Mindvalley – Super Brain – Jimi Kwik + bonus
This Program is a Good Idea
The Superbrain Quest is an accelerated learning curriculum designed to activate your brain’s limitless potential. Jim, Master Mind Trainer Kwik A 30-Day adventure to a bulletproof memory and unshakeable focus. Whether you’re a professional, entrepreneur, student, or just someone looking to unlock the full power of your mind – you’ll experience life-You can achieve great things in your career, and personal growth by overcoming every inner limitation that could hold you back.
Jim Kwik
Are You a Good Person? Brain Are You Ready for the Next Stage of Human Evolution?
Information is the new king in 21st century. More books, apps and courses are being published than ever before. Information technology is growing at an alarming rate. It also brings with it higher expectations for those who steer the ship: us.
But here’s the challenge: for most of us, school taught us what to learn and not how to learn. What is the result? Our brain’s raw processing power has been severely limited. We’re not thinking, remembering, and focusing anywhere near our real potential. Those of us who are able to think, remember, and focus have a huge advantage in this new world.
Meta learning is the process of learning how to learn. Jim Kwik is the world’s foremost expert in training you in meta learning. In just 30 days, these mind shifts and exercises will transform how you process and absorb information.
Welcome to the future!
Instructor Profile
Meet Your Superbrain Coach
Jim Kwik’s traumatic childhood brain injuries inspired him to dedicate his life to mastering the human brain. Today he is one of the world’s most in-Celebrities, top performers, and professionals demand accelerated learning experts – for clients such as Harvard, Nike and Virgin. We’re lucky to have secured Jim’s time from his busy schedule to create this Superbrain Quest for the Mindvalley community – and we can’t wait to see what it does for you.
As Seen On:
Jim’s cutting-edge learning techniques has garnered the attention of the world’s extraordinary thinkers.
Jim is highly sought-after by NASA, Virgin, Nike and Nike.-out trainer for the world’s top organizations.
He was no longer a human being. “the boy with the broken brain” to the man who trains Hollywood’s superheroes.
Your Superbrain: The 5 Pillars
Jim combines today’s best neuroscience, speed learning, and peak performance techniques to upgrade your brain into a Superbrain in five key areas:
1. Supercharged Memory
Names, facts, birthdays, anniversaries, shopping lists, passwords – how much easier will your life be when you’re recalling all this information at the snap of a finger?
2. Supercharged relationships
Your Superbrain can help you connect with others and amplify your charisma and personality at work and at home.
3. Supercharged Processing Power
Your Superbrain can be eliminated to make it easier for you to think faster, focus better, and make decisions quicker.
4. Supercharged Learning
You can finish a book three times faster and remember every word. You can learn a new language in record-breaking time. You can master any skill quickly. You can become a better person in every way.
5. Living a Supercharged Life
Be free from inner resistance and be a good friend to yourself-Stop allowing sabotage to ruin your life. You can eat healthier. Exercise better. You can see a better version of yourself in the mirror.
The Revolutionary can elevate your learning experience Mindvalley Learning Platform
The Mindvalley Quests’ learning platform combines community power with daily micro-learning-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.
The World’s Best Teachers On One Platform
From philosophers such as Ken Wilber or Alan Watts to transformative teachers such as Robin Sharma and Neale Trump Walsch. Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.
Deep Transformation in Just 15 to 20 Minutes a Day
Leading companies now use it-Micro-businesses and edge schools,-Learning is the best way to grow personally for busy people. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.
We’re All In This Together
The Mindvalley Quests platform offers multiple ways for you to interact and collaborate-Create with fellow students. Imagine thousands of people like you-You will find like-minded people from over 100 countries supporting you, inspiring and holding you responsible for your greatest success.
How the Quest App works
1. The Superbrain Quest can be started with the community on February 17, 2020. Or you can go at your own pace.
2. Daily guidance will be sent for 30 days.
3. Only 15 minutes can make a huge difference in your growth.-20 minutes per day
Program Information
The Superbrain Quest Curriculum
Jim Kwik’s Superbrain Quest is a whole brain training specifically designed for rapid and lasting learning. Every step of the training will involve you actively.
You are Superbrain!
your guide Jim Kwik
Use the FAST method to quickly learn anything
The quest
How to take notes
Learn what learning is all about. Start to explore new avenues of learning. Also, you will gain a better understanding of memory. Jim will be there to tell his story.
Highlights include:
You will be able to understand key concepts like MOM and Sun.
Ten little-known factors that affect memory.
Learn long lists quickly and keep them in your memory forever.
And so much more…
Sign up for the Program
A Superbrain Can Last A Lifetime Brain
Harvard Medical School says that stimulating exercises can stimulate the brain and create new brain cells.
This results in a neurological change. “plasticity” in your brain, and helps protect you from future brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and Dementia. And so The Superbrain Quest isn’t just an investment in your present: but also in shaping a healthier, sharper, more productive brain in all stages of your life.
What students have to say
What Jim’s Students Have to Say Kwik Superbrain Quest
“The biggest gain I have is that I now have the belief that I can have a good memory”
The greatest benefit I have received from the [program] The best part is that I believe I can keep a good memory. It’s a matter of learning how to remember better. It used to be difficult for me to find my car. I used to spend over an hour walking around the parking lot. I can now find my car easily. I used to struggle with names and faces. I now can remember names of people I’ve just met without much effort. I feel so confident knowing that my memory will be fine as long as we work on it.
Cindia Chau-Boon
Unionville, Canada
“I am now actually reading the books that are on my bookshelves – a new thing for me”
I am now actually reading the books on my bookshelves. That was a first for me, and another reason why I liked the speed reading class. From starting the reading course last year I finished my first novel in May, which was the first novel that I’d read in more than 20 years. I finished 13 novels by the end and had a renewed passion for reading. I added nonfiction to my reading list at the end of last yea.-Fiction is also a favorite genre and we set a goal to read one nonfiction book this year.-fiction plus 2-Also, each month I read three fiction books. I’m thrilled to announce that I have completed my 21st book this year, since the start of 2014. It’s a wonderful sense of accomplishment and I’m enjoying it so much.
Rochester, New York, USA
“I am able to learn students’ names much faster!!!”
I am a teacher. Learning my students’ names at the beginning of the year has always been something I’ve struggled with. Using your tips for remembering names, I am able to learn students’ names much faster!!! It’s so important for developing connections with my students.
Townsville, Australia
“I had speed-read the report, quite way ahead of my team members”
My team was reading an incident report. I had speed-I had just finished the report and was reading it faster than my team members. It was a perfect state when my manager looked me in the eye, and asked, “Why are you not reading the report?” This was when I proudly told him that I had completed it.
Jim Kwik’s Techniques Have Inspired Some Of The Best Minds In The World
Join Now & Get 4 FREE Bonus Features
Bonus Training Video 1
How to Overcome Procrastination
These five easy steps will help you beat procrastination no matter how stubborn or quick your brain may be.
Bonus Training Video 2
The 8 Cs of Muscle Memory
Find a simple framework to use muscle memory to your benefit, so you can absorb more and do more, while using less energy.
Bonus Training Video 3
Remembering Your Dreams
Your dreams can contain important messages. These six steps will help you decipher the messages from your dreams every morning.
Bonus Training Video 4
Speed Reading
Find out how to instantly speed up your reading speed by learning tips and techniques.
Special Introductory Offer:
Join Now & Enjoy 55% Off
We believe the Superbrain curriculum has the power to change the way humanity learns, works, and grows – and we’re beyond excited to launch it for the first time ever on our Quests learning platform.
How do we celebrate? Of course, we give you a discount of 55% on your enrollment fees
However, you must enroll before February 17, 2020.
Click on the Add-To-Use the Cart Button below to try Jim Kwik’s Superbrain Quest Now
Here’s everything you get when you join Superbrain Quest today:
Access to the 30 for life-Day Quest is designed to activate your Superbrain.
Join thousands of others to begin the journey to your Superbrain starting February 3, 2020.
FREE Warm-Up Exercises prior to the Quest’s start
Get FREE Bonus Training Videos at End of Quest
You have lifetime access to Superbrain Facebook Community
FREE mobile app (iOS & Android) so you can experience it anywhere, anytime.
Get an iPad app for free to use on your Apple iPad.
Get daily guidance–video and audio coaching from Jim Kwik For 30 days.
A group of vibrant people can support each other and provide community support.-Students who are open-minded
Unconditional 10-Day money-There is a back guarantee that you will get if you don’t like the course.
Award-You will always be taken care of by our customer service team.
Plus FREE Bonuses Worth $1059
Bonus Training Video 1 – Overcoming Procrastination
These five easy steps will help you beat procrastination no matter how stubborn or quick your brain may be.
Bonus Training Video 2 – Your 8 Cs to Muscle Memory
You can use your muscle memory to your advantage by creating a framework that allows you to absorb more information and do more with less effort.
Bonus Training Video 3 – Remembering Your Dreams
Your dreams can contain important messages. These six steps will help you decipher the messages from your dreams every morning.
Bonus Training Video 4 Speed Reading
Find out how to instantly speed up your reading speed by learning tips and techniques.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected]
or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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