Kris Wilder – 121 Killer Appz! Fighting Applications From Goju-Ryu Karate
You know the kata, now it is time for the applications. Karate instructor and author Kris Wilder demonstrates one fighting application after another in this DVD presentation to supplement the katas learned in Goju-Ryu Karate. Wilder does not teach the katas, but rather provides the applications found within the forms for each student to learn, practice, and then build on to fully understand the katas they practice. Gekisai (Dai Ni), Saifa, Seiyunchin, Seipai, Kururunfa, Suparinpei, Sanseiru, Shisochin, and Seisan Kata are covered. If you ever wondered what purpose a move from a Goju-Ryu Kata was for, wonder no longer. For this DVD contains no kata performed from multiple angels, and no discussion. Just a no-nonsense approach to one application after another. It is sure to provide deeper understanding to your Kata practice and stimulate thought on determining your own applications to the Goju-Ryu Karate forms. Easy access menus. Running length approx: 47 minutes.
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