Robert Smith (Faster EFT) – Weight Loss: Make it Work For You
Description: 6 – DVDs ripped to .AVI
The Secret of Weight Loss
The six week seminar covered:
DVD 01: Week One:
You Are Successful
What are Problems?
How It Works
Fears of the Dark
DVD 02: Week Two:
Food Doesn’t Love You
Displaced Emotions
The Food Trance
Tapping On The Phone
DVD 03: Week Three:
Food Purpose
Food Addictions
Resistant to Tapping
DVD 04: Week Four:
Resistance to Tapping
Tapping Away Pain
Spiritual Understandings
Sending Love Energys
DVD 05: Week Five:
What are Affirmations
Applying Affirmations
Michelle & Stephany
DVD 06: Week Six:
Pain and Relationships
Power of Now Technique
Picture Switching
Image Burning
Memory Changing
Robert Smith’s Weight Loss manual is posted at:
What is Faster EFT?
Faster Emotionally Focused Transformation or FasterEFT is a methodology developed by Robert G. Smith after many years of study and practice.
FasterEFT integrates the most effective elements of EFT, BSFF, NLP, spiritual understanding and the minds great ability to transform.
FasterEFT has a healthy and logical belief system about how and why we have problems.
FasterEFT uses simple protocols that can produce profound results and create deep changes in less time than other tapping methods.
FasterEFT addresses the mind/body connection to give you control of your thoughts and emotions.
It’s like acupressure with an attitude, which enables the conscious and unconscious mind to communicate with each other and the body to reduce stress and relieve physical and emotional symptoms.
FasterEFT empowers you to change how you internally represent your past and become open to new possibilities for your future.
This naturally creates a positive affect in the quality of your life NOW.
About Robert:
Robert G. Smith, is one of America’s leading experts on stress, spirituality, and healing.
He is a respected leader in the field of personal growth, a popular radio guest and sought after motivational speaker.
He has reached thousands of people with his positive message about personal power, love and healing.
He has trained under some of America’s Greatest transformational teachers such as Dr. Richard Bandler, co-developer of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP),
Gary Craig, developer of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Dr. Larry Nims, developer of Be Set Free Fast (BSFF).
Robert is known for his sense of humor, his ability to simplify the complex, and his dynamic training style.
Delivery Method
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> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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