Taylor Johnson – Semen Retention Mastery
(Day 2 will automatically become available tomorrow, etc…)
► Watching life pass you by
► Getting distracted by porn & fantasy
► Feeling sexually depleted
► Not living at your cutting edge
► Feel confident and powerful in all areas of your life
► Master the art of semen retention
► Commit to yourself fully
► Know your purpose and take action to create the life you want
Over these 21 days, you will…
1. Build Your Sexual Power
With Semen Retention, Tantric and Taoist Practices – and integrate this energy into your entire life in healthy, safe and practical ways.
2. Clarify Your Life Purpose
And anchor this deep within your body with guided somatic exercises, reflection and visualization.
3. Create Your Ideal Life
And ensure success with daily action & accountability – so you feel driven, supported, confident, alive, connected, clear, and joyfully in alignment with your purpose.
“Sexual energy is the creative energy of virtually all geniuses. There never has been and never will be a great leader, builder, or artist lacking in this driving force of sex.“
– Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich
► In-depth & practical instruction on everything you need to know to supercharge your life with semen retention in a powerful, safe and balanced way
► Daily videos & emails to guide you on this journey (for 21 days)
► An online accountability group with all the men in this training
► Downloadable PDF exercise guides
Full list of course topics below…
► Semen retention and attraction
► Semen retention and financial abundance
► How to practice semen retention safely (risks & dangers)
► Unlocking your inner king
► Closing energy leaks
► Linking your sexuality with your higher purpose
► Creating powerful morning rituals
► Practical ways to integrate orgasmic vitality into your every day life
► Optimizing your environment for success
► Taoist & Tantric sexual philosphies
► Microcosmic Orbit & Chakra integration
► Understanding & feeling sexual energy
► Sexual Qigong, Yoga & Breathwork
► Sex without ejaculation
► Semen retention in long-term relationship
► Non-ejaculatory orgasms
► Creating a new relationship to porn
► Ejaculatory choice
► Pleasure positive semen retention vs abstinence
► Visualizing and creating the life you want
“You are entirely responsible for cutting through your own laziness, addictions, and unclarity. There is nothing to wait for and nobody to blame. Whatever techniques are appropriate, use them.”
– David Deida
The Way of the Superior Man
I am a Phd student and I was feeling tired and depressed all the time. I was addicted porn and masturbation and took it as a quick get away from my busy life at least for a brief moment.
I am so glad that I stumbled upon your course. I am 3 weeks in my semen retention journey and I feel like a new man. I feel sexually charged but I don’t have the feeling or need to ejaculate, and I feel fresh every morning. Thank you so much!
Gayan P.
I never learned to integrate my sexual energy before. Now, I’m feeling so empowered. Feeling energized by not ejaculating, and also experiencing more energy than I have in a long time!!! It was like a wake up call.
Feels like I’m getting part of my life back, my power, and putting that into the things that bring me joy in life… I just want to share this with everyone I know!
Chay B.
Thank you brother! This challenge has really helped put me in a groovy state of mind. I’ve made some changes in my life, work, location, lifestyle. These practices are really helping to keep me grounded and super focused in what I want for myself. Keep it up bro, this is definitely a game changer.
Jessie C.
On day one I had the most lucrative shift at work I’ve had in months! Coincidence? If you want to go strict materialist / reductionist, then maybe doing the practices just gave me more confidence when dealing with people, which led to higher tips. If you want to get woo (which I don’t mind in the least), then maybe the practices cultivated a kind of energetic magnetism.
After just a few days I know what you mean about people looking at you differently. I worked a private party by myself last night and definitely noticed one woman in particular actually looking up at me whenever I’d bring her something or refill her water.
Whatever is happening, I’m enjoying the discovery. I’ve gone through periods of total abstinence before, but having the practices to cultivate and integrate energy are something totally new. Game changers, for sure. Thank you!
Michael W.
Semen retention is not a new concept for me, but now it seems to be a completely achievable practice with this further educational course you have provided. Before I thought only the seriously dedicated tantric monks or kegel weightlifting champion could be successful at such a practice. Now I see this is a very doable path. Thank you!
Peter S.
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