Michael Valtos – Order Flow Trading Course
Order Flow Trading Course
Finally, a comprehensive trading course in how to use order flow.
Last year I wrote a book on trading order flow and I had a lot of requests for that book. Now I have taken things a step further and created a full course on how to trade the futures market using order flow.
Whether you’re a professional trader, new to trading or just looking to start a new career, it is time to discover the power of Order Flow Analysis.
Learn from the world’s foremost authority in Order Flow. Michael Valtos has been trading futures at an institutional level for nearly 20 years at firms such as JP Morgan (8 years), Cargill (4 years), Commerzbank (3 years).
Order flow is one of the most powerful market analytical tools available for traders. It provides valuable market activity information that is not available on any other type of chart.
Despite its many unique and inherent advantages, many traders just do not understand how to interpret the order flow occurring in the market to help them in their trading.
We offer online trading education with an extensive curriculum developed from our ground breaking research and software. Orderflows.com gives you the knowledge and skills to turn your passion for trading into a rewarding career.
The Orderflows Trading Course is a unique home study video course designed to provide you with a complete education of Order Flow Analysis of Futures Markets: to help you understand a footprint chart, areas of price rejection, where strong volume is appearing, how to find hidden trade opportunities and much more. It is the only complete, accurate stand alone course on Order Flow Trading developed by a trader for traders.
There is NO secret to trading. Successful trading has always been about understanding the convictions, the strength and weakness of buyers and sellers. Once you understand what the other traders are doing in the market, you can successfully trade with them. Trade along with the traders who are moving price. The institutions. Don’t try to fight the institutions.
The Orderflows Trading Course teaches how to read volume footprint charts, how institutional traders activity shows up in the charts, areas where price is rejected, areas where volume is absorbed and much more…
To be successful in trading the Futures markets, you must have an edge that tells you where institutions are buying and selling along with a simple rules-based strategy that offers consistent low risk, high reward opportunities. This course delivers this key “edge” by teaching you how to read the market to identify key market turning points and strong market moves in advance with a high degree of accuracy. This course provides an opportunity to learn how to view and analyse the market using real time market generated information that is generated by the participants trading in the market.
Learn to trade by enrolling in our comprehensive online trading education via trading tutorials, trading videos and chart school.
This course will provide participants with an opportunity to:
- Learn to use one of the most powerful trading tools.
- Learn how to identify high probability trading opportunities.
- Learn to understand how each day’s highs and lows are built and traded.
- Learn to interpret market imbalance developments.
- Learn to quickly read the order flow chart and identify market direction.
- Learn to trade the different types of Price Developments in the market.
- Learn to quickly identify trends and join them as soon as they begin.
- Learn to identify whether sellers or buyers are in control.
- Learn how to understand why the market behaves the way it does.
- Learn to identify when prices are accepted or rejected by the market.
- Learn how valuable order flow information can be combined with traditional technical analysis for maximum gains.
What Exactly Does The Course Cover?
20 Bite Sized Videos That Walk You Through The Process Of Becoming A Skilled Order Flow Trader.
The Training Is Made In These Bite Sized 20-40 Minute Videos So You Get In-depth Training That Can Be Completed In A Weekend. One video is just over an hour and the longest video is 2 hours and 30 minutes which covers 3 days of trading analysis.
There areover450order flow charts explainedin this course! Not just a few hand picked charts that only show winning trades. I also show you losing trades when the setup fails.
This course is presented in a simple and easy to understand manner. It allows traders an opportunity to learn the key components of order flow analysis and how they can benefit from them.
This course is broken down into 20 lessons:
Lesson | 1 | Introduction To Order Flow time 31:46 minutes |
Lesson | 2 | Order Flow Software & Data Feeds time 27:09 minutes |
Lesson | 3 | How To Read Order Flow Charts time 16:05 minutes |
Lesson | 4 | Order Flow Terms time 43:36 minutes |
Lesson | 5 | Who Are The Market Participants time 23:53 minutes |
Lesson | 6 | Different Types Of Trading Happening In The Market time 25:11 minutes |
Lesson | 7 | Best Markets To Trade Order Flow time 23:25 minutes |
Lesson | 8 | Understanding Market Imbalance time 42:17 minutes |
Lesson | 9 | Why The Point Of Control Is Significant time 20:59 minutes |
Lesson | 10 | The Importance Of Delta time 38:24 minutes |
Lesson | 11 | Order Flow Price Rejection time 39:41 minutes |
Lesson | 12 | Order Flow Support And Resistance Levels time 34:09 minutes |
Lesson | 13 | Understanding Order Flow Fair Prices & Absorption time 43:59 minutes |
Lesson | 14 | Reading The Market With Order Flow time 1 hours and 1:03 minutes |
Lesson | 15 | Order Flow Trade Setups time 42:31 minutes |
Lesson | 16 | Order Flow Reversal Patterns time 33:08 minutes |
Lesson | 17 | Order Flow Continuation Patterns time 22:12 minutes |
Lesson | 18 | Integrating Order Flow With Traditional Technical Analysis time 33:24 minutes |
Lesson | 19 | Test Yourself/Practice Charts time 2 hours and 29:15 minutes |
Lesson | 20 | Conclusion time 43:56 minutes |
All lessons are available for download in PDF format so you can print them up and make your own notes.
The only prerequisite this course has is a basic understanding of market principles. This course is designed for the trader who understands the markets in general and wants to learn how to apply order flow theory to their trading or become an order flow trader. No prior trading experience is required.
VERY IMPORTANT: Start from the beginning! The curriculum presented in the Orderflows Trading Course is structured in sequential development of the principles, strategies, techniques and tactics applied for implementation of order flow based analysis in trading. The whole process of understanding order flow is presented in a linear fashion, beginning with the first video. There is a gradual progression and explanation of the order flow variables and how to use read the order flow in the context of market activity. Later videos begin to reveal the process for “putting it all together” to arrive at clear cut, objective entry setups and triggers which afford the highest probabilities and greatest risk reward potential, day in and day out, intraday. Everything about trading with order flow should become quite clear for the trader who simply follows the progression step by step.
Everything in the course is included for its functional value. We do not try to waste time with complex theoretical analysis about order flow or anything else. We strictly focus on how to apply the tools for clear cut, easily recognizable patterns which set up every day—for the best low risk/high probability trades. But it only becomes “easy” if you understand the core basic principles of order flow analysis — which is all explained, beginning in video one, and following from there.
Benefits of Order Flow Analysis
- Order Flow Analysis is ideally suited to identifying and trading the strongest forces in the market.
- Order Flow Analysis uses market generated information that has no lag.
- Order Flow Analysis can be applied to any futures market without modification.
- Order Flow Analysis can be combined with just about any indicator or strategy that you already use to improve its performance.
Whether you’re interested in trading e-mini, bonds, currencies, crude oil, gold, etc. these advanced video lessons provide you a comprehensive lesson in some of the most active futures markets in the world.
Throughout the course you will go through a structured agenda designed to teach the basics of order flow fundamentals and then apply it to practical experience in reading the order flow charts.
While the Orderflows Trading Course was designed for Orderflows Trader Software users, I have been getting many requests to make this course available to all who want to learn order flow. Even if you are using a different order flow footprint chart your trading education will expand immensely with this course.
The Orderflows Trading Course is not a treasure map to untold riches or an instruction guide to the secrets of trading success. While it does contain many of my secrets as well as extremely valuable information, secrets without action or valuable information without direction and consistency are just like pictures on the wall.
I will only guarantee you that the ideas, systems, methods, indicators and suggestions in this course will give you the potential to achieve success.
But you, and you alone, are the instrument which will transform potential energy into actual energy. If you seek to acquire the knowledge, which I have gained in over 20 years of trading Futures, then you’ve certainly come to the right place.
This course will educate you, guide you, assist you, explain things to you and illuminate the way for you. But this course will not trade for you. It will not put money in your pocket nor in your trading account. Nor will it fill your head with misleading guarantees. What this course will do is teach you how to trade.
I can teach you how to ride the bicycle, but I cannot ride it for you.
What Else You Need to Get Started
Aside from the motivation and persistence, which are required for success in any venture, you will not need any other tools in order to get started with this course. When you are ready to start trading, you will need order flow software. I will make a few suggestions, however, regarding order flow software which may prove valuable in your selection decision.
Watch The Videos
While you may feel that the subject matter is very straightforward and simple, please watch each video a few times, first for the general idea, and then a second or third time for the specifics. I tried to make the videos as short as possible while packing in as much information as possible because no one wants to sit through 20 separate hour long lectures.
Take Notes
I also urge you to take notes either in a separate note book or print out the attached pdf files. The material will be easier for you to comprehend and retain if you take notes. Writing things down has an effect on the mind.
Apply Your Knowledge to the Examples
Where I have provided examples, I urge you to apply what you have learned in order to make certain you understand it.
Take your Learning to the Markets
Once you have internalized the concepts please observe them under real market conditions to determine how well they work for you and if they are consistent with your needs as a trader.
So what are you waiting for?
Get the Order Flow Trading Course for just $297
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
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> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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