Mindvalley, Psalm Isadora – Tantra Touch 2019
This course is for fans and friends alike. Psalm IsadoraHer life and greatest work. And especially if…
A) You’re single You are looking to rediscover and enhance your sexuality to find the man or woman you desire.
B) You’re in a relationship and want to go beyond the typical boundaries of intimacy & pleasure.
C) You’re married Feel like you need a spark in your relationship to rediscover the honeymoon phase.
Every day, men and women are reconnecting… repairing the bonds with their loved ones… rediscovering the passion in their relationships and recreating the life of their dreams.
When you’re ready to join them, this is the most important page you’ll ever read.
Here’s why…
Psalm Isadora
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We are taught to be ashamed of sexuality by the world we live.
To be embarrassed by our most natural desires. To supress what we feel is wholesome and natural, to ignore our passions and pretend they don’t exist.
We’re conditioned to disconnect from ourselves, our partners, from the rest of the world.
Because intimacy and sex are supposed to be together “dirty”. Shameful. Embarrassing.
I was raised in a household where intimacy and sex were strictly forbidden. After witnessing the horrors and suffering of the Vietnam War, my parents moved to the country and raised me in a log cabin.
It was beautiful, but there was also a dark side. It was as dark as you can imagine.
When I was young, I experienced sexual trauma like no other. And my mother said the same thing to me.
My heavenly life became a nightmare at this point.
Everything has been turned upside-down.
I became a happy, joyful person.-From a loving girl to a depressed young lady.
I rebelled against everyone, and everything.
Where I was a devout christian, I disavowed God when I thought he wasn’t listening.
Where I used to be a clean, young girl, I fell into the world of drugs, drinking, and sex.
At 17 I fled my home and got pregnant. My 20s were filled with drugs, sex, and alcohol to ease the pain.
Because there was no alternative outlet.
It was impossible to let go of my emotions.
I didn’t have a way to communicate what I felt so I held it in my heart.
I was finally diagnosed with mania as well as bipolar disorder and placed on medication.
That helped, but the medication made everything… flat. I felt nothing.
I was completely and completely paralysed. I didn’t even have the energy to get out of bed some days.
I can recall my son asking me to read a bedtime story to him.
But I was so tired and lethargic I asked him to come again later, almost as if it were a sale.
I felt horrible, but I didn’t know how to do anything more.
Things were about get worse.
We were constantly broke and almost got evicted. I was almost homeless when I decided to try street drugs.
I was still taking Lithium but the combination with drugs like Crystal meth was deadly.
I was unable to afford the treatment and ended up in the hospital emergency department.
I couldn’t call my parents, I had no friends I could count on, I felt truly alone.
I knew exactly what I needed to do.
I knew if I kept repeating this cycle, I’d end up dead – sooner rather than later.
Something had to change.
It is as if it were yesterday.
Sitting up on my hospital bed gurney.
But for a paper-The back of the gown was exposed.
I put my hands together in a prayer for myself. A conversation with myself… or whoever might be listening.
I thought to myself “Psalm, this has to stop. You are going to put one foot in front of the other and get yourself out of this nightmare life. You will never again descend into this terrible world. Go do Yoga.”
That’s where everything changed for the better.
Although Yoga classes seemed to be in another dimension, I followed the instructions and everything changed.
Every time I stretched and inhaled, there was a loving and caring presence I hadn’t felt since I was a young girl. For the first time in a while, I felt joy and pure bliss.
My journey to Tantric bliss began.
I started to look for other teachers. I wanted to move forward towards a better future.
Because all of the pain suddenly made sense. The human body that had previously only caused me pain and suffering was suddenly a source of immense gratitude.
It was mine, I knew.
It was sacred to me.
The feeling was overwhelming.
My search for teachers brought me to India where I met my guru, who would complete my path and make me whole.
He taught me that sex is sacred. Actually, temples were once built for lovers to go and worship God together.
Their joy was an offering to God.
But I thought sex was something that could distract you from God.
However, priestesses taught people how to pray in the body and experienced their sexual sacredness.
This was how I let go of all the negative energy in my body. And then I discovered what it meant to me as a sexual being, and how that affected every aspect of my life.
This transformation has a final result. Tantra TouchMy mission now is to share my knowledge with you, just as my only son Gabriel did. Isadora Valdez, my favourite and best student, pursues the work with my honor and his passion for sexual freedom.
Meet Psalm Isadora: The legendary sex expert known for helping celebrities CEOProfessional Athletes Recover their Path to Intimacy, Ecstasy
Psalm Isadora was one of the most transformational sex educators to grace Earth’s stage in the 21st century. She is a globally renowned Relationship Expert, who created the global relationship coaching program. Urban Kama Sutra. She started a sexual movement within the yoga community. OYogaUnique form of yoga specifically created for women “light the world on fire” With the support of their bodies.
Psalm’s foray into studying sexuality was triggered by the deep pain she endured as she went through years of sexual trauma as a child who was raised in a Christian cult. At the Afest event she openly shared her history with the Mindvalley Family about the causes of her anxiety and depression over the years. She also shared how that trauma led to her sexual awakening and deep passion for sharing what she learned about our soul’s connection with sexuality. We were able to share our dreams with her of sharing this message to the rest of the world, and have gathered once more to support her.
What You’ll Learn
These are 12 ways to do it. Tantra Touch This will change the way that you see your sex life, your intimacy and your love life
Tantra kickstarts a transformation on 3 levels of your being — physical, emotional and spiritual. The ripple effect of unlocking your sexuality can have an impact on the rest of your life. Students report seeing increased incomes and better relationships.-sexual relationships, and a deep connection to their life’s purpose. Our sexual shame is linked to our root chakra. It also has a connection to our sense security, which is based on our ability to attract and sustain love. The root chakra can be unlocked by releasing emotional blocks related to sexuality. This will allow you to have financial stability, career success and intimacy with your partner. Imagine how much it would make a difference to unlock all 7 chakras.
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