Mitchell Gibson – The Solar Video Attunements
Ancient people in every culture and religion knew that sunlight was the key to true spiritual growth and evolution. The ancient Incas, the Egyptians, the Essenes, Hindus, Greeks, Romans, Chinese, Native Americans, and Zoroastrians would gaze at the sun during certain times of the day, recite special prayers, and perform certain hand gestures in order to absorb the light of the sun. Mainstream science tends to dismiss these practices as the primitive gestures of primitive people. My response to this belief is:
Science is a very young way of looking at the universe.
Our followers know that sunlight is the key to true spiritual growth. One of the main blocks to taking in sunlight has been the very fact that sunlight can harm the eyes. If you look at sunlight at the wrong time, you can seriously damage your eyes. If you look at it too long, you can go blind. My teacher Gene Savoy, told me that he could look at the sun through a telescope lens without damaging his eyes. If an uninitiated person were to even attempt this for a second, serious eye damage would ensue. I have practiced solar gazing for more than 25 years and I can look at full on noon time sun in the Arizona desert for 20 minutes with no damage to my eyes. Again, to the average person, this would mean blindness.
The Solar Video Attunements are designed to address the question of safety, efficiency, and convenience of solar viewing. This product utilizes a new trance inducing video technology that allows for the creation of the all important solar hypnotic trance that is necessary for the proper consumption of sunlight. If you just look up and gaze at the sun without the proper frame of mind, you will not get very much from the experience. The sun is and intelligent being that knows you. It knows when you are looking, and when you are not. If you allow yourself to adopt the proper frame of mind while sungazing, your results will be magnified greatly.
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