Porn Star Sex Life – The Fantasy Lover Formula
You're About To Discover The Female Orgasm Technique So Intense, It'll Make Her Chemically Dependent On Having Sex With You!
We’re About To Slap The Face Of Every Magazine Article, Sex Advice Expert And Washed Up Porn Actor Who’s Ever Tricked You In To Thinking That Without Their Help You Will Never Be An Amazing Lover..
You’re about to discover why trying to use weird contraptions and dangerous pills to increase the size of your penis is not only dangerous to your health, but also a completely stupid… And why exercising excessively, so you are able to last all night long is a total waste of your time… By the end of this short presentation, you’ll feel like you hold a magic remote that lets you easily control the sexual pleasure of your girlfriend, wife, or just the next lucky girl you bring home.
Regardless of how many years you and your lover may have been together…
Your possible lack of sexual experience… Yes, this will even work if you’re still a virgin…
Or even if you are certain that after sleeping with you, women have had a good laugh behind your back…
Listen, You’ve probably noticed over the last few years, that more and more women have been proudly coming out as bi-sexual, or simply admitting that they enjoy fooling around with other women from time to time… The reason for this, isn’t because they want to try and impress guys by showing off at parties, or on the dance floor… And it certainly isn’t because the idea of going home with men is no longer appealing… It’s because women are simply better in bed than 99% of all guys out there. We know each others bodies so well, that anytime I squirm… moan… or grab at the sheets… A woman knows exactly what to do next, to take that amazing sensation completely over the top. While on the other hand, most men just flop around for a few minutes… Shoot their load… And then get us drenched in their sweat, before rolling over and passing out. So is it any wonder why more and more women every day are happy to go home with each other, while you are left with nothing but a bottle of lotion and your internet porn collection? This is also why women quickly become sexually addicted to the rare kind of guy who actually knows what he’s doing, and can fully sexually satisfy us.
You’re About To Discover The Incredibly Odd Secret That Will Turn You In To Any Woman’s Fantasy Lover Almost Immediately.
And Transform You In To Her One Night Stand Dream — Every Night…
But first, you need to understand how women think about your skills in bed… Every penis in the world, no matter the size, shape, or even the angle of the erection has the potential to make your favorite positions feel mind blowingly-orgasmic, as long as you’re aware of what you’re doing. At the same time, every sexual position you get in to has what we call a “Goal”. In the Doggy style position for instance, the “Goal” it to stimulate your lovers G-Spot while you are having sex. …Incase you don’t yet know where the G-Spot is, It’s that rough patch of flesh located about 2 1/2 inches inside the front vaginal wall… This means that in the Doggy style position, if your erection is angled slightly downwards, you’re going to have a much easier time stimulating her G-Spot and achieving the “Goal” of this position, than someone who isn’t aware of this. However if your erection does not point downwards, don’t worry. There are numerous tiny modifications you can use your posture, or the position to compensate, which will allow you to effortlessly achieve your “Goals” each and every time. By simply knowing the positions, and variations of those positions that compliment your body, and your lovers body the best; you are now able to provide her with the kind of toe-curling, sheet-ripping pleasure, she’s never experienced before… Every thrust you deliver will make her body feel as though you have the absolute best cock in the world for her… The master key to her ultimate sexual satisfaction… There’s one more piece of the puzzle you’ll need to be aware of, if you truly desire to become her fantasy lover…
Women Are More Turned On By Fantasy, And How You Can Stimulate Our Imaginations Than Anything Else..
For us, it’s all about the journey… The sex is just the icing on the cake… Unfortunately, hardly any men in the world realize this… Instead, they’ll say something cheesy like “Baby, I’m gonna leave you sore for a week…” Spend 5 minutes on foreplay… And then pound away until they are out of breath, and ready to finish… Then after the guy has collapsed on the bed, I’ve got to clean myself off and bring him a glass of water before he passes out. Gee, I wonder why a lot of women are starting to prefer each other over most men… But after today, you are going to become that rare guy, who we simply cannot get enough of. We’re going to to take all of the incredible foreplay and fantasy building skills that the best female lovers in the world use to make us so horny, we can’t concentrate on anything other than ripping our clothes off, and letting you have your way with us… And fuse them with the unbelievable sex skills that only the super rare guys have… These are the same skills that makes us totally and completely sexually addicted to you… Right from the very first minute… Think about it… Once you’ve mastered these two areas you will be your woman’s sexual fantasy… Every time you’re together… Because she’ll know that there is no one else alive, who can give her more sexual pleasure than you just did… And after a full year of non-stop planning, and hard work; we are finally ready to open the doors and allow you to join a small group of students dedicated to not just becoming an amazing lover… But transform yourself in to the man that most women would fight for the chance to be with…
Whether you’re single and looking to have fun with countless young ladies…
Been in a long term committed relationship for a number of years, and want to give your lover the kind of incredible sex she deserves…
Or anywhere in between…
Here’s A Small Taste Of What You Get With The Fantasy Lover Formula
Module 1: Fantasy Seduction
You’re about to take the combined sexual knowledge and techniques of some of the greatest living lovers, and download their skills directly to your brain. Whether you’re single or in a long term relationship, we are going to share with you our secrets for making virtually any woman's panties dripping wet for you in just a matter of seconds.
Right away we’re going reverse engineer just about every single one night stand that’s ever happened…
This will let us walk you through a dead simple step-by-step system for brining virtually any woman home with you faster than you ever thought possible…
When we first uncovered this secret equation, we ended up sharing it with a few dozen of our adult industry friends… and they each agreed 100% that this is exactly what’s lead to all the one night stands they’ve had…
We’re also going to show you a special massage technique that you should use when you see her wearing a particular article of clothing… Knowing this short cut alone will turn her entire body into putty in your hands…
You’re going to discover how to use 20 seemingly innocent words you probably say all the time in a specific way, that when done correctly, will make her panties dripping wet for you, and send her libido in to over drive…
You’re then going to learn how to use the power of her imagination to stop her from being able to concentrate on anything else other than having wild, uninhibited sex with you right then and there… This may also cause her to masturbate to the though of what she’s going to do to you, the next time you’re around…
Module 2: Fantasy Foreplay
Now that you’re going to have no problem getting her sex drive higher than yours, it’s time to master some of the most amazing foreplay techniques she’ll ever experience…
Right away you’re going to discover a special kissing technique makes her clothes practically melt off her body…
As well as the trick to removing her bra with only three fingers… And what your other hand should be doing, to further build her anticipation to the point where she will be happy to get naughtier with you than she has with anyone else before…
We’re also going to show you several fingering techniques that will each give her completely different and unique kinds of orgasms.
Next, you’re going to discover over a dozen incredible oral sex techniques that were given to us directly from the top bi-sexual and lesbian performers working in the adult industry today…
And no, these aren’t the techniques you see them use on film when they have a director telling them what to do…These are the techniques they use at home when they really want to give their lovers an experience they’ll never forget.
We’re also going to give you our “Candy Store” trick, to make her taste like a different piece of delicious candy every time you go down on her… If you and you lover have been together for a long time, you’re both going to love how this simple trick spices up your sex life.
Then, we’re going to reveal to you the absolute best sex toys you can bring in to the bedroom to not only take the foreplay up to the next level… But also give her a special kind of orgasm that will actually trick her brain in to wanting to get more wild and crazy with you then she’s probably prepared for…
Module 3: Fantasy Sex
Module 3 is all about transforming yourself in to one of those rare, world-class lovers all women desperately crave… Since every penis in the world is a different size and shape. and when used correctly, any man alive can make his lover feel as though his penis is the absolute most perfect one for her body. By simply knowing the positions and variations that work best for your body, you will never again have any doubt that you are the best lover she’s ever been with. In addition to over 50 positions and their variations, you’re also going to discover:
A simple alternative to the traditional Missionary Position, that will make you feel so large inside of her, that she’ll still be feeling you up to 4 days later.
A standing position that will show her you are in complete control of her sexual pleasure, right from the very first thrust…
Tiny changes to a number of the most common positions, that will leave you both shaking with pleasure, every time…
You’re also going to discover how to trigger her “orgasm button”… This is a simple technique that can easily double the intensity and pleasure of each of her orgasms.
And our patented Tease-Please-Tease technique, which will awaken both of your bodies, and allow you to feel much more anticipation and pleasure from your favorite positions than ever before…
We’re even going to tell you three things to say to her while she’s orgasming, which will intensify her pleasure by 250%…
As well as a number of very specific thrusting rhythms, which can each give her completely different kinds of orgasms… Most men just thump away awkwardly, which will at best, give a woman just one predictable, and barely satisfying kind of orgasm….But after today, you will always keep her on her toes as to what kind of incredible release you choose to let her enjoy…
Finally, we’re going to give you a very special bonus for you as part of Module 3. We’re going to share with you the absolute best sex toys you could bring to your bedroom…
And teach you how to use them in ways that will give her the absolute most intense orgasms possible…
Module 4: Fantasy Role Play
This module is all about bringing your hottest sexual fantasies into reality. If you’ve never indulged in sexual role play or fantasy, you don’t know what you’re missing. The idea is to escape your everyday routines by stepping in to the role of someone new. The more you let yourself go, the more real it becomes… and before you know it, you’re going to find yourself experiencing all the sexy situations you and your lover only just fantasize about…
Imagine how it’s going to feel when you’re the rich and powerful CEO of a large corporation, and your secretary messes up a very important report you’ve been working on for weeks… Now she’s going to have to make it up to you, any way you instruct her to…
Or what about when the girl you’re supposed to be tutoring in anatomy, just simply isn’t getting it… And you decide to come up with some creative new ways for her to learn all about how the body works…
And what’s going to happen when the new neighbor who just moved in down the block, needs some help around the house… Only she doesn’t have any money to pay you… So it’s up to you to figure out how she can compensate you for all the work you’ve done for her.
As much fun as scenarios like these can be, they involve a ton of tiny nuances you’ll need to be aware of if you ever expect them to be as hot as you and your lover imagine…
But don’t worry, because we’re going to walk you through them all step-by-step…
Or learn everything on your own, and play the role of naughty teacher later that night when you surprise her…
You’re also going to discover over a dozen hot and steamy fantasy games to enjoy… This way, you’ll know that the sex will always be new and exciting, each and every time…
To Help you Get The Most Out Of Your Training, We’ve Decided To Include 4 Fast-Action Bonuses When You Act Right Now…
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