Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity With Sandra Ingerman
Join hands (energetically) with your shamanic community as you master practices to protect yourself from illness, nourish your spirit & flood our world with healing love & light…
Are these unprecedented times bringing up deep feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, profound worry — or even emotions you can’t quite name?
You’re not alone…
Part of what’s so hard is that these turbulent times of illness, social isolation, and turmoil took many of us by surprise…
According to the shamanic perspective, though, the virus we’re all facing and the accompanying chaos didn’t It’s not like it came out of nowhere. Far from it.
We had already been dealing with. for The terrible loss of so many people in the Australian wildfires is one example. Our polluted planet. Profound greed. Political unrest
The collective is flooded with negative thoughts.
Looking at our world through a shamanic lense, it’s actually no surprise at all that this level of collective pain eventually became a virus.
So what can a shamanic seeker like you do right now, on a daily basis, in these times of uncertainty — especially if you feel helpless?
According to a respected shamanic teacher Sandra Ingerman, you can rest in the assurance that YOUR ancestors — both past and future — have already left clues for You have powerful wisdom and powerful spiritual tools that will help you navigate these historical times.
In fact for For thousands of years, ancient traditions have taught us how to get through. This is exactly what you should do..
We can access their healing shamanic wisdom through songs, stories and wise words.
You already have everything you need to get this far…
Are you calling to listen?
Join Sandra Ingerman for A powerful 7-step healing journey — where you’ll discover how to deal with the emotions that are coming up for In a responsible manner, you will then flood the group with love, light and honor…
… so our world and all the people in it can heal — while you heal on a personal level, too.
As Sandra says, this illness that’s affecting our physical bodies is actually an illness of spirit.
It’s time to discover the deeper part of yourself that Know it already Next steps on the journey
You’ll learn how to bring this spiritual work into your local community, too…
Because the storm of illness has passed, Sandra We believe there will be more love and community in the world than ever before.
People are already coming up with creative ways to feed the elderly. for The at-Members of the community at risk, as well as others.
You can get guidance during this critical time from a Shamanic Leader
Sandra She has been an innovator in bringing shamanic practice to a global audience, training thousands of practitioners all over the globe.
As the severity of our current crises becomes clearer, Sandra She has been kind enough to share with me some of the most important shamanic practices, tools and techniques…
It’s time to tap into powerful wisdom beyond the physical — We need your guidance to take the right actions for Our personal well-being, our ability to manage emotional storms and to strengthen community bonds..
Shamanism originated to address the practical needs and interests of tribes, communities, and individuals. for Personal healing and collective progress.
With the world going through turmoil, you have access to these ancient healing practices and wisdom that your ancestors left.
This powerful 7-Part video training Sandra, you’ll discover:
- How this virus was birthed on a spiritual level — and the spiritual practices we need to Transmute negativity
- You can find strength in these tough times, which will help you see things differently, even though your fears may be overwhelming
- This is how spiritual work calms your nervous system
- How Shamanism empowers us as shamans Pillars of light, strengthYou are capable of weathering emotional storms, and providing protection for Ourself and the people we love
- The shamanic belief that our souls make the decision about the next steps of our journey, even though your ego doesn’t
- These difficult times can be a great way to start. for And for All people
- The many reasons shamanic journeys — to the future and back to the ancestors — can give us essential wisdom for navigating our present crises
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
In this intensive you will learn how to transform your life. Sandra This guide will take you through the basic body.-Remember-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to strengthen your health, shift your mindset, and empower your community.
A New Transfiguration Ceremony Every Class —
Keep Your Eyes on Your Healing
Every session Sandra Will lead a ceremony with light and love, the Egyptian goddess Isis, as well as any other blessings that she receives on her travels.
To conduct a healing for everyone in the group. You’ll be flooded with healing energies in every session.
Each ceremony will focus on YOU staying physically strong and spiritually safe — AND using the exponential power of the group to build the spiritual immunity of the circle.
This course will offer training sessions, teachings, and practical experiences. Sandra. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to master practices to heal your soul and our world in crisis.
Module 1 — Reweaving Your Creation Story for Health: Empowering your ability to dismember illness
Because we can’t love ourselves, we’re attacking ourselves, our immune systems, and our world — all without even realizing it.
Every shamanic culture holds the creation story as a fundamental part of their culture. It shows us how the creator heals illness, and restores health to the body.
In this session we will be introducing the following: Sandra You will be guided to meet your Creator and learn about your Creation Story. This will allow you to dissolve any illness and allow you to receive the love of our Creator.
As you’ll discover, You have the power to reweave energy back to perfect health — all by either learning your creation story or using a name of the creator as a mantra.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Mayan tradition of removing illness through chanting God’s name and chanting your creation story
- How much love went into your creation — and how that love is still supporting you to stay healthy on all levels
- Learn about your creation story to find divine light and oneness
- The creation story provided shamanic cultures with a road map. for living a good life — and what it means for Your life today
- How to make a sacred altar to pray for Your loved ones, yourself, and the planet. Sandra You will be guided to place your materials at the altar, and to perform ceremonies to release fears and invite the goodness into your life.
Module 2 — Transfiguration & Seeing the World Through Eyes of Spirit: How to Radiate Light Through Your Organs & Out Into the World
Everything that’s alive is made with light, and light heals…
When you create a light energy field, everything can be transmuted immediately into something positive.
This is the second session. Sandra will share a core exercise you’ll use in each future class — as well as Healing powers of light You can apply these practices every day.
As you get in touch with your own spiritual light, you’ll let go of ego, mind, and body — and experience how strong and all-encompassing your own spiritual light truly is… and why it’s your greatest form of spiritual immunity.
Sandra will also share how tragedy is still part of her life no matter how many practices she does — and yet, these transformation practices have powerfully impacted her life, teaching her How to find healing from the shadows — something you’ll be able to apply to your life, too.
In this module, you’ll learn to infuse every part of your being with inner light as you explore:
- Light practices are not a miracle cure for Every Person and illness can be treated simultaneously
- How this spiritual work assures you you’re being held in love, and even in these days of social distancing, you’re never alone
- How to look at people and the world through the eyes of spirit — changing your perspective and seeing the light and strength in those who we perceive as suffering
- How do you teach children how to do that work?It will help them to be safe and also provide a valuable tool for keeping their nervous system in balance.
- A guided ceremony with music to experience healing with spiritual light as a practitioner — and absorb this brilliance and radiance for Your personal health and wellbeing for The collective
Module 3 — Invoking Dreams for Healing & Shifting Your Daytime Reality
Did you know that in shamanism, when you’re experiencing a time of illness, stress, chaotic thoughts, anxiety, and more… you can ask for Are you looking for healing in your dreams
It’s an often-overlooked healing resource you can access instantly — and Sandra We will show you.
It was many years ago that Sandra was cured of an illness that every specialist said she’d be living with for Her life would be a blur. She prayed every night that healing would come to her in a dream — and After many nights of praying, her prayers were answered… She was healed, and her illness didn’t return.
This session will be recorded. Sandra Will share What questions should you ask? for A healing in your dream — and how persistence is the key to receiving the healing.
Along the way, you’ll also receive the wisdom and much-Needed guidance to help you realize your dreams.
In this module, you’ll discover how:
- How to be persistent in asking questions for A healing dream
- Our dreams are the basis of the entire world.
- In your dreams, the master or mistress shows you how to change your daydreams — and Individually and collectively, we can change the elements that make up our world.Even when all seems out of control in the world
- Your daydreams create the events in your life. our daydreams sculpt our lives
- You can discern which dreams give you a premonition of the future – and how to accurately interpret them
Download it immediately Sandra Ingerman – Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity
Module 4 — Healing Toxic Thoughts: How to Transmute & Dismember Fear, Anger, Grief & Betrayal
Shamanic thought emphasizes the importance of expressing all emotions. for You are there, especially during difficult times
If you don’t, you’ll be left with stuck energy in your body — which affects your immunity on both a spiritual and a physical level.
Sandra She will tell you how your emotions transform into energy forms. Psychic darts… These emotions can be sent to the collective by you without even realizing it.
You’ll learn how to be responsible and respectful when negative emotions arise — and how to avoid sending them out into the collective… because Negative thought patterns are back three times over to us allAccording to the Shamanic perspective,
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Many Shamans believe that viruses are made from negative thought forms, which flood our collective, lowering immunity and creating widespread contagious diseases.
- Healthy ways to express yourself, including through work With your energy to make sure you’re flooding the collective with love and light
- Protect yourself with these ways Spiritually, throughout the day
- How to honor the spirits who have died and how to handle grief
- A group ceremony to dream, reweave, and bring new thoughts, desires, or realities into being.
Module 5 — Working With the Moon & Crystals: How to Transmit Healing Energies in Ceremony
Sandra She will share some her most memorable moments-loved spiritual tools and teachings — including how to work with healing crystals…
… and cultivate a deeper understanding of the moon’s cycles and its energetic impact on us all.
You’ll discover exactly how the moon’s energy affects the planet…
… and how? when you combine the moon’s energy with the right crystals and perform your ceremonies at the correct time — the moon can add exponential healing and manifestation power.
This session will be: Sandra Will share:
- Moonlight is one of best ways to clean a glass
- How to infuse crystals of new energy
- Crystals transmit light in many ways.
- What crystals have to teach you about how to become a natural transmitter of light
- A group healing transmission With Sandra’s teacher in the unseen realms, the Egyptian goddess Isis, who’ll be working with you and your fellow participants throughout the course
Module 6 — Harnessing the Elements Within & Without: Merging & Building Connections
In the shamanic view, the five elements of earth, water, fire, air, and space are alive — and they give Use this site life.
Sadly, with our industrial world full of technology and pollution, we’ve done everything possible to destroy these elements…
Then we ask ourselves why people have become so sick. The world has been forced into cleaning itself by flooding, earthquakes, floods and illness.
According to SandraAll of these phenomena are connected.
This module is the most important. Sandra will share how the shamans have always known how to talk to the elements, respecting them as family… and how we can all learn to do the same IF we’re willing to change our lives and relationship to the elements.
You’ll explore:
- There are specific ways that our loss of connection to Nature and the elements is fueling climate change as well as health crises.
- What is the land where you live, city or country? Help you to become more powerful at all levels
- How the five elements are your allies — and how to build communication with them
- How to live in harmony and peace Tap into the flow This will lead to strong health
- A deepening practice to merge with the elements, using fire as an example… you’ll experience how, by merging with fire within, you’ll learn to balance out states of anxiety and depression
Module 7 — Journeys Into the Future & Back to the Ancestors: Accessing Wisdom for Survival in current Crises
The ancestors have given us every single piece of knowledge we need to move through what’s happening during this time of turmoil…
We’re just not listening, according to Sandra.
In the last class Sandra Sharing powerful healing ceremonies that shamans call on for Many thousands of years…
… as well as what the ancestors have been telling us — about how we have to clean up our ways of thinking, how we walk on the Earth, and so much more.
You’ll also tap into the wisdom of your future ancestors. They Already survived the times we’re living in — so what advice do they have to share?
In this closing module, you’ll experience:
- The clues and breadcrumbs our ancestors (past and future) have been leaving us, which we haven’t paid attention to
- The journey to reach the future and discover What can we do to make our lives better — from our diets, to our healing practices, and everything in between
- To the future generations to bring high.-frequency Healing into your personal and professional lives — including using sound and light for healing
- It’s a time to share wisdom and stories. SandraYour fellow participants and you can learn and grow together, creating a united global community.
The Shamanic Practices Bonus Collection
(Valued at $200.00
Additionally, Sandra’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions will enhance the learning experience and help you to practice and understand more.
Introduction Shamanic Traveling
Audio Instruction Starting Sandra Ingerman
This foundational recording will give you all the information you need to shamanic-based journeying. It also includes sharing information about the practice, and helping you find your way to the invisible realms. You will also find suggestions to deepen your work and some finer aspects of journeying.-You can tune your practice. You’ll also receive a Drumming Track for Journeying is here to help you in your practice.
NOTE: You are encouraged to listen to the bonus teaching prior the first session. This will enable you dive right into the journeying work, and make the most of the modules.
Honoring the Elements & Recapitulation
Video Dialogue Sandra Ingerman HeatherAshAmara; PDF Companion
HeatherAsh Amara’s beautiful elemental prayers are available for you to use as part of your powerful morning practice. Sandra HeatherAsh and HeatherAsh also discuss how important it is to stay connected and communicate with the elements. HeatherAsh also discusses a form recapitulation that uses the elements. As you’ll explore, recapitulation is a shamanic practice to reclaim energy from the past so you have more energy for The present.
HeatherAsh amara Is the author of Warrior Goddess Training – Become the Woman you Are Made to Be… Seven Secrets to Healthy, Happy Relationships Miguel Ruiz… The Warrior Heart Practice: An easy process to transform confusion and pain into clarity and peace. Her Toltec apprenticeship and teaching partnership, Miguel Ruiz, is what drives her teachings. She’s the founder of Toci, The Toltec Center of Creative Intent.
The Emergence of Western Shamanism
Audio Dialogue Sandra Ingerman Hank Wesselman
Shamanism, a spiritual tradition that is alive and well, has been around for thousands of years. It remains relevant today because of its relevance. This special bonus includes: Sandra Hank Wesselman and Hank Wesselman discuss the evolution of Shamanism and the revival in interest in it.
Hank Wesselman, PhD, is an anthropologist and evolutionary biologist who has conducted fieldwork with international research teams investigating the mystery of human origins in the fossil beds of eastern Africa’s Great Rift Valley. In addition to his scientific publications, he’s the author of several books on shamanism, including his Spiritwalker TrilogyThe award is-You are the winner The Spirit World: Awakening (with Sandra Ingerman), and The Bowl of Light: Hawaiian Shaman’s Ancestral Wisdom.
Shamanism in Ordinary Landscapes
Audio Dialogue Sandra Ingerman Cecile Carson
Are you curious about how shamanism may emerge in every day situations? Cecile Carson discusses her research into people’s ability to integrate shamanism in their daily lives. You’ll hear about some of the people Cecile has written about, including a high school cook, a mall Santa Claus, a theater director, and a neurobiology grad student working in an animal lab.
Cecile CarsonInterviews have been conducted by, MD for a forthcoming book on shamanic practitioners who integrate shamanism into Western culture in interesting and unusual ways — ways that open our hearts and minds to what’s possible for Our troubled world can be healed. She’s an internist also trained in psychiatry, who for For 30 years, she devoted much of her time to helping people deal with their lives.-You may be at risk for life-threatening conditions like HIV and cancer. Recognizing illness is often a matter of soul.-She began to do level work and shifted her focus to spiritual healing and spiritual coaching..
Excerpts of The Book of Ceremony
2 PDF Excerpts Starting From Sandra Ingerman
The magic of ceremonies is the ability to leave your everyday life behind and step into a sacred space. It is possible to truly join hands with people who are willing to open their hearts and help create positive change.
These excerpts are for informational purposes only. Sandra This course will teach you how to create intentions and design healing ceremonies. for They carry the energy and love of light, light, support and honor.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seven 120-Minute Recorded Class Sessions Sandra Ingerman
You have the unique chance to learn from a shamanic master. Sandra Ingerman — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session contains a video and guides you to learn specific skills and abilities to master techniques to protect yourself and nourish your spirit.
Seven PDF Transcripts from Class Sessions
Apart from the high prices,-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You will then be able to review, print, highlight, and summarize the most important ideas and practices that you have been given.
Exercises and questions for Each Lesson
Between class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Shamanic Practices Bonus Collection
- Introduction Shamanic Traveling
Audio Instruction Starting Sandra Ingerman - Honoring the Elements & Recapitulation
Video Dialogue Sandra Ingerman HeatherAshAmara; PDF Companion - The Emergence of Western Shamanism
Audio Dialogue Sandra Ingerman Hank Wesselman - Shamanism in Ordinary Landscapes
Audio Dialogue Sandra Ingerman Cecile Carson - Excerpts from The Book of Ceremony
2 PDF Excerpts Starting From Sandra Ingerman
You have an unrivalled opportunity to join the Shamanic Practices for Spiritual Immunity Virtual Training
We are honored by this. Sandra Ingerman This exclusive online training is offered by The Shift Network, which has chosen to partner up with them. This is a rare chance to learn from a Shamanic teacher whose profound insights and pioneering work have helped us heal, awaken and transform our world.
If you’re serious about protecting yourself from illness, nourishing your spirit, and flooding our world with healing love and light, then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-Of-A-Kind training
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected]
or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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