Mindvalley Quest – Longevity Blueprint – Ben Greenfield
Does it ever feel like your body, your health, and your energy levels just aren’t quite what they used to be?
Do you feel that every aspect of your health seems to be getting worse year after année?
You could be a fitness enthusiast in decent physical shape – but you’re beginning to notice that you need to exercise longer and harder than usual just to maintain your strength (only to feel more beat up, sore and exhausted the next day).
You could also be a successful and productive executive, but making time to exercise to maintain a healthy waistline is a sacrifice of another part your life.
Or you could be in your later years – but you’re not enjoying your free time the way you imagined, because you just don’t have the energy and strength you once had, or worse still, you’re finding yourself spending more and more time nursing new aches and pains.
Ben Greenfield
Whichever category you fall in, chances are you’ve thought to yourself:
“Well, that’s just age catching up.
This is just part of life, I guess…”
While it’s true that aging is a natural biological process our bodies will go through…
What isn’t natural are our beliefs about HOW we age.
Muscle loss
Diminished energy levels
Aching joints
Stamina reduced
Broken bones
Inequal posture
Dulled skin
Our post contains all of the above, and more.-How to be an industrial society. “growing old” what it should look and feel like. That no matter who you are, eventually, we’ll all be relegated to being weak, frail, and lethargic in our later years.
Yet, there are specific communities around the world that completely defy this convention…
Decoding The Lifestyle Of World’s
The Healthiest and Happiest Centenarians
Okinawa, Japan | Sardinia, Italy | Loma Linda, California | Nicoya, Costa Rica | Ikaria, Greece
Longevity Certain regions in the world are known as the “The” because scientists have long been intrigued by them. “Blue Zones”The highest percentage of centenarians in a community is found in, the largest relative to its population.
But these individuals aren’t just living long.
They’re living well. They’re thriving. They’re savoring life. They’re vibrant, robust and healthy, and remain physically active well into their 70s, 80s, 90s and even into their 100s. And most importantly, they’re happy and deeply fulfilled.
After decades of study, researchers began to piece together the puzzle behind these communities’ remarkable longevity and wellbeing.
They are often active in light physical activities such as walking, biking, fishing, and hiking. However, they also engage in short bursts with harder labor like farming, building fences, or lifting heavy objects.
They are exposed to sunlight daily and have easy access to clean water.
They are very fond of communal life and for building strong relationships with family and friends.
What you won’t find in these communities are people exercising for hours in the gym or having regular appointments in a beauty spa.
The question is: Is it possible for us to implement these holistic practices in our busy lives?
The key is in…
Combine Ancient Wisdom and Modern Wisdom The Recent Cutting-Edge Science In Body Performance & Optimization
It’s the best of both worlds.
The Longevity Blueprint Quest Combining many of the times-Traditions of the tested “Blue Zone” Communities that are the most cutting-edge-Performance science at the cutting edge
The result: Powerful and quick fitness protocols that naturally triggers physiological changes in your body for a complete and total transformation of your entire wellbeing — from your strength and your mobility, to your energy levels and your longevity, and more.
What you won’t find in this Quest These are the most sought-after hard-You will feel exhausted, sore and sweaty after a core gym workout.
Because the truth of the matter is, not only do these workouts (which have become so trendy in the fitness world today) rarely work in the long run…
… Science has repeatedly shown that they can do more harm than good.
The Dangerous Myth The It’s long and hard.
If you can just run that extra mile, push that extra rep, endure an extra workout, then you’ll inevitably get closer to that trim, ripped, healthy body you’ve fantasized about for years.
At least, that’s what we’ve been told.
However, science has shown that strenuous exercise can lead to widespread inflammation, damage to your cardiovascular system, and erode your joints. This can make you older than your chronological age.
The Truth is, you cannot. “out-fitness” Your way to good health.
You will experience a complete transformation
Your Wellbeing In 4 Key Categories
Most fitness programs today tend to only focus on just one thing — Your physical fitness.
Even then, it might only cover one aspect of your fitness such as muscle strength or cardio or flexibility.
The Longevity QuestHowever, it is intended to provide a complete wellbeing transformation that covers four key pillars.
Longevity – Fitness
Longevity – Health
Longevity Beauty
Take this Quest You Will…
Increase Functional Strength
Create a strong body that can move the way nature intended.
Develop Healthier Joints
Get back to the things that you love, without any chronic pains or aches.
Reverse your biological age
Feel, move, and look younger than your chronological years.
Turbocharge Your Metabolism
Your body can be made into a fat-Burning machine all day
Accelerate Recovery
You can quickly recover from muscle pain and heal injuries.
Deep Rejuvenating Sleep
You will feel like a baby when you sleep and feel like a million dollars when you wake up every morning.
Enjoy Limitless Energy
You can pursue your passions and goals with no signs of lethargy.
Activate Your Immune System
Dramatically enhance your body’s resiliency to illness or disease.
Naturally correct your posture
Reducing your risk of injury will help you project a positive, healthy image.
Science Is Adding More Years To Your Life…
Are You Adding more? “Life” Into Your Years?
Researchers from Singularity University predicted in a lecture that medical advances would continue to increase our lifespan year after year.
According to scientists, every year that you live, science will extend your life expectancy by three months.
By 2030, it could be almost one year for each year that you live.
The Our life expectancy will increase, that’s the truth. And for many of us, and certainly our children, seeing our 100s may be far more common than you’d expect.
But while science is adding more years to our lives…
… It’s up to you to determine how much life you add into your years.
Would you rather settle for today’s common belief about what it means to grow? Where you’re plagued by aching joints and muscular pain? A place where diminished strength and mobility are accepted as normal?
Where you’re watching life happen from the sidelines instead of experiencing it?
Or would it be better to enjoy every moment with youthful energy and vigor?
If you say “yes” To the latter, Longevity Blueprint QuestA complete wellness transformation lasting 48 days that will improve your fitness, health, beauty, and longevity.
Meet Your Biohacking Coach: Ben Greenfield
From athletes from the NHL and the NFL, to top CEOs and endurance competitors – when the world’s top performers want to take their mental and physical performance to the peak of their abilities, they turn to renowned biohacker, and body and brain performance coach, Ben Greenfield.
Ben discovered at 34 that his biological age was much higher than his chronological age and that his body was losing its strength faster than he thought.
Ben was a tireless self-starter for the next two decades.-experimenter and has subjected his body to countless of biohacks to see whether he could not only slow down aging — But to reverse it.
Today, at the age of 36, Ben has a biological age of just 20 –
This is a profound 16-year change. The best thing was that he didn’t have to use expensive equipment and they weren’t difficult to do. He also did not take too long to see the results.
In short, these were hacks that anyone — no matter their age or current fitness level — could do.
This is how it works QuestBen will be sharing his top strategies, biohacks, and most effective techniques to help you take your wellbeing to new heights.
As Seen On:
Ben is one of three people who have completed 9 of the most difficult Spartan races in one year.
Ben’s Telomere test shows at the age of 36, his body functions like a 20 year old.
Ben shares his wisdom with 400 Mindvalley Students at A-Fest.
What You’ll Learn
The Longevity Blueprint Quest
Science-Based Strategies to Enhanced Fitness
Beauty and Health Longevity
The Longevity Blueprint Quest is NOT a gym workout program, so you so you won’t be chained to long, grueling routines. Instead, you can use this. Quest It is simple-To-Follow this process to improve your overall health and create a body that feels great, looks great, and lasts a lifetime.
For 7 weeks, you’ll join Ben Greenfield in a series of quick daily lessOns, designed to simulate a private 1-on-1 session with Ben, which normally costs upwards to $4,997 per month and has a waitinglist booked months in advance.
Each session, you’ll discover a simple strategy, technique, or biohack that’s fun and easy to incorporate into your schedule as a regular habit to quickly level up one key aspect of your overall wellness.
On top of that, you’ll get workout demo videos showing you exactly how to do all the exercises in the Quest so you don’t risk an injury trying to figure it out yourself.
Whether you’re a busy executive looking to maximize your health and fitness without sacrificing your time or someone in your golden years looking to heal and inject more energy into your day, you’ll quickly be able to achieve your health goals in shortest time possible.
Ben Greenfield working out
Mindvalley’s fitness specialists, Ronan Oliveira working out
Mindvalley’s fitness specialists, Ivan Nikolov working out
Ben Greenfield, with the supporting Longevity Blueprint Instructors, Ronan Oliveira, Head of the Health & Fitness Division at Mindvalley Ivan Nikolov, Tribe Facilitator.
5 Reasons You’ll Love The Longevity
Blueprint Quest
01. Simple, fun and quick-Efficient Practices
This includes every aspect Quest This program is based on the principle of Minimal Effective Dose. It will give you powerfully efficient practices that increase your health, beauty, longevity, and fitness in a short time. You can have the body you want while still having time to enjoy your new body.
02. Rapid and efficient Habit Formation
This book will teach you how to use the strategies without requiring you to exert a lot of willpower. Quest. Our cutting-edge behavioral psychology is combined with powerful behavioral psychology.-Edge Quest learning platform, all of the strategies you’ll learn will naturally become ingrained into life-long habits that you’ll actually love and look forward to.
03. Long-Lasting Transformation
While the techniques you’ll learn will take you no more than a few minutes to do each day, they are not “quick-fixes” They only bring about temporary changes. These methods are scientifically proven and thoroughly researched to bring about permanent changes in your physiology on a cellular level. This will allow you to experience powerful transformations that last a lifetime.
04. It’s suitable for all ages and all body types
It doesn’t matter what stage of life you’re at, or what your current fitness levels are, the techniques you’ll experience are designed for everyone. All protocols, from the quick biohacks to the short workout routines, have been scientifically validated and can be used by anyone.
05. Trusted By Top Performers
Ben has long been a leading authority in the biohacking, health & fitness, and longevity communities, with hundreds of thousands of raving students and fans across the globe. From world-class athletes from the NHL or NFL to high-ranking executives from Fortune 500 companies, Ben has it all.-performing individuals like CEOs and professional poker players — many of the world’s top performers look to Ben to bring out the best versions of themselves. This Quest This is the cheapest and most accessible way to be a part of these elite performers and to elevate all aspects of your well-being to the highest possible level.
The Longevity Blueprint Quest Schedule
The Preparation is the key to the success of your first week. Before we jump into exercise, you’ll learn more about the Quest What you should do to prepare for the coming weeks.
You’ll also take the first benchmark test to check your current fitness levels so you can measure your progress at the end of the Quest.
Highlights include:
How to find the perfect balance of strength and muscle mass to increase longevity
How to increase mitochondrial density (the energy produced in your cells) for cardio fitness and stamina.
How to transform your body into a fat-burning machine-Your metabolic efficiency can be used to burn calories and increase your metabolism.
These are key ideas to help you speed up your recovery and quickly get rid of soreness.
What students have to say
What people think about Ben Greenfield
“I had lost over 100 pounds, identified 2 major health issues and cured 3 others”
I was 51 years of age and #340 pounds when I found myself in a Doctor’s office. This Whitecoat informed me that it was clear that I needed Bariatric Bypass Surgery. Also, that I was extremely obese. I lost more than 100 pounds, had 2 major health problems identified, and was able to cure 3 other issues (GERD, IBS, and Acid Reflux) a year later. Yes, I was cured. I got rid of the root cause and completed a triathlon. Two and a half years later, I finished Ironman Canada.
Jim McIntosh
“In medical school we are taught nothing like this”
It makes me ashamed to be a medical doctor. In medical school we are taught nothing like this… and that’s real shame… I really feel whole medical science is focusing much on disease and pathology. Instead the focus has to be health, fitness & longevity….
Dr. Jitendra Tanna
Assistant Professor, GMERS Medical College Junagadh (India)
“I now feel more healthy on many more levels than just fitness”
His exercises helped me to eliminate lower back pain. This was so important for me because chronic back pain could have severely limited my ability to do my job and limit my activities.
Christine Buckley
Washington Chapter of the Barefoot Runners Society
“I’ve changed my diet tremendously and learned more recovery techniques along the way”
I’m also a PE teacher and I’ve been able to incorporate many fitness variables into my class curriculum. I’ve seen my classes get into better shape and learn to appreciate physical fitness more.
Eric Hisaw
“Ben has been pivotal in changing my lifestyle and helping me achieve my fitness goals”
I was experiencing severe hip/lower back pain. It prevented me running and any other continuous movement for more than 10 mins. Since following Ben’s exercises I have reduced my hip pain. I was able complete the Echo Triathlon. I finished 12th overall and 3rd in my age division.
Julia Kyte
Seattle, USA
“I love the variety of tools I now have for a full effective minimum dose exercise regime”
I no longer have to second guess if I’m doing the right thing. I’ve learnt so much more in-depth knowledge and I’m delighted this quest has given me the tools for a life of health and vitality.
Thank you to everyone in this tribe for sharing the love and passion of health.
Melisa Bassett
New Zealand
Get the most out of your learning experience The Revolutionary Mindvalley Learning Platform
The Mindvalley Quests Learning Platform combines the power and community of daily microlearning.-learning, and the world’s best teachers to give you a dramatically more immersive and transformational personal growth experience than ever before.
The World’s Best Teachers On One Platform
From philosophers such as Ken Wilber or Alan Watts to transformational teachers such as Robin Sharma and Neale Trump Walsch. Mindvalley Quests curates the wisdom of humanity’s greatest minds to elevate every area of your life.
An easy shortcut to deep transformation
Useful now by the leading-Edge schools and micro-companies,-For busy people, learning is the best personal growth tool. By engaging in daily bite-sized actions and exercises, you’ll experience massive results with minimal effort – and be 500% more likely to complete your curriculum compared to traditional courses.
We’re All In This Together
The Mindvalley Quests platform offers multiple ways for you to interact and collaborate-Create with fellow students. Imagine thousands of people like you-You will find like-minded people from over 100 countries supporting you, inspiring and holding you responsible for your greatest success.
How The Quest App Works
1. Then, you can begin the Mindvalley Longevity Blueprint Quest With the community, 30 March 2020
One community, one start date: we’ll move towards the finish line together, as we support and uplift each other every step of the way.
2. For 7 weeks, you will receive daily guidance
Regular check-ins with a supportive online group.-Your ins Mindvalley Tribe Facilitator on our private Facebook page – you’re never alone.
3. Our powerful, short-term transformational lessons can help you grow tremendously
Your video lessons can be viewed for 20 minutes per day. Next, start practicing every day.
Our Commitment to Affordableness
Our goal at Mindvalley It is to improve the education system worldwide. To spread transformative lifelong education to everyone on the planet.
Because we believe in elevating the lives of billions/helping others rock their greatest lives, we’ve designed the Longevity Blueprint Quest to elevate fitness, health, beauty and longevity for a complete wellbeing transformation at a more affordable price than you’ll find anywhere else.
Take the average person who spends $600-$700 per year on a gym membership. Only a small percentage of those people use it after the first few month, according to the latest reports.
And then you add in the cost of a personal trainer that charges anywhere between $100-$150 per hour, and you’re looking at a yearly investment of thousands of dollars that only scratches the surface of ONE aspect of your entire wellbeing, your fitness… (which is usually approached in a very inefficient and ineffective way).
However, since the Quest happens online in a group setting (without sacrificing on the personal touch, thanks to our immersive Quests platform) – we’ve been able to drive that cost way down for you.
And so this transformational experience won’t cost you $3,000, or $2,000 or even $1,000; but just a one-For a lifetime of optimal well-being, a time investment of $449 is required. You won’t find this complete life shift for this price anywhere else.
You’re Protected By Mindvalley’s Unconditional 10-Day Money-Back Guarantee
The Longevity Blueprint Quest can transform your health in so many different ways… But the only way to find out if it’s right for you is to try it yourself. Get our 10-day free trial-Free guarantee This means that you have 10 days to test the product. Quest, learn Ben’s lessons, do the exercises, and put it all to test.
If it’s not for you, just go to Refund Page for a full, fast, and friendly refund. All you need to do is submit one quick form, and you’ll get all your money back within 7 to 10 working days. It’s that simple.
Kristi Anier
Customer Happiness Manager
Special Offer For Masterclass Participants:
Enroll Now & Enjoy $650 Off
Sign up for our latest program. Longevity Masterclass with Ben Greenfield. This was a major step towards becoming a better person in all aspects.
That was only the beginning. Now, we’d like to encourage you to take it all the way with an exclusive $650 discount on the Mindvalley Longevity Blueprint Quest.
Yes, it is the whole Quest Now you can get this for $449 instead of $1099.
You can get this discount by signing up on this page before the offer expires. Also, our 10 percent discount is still available.-Guaranteed for a day – allows you to test a substantial portion of the Quest before deciding if it’s for you.
Get Your Password Now The Mindvalley Longevity Blueprint Quest
Here’s everything you get when you enroll:
Access to the 48-day archive for a lifetime Longevity Blueprint Quest Ben Greenfield, the biohacker and longevity specialist.
Join thousands of others on the 30 March 2020 journey to a fitter and healthier you.
Mobile app available for free (compatible with iOS or Android), so you can enjoy it anywhere and anytime.
Free iPad App to Use on Your Apple iPad
Support for the community and group mastermind with a lively group of like-minded people-You can be a leader among students.
A unconditional 10-Day money-There is a back guarantee that you will get if you don’t like the course.
Transformative experience Mindvalley’s Quest platform.
A digital certificate can be purchased for an additional $50 to confirm your completion.
BONUS: A Guide To Deeper Sleep & Healthy Diet. Ronan Oliveira, Head of the Health & Fitness Division at Mindvalley This book will show you how to optimize your health by eating better and easy ways to improve your sleeping habits.
BONUS: Done-For-There are many Workout Programs. ‘light’ ‘full’ versions to fit anyone’s schedule and fitness goals.
Try it out and If you don’t think this is for you just visit mindvalley.com/refund and fill the 3-Minute Self-Use the Service Refund Formula to request a reimbursement.
PRE-ORDER BONUS-Recorded group coaching call
You will receive three Pre-paid tickets as a bonus.-Recorded Group Coaching call with Ben Greenfield. One-An hour with Ben costs $1,297, but members of the quest get it for FREE.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected]
or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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