Shihan Richard & Linda Van Donk – Ninjutsu Ninja Black Belt Course
Ninjutsu BlackBelt Home Study Course
Doshi Richard Van Donk (Bujinkan Senior DaiShihan-15th Dan), made over 50 trips to train in Japan, carefully and strategically crafted for you and easy to learn step by step system your learning Ninpo Taijutsu / Ninjutsu, the art of the Ninja. Studied worldwide in 100+ countries. REAL training. This is not a rank mill. It will take you about 2.5 to 3.5 years to get your Shodan with much hard work and perseverance. IBDA’s additional courses will take you from Beginner to Master. Countless others have achieved this. Why Not You?
Learn the Ninpo Taijutsu/Ninjutsu “arts of the Ninja” that is no longer taught in Japan anymore.
Easy to Learn Instruction!
Punching – Kicking – Exotic Weapons – Stealth – Postures – Grappling – Rolling – Meditation – Inner Power – Sword – Shinobi Iri – Throws – Submission – Body Conditioning – Chokes – Spiritual Refinement
Ninjutsu BlackBelt Home Study Course
In the Binder with 11 DVD’s
In the Shodan Training Manual
The Comprehensive and progressive training Dvds are great training tool but a step-by-step Ninjutsu training manual with
How to Train
How to Rank Test
History of the Art
Main Instructor Bios
Ninjutsu Training Concepts
Ninpo Philosophy
Pressure Point Diagrams
Main Posture Posters
Spiritual practices and Meditations
9th kyu to Shodan Techniques
Terminology Glossary
All the techniques from Beginner 9th Kyu to Shodan (1st Degree BlackBelt) are written out step-by-step and include detailed how to pictures of the techniques presented on the DVDs. This is a great asset to help you learn the Ninja art. Plus everything is in a special designed binder which also holds your study DVDs so that you can take the Ninjutsu Course with you anywhere, making it a true Distance Learning Ninjutsu/Ninpo Taijutsu Course.
Here is what you will learn on each of the 11 DVD’s Level by Level
9th Kyu DVD – Ninjutsu Beginner’s Level 1 DVD –
Building your Foundation. Learn the proper Ninjutsu bowing-in procedures, how to tie your belt, how to warm up and stretch before training. You learn the basic standing postures of Seiza, Hira & Ichimonji no kamae. This dvd teaches you basic forward & backward rolls and breakfalls (how to go to the ground without getting hurt) as well as the basic punches and kicks of Ninjutsu. Covers how to be out of the way of attacks with proper evasion by using your body effectively. You’ll begin learning the Sanshin no kata, a set of 5 elemental movement forms which teach very important principles of movement and feeling. At 9th Kyu level you’ll learn the basic Chi or earth feeling form of the Sanshin. Intro Level – Basic Body conditioning, Belt tying, Bowing, Movement Basics, Natural Postures of Shizen, Seiza & Ichimonji, Earth Form, Evasion, Rolling, Basic Punching and Kicking. 1 hour
8th Kyu DVD – Ninjutsu Beginner’s Level 2 DVD
The focus of this DVD is taihenjutsu or basic falling, leaping & evasion skills. The foundation for all of the more advanced techniques you will learn rests upon your ability to move fluidly and go to the ground without fear. In 8th Kyu you’ll work more on your rolling & body movement skills as well as adding the postures of Hoko, Doko & Jumonji no kamae. You’ll learn Omote & Ura Gyaku (inside and outside basic wrist grabs & reversals) as well as Tehodoki (basic wrist escapes) & basic Hanbo (3 ft staff) movements. Continuing the Sanshin no kata you’ll learn the basic Sui or water feeling form movement. At 8th kyu you will be introduced to the Kihon Happo movements, the fundamental ways of moving upon which our art and most all of the martial arts are based. From this level on up you will need a partner to work out with. Ichimonji no kata is the first movement drill you will learn from the Kihon Happo. Wrist grabs – Locks and escapes, Cartwheels, Weapon- Hanbo (3ft wooden staff), Water form, Being a training partner (Uke), Blocks, Escape from grabs, Striking techniques. Jumonji, Hoko and Doko No Kamae. 1 hour
7th Kyu DVD – Ninjutsu Beginner’s Level 3 DVD
Emphasis at this level is on having more flowing body movement with less effort. You need to be able to go to the ground effectively and be able to take your partner off balance using your body movement rather than muscle. You will learn side rolls, more advanced back rolls, standing, forward, backward & sideways breakfalls. The postures of Kosei, Hicho & Ihen no kamae are covered as well as Shuto (cupped hand) strikes & backward and sideways kicks. More punching drills, Kihon Happo & the Sanshin forms of Ka (fire) & Fu (wind) as well as the Gyaku Waza (wrist reversals) techniques of Omote Oni Kudaki & Hon Gyaku. Basic tanto (knife) techniques are also covered. Advanced Rolling methods, Breakfalls, Kicks, Fire & Wind feeling forms (Sanshin), Beginning grappling (Kihon Happo), understanding knife attacks, Postures: Ihen, Kosei, & Hicho, Posture flow drill, Oni-kudaki. 1 hour
6th Kyu DVD – Ninjutsu Course Intermediate Level 4 DVD
At this level in your taihenjutsu (body movement skills) you should be able to roll without using your hands so that you can either pick up a weapon or take down an attacker as you are rolling. This dvd covers how to do this as well as Shiho Tenchi Tobi (4-way leaping skills), Shiho Geri (4-way kicking) and Sokoyaku Ken (heel/sole foot dance). You’ll learn the last set of the Sanshin no kata, the Ku or void feeling form. From the Kihon Happo you’ll practice the Jumonji no kata (crossed hand posture movement drill) & Musha Dori. The Kusari fundo, a weighted chain, is the weapon focus for this level (we always use a rope version for safety when training with a partner). The importance of meditation & diet are briefly covered as well. Leaping skills in several directions, Thumb striking, Void feeling form, Medium level Grappling, Kusari Fundo- (Rope/Chain) techniques, Advanced kicking including 4-way (Shiho Tenchi Tobi). Meditation, Diet, More Kihon Happo. 1 hour
5th Kyu DVD – Ninjutsu Course Intermediate Level 5 DVD
The focus at this level is learning the Kihon Happo movements with efficiency and knowledge of the Japanese names for each technique. This level is a major step and accuracy as well as good body flow is a must. Advanced kicking & punching methods practiced while going to the ground as well as Muto Dori Gata (empty handed sword evasion forms) are on this dvd. You will learn how to strike using the Boshi Ken (thumb fist) & Shako Ken (claw fist), and to kick using Kakushi Geri & Sampo Geri forms. Continuing the Kihon Happo you will learn Hicho no kata (flying bird form movement drill) and Ganseki Nage (beginning throwing forms). Basic grappling forms are also covered at this level and the weapon focus for this level is Shuriken (throwing stars). Sword evasion forms, Medium level Grappling (Kihon Happo), Body grab escapes, Shuriken techniques, Beginning throws (Nage), advanced kicking and punching methods also done while falling. 1 hour
4th Kyu DVD – Ninjutsu Course Intermediate Level 6 DVD
At this level you need to be proficient at taking your opponent off balance. This DVD reviews how important balance is in your training and in your life. You’ll also find jumping kicks, jumping & diving rolls, running up surfaces, wrist breaking techniques, leg sweeps & how to counter kicks all on this dvd. The weapon focus for 4th Kyu is the Rokushaku Bo (6ft staff) and you will learn basic strikes & distancing for this weapon. Jumping kicks, Countering Kicking attacks, leg sweeps, wrist breaking techniques, 6ft bo staff training (basic and advanced), Rolls (jumping and diving), Flying techniques.
1 hour
3rd Kyu DVD – Ninjutsu Course Intermediate Level 7 DVD
At this point in your training your attention should be on your partner’s body and the effects that your movement and technique have on your partner. This dvd reviews the importance of this as well as introducing the sword, including how to hold it, 10 different sword kamae (postures) and the basic movements and cuts from each of the 10 postures. Advanced Taisabaki (body evasion) is covered on this tape, paying specific attention to distancing & timing, as well as advanced Ganseki Nage (throwing forms), power moves & damaging blows to crush your opponent. Sword postures (10 different kamae) , basic movement and cutting from each one, Throwing skills of ganseki forms, Silent movement, using nature, Fist and body harmony, power moves, damaging blows crush your opponent. 1 hour
2nd Kyu DVD – Ninjutsu Course Advanced Level 8 DVD
This level focuses on advanced falling, leaping, and evasion skills. Kuten (front handspring), Noburi kata (climbing trees, buildings, poles), and Suwari gata (kneeling forms): wrist grabs, reversals, throws and kicks from a kneeling position are shown. You’ll learn five new strikes: Shuki ken (hand start fist), Sakki ken (foot start fist), Shishin ken (finger needle strike) and Happa ken (eight leaf fist) as well as Tai ken, the use of the whole body as a fist. Koppo jutsu or bone attacks and Shime waza go kata (the five strangle hold/choking techniques) are also taught on this dvd. Weapon focus on this video is the proper use of Shuko (hand claws) and Kenjutsu Shinobi Iai the art of properly drawing a sword. Short discussion on using dreams as insight into things that are happening in your life. Choking and strangulation holds, Knee and elbow strikes, Bone attacks, Climbing trees skills, How to draw a Sword several ways, Fighting from sitting and kneeling, Hand claws, Dream work. 1 hour
1st Kyu DVD – Ninjutsu Course Advanced Level 9 DVD
This DVD covers Stealth movement and Gotonpo (body concealment methods using nature to escape). Koshijutsu (organ and muscle attacks) are taught using points on the wrists, arms, shoulders, throat, face, back, chest and legs etc. Advanced throwing variations (henka) from the Kihon Happo movements of Ura Gyaku, Omote Gyaku, Musha Dori and Ganseki Nage are shown as well as Koshi nage (hip throws), Itami nage (pain throws) and a rare demonstration of Kuki nage (throwing without touching your opponent by using energy and intent only- no body contact). Weapon focus is the Kyoketsu shoge (long rope with circular ring on one end and a double bladed dagger on the other) and how to use Metsubushi (blinding powder). Stealth, Escaping from danger using nature (Gotonpo), Advanced throws (Nage waza), Organ and muscle attacks of Koshijutsu, Variations of advanced grappling forms, Rare Shoge weapon, Metsubushi blinding powders. 1 hour.
Knife and gun disarms, how to deal with multiple attackers, Kihon Happo reversing and countering techniques as well as natural taijutsu (body movement) with a gun.
Breaking body balance, flowing from technique to technique, capturing the essence of the techniques, and getting your life to work for you are all covered on this DVD. If you have really been practicing, by this level of your training your life should be very different than when you first started training. You will be more confident, more relaxed and generally a happier, more aware, and more conscious human being. Knife and gun disarms, Handling multiple attackers, Reversing/countering techniques, Natural Gun shooting, breaking body balance, flowing technique to technique, capturing the feeling, Randori. Now you are ready to really train! 1 hour.
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