Swinggcat – Sexual Connections Workbook
“Could It Really Be That Easy To Recognize Attraction Signals Most Men Will Never See That Reveal How To Get The Girl Every Time And Develop A Masculine Presence So Strong That It Makes Your Physical Appearance Irrelevant And Compels Her To Want To Be With You – And Only You?”
The answer is Yes. And if you want to stop your Ego from suppressing your Masculine Presence, read on.
From: Swinggcat
Author “Real World Seduction”
Dear friend
Man-To-Man, these are the questions I need you to answer honestly.
Are you a man who has failed to approach women you like because you…
It was hard to think of any words to say, or the wrong thing to say.
You thought she was outof your league.
You believed that you wouldn’t be able to have a relationship with her?
You looked at your competition and decided you couldn’t beat them.
Ask yourself: “Why would she go for me?”
Fear and anxiety were your constant companions?
Unexplained block kept you from doing it.
You made up a lame excuse to not talk to her. “I’ll approach her later on,” “she’s busy right now,” “she’s in the middle of a conversation with her girlfriend,” “she probably has a boyfriend,” Or “I’ll just have one more drink before going in”?
You thought she would reject or embarrass you?
Have you ever approached a lady and…
Did she ignore you?
You were shut down by her?
You were seen as weird or cheesy by her?
Did you say a canned pick-up line that didn’t work?
Did you say the wrong thing?
Have you ever felt rejected, inept, or angry by a woman’s negative reaction to your approaching her?
Have you ever had a conversation with a woman?
You didn’t know what you should say next after the conversation ended.
She kept interrupting, didn’t listen to you or laughed at your jokes.
It was unsettling to feel that she was only being polite and just wanted to get out as soon as possible.
You felt emasculated when she said it.
Did you sense that she wasn’t interested in you?
Did you ever like a girl and…
You were frustrated that she did not see you as a better capture than the losers.
Did you feel that you couldn’t match your smarter, more funnier, better-looking friend?
You felt frustrated, insecure, or jealous when a guy approached you.
She gave attention to another guy, giggled at everything that he said, but ignored you.
Did you feel angry, or did you think you were lacking something?
You kept asking her out, but she kept lying to you and making excuses as to why she couldn’t be with you.
You didn’t get a return call from her
You didn’t know how to move on her.
If you tried to make a move on her, she would push you away. You might feel a bit pathetic or unattractive.
You liked her back. However, because you failed to recognize her attraction signals, your chances of getting along with her were lost.
If you answered “YES” to any one of these questions…
You have made a significant step towards improving your relationship with women.
Many of these questions are very personal. I get it.
Although every heterosexual male has had at least one of these experiences, many are embarrassed to admit it.
You can fix your problems by being honest and open about them.
These questions were actually based on my personal experiences with women. Each one has been a part of my journey multiple times.
To be brutally honest…
These are not fantasies. These are facts that you can actually see in your life.
This is why I would like you to picture a semicircle full of suitors for gentlemen hovering around the perfect 10.
Each orbits her and shows off his most impressive traits as best he possibly can.
Within twenty minutes, she forms a hierarchy in her head.
The winner is the one who finishes at the top of the pile – she picks it.
Everyone feels disappointed they didn’t get him.
One man feels like an inept half and slumps off.-A-man.
Another woman lashes out at her with, “You stuck up bitch.”
To be truthful…
It can be quite a difficult experience.
Unless You’re Better Looking, Funnier, Richer, & More Interesting & Engaging Than Your Competition, You’re Shit Out Of Luck.
It gets worse…
It is possible that the guy she picked may not be the one for her. He may have to give up on his fantasies of dating, kissing, and doing the horrible.
He may be replaced by a better-looking dude if he becomes available. He should be taken out of the number one spot. Get the girl.
Conventional Courtship is Survival of the Fittest at Its Most Frightening…
Online dating has made things easier than ever.
A pool of endless mates is available to women who wish to share their penis.
They can choose to keep their options open, and wait for Mr.-Incredible-There are more-You.
This is why many men settle for substandard women.
However, things don’t have to be this way
There’s another way. It’s the one that avoids all the bullshit. One that is followed by a handful of lucky men – and I’m not talking here about celibate monks.
These are the Take Charge Males. These men often are not the most attractive, richest, smartest, funniest or most interesting suitors for a woman.
Sometimes they don’t even look remotely like her. “type.”
In the End, a woman will always opt for the take.-Charge Male More Than Everyone Else…
Most men gravitate around a woman and show their best qualities to her to the maximum extent, hoping she will choose them. But some men play the reverse game.
The Take-Female Orbits a Male Charge…
He Becomes Her Sole Source Of Validation & She Wants Nothing More Than To Please Him…
Instead of putting him on her totem tree of value, she is concerned about where she fits on his.
Years Ago, I Noticed That Every So Often Something Felt Different About My Interactions With Women.
At this point I knew how to attract enough women that I could have sex with them and bring home the women I desired.
But, this was something else:
These women would tell you, “I’ve never felt this way towards a guy before. What are you doing to me?”
“You’re not even my type and I hardly know you but you’re making me all hot and bothered.”
“You definitely GET women.”
After knowing them only for a few seconds, this was their final reaction.
After only a few days of knowing them, they would say the following: “I cannot stop thinking about you.”
“I couldn’t concentrate at work because you were on my mind all day.”
“I couldn’t imagine being with any other guy besides you.”
“I was smitten with you from the moment I met you.”
“I know you’re the one.”
“I know you’re not the ‘settling-down’ type and I’m
Neither. But you’re the first man I’ve ever thought
Concerning marriage Am I some kind of creep for saying this?”
“All I think about is making you happy.”
These women weren’t wildebeests nor donkeys by the way – this kind of response is normal for a woman who is less attractive.
They were hot, really hot.
I didn’t take the “Nice Guy” Rout and pretend that you are their girlfriend with an erect penis.
All of these women I slept with almost immediately after I met them. Two of the girls I slept with were actually my best friends in less than 20 minutes.
To be completely honest, however…
I believed fate had brought me to their perfect type.
Sometimes, I was more realistic and attributed it to them being psychos.
It started to happen with every woman, one after the other.
I realized that I wasn’t the type of woman I was meant to be. I am an average-looking guy, but a little short.
It was hard for me to believe that so many women are insane.
Then it came to me.
It wasn’t them, it was me: I did something different…
It’s something that some lucky men do every day, but they don’t know how.
Maybe you’ve done it before.
I wasn’t sure what I was doing and I didn’t know how I could trigger it. It just happened.
I embarked on a five year journey to unearth this rare form.
I searched for the answer with the zeal of an insane monomaniac madman.
I spent nearly every waking hour with a girl, or picking up a new friend. My game reached its highest point. My instincts for women grew at lightning speed. My life was like Hank Moody from Californication. It became a freak show.
I didn’t know why or how I emotionally compelled women to line up around the block to please me.
And then, it happened…
I was in a terrible accident and my leg was broken.
The next several months I was almost completely isolated.
I read a lot.
Although I only superficially understood the of these women , I was unable to understand how they got there.
I sensed something deeper beneath the surface – something much more powerful…
It would slip away every time I tried to grasp it.
After painful days of physical therapy, I devised a diversion to distract me from the pain and loneliness.
It was easy. I let go of my preconceived notions and tried to see things from other perspectives. I imagined that the earth is flat and orbits around the moon.
I was able to use this skill to seduce my girlfriends sooner than expected.
Then it hit me. Light was shining on the entire thing. It was there in plain sight…
My secret mechanism for having such an impact on women.
What Is The Secret Mechanism That Eliminates Your Competition, Turns You Into Her Sole Source Of Validation, & Leaves Her Wanting Nothing More Than To Please You?
Attraction by Polarity
How do you activate polarity attraction?
You don’t have to be a woman type to attract polarity.
It’s not triggered by having a large amount of money, a high-status job or driving a sport car.
It’s not caused by complimenting or insulting women incessantly, spending money on her, etc.
It’s not triggered by making a woman smile or charm her.
Polarity Attraction is not triggered by acting as if the Prize is all that you do.
Although some of these items can and do cause attraction, they don’t necessarily trigger Polarity Attraction.
What Yin & Yang Reveal About Polarity Attraction:
I’m certain you’ve seen the Chinese Yin.-Yang symbol before:
This symbol symbolizes the two polarities found in nature: Yin & Yang.
Taoist thought Yin and Yang represent a Feminine Polarity.
These two polarities attract one another like magnets when they align.
In male-When the Feminine and Masculine Polarities are correctly aligned, female courtship can be called Female Human Courtship. Women feel Polarity Attraction.
Most men will project a Feminine polarity, which is a way to reverse the polarities. This causes women to fall into a Masculine Polarity.
Guess what?
These men are more likely to attract women than vice versa.
I would like you to repeat a few questions I asked you before and be completely truthful.
Do you remember being afraid to touch or get physical with a hot girl?
Did you ever feel out of place with a woman?
Did you ever find yourself trying to think of ways to make a girl feel like you?
Are you ever feeling unworthy of love or angry at a woman who rejected you?
Ever felt jealous of a friend’s girl but not yours?
Do you remember obsessing over women who only saw you as a friend?
These things are indicators that you are reversing the cycle of polarities and the woman who is triggering Polarity Attraction within you.
When You Project A Masculine Polarity, You Put The Woman In A Feminine Polarity, Pull Her Into Your Orbit, & Trigger Polarity Attraction In Her…
What does Polarity Attraction mean to a woman’s life?
It turns you into her sole source of validation & compels her to want nothing more than to please you.
Imagine if you could trigger polarity attraction in your perfect woman, causing her to want nothing more than to please you – and only you…
This is how to trigger polarity attraction in women
Develop A Strong Masculine Polarity.
You can take control of your Ego
Look beyond your head to see the signals of attraction that will guide you in the right direction to get the woman you want.
These three steps are crucial and will not allow you to attract women with Polarity Attraction.
You’ll never master these steps unless you can.
These three steps are crucial to triggering feelings that will go beyond the kind of attraction she experiences from looks, money and humor.
… You will make her jealous and leave all of her potential suitors in shock. They’ll ask her. “What does he have that I don’t.”
Each of her complaints will make her move further away from you and closer towards them.
My Course Will Give You the Tools to Master These Three Critical Steps So You Can Also Trigger Polarity Attraction in The Women You Desire
Here’s A Sneak Peek At What You’ll Learn Inside The Masculine Polarity Audio Course….
How to Control Your Ego…
So far, we’ve learned…
Most men love a girl and will orbit her by being attentive to her needs and showing their best qualities to her to the best of them.
However, that’s not all…
Sometimes they are afraid of being rejected or embarrassed and stop them from speaking to her or making a move.
They have trouble thinking of the right words and actions to say.
These are all symptoms of being stuck in a feminine polarity.
It all comes from where?
They are under the control of this wicked little bratard.
Their Ego.
Ego is defined in relation to women.
And so…
Your Ego’s Self-WOrth Hinges On Being Liked By Women…
If you spot a woman you’d like to meet but your ego interrupts you with, “I don’t feel like approaching that hottie right now,” “That girl looks totally bitchy,” or “She’d never go for me.”
And don’t approach her.
You are doing what?
You are protecting your ego against being hurt.
You feel jealous, angry, and insecure because she pays more attention to your friend than you. What can you do?
Enabling your ego.
You don’t want to be upset by a woman who isn’t attracted and then goes after another man.
This little bastard can be enabled.
What are you doing if you allow a woman to view you as an interesting, funny, sexy, and all-around awesome guy?
It is possible.
You can lash out at women for saying things. “I’m not interested,” You then show pride in putting her in her place.
Enabling your ego. It needs to be fed. Rewarding it for bad behavior.
It’s easy to liken the unhealthy, codependent relationship most men have with their Ego to a battered woman standing up for her man…
Most men won’t cop to their ego controlling them…
They’ll tell you – and probably themselves as well – “Nah, man. I’m secure with myself and confident. I’m not attached to my ego. I could give two shits what women think about me.”
Up… there goes their ego again. They must be controlled.
I’m willing to bet, at least to some degree…
Your Ego Controls You…
Accepting your ego and recognizing when it’s trying to make you its bitch is the first step to…
It’s time to put an end to your ego controlling you…
You don’t need to…
If your ego is constantly chirping, it will make the woman in front you your only source for validation. It will push you into Feminine Polarity, pull you into Masculine Polarity, and stop you from triggering Polarity Attraction.
Although you cannot get rid of your ego – it’s like a parasitic twin attached to you for life – there’s good news…
It doesn’t mean you have to identify with it.
Inside Masculine Polarity You’ll Learn To Recognize When Your Ego’s Trying To Control You & Develop The Skills To Put That Little Bitch In His Place…
This will make it easier to approach anxiety, worry about girls liking you, and insecurities disappear.-Goodbye to the days of a Feminine Polarity.
How good will it feel to be free from all of your insecurities
Here’s A Small Peek At The Skills You’ll Develop For Controlling Your Ego…
Why men don’t realize that their egos control most of what they think and say. (Hint, most of this happens subconsciously.
A technique that is almost unheard of that forces you to acknowledge that you have been enabling, protecting and allowing your ego to control you. This doesn’t make you a lesser man, but it gives you total control over your ego.
How to stop your need for validation from others and how to get rid of your own need for it-it is worth not worrying about whether or not a woman loves you.
You will find out why your ego will send you to a Feminine Polarity each time.
Your ego is what causes women to lie to and can also cause them to cheat. How to stop this from happening again.
This exercise will expose all your ego’s bizarre thoughts and unfounded complaining. This exercise shocked me the first time I tried it. I know you will be too. It is crucial to understand your ego and how you can control it.
How to stop your ego from ranting and place that little bittard in its proper place.
This exercise tracks when your ego stops you from speaking to or pursuing women over the course of a week, day, night, or weekend. It helps you to develop your ability to stop this. Many of us lie to our egos, protecting and enabling it. “I did really good last night” Or “I didn’t talk to that many girls because the venue didn’t have any hotties.” We forget selectively the instances when our ego stopped us from speaking with women. If you start to record each time your emotions prevent you from talking with a woman, you will not be satisfied. However, the second section of the exercise shows you how you can stop protecting and enabling ego so you can pursue women you like at any time.
These exercises will help you identify and track your ego’s behavior and then correct each episode.
There are many secrets and exercises to get rid of anxiety and fear about making a move on women.
How the ego hides your true desires… and the secret to stopping it from happening.
Exercise that crushes your subconscious control over yourself, lets your authentic desires shine through, and gives you the ability to approach the women you desire without any anxiety.
How to end your ego’s misinformation feeding. Your ego can sometimes tell you the wrong things about a woman, and even sabotage your attraction. That is why this exercise will end all of that.
Simple shifts in perception can make it easier to identify with your ego.
You are the cause of most of the good things you do for women, even those you have just met. And how to end this vicious cycle.
The ego can create unnecessary barriers for women to move past. Here’s how to stop your ego.
How your ego keeps you from having sex with a woman, and the tricks to getting that little bittard shut up.
Your ego can lead you to trying to win women back. Here are some ways to prevent this. (Even though you may be trying to act like The Prize, if the Prize is your ego, it will lead you back to trying to win her over.
How to stop feeding your egos insecurity about your job, looks, intelligence, humor, and so forth. This secret is a little counterintuitive.-intuitive. It is easy to master.-Bye for good.
These are just a few of the many secrets that will help you let go of your ego.
“How Will You Act Differently Around Women When You Finally Take Control Of Your Ego & Annihilate Every Last One Of Your Fears, Insecurities, & Needy Behaviors?
Secrets That Push You Outside Your Head & Make You Recognize Attraction Signals Other Men Will Never See That Reveal Exactly How To Get The Girl…
If your ego controls your perception, it will pull you inwards and make you feel distorted.
Guess what?
If you are stuck in your head, your chances at attracting a woman to you are on par with a blind batter hitting a ball…
This means that if you don’t see the situation with a woman clearly, it is time to take aim.-In-The-Dark guesses about what you should say and do are almost always incorrect.
This is something that most men are aware of and they can remedy it in one or both of these ways.
One, they drink excessively to numb their egos.
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This allows them to approach women and act bold and free spirited around them.
But at what cost?
Although alcohol can numb their egos and allow them to step outside of their heads, it also dulls their sense of reality. They become mindless and not mindful.
Being Mindless around Women isn’t the solution to getting out of your head…
A second way men try to escape their heads is by memorizing material about women.
They often hear a man at a bar using a line against a woman that causes a huge reaction.
They can watch or read about great ways to get women in bed online.
They learn it and begin to use it on women.
If they’re more skilled, they can write their own material almost like a comedian.
At first, they feel great from women.
However, over time, some things begin to happen…
It doesn’t seem like the canned routine or memorized pick line works anymore.
What do they do?
They are given new canned material to use with women. Their excitement returns and they believe they’re seeing good results again with women.
Although the novelty of the canned material gives them false self-confidence, it eventually wears off.
There’s worse…
Over The Long Haul, Memorized Pickup Lines & Canned Routines Make You Socially Dumber, Weirder, & Less Aware Of What’s Going On Around You…
Canned material can be compared to GPS. GPS can be a lifesaver if you have trouble following directions.
What happens over time?
It becomes second nature. You lose your awareness of the environment. You lose awareness and orientation about where you are and where to go.
Relying On Canned Material Deadens Your Sensitivity To Your Environment & The Attraction Signals Women Transmit…
Ask a man who is good with women about canned materials and he will likely answer, “Man, that’s lame. Use the situation.”
It is a great piece of advice.
Here’s the problem…
This is all he says to you.
This …. is what most men hear when they hear it.
They end up racking their brains trying to think of something in their environment to comment on…
You don’t want that to happen. Instead, get back in your head and start thinking.
If you’re in the moment, instead of worrying about what to say or relying on canned pickup lines, A Woman’s Attraction signals will show you exactly how to get her…
I have spent many years studying philosophy. “Phenomenology” Martin Heidegger and Maurice Merleau-Ponty.
Their work has taught me one thing: We are most at our best when we are fully absorbed in the moment and mindful of what’s happening around us.
This experience is sometimes called being in flow.
It’s something we all have experienced. However, few people know how it works. It just happens by accident for most people.
I was not content with a few flow experiences. It was my desire to have access 24 hours a day.-7.
After years of experimentation and research…
I have created a system that keeps you in flow, develops your intuitive skill at recognising a woman’s attraction signals and shows you how to get her…
Keep in mind that men are often blinded by their egos and stuck in their heads, so they don’t see these signals.
How can you develop this skill?
You can control your ego by staying outside of your head and being present in the moment.
You can increase your sensitivity for women’s attraction signals by developing three modes external perception: Physis (Poiesis), and Meta-Poiesis.
These attraction signals will show you how to get her.
You must take risks. (We’ll talk more about this soon)
Inside Masculine Polarity, you’ll develop the intuition to detect a woman’s attraction signals and let those signals show you what to do.-By-Step 2: How to get the girl…
This means you don’t have to pick up lines or think about how to approach her.
As soon as you spot a woman that interests you, you’ll instantly see the right way to approach her.
It means you will no longer have awkward conversations with women or be tongue tied.-tied and don’t rely on memorized conversational gambits which don’t suit the situation.
Attraction Signals & Environmental Cues Will Show You What To Do & Say To Get Her…
There’s more…
This is the best way to communicate with women.
The system will rewire your brain to connect relevant information in the situation you are in with the woman.
These connections may require that you take a particular action.
The mirror neurons in her head pick up the patterns you are making by looking at your words and your actions.
This forces her to see the world in a similar way as you.
Both of you begin to notice and laugh at similar things in your surroundings. The two of you start to think the same thoughts.
This means that you have pulled her into your vibe.
When you first start developing your intuition skills, you’ll notice attraction signals trying to show how to get the girl.
But, you will probably resist.
You’ll have a strong urge to stay in your comfort zone, but you will also feel the urge not to do so.-pilot spiel. Or you can use a canned pickup line. You can also retreat into your head to think about what you should say or do.
I get it.
Whatever is within our comfort zone always feels like the right thing to do – even if it rarely works.
Humans are Creatures of Habit.
This is a terrible idea.
This temptation is a must-resist. Step outside of your comfort zone and trust the results.
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