Robert Melillo – Primitive Reflex Integration for Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Innovative therapy that connects motor development and cognitive development!
Developmental disorders can affect anyone, and they have a spectrum of symptoms, from autism to dyslexia, which makes it sometimes difficult to treat… but one thing they all have in common is that their deficit started during childhood development.
It is common for something to happen in the first two years of development. You might ask yourself…
What are the causes? What can you do to identify it early? How can we intervene to make it better?
Years ago, I didn’t fully understand how the brain created these conditions or interacted with other parts of the body, which meant I didn’t fully understand the problem I was treating.
And if I didn’t understand what the problem is, how could I hope to fix it?
When I began to study cutting-Everything changed when edge brain science discovered that primitive reflexes could be linked to developmental disorders. Kathy Johnson MS Ed. and I want to show you how to use this information to treat your client’s dysfunction!
This brand-Online course: Primitive Reflex Integration for Neurodevelopmental DisordersThis book will help you understand the root causes of learning and neurobehavioral disorders, so that you can effectively treat all ages. You’ll discover cutting-Edge techniques are used to correct, identify and improve primitive reflexes. They can also be applied to a variety of learning, behavioral and social conditions.
With the increase of developmental neurobehavioral conditions and the vast array of associated symptoms, It is important to understand the root cause of learning and/or neurobehavioral disorders in order to make treatment progress. There are techniques and tools that can be applied to clinical success regardless of the severity or condition.
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If you aren’t sure of the machine works, you won’t know how to fix it and that’s exactly what you’ll learn in this part of the training.
This training package offers a comprehensive overview A rigorous approach to the treatment of primitive reflexes By using an in-Depth, but easy-To-Understand the brain by grasping
Dr. Melillo More than 20 years of clinical research.-We use edge brain science to demonstrate our expertise How brain development, primitive reflexes, and developmental milestones are linked to behavioral problems and learning disabilities, as well as social deficits and learning difficulties. Along with other conditions such ADHD and Autism. This is-Deep training will allow you to:
- How the brain develops through integration, segregation, localization networks, movement, and many other factors.
- The origins of primitive reflexes and postural reflexes, and why some clients still retain them.
- How to diagnose and treat primitive reflexes in children, adults and infants.
- In-Realization of depth remediation and real-Life case studies of clients with primitive reflex-related conditions
- How the Polyvagal theory relates to movement and primitive instincts.
- 35 ways to stimulate your Vagal system
- How to distinguish right brain from left brain: Which is better? for Brain function, brain symptoms, and brain imbalances.
- Attachment and behavior among clients, including how we maintain and develop relationships, and how this can affect the development of our whole life.
- How understanding the function and relationship between brain hemispheres could impact every area of treatment.
Session 2 will cover the primitive reflexes that contribute to developmental limitations in clients of all ages. Learn how to The seven primitive reflexes can be connected with the developmental stages Learn how integration can or cannot benefit the client before you dive in. You will be able to learn:
- How to identify the 7 primitive reflexes and what they mean for development.
- There are many reasons these reflexes might have stayed.-emerging reflexes, along with their effects on reading, writing, math, ADHD, and much more.
- Integration strategies, testing and symptoms for Reflexes, even when not-Integration is better.
You’ll get a first-Real people are a hand-on look-life case studies that dive into how to treat the reflexes you may see…
- Moro Reflex
- Palmar Reflex
- Fear Paralysis Reflex
- Asymmetrical tonic neck Reflex
- Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex
- Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex
- Spinal Galant
Robert Melillo, MS, MNeuroSci, DC, PhD (C) DABCN, FACFN, FABCDDThe world is yours.-A well-known expert on developmental functional neurology, brain disorders, hemispheric connectivity, and the diagnosis and treatment of neurobehavioral and learning disabilities. He holds graduate degrees in neurology, neurology, chiropractic, clinical rehabilitation neuropsychology and neurology. Dr. Melillo A prolific brain researcher, he has authored five best-selling books.-Books for sale, Disconnected Kids, 50 peer-Reviewed papers and a major textbook Neurobehavioral Disorders The Evolutionary Perspective of Childhood. Brain Balance Achievement Centers is his creation. There are approximately 150 centers that have helped thousands of families.
Dr. Melillo He has presented at many scientific and clinical conferences around the globe and has also taught his own course at a post-graduate level. for Over 20 years. He is an associate professor of Developmental Disabilities, National University of Health Sciences. He was also cofounder and past president of International Association of Functional Neurology and Rehab. Dr. Melillo’s authority in the field, he has been featured in documentaries, appeared in thousands of radio and TV interviews, and hosts a TV show, radio show, and webseries.
Kathy Johnson, MS Ed.Since 2000, she has worked with students to overcome reading difficulties and other learning challenges. She discovered an amazing program that helped them decode in just months. Yet, some could not read the test in grade level books, so she began her exploration into the trainings and therapies that brought students’ success. Many of them increased their intelligence and didn’t require additional services. Kathy was trained to offer these therapies to others. Primitive Reflex Training by Samuel A. Berne. OD. Therapeutic Listening by Sheila Frick. Samonas Listening By Jill Stowell.-Graphix, Irlen Syndrome and Brain Gym 101 by Read America.
Kathy founded The Hunter School of Ballston Spa in 2000 for Her assistant and she taught struggling students from third through eighth grade. The pair combined their academic knowledge with therapy to help them through their difficulties. She started an educational consulting company in 2002 to help students with their problems. In addition to giving lectures and workshops at schools and clinics, she is also a regular guest on Internet radio talk shows and has written The Roadmap From Learning Disabilities To Success and other publications. Kathy earned her Master’s degree from the State University of New York at Albany where she instructed faculty and staff, was an adjunct professor at Schenectady County Community College, and taught at The Adirondack School of Northeastern New York.
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