Miki Shima – Mysteries of the Needle Japanese Art of Needling
Mysteries of the Needle
Japanese Art of Needling (6 hours)by Miki Shima
In Japan, perfection in the art of needling is considered the heart of acupuncture. Learn the secrets of point location, insertion and manipulation of qi from traditional Japanese literature unknown to English-speaking practitioners.
This video is extremely valuable for the practitioner who wants a complete understanding of Japanese methods and principles of needling. Based on the classic Nan-Ching, it covers comprehensive and advanced tonification and sedation techniques, and needling direction versus breath.
Dr. Shima also discusses the Nan-Ching, Hara Diagnosis and Shaku-Ju treatment protocol, which will also balance not only the pulse and the abdomen, but also the entire channel imbalances. There are clinical demonstrations, including the use of Hinan-shin, Tei-shin and Shonisin. Much of this material is derived from traditional Japanese literature unknown in America.
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