Paul Rhines – Eye Accessing Cue Mastery
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Eye Accessing Cues
Roger Ellerton Phd., ISP, CMC Renewal Technologies Inc.
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Have you ever noticed that people’s eyes move when they are thinking? This valuable information can give us clues about whether people are thinking in images, sounds, feelings, or talking to themselves. Also, it provides information about their preferred representational systems.
William James, Principles of Psychology (1890), first suggested that internal representations could be linked to eye movements. This observation was not explored further until the 1970’s when Richard Bandler, John Grinder, Robert Dilts and others conducted further experimentation in this area.
Neurological research shows that eye movements both vertically and laterally are associated with activating different brain parts. These movements are called lateral eyes movements (LEM) in the neurological literature. NLP calls them eye accessing clues, because they provide insight into how people access information.
These questions will help you understand how your eyes work. Each question requires you to think about the answer and notice how your eyes move.
What’s the color of your front door
What do you see yourself as in 15 years?
What is your favorite music?
What would your voice sound with marbles in it?
What voice do you use when you speak to yourself?
How does it feel to take a warm bath?
Notice how your eyes tended to look up during the first two questions. Then, for the second and third questions, you looked to the side. Finally, you looked down for the last two. You will notice that your eyes tend to move in the following ways: If you make a picture, to the side for the next two questions, to the side for the next two questions, and to the side for the last two questions.
More specifically, if your are right-You may have noticed this if you are handed (for people who use their left hand, swap left and right in these words):
Question 1 – eyes up and to your left. This is a question about something you have seen before and hence you remembered it — visual remembered (VR).
Question 2 – eyes up and to your right. This is a question about something that I assume you have not seen before and hence you constructed this picture – visual constructed (VC).
Question 3 – eyes on the horizontal plane to your left. This is a question about something you have heard before – auditory remembered (AR).
Question 4 – eyes on the horizontal plane to your right. This is a question about something you have not heard before – auditory constructed (AC).
Question 5 – eyes down and to the left. This is a question about your self talk – auditory digital (Ad).
Question 6 – eyes down and to the right. This question is about your feelings – kinesthetic (K).
Note: If you’re right, the above eye patterns show how your eyes would move.-handed. The following image shows the eye patterns of a right.-handed person as you look at them – please note this distinction. These patterns are consistent across all races with the possible exception of Basques who seem to have some exceptions to this rule. For many left-Handled people: The chart is reversed, i.e. Mirror image
Eye Chart of Patterns
Look at the Other Person
NLP Eye Accessing Cues
If you would like to have some fun with your friends or family, here are some other questions you can take turns asking each other – or you can make up your own.
Visual Remembered
What was the color of the shirt that you wore yesterday?
Which one of your friends has the longest hair?
Visual Constructed
What would your bedroom look like if it were decorated with yellow and large purple circles in the middle?
Imagine the top half a tiger sitting on the bottom of an elephant.
The Auditory is Remembered
What does your best friend’s voice sound like?
Which one is louder? Your doorbell or your telephone?
Auditory Constructed
What will your voice sound like 10 years from now?
Imagine if you played two of your favourite pieces of music simultaneously.
Auditory Digital
What are you most proud of?
What do you think about this article?
Is it possible to walk on the beach barefoot?
What does it feel like to rub your hands on sandpaper with your fingertips?
People’s Eyes do not Always Move
Sometimes people’s eyes do not move and this may be due to:
Talk to rule: Some people are known for their look to talk rule. This means that if you make eye contact with them, their eyes will not move at all. This could be because they are defocusing their attention so that their eyes focus on you. ‘internal’ The eye can point in the right direction.
Near-term memory. If the answer to your question is yes,-Known to the person (i.e. What is their name? If it is a recent observation, they don’t need to search and their eyes won’t move.
Use Eye To assess Truthfulness or Congruence, Patterns
If someone is describing something they’ve seen or heard, then the eyes should be able to move towards visual or auditory remembered. However, if someone is making up something, then their eyes may move to visual or auditory constructed. This means that they are creating some part of the situation. This could indicate that they are unsure or not truthful about their thoughts.
Don’t assume someone is lying. Let’s say you ask me a question about something I have never considered before. To form an answer, I might need to examine or hear a few pieces of information that is not familiar. If this were the case, my eyes would likely be drawn to either visual or auditory construction as I was constructing an answer.
Lead and preferred representational systems
People develop a habitual eye movement that is related to their preferred representational system and lead.
I am right-My lead system is auditory-digital. If you asked me the colour of the front door, I would tell you that my eyes would go first to my left, (auditory digital), then to my right (visual remember). Why? Because I would first repeat the question to make sense (audio digital) and then find the answer (visually remembered).
Similar to this, if my lead system is visual, and I asked you how it felt to be in warm bath, your brain would likely create a picture of what the bath looks like (visually remembered), before actually experiencing the sensation.
Your preferred representational system (visual, auditory, or kinesthetic) is the one you use to understand and organize an experience. When I speak to someone, or give a presentation, I notice their eyes going up to visual. Even if they are not using visual words and pictures, this could indicate that they are using visual internal representations. If their eyes track on the horizontal plane, they may be processing sounds and preferring auditory representations. If their eyes are moving down, they might be processing kinesthetically (or making sense of what I’m saying) or auditory digital. If their eyes are also going to the right, they may be right-Handed, their preferred representational method is most likely kinesthetic.
Reading can help you build confidence Eye Accessing Cues
There are many ways to practice reading the eye access cues. Here are two:
With their permission, practice with friends. Watch your friends’ eye access cues and then confirm your observations with them.
You can watch talk shows on TV. Make sure that it is not prerecorded. It’s a great way of practicing as you can just stare at the people and not be bothered by them. It is important to notice if you can find a correlation between the person’s appearance and the predicates that they use. if the person’s eyes are looking up, do they tend to use more visual words?
NLP is so much more!
Author: Roger Ellerton is an NLP certified trainer, certified management coach and founder and managing partner for Renewal Technologies. This article is based upon his book, Live Your Dreams. Reality Catchup: NLP and Common Sense For Coaches, Managers, and You.
Copyright © 2004, Renewal Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
Roger Ellerton Books and Ebooks
Roger Ellerton has created the following ebooks and books. Click on the image or the links below to take you to a specific book on your country’s Amazon site.
NLP and Common Sense: Coaching, Managers, and You covers the basics of NLP. It is an excellent resource for managers, coaches, and anyone who wants to learn NLP.
The 5 Step Action Plan to Live Your Dreams and Make Reality Happen is a guideline for helping you achieve your goals, or coaching others.
Parents’ Handbook: NLP and Common Sense Guide for Family Well-Being provides effective ways to improve your communication with your children and your children’s communication with you, their teachers and friends. Additionally, you will learn how to support your child at school and other places.
Win-Win Influence: How You Can Enhance Your Personal and Professional Relationships offers proven strategies to help you be the difference in creating better outcomes in your career, life, or anywhere two or more people meet.
Self-Publishing Your Book: A Guide to First-Time and DIY Authors shares insight and experiences based upon my mistakes and lessons learned during the writing and publication of eight books.
Roger Ellerton has compiled a series of articles on NLP and Personal Development Thoughts. Volumes 1 and 2, each have 15 articles. Some articles will help you understand basic NLP concepts while others will challenge how you think and view the world.
NLP Techniques Anyone can Use provides ten examples of NLP processes that demonstrate the potential and breadth of NLP.
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