Matthew Fox – Training for Modern Mystics & Prophets
Embody the wisdom of spiritual pioneers to fulfill your soul’s purpose and live a courageous life of integrity, love, and service.
Experience the transformational music, poetry, philosophy, and art of beloved mystics and prophets — to awaken the mystic and prophet within you.
You probably have a deep appreciation for The power of prophets and mystics to change your mind, open your heart and instill meaningful service in the world…
How can you go from being reverent to following their example and into a new way of living?
How can you reach their deepest depths and become their insight, practice, and power? Establish an unshakeable relationship with the Divine — and live a life full of passion?
How can you respond to the deep challenges of our world with your great courage and unifying love.
In Training For Modern Mystics & Prophets With a renowned spiritual pioneer, best-selling author, and theologian.-Agent Matthew Fox, you’ll discover — and experience — profound answers to these questions.
You’ll “meet” four of the world’s most revered mystics and prophets (Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Merton, and Mary Oliver) through their inspiring stories and an experiential exploration of their rich music, poetry, philosophy, and art…
… while progressing on your spiritual journey and growing as a mystic and prophet yourself — here to express great love and courage.
When you become a courageous mystic and prophet, you fulfill your soul’s purpose and Be an inspiration for those around you for How to live a life that is full of love, integrity, passion, and service.
This powerful training is an asset. Matthew’s lifetime of work at the frontiers of our spiritual evolution. He’s made a life’s study of the great mystics and prophets in history. (He’s published three books on Meister Eckhart, three books on Hildegard of BIngen, and one book on Thomas Merton.)
Matthew goes beyond what these spiritual pioneers said or wrote — he immersed himself in what they actually Did to be such blazing lights for love, compassion, healing and awakening in the universe.
This deep 7-step journey, you’ll discover:
- Your “unborn self” Make it new!
- Where wisdom begins — not just knowledge — and where The gifts of reverence, gratitude and respect Are born and developed
- Meister Eckhart, Hildegard of Bingen, Thomas Merton, and Mary Oliver as archetypes of the mystic and prophet, lover and warrior — and their profound teachings
- Spirituality of Creation: The Four PathsJoy (Via PositivaGrief (Via NegativaCreativity (Via Creativa), and Justice (Via Transformativa)
- Meditations that can help you to control your reptilian mind
- The significance and importance of “nothingness”
- Your creativity is a divine gift A divine experience
- Sustainability, another word for Justice
- How to embody Hildegard of Bingen’s prophetic voice to experience how she criticizes patriarchal power — Find your prophetic voice and start speaking out
- Meditation with Mary Oliver using her poetry and spiritual insights
- How to Meditation through art That feeds the prophet within you
- What can be achieved when East meets West on our spiritual paths?
- Plus, much more…
Matthew He has followed the path of the prophet and the mystic after being expelled from the religious order. for His transformational views after being a Catholic theologian for 34 years.
He’s supported gay rights, women in the church, healing with Indigenous peoples, eco-spirituality — and even the Occupy Movement in his book, Occupy Spirituality.
He’s not an “armchair philosopher” dispensing spiritual platitudes; he’s willing to show up on the front lines, putting his formidable knowledge, wisdom, and passion into action.
What he’ll make clear in this powerful new training is that becoming a mystic and prophet requires more than a sweet, tender, devotional love for God and Creation — although that’s a wonderful start…
It also requires a warrior’s courage to confront the shadows in yourself and in the world. It requires the ability to Transform grief, bring more creativity and address injustice, and stand resolute through life’s storms.
As we establish a powerful mystical connection — and then begin living from it — we discover reserves of strength and love we didn’t dare believe we had.
We become modern mystics and prophets — with our feet planted firmly on the ground, our arms outstretched, and our minds open to the sky.
We are a better Mother. Father. Teacher. Healer. Friend. Citizen.
When we allow the Divine to infuse our words and shift our behavior, and when we open our hearts, we can become true conduits. for grace.
In this 7-Week of mystical travel with Matthew, he’ll offer you a spiritual transmission of wisdom and a new template for your life — a life filled with the unmitigated joy of union with the Divine and the resolute power to make a difference in the world.
There is no better vision for What can you hold on to?
What You’ll Discover in These 7 Modules
This 7-Part transformational intensive Matthew Fox will guide you through the fundamental spiritual skills and competencies you’ll need to enter the innermost depths of beloved mystics and prophets — so you can embody their insights, practices, and powers to create an unshakeable connection to the Divine and live a life of integrity, love, and service.
This course will include teachings, training sessions and experiential practices. Matthew Fox. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to open to the mystic and prophet within you.
Module 1: Language Finding for Our Deep Journeys Mystics & Prophets
What is a? Mystic? What is a prophet? By definition, mysticism It is difficult to define or talk about. William James emphasized this point. “ineffability” It is one of the most obvious signs of mysticism. Simply put, mysticism, or intuition, is the work of our right mind, while the verbal is our left brain’s accomplishment.
This week, you’ll discover the the Four Paths as a means for journeying into your depths — where your inner prophet resides: Joy (a product of the Via Positiva), Grief and Silence (of the Via Negativa), Creativity (from the Via Creativa), and Justice (the end result of the Via Transformativa).
In this module, you’ll:
- Get familiar with the Four Paths’ spiritual journey names
- Find out where wisdom starts (not knowledge), and where reverence, gratitude and respect are born and developed
- Recognize the purpose of the universemaybe!)
- Be aware of archetypes for The Sacred — different faith traditions give it different names, but the concept is the same
- Experience a meditation practice in which you’ll view clay tablets depicting archetypes of the Sacred, created by sculptor M.C. Richards and Ullrrich Javier Garca Lemus
Module 2: Meister Eckhart’s Naming of the Mystical Journey (or Inner Journey) — The Via Positiva & The Via Negativa
In this module, you’ll consider Meister Eckhart’s teachings on the mystical journey, including the Via Positiva — awe, wonder, joy, gratitude — and the Via Negativa — silence and stillness, emptying, suffering, loss, and nothingness.
People experience these realities on a daily basis — in fact Eckhart says that “for the person who is awake, breakthrough happens not once a year or once a month or once a day but many times every day.”
Our spiritual traditions have developed tactics to help us achieve these breakthrough experiences, particularly if we are suffering from abuse or pain. for granted. Meditation, fasting and chanting are all ways to bring us back to life.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover the power of amazement, wonder, and awe — and your right to it
- Understanding the necessity and power of “letting go” “letting be” Eckhart taught this lesson.
- Return to your homepage “unborn self” Make it new!
- Meditations can help you to control your reptilian brain.
- Discover the meaning and significance of “nothingness”
Module 3: Meister Eckhart’s Naming of the Prophetic Journey (or Outer Journey) — From Creativity to Transformation Through Justice & Compassion
The emptying of the Via Negativa This is the Via CreativaOur creativity is awakened.
Eckhart was a man of many ideas. He encouraged us to think, to reflect and to be able live and work in the world. “While contemplating our creativity,” Eckhart says “we bring God into the world… I once had a dream, even though a man I was pregnant, pregnant with nothingness, and out of that nothingness God was born.”
Eckhart also taught that interdependence is what gives rise to compassion. This fits marvelously with today’s physics, wherein we are again seeing the world as interdependent. He teaches compassion to mean justice; God is justice. And compassion is the place where justice and peace meet.
In this module, you’ll:
- Your creativity is a divine gift.
- Use the formula to stimulate your creativity Via Positiva + Via Negativa = Via Creativa
- Name both the mystical and prophetic sides to compassion
- Take a look at sustainability as a new word in today’s world. for Justice
- Connect Eckhart’s words to the wisdom of Buddhism, Judaism, Sufism, Hinduism, Jung, and more
Module 4: Hildegard of Bingen — Finding Wisdom in Creativity, the ‘Greening Power of Nature’ & the Divine Feminine
Hildegard von Bingen was a gifted musician, healer and poet. She also worked as a scientist and prophet. She challenged all societal leaders, from popes to bishops, bishops and clergy. She was an advocate for the Divine Feminine.
As a prophetet/mystic, we will also consider her love for the natural world and the supernatural. “greening power” It is a great idea. Hildegard was made both a saint & a martyr. “doctor of the Church” It was only seven years ago. Her teachings are now a part of the Christian church’s core beliefs. Her love of cosmology and science was explicit — she said “all science comes from God” — and she paints pictures of the universe as science sees it.
In this module, you’ll:
- Meditate on Hildegard’s mandalas and paintings based on her visions
- Let her incredible music speak to your deepest Self
- Discuss the Divine Feminine, and what it means for renewing our lives as well as institutions.
- Embody Hildegard of Bingen’s prophetic voice to experience how she criticizes patriarchal power — and find your own prophetic voice
- Get back the power of “greening power”
Module 5: Thomas Merton — Deepening Your Journey Through Merton’s Wisdom and Dedication to Peace & Justice
Thomas Merton was a monk that lived in the Cistercian Ord, a strict Catholic Order. for 26 years. He died suddenly after a talk he gave entitled “Karl Marx and Monasticism.”
Meister Eckhart converted Merton in 1958 to be a prophetic Christian witness for movements of justice and peace. His spiritual journey did not end with his own illumination. He was able to resist war, racism, economic injustice and environmental degradation as well patriarchy.
In this module, you’ll:
- Discover Merton’s insightful, humorous, and prophetic poetry and prose
- Deepen your journey as a mystic and prophet, inspired by Merton’s activism
- Talk about what’s possible when East meets West on our spiritual paths
- Art as meditation is something you can embrace.
- Discover Merton’s acute criticism of our culture and discuss how it applies to conflicts we wrestle with today
Module 6: Mary Oliver — Nourishing Your Spiritual Journey With ‘Praise & Wonder’
In this module, you’ll explore Mary Oliver’s poetry and how it can enrich your mystical and prophetic journeys. Oliver’s most important category is “astonishment” — a synonym for awe or wonder or the Via Positiva. She talks of “wanting to be dazzled.”
Although a self-determination is important,-Name “praise poet,” Oliver was well-versed in the Via Negativa She suffered from pain and loss. She was abused as a child, and it cost her her life. “years and years” She is determined to regain her love for life. She writes about the “dark river of loss.”
So, her ability to praise didn’t come easily. It was a long and difficult process. We are the lucky recipients of her generous spirit. Her poetry and her work are deeply ingrained in her soul. Via CreativaLayers of wisdom are layers for Spiritual journeys that are deepening and nurturing.
In this module, you’ll:
- Mary Oliver’s wisdom is on display as we explore the Four Paths along with her
- Mary Oliver’s poetry and spiritual insights are a great way to meditate.
- Be more open to wonder and praise, which Mary calls the “Theology of Mary”. “glory of the world, that great teacher”
- Encourage others to be more open to praise and wonder.
Module 7: Integrating & Heeding the Call of Our Suffering World
In this module, we’ll address any remaining questions that may have been raised, and discuss areas that may have gone underdeveloped due to shortage of time. You’ll be invited to submit questions ahead of time.
You’ll also receive a short summary of where we’ve traveled together and what comes next: what directions challenge us as we move beyond our virtual “classroom” Into our work lives, homes, communities.
In this module, you’ll:
- Learn from one another’s questions
- Explore your inner and outer journeys to joy, emptying, creating, and healing.
- Take together the lessons from Oliver, Hildegard, Oliver and Merton and combine them.
- Prepare for Future with suggestions for where we should go as prophets and mystics responding to Mother Earth’s call today
The Modern Mystics & Prophets Bonus Collection
Additional to Matthew Fox’s transformative 7-part virtual course, you’ll receive these powerful training sessions with leading visionaries and teachers. These bonus sessions will enhance the learning experience and help you to practice and understand more.
Hildegard von Bingen & the Divine Feminine
Audio Dialogue Matthew Fox Andrew Harvey
Andrew Harvey joins Matthew in this audio dialogue to discuss Hildegard von Bingen — a renaissance woman long before the renaissance. She was a mystic and had visions and amazing illuminations. She was a healer and social critic who also studied and understood the healing powers of minerals and plants.
Andrew Harvey He is an author, speaker and founder/director of The Institute of Sacred Activism. This international organization invites concerned people to face the challenges of today’s global crises and become inspired, effective and practical agents of institutional change and systemic change to achieve peace and sustainability. He is the author of or has edited more than 30 books. He has also received the Mind Body Spirit Award and the Benjamin Franklin Award.
Creativity: Where the Divine & the Human Meet
Video Sermon from Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox explores how intrinsic creativity is to our human nature — and how the highest communion with the Divine can be found right at our fingertips in the simplest expressions of human creativity. This message is one that we should live by in every day life. Fox Asks why creativity is undervalued in our culture. for For example, schools and educational programs. He also discusses where creativity comes from and how to make it alive for all.
A True Journey of Consciousness
Audio Dialogue Matthew Fox Jessica Dibb
Join us for A journey with Matthew We will be learning about the Enneagram as well the nine choirs that are made up of angels. Matthew has learned to surrender to a culture that has pushed out mysticism — and to the Beloved.
Jessica Dibb He is also the founder, spiritual director, principal teacher, and spiritual director of Inspiration Community School, an integral consciousness school that promotes personal, relational and global wellbeing. Dibb is a pioneer in the design and facilitation of workshops, classes and ongoing breath over the last twenty years.-Trainings that are self-centered and rooted in a holistic model of psychospiritual healing, development, and support for self-actualization. Her teachings help people cultivate consciousness at all stages of their lives, starting with conception.
Mysticism & Creation Spirituality
Audio Dialogue Matthew Fox Father Bede Griffiths
Many consider Father Bede to be one of today’s most profound, illuminated, and sophisticated Christian mystics. After a lifetime of deep devotion and study — which led him to live many years in India — Father Bede underwent a transfiguration process as he moved towards death. Father Griffiths was the only person to record this bonus. It was recorded during his last visit in the U.S. before his death. Matthew They will discuss the nature and purpose of Creation Spirituality and Mysticism. They consider the need for Christianity to regain its mystic traditions and discuss the future spirituality.
Father Bede Griffiths British-Born Indian Benedictine monk, who lived in South India’s ashrams and was a leader in the development and promotion of dialogue between Christianity & Hinduism.
Here’s What You’ll Receive
Seventy-eight-Minute-recorded Classes Sessions Matthew Fox
Rare opportunity to learn from spiritual pioneer and bestselling author Matthew Fox — from the comfort of your own home. Each class session includes a video teaching and guides you to discover specific skills and abilities to embody the wisdom of spiritual pioneers to fulfill your soul’s purpose and live a courageous life of integrity, love, and service.
Seven PDF Transcripts from Class SessionsApart from the high prices,-quality videos and MP3 audios, you’ll also receive the entire class transcription in PDF format. You will then be able to review, print, highlight, and summarize the most important ideas and practices that you have been given.
Questions and exercises for Each LessonBetween class sessions, you’ll have the option of completing related exercises, practicing new tools, and answering questions to accelerate your learning and integrate each lesson.
The Modern Mystics & Prophets Bonus Collection
- Hildegard von Bingen & the Divine Feminine
Audio Dialogue Matthew Fox Andrew Harvey - Creativity: Where the Divine & the Human Meet
Video Sermon from Matthew Fox - A true journey of consciousness
Audio Dialogue Matthew Fox Jessica Dibb - Mysticism & Creation Spirituality
Audio Dialogue Matthew Fox Father Bede Griffiths
This is an unprecedented opportunity to join the Training for Modern Mystics & Prophets Virtual Training
It is an honor to be acknowledged. Matthew Fox To offer this unique online training, he has partnered with The Shift Network. This is a rare chance to learn from a spiritual leader and author whose profound insights and pioneering work have helped us heal, awaken and transform our world.
Through this powerful online format, you’ll not only save time and money on workshop costs (plus travel, accommodations, and meals — which would cost thousands Of dollYou can find more information atrs), you’ll be able to benefit from Matthew Fox’s incredible teachings and exercises from the comfort of your home — and at your own pace!
If you’re serious about opening to the mystic and prophet within to live a life of greater integrity, love, passion, and purpose then you owe it to yourself, your loved ones, and our world to take this one-of-a-Kind training
If you’re ready to take the next step in evolving yourself, click the register button below to reserve your space now.
About Matthew Fox
Matthew Fox He is a prolific writer of books that focuses on the renewal of Creation Spirituality’s ancient tradition. This tradition is feminist, accepting of the arts, artists, wisdom-A center, prophetic, and dedicated to the environment-Justice, justice for the social and genderless,
Matthew’s effort to reawaken the West to its own mystical tradition has included revivifying awareness of Hildegard of Bingen, Meister Eckhart, and the mysticism of Thomas Aquinas, as well as interacting with contemporary scientists who are also mystics. He believes that “by reinventing work, education, and worship, we can bring about a nonviolent revolution on our planet.”
Recent developments include Matthew co-founded the Order of the Sacred Earth, and started up, which was launched on Mother’s Day 2019 in honor of the Divine Feminine, to bring much-Attention is needed to the current perils Mother Earth faces.
Matthew His doctorate summacum laude was received from the Institut Catholique de Paris. He was a Dominican Order Member for He was 34 years old when he founded the Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality. for Seven years at Mundelein College, Chicago. for 12 years at Holy Names College Oakland.
In 1996, he established the University of Creation Spirituality (Oakland, California). He served as president and professor until 2005. Then, he took a leave to establish a pilot program to reinvent education with inner learning.-Teenagers in cities
Matthew He speaks at community and professional gatherings all over the globe and has led a revival of liturgical forms. “The Cosmic Mass” (TCM), which combines dance, techno, live music, DJ and VJ, and contemporary art forms with Western liturgical traditions. They honored the TCM at the recent World Parliament gathering held in Toronto as well as at over 100 other locations in North America.
Matthew He was a recipient of Peace Abbey Courage of Conscience Award. Others recipients include Mother Teresa, Mother Dalai Lama, and Rosa Parks. He is also a visiting scholar to the Academy. for Santa Fe, New Mexico: The Love of Learning
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