the obstacles you face as a man today, and how they’ve crippled your quest for a body that other men admire, and that women are naturally attracted to, it’s time for you to discover the blueprint used by the select group of men who easily keep their bodies in Alpha Shape year-round…
So let’s get into the first Special Forces tactical training tip that makes it near-effortless to finally build the lean, vascular, and muscular body that is your male birthright…
Alpha Shape Secret #1 How To Add Rock Hard Muscle With Zero Equipment
The first thing you’re going to do is start packing on a very specific kind of muscle…
Listen: We’re not talking just any muscle…
Do NOT make the mistake of building useless, puffy and temporary muscle you see on failed bodybuilders and gym-rat wanna bees…
Instead, you want rock hard, vascular and shredded muscle that’s as useful for taking down bad guys as it is for attracting the ladies…
You see, building muscle can happen in two ways…
Most mass building programs simply increase the volume of the fluid in your muscle cells…
This is called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy… And the result is a puffy physique with little added strength…
However, the Alpha Shape Effect requires increasing the size and strength of the actual muscle fibers… This is called myofibrillar hypertrophy…
And get this… Building this specific type of muscle mass does NOT require going to the gym…
The very specific sequence of strategically chosen bodyweight exercises in my Target Focused Muscle™ technique — which I’ll reveal in a moment — is actually the fastest route to packing on the steely muscle you need…
You see, nature hardwired humans to admire men with a specific shape…
It’s the shape men built by fighting, hunting and battling for the Alpha position…
And it’s the shape YOU will build with the Special Forces workout shortcuts in this presentation… So keep reading…
Alpha Shape Secret #2 Why Losing Fat Accelerates Muscle Gain
Now, these secretive muscle building techniques will NOT work if you make this deadly mass building mistake…
Most muscle “gurus” still think you have put on FAT to gain muscle…
Not only is that FALSE… When you use precisely the workout methods you are about to gain access to, it’s actually easier to pack on muscle when you also lose fat at the same time…
Here’s why…
Every day, you are bombarded by something called xenoestrogens…
These are environmental pollutants — found in hundreds of daily items — that mimic the female sex hormone estrogen in your body…
And that KILL your testosterone!…
Yet here’s the scary part. When you also let yourself put on fat in the name of building muscle, your fat cells actually produce more “endogenous” estrogen in your body…
Sorry, but you can’t win a battle against female sex hormones on two fronts…
And the result is embarrassing man-boobs like I had in this old photo…
Yet using cutting edge and little-known Concurrent Lipolysis workout and nutrition principles, it’s easy to cut away fat while packing on lean muscle…
…Causing your estrogen to immediately plummet, while your testosterone naturally shoots sky high!…
Alpha Shape Secret #3 Avoid The “Beta Male” Hormone Cycle
Yet there’s one more huge mistake that instantly kills your testosterone…
You see, testosterone has an arch-enemy… a hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is your stress hormone… And when it goes up, testosterone plummets…
Cutting edge research into human behaviour reveals that all Alpha Males possess consistently high levels of testosterone and low levels of cortisol. And that by simply allowing yourself to display “beta male” posture and other weak physical signals for as little as 2 MINUTES will send your cortisol levels soaring and KILL your testosterone!…
Yet when you act and feel like an Alpha Male, you will actually experience physical changes, increased testosterone, higher sex appeal, and more…
My System, which I’m about to cover in detail, is specifically designed to guarantee you take advantage of the exact Alpha Shape Effect™ that makes you feel, act and project your Alpha Status, so you never again fall victim to the vicious beta-male cycle again…
Just imagine…
Every time you walk into a room, eyes are naturally drawn to you…
Because both men and women sense your power…
Your male sex hormones and metabolism are so high, that you can eat more than every other man around you, even junk food, and never gain an ounce of fat…
Whether single or in a relationship, your sexual magnetism and virility will deliver the most satisfying sex of your life…
And this is not wishful thinking. It’s scientifically proven. It’s simple. And it’s all spelled out for you in an easy to follow blueprint…
Available To Civilians For the First Time
Now You Too Can Have the Elite Performance and Alpha Physique of a Real Life Special Operator
The SpecForce Alpha System
The Only Tactical Fitness System Created By a Real-Life Operator
For a Year Round Alpha-Male Physique, Status & Confidence
Without The Punishing Special Forces Lifestyle
Remember, even though I’m now the leader of an elite SWAT team, and recognized as one of the top tactical fitness experts in the world, I’m really no different than you: I’m just a guy who was forced to find a really effective System…
Without the system: I was no stronger, no more manly and no more attractive than any other guy on the street…
And now the same system, available for the first time to guys outside the secretive special forces community, is allowing regular guys like you and me to…
- Jack up the male sex hormones that are scientifically proven to SIGNAL to women and other men that YOU are the dominant male…
- Develop big, rock hard, and steely strong arms and shoulders, without spending hours in the gym or ending up with a puffy bodybuilder physique…
- Have confidence walking into any room, knowing your Alpha Shape™ will command respect and admiration…
- And finally leave behind the feeling of being “less of a man”…
So you can take control of building the strong, powerful, lean physique you deserve…
Again, this is the System I used to go from depressed, skinny-fat and directionless… to a ripped, rock-hard Alpha Male leader of one of the most elite SWAT units in the world.
Yet I must warn you…
This is NOT for everyone:
If all you’re looking for is another generic muscle building plan… [one you already know only leads to a puffy, unimpressive body, if it works at all…]
Or if you can’t handle a few short, yet very TOUGH workouts, each week… [and let’s be honest, if you can’t, you don’t deserve to have an Alpha Male body…]
If that’s you, then SpecForce Alpha is not for you…
This system is the real deal… Straight from the trenches… Created and used by authentic, real life special operators…
It’s tough… And it’s only for men who are ready to finally put away the silly workout gimmicks, useless, expensive supplements, and dumb, sissy diets for good…
It is definitely NOT another phoney “Black Ops” workout designed by some Lululemon sponsored personal trainer who has no idea what it’s like to be a special operator…
So if YOU want the real deal… A program designed by a legit operator and recognized tactical fitness expert, then SpecForce Alpha isn’t just “A” system for you, it’s the ONLY system for you…
Inside the SpecForce Alpha program, you’ll discover
covert muscle building and fat loss secrets like…
- The exact 7-day training cycle responsible for the year-round rock hard physiques of virtually every special forces operator around the globe…
- The stealth Target Focused Muscle™ technique that forces ripped muscle growth quickly, using your own bodyweight!…
- The precise set and rep scheme to dramatically increase your natural Growth Hormone production that quickly accelerates fat loss…
- Exactly what and when to eat, based on your personal Marcronutrient Profile, to keep your testosterone levels optimal…
- …Including why it’s fine to drink beer and eat manly foods like burgers and pizza without sacrificing your physique or performance…
- 2 spec ops mindset and focus “shifting” techniques to instantly make you look, act and even think like an Alpha Male…
- Detailed video coaching on the perfect execution of every single fat burning, muscle building exercise in the SpecForce Alpha arsenal…
- Exactly how to build the kind of functional strength spec ops guys use to lift loads as much as 9 times their bodyweight… Without ever stepping foot in a gym…
- What you need to be doing before every workout in order to get an optimal boost in your male sex hormones in the hours after the workout… Almost every man messes this up…
For the first time ever, these authentic methods — I’m not talking about the make-believe special forces workout knock-offs that have been fooling people for years — are finally available to YOU today…
Check out what elite special operator JJ Musicco has to say about the program:
I have been using the SpecForce Alpha training methods to quickly build my foundation and improve my lean muscle mass. These are cutting edge methods that produce results.
And here’s what professional MMA fighter Alan “The Talent” Belcher had to say…
If you are looking for a program to develop the Ultimate Alpha Male Body — SpecForce Alpha has got you covered. These training concepts keep me jacked and ready year round, whether I am prepping for a fight or in the off season I am always in perfect Alpha Shape.
Thousands of men around the world like JJ and Alan have now built the exact rock-hard, muscular, vascular and defined physique that creates the Alpha Shape Effect using these stealth SpecForce Alpha methods…
Which is amazing, considering they are working out for as little as 20 minutes, and can still drink beer, and eat food like burgers, pizza and other staples in any man’s diet…
Now, you may believe a system as powerful as SpecForce Alpha would be costly…
And really it should be…
This kind of authentic special forces training and diet information has never been available outside of the community before… And I’m taking a risk in bringing it to you…
Yet because it makes me furious to see the sneaky feminization of the once proud male physique…
I want to get SpecForce Alpha into the hands of as many men as possible, before it becomes unaffordable…
So don’t worry, I’ll get to the very special price I have for you in a minute.
First, I have to let the cat out of the bag… You aren’t just getting SpecForce Alpha when you take action today…
2 Limited Time FREE BONUS Gifts
I’m also giving you two killer bonuses absolutely free of charge, valued at $215, to help you build a ripped Alpha physique even faster…
Your first free bonus gift today is the 7-Day Testosterone Solution…
- Inside you’ll discover the common veggie that reverses estrogen dominance so your natural testosterone levels can spike…
- The one seafood that ancient civilizations used to massively boost virility…
- The “anabolic” powerhouse that’s sitting in your fridge right now… that you should be drinking after EVERY workout…
- The ONLY supplement that truly supports high testosterone, and which pricy supplements are total frauds…
- And many more hidden nutrition and supplementation techniques to boost testosterone quickly and naturally…
Now get this… Your second free bonus today is the stealth tool that guarantees you’ll reach your rock-hard Alpha physique as quickly as possible…
It’s the Black Ops MacroFlex Diet App…
From any smartphone or tablet, your app will tell you exactly what to eat for optimal muscle gain or fat loss…
Then just record what you eat in the built in logbook and you’ll remove all the guesswork…
And the best part is, my MacroFlex diet does NOT force you to eat sissy bird food…
In fact, you can eat WHATEVER you want, as long as it fits within your macros…
Listen, I’ve never seen a spec ops guy turn down a burger and a beer…
This app will be sold on it’s own for $197… And every guy I’ve introduced it to has told me it’s worth $500 or MORE…
Yet during this limited-time special offer, I’m including it with your order absolutely FREE…
Now: even though these two killer bonuses are worth at least $297 on their own, you’re not paying anywhere near that today…
I’m on a mission to bring back the Alpha Shape… Which is why I promised you a better deal today… And I meant it…
That’s why you’re not even going to pay half what the bonuses alone are worth…
Today, you’re not even going to pay the massively discounted price of $147…
When you order through today’s special limited time offer only… You’re going to get immediate access to EVERYTHING for a one-time single secure payment of only $37…
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected]
or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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