Ronnie Earl – Blues Guitar With Soul
Not much more to say that the other favorable reviews haven’t already. This guy is such a tasteful player, and the title says it all. Not just a series of lead licks, but a lot of chordal stuff mixed in, as well as a big dose of “the inner game of blues guitar”. Some great “jazz” chords are employed, giving his message a more sophisticated and nuanced sound. Presented in a bit of a frantic way, as opposed to a lesson 1, lesson 2 approach. It’s as though the producer just sat him down and said “just tell us a little about what you do Ronnie”. I found this to be a refreshing approach, compared to most of the instructional DVD’s out there. This video has a slow motion mode that maintains the original pitch, which enables you to better see what he’s doing (which he doesn’t always explain in detail). Between this and the included tab and chord charts, I’ve been able to interpret most of what’s on the video. NOT for beginner blues man wannabes. You need to bring a little to the dance. Don’t let the Lightnin’ Hopkins style stuff early in the video scare you off. There’s plenty of straight ahead contemporary electric blues playing to follow. Because detailed explanations are not always offered up, this is a very dense with info DVD. Plenty here to keep you moving forward for months, but you’ll have to dig for it. Highly recommended.
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