Lauren Handel Zander – How To Build Your Personal Brand
- A plan for building your personal brand using the Handel Method®
- Effective exercises and practices to maximize career growth
Who Is This Class For?
- You want to discover your mission and build your business: you know you have a mission in life – you can feel it. But there’s always been something blocking your efforts to realize your dream, and therefore, making it your reality.
- You want to be a successful entrepreneur: you know exactly what you want to do, but have always been too afraid to take the leap.
- You want to grow your personal brand: you already jumped and own (or are starting) a business, but want to make sure you’re on the right path.
How To Build Your Personal Brand
- 1.Realize and design your dream career.
- 2.Manage your mind and easily dismiss illogical, negative thoughts.
- 3.Make promises to yourself and hold yourself accountable to keep them.
- 4.Handle your difficult personality traits and get them to work for you, not against you.
- 5.Develop the traits and business hats you’ll need to be the entrepreneur you always dreamed of.
Class Outline
Getting Started On Your Journey
Meet Lauren and learn more about who this class is for, and how you’ll learn to grow your personal brand by taking part.
- 1. Meet Lauren
- 2. Who’s This Class For?
- 3. What’s This Class All About?
Maybe It’s You
In this module, you’ll come to terms with the fact that all that’s really keeping you from achieving your dreams is, well, you! Lauren will walk you through a series of exercises to truly unearth the thoughts and actions holding you back from achieving your dreams, and how to rid yourself of them for good.
- 1. You Are In Charge Of You
- 2. Fighting The Real War: Inner Peace
- 3. Digging Deeper
- 4. The Real Reeling You
- 5. Time To Talk Back
Your Biology Gone Wild
Learn how your DNA has shaped your personality, inner dialogue, issues, and beliefs, and how to leash the traits that are holding you back from living your mission and building your personal brand. The more aware you are of these traits, the easier it will be to create the business you’ve always dreamed of.
- 1. Leashing Negative Traits
Mission Accomplished
Congratulations! You’ve faced yourself in the mirror, learned how to manage your mind, deal with your traits, and keep promises to yourself. You’re now not only equipped with the strategies and tools you need to launch your business, but also the mental strength and determination to become the most successful version of yourself. In this last session, you’ll write your own personal manifesto – a true pledge of allegiance to yourself. From now on, you get to author who you’re going to be, and where you want your business to go.
- 1. Session Won: Your Manifesto
Finding Your True Mission
Wake up to what it is you truly desire, and discover your true mission. Once you’ve realized your dream, you’ll compare it to your current reality and start formulating a plan to create the career you’ve always wanted.
- 1. Time To Dream
- 2. Facing The Truth
The Secret Sauce to Success
Lauren discusses how personal integrity and keeping promises to yourself are the secret sauce not only to happiness, self-esteem, and pride, but also to launching a successful business. You’ll learn how to start recognizing your “favorite” excuses, and seeing them for what they truly are: dream decay.
- 1. True-Up: Inner World
- 2. The Promise Land
Developing Your Brand
Becoming a successful entrepreneur can be boiled down to 7 main ingredients, each of which is crucial to being a pioneer in your field, and critical in determining the type of leader you’re going to be. In this session, Lauren takes you through what you need, both emotionally and physically, to create your own success.
- 1. What Makes A Powerful Leader?
- 2. True Up: Ou
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