Joshua Benavides – The Way of Surrender
Are you ready to release? The Negative Thoughts & Feelings That Are Restricting Your Joy & Potential?
You’re about to discover a practical, powerful & simple way to dissolve unconscious limitations & negative emotions so you can experience your natural state of freedom & fulfill your true potential!
What miracle do you long for in your life?
Is there something you deeply desire but feel like it’s out of Are you within your reach?
Do you have a dream or vision for your life that feels nearly impossible for you to have?
Next, please take your time to read the following line. There is a kernel in it of the truth that will set you free…
The Grad to which you believe your miracle is impossible or out of Reach is the extent to which you resist it at the moment while identifying with a narrow idea of Who you are really.
Your possibilities are endless. On some level you already know this (you wouldn’t be here otherwise).
Being here is simply a sign that you are being guided by Life Reduce layers of fear and limitations so you can allow the miracles that are waiting for you to manifest in your life!
It’s time to bring light into the darkness. It’s time to heal! This is the secret to unlocking miracles in your life!
The Majority of If you are truly interested in raising the level of their life are frustrated. They’ve “read everything, been everywhere,” All kinds of events attended of seminars and workshops, and yet, they still feel stuck.
It is the only way to get around it. If you don’t surrender and let go of your unconscious resistance – your fears, guilt, doubt, etc. – it will continue to limit your freedom, personal growth and fulfillment.
Your unhealed emotional pain is the source of the imaginary boundaries that are limiting your life! It’s what keeps you functioning at a fraction of your true potential!
What if you could dissolve all negative feelings & uncover an endless source of love, clarity, freedom & joy… by using an ability you already possess?
Meet Joshua Benavides. He’s the founder of Transformative Coach Institute, best-He is a coach, healer, spiritual guide, and author who is a best-selling author. His kindness, humor, and deep understanding are what make him a popular choice of The inside-Out nature of The human experience.
Since over 15 years Joshua Has led and taught people on a profound journey of inner healing – what he calls The Way of Surrender.
The The results were nothing short of amazing of miraculous.
He is now bringing the book to life for the first time. “online” a powerful and simple way to help you remove the blocks to lasting happiness, success, peace and emotional well-being!
Introducing: The Way of Surrender
A Journey In Letting Go
SURRENDER: THE WAY It is a deep dive into spiritual and mental healing. Through the use of-Putting it into practice of continual surrender, forgiveness and letting go, you will uncover your natural state of Freedom, peace, and profound well-being.
The Program itself is composed of Guided recording professionally ‘Transcendental Releasing’ Audio sessions that facilitate deep healing and transformation.
These guided sessions are powerful and practical. Way of Letting go of any belief or dogma. It is sourced from and synthesized by Joshua’s real-With thousands of people, you can share your world experience of Clients from all over the globe.
Unlike other programs, this isn’t about getting a PhD on spiritual healing and enlightenment. It’s about the continual practice of a proven method that will heal all negative emotions and limitations and reveal the underlying, innate wholeness, freedom and peace within you.
How The Way of Surrender Three Easy Steps to Get It Working
Step 1: Listen To The Guided “Transcendental Releasing” Audio Session
These ‘Transcendental Releasing’ sessions will address the common and specific blocks to lasting happiness, success, peace and well-being. Issues like poor self-worth, money, relationships, fear, guilt, shame, regret, lack – and more – The light will shine upon them of Awareness and released. All releasing sessions are available to download on all your devices so you can listen to them wherever you are and at any time.
Step 2: Begin working with the “Self-Awareness Worksheet”
Begin your guided tour with ‘Transcendental Releasing’ audio recording, you’ll also receive a ‘Self-Awareness Worksheet’ specific to that releasing sessions designed to help you reflect and bring up whatever is needing to be faced, released and healed within you. These worksheets will help you go much deeper in the releasing sessions as you will be bringing to the surface YOUR specific areas of limitations and suffering – with the intention of Let them go, release and heal.
Step 3: Rinse & Repeat
The Practice of The act of letting go, surrendering and releasing is highly healing and transformative.
It is important to keep practicing releasing regularly. You may find yourself having to release layers multiple times. of Resistence and limitation can be a barrier to your success. The releasing sessions can bring about miracles in your daily life if you’re willing to use them. But only if you’re willing to work your own process.
Five Reasons to Let Go The Key To Transform, Heal & Elevate Your Life
#1 – It Accelerates Spiritual Growth & Enlightenment
Truth and enlightenment is not something to be acquired, gained or possessed. It is always there, but it is not always recognized. Release and let go of The realization of all limitations of one’s true identity, as well as the nature of Reality is self-evident. It’s like parting the clouds so that the sun, which has always been shining, can be clearly seen and felt.
#2 – It Uncovers The Source Of Ever-Increasing Happiness, Contentment & Inner Peace
As negative feelings are surrendered, you’ll experience profound and life-changing inner shifts. You’ll finally heal the emotional wounds of You can let go of the past and all your worries, fears and doubts about tomorrow. You’ll let go of Sheeditary thought-systems based on fear, limitation and lack – and replace them with a spiritual thought-A system that is based on love and freedom!
#3 – It Unlocks Potential & Gives You Access To A Never-Ending Source of Power
There is greatness in you. There is a sacred vision within you that’s calling you to fulfill your true potential. It calls you to be focused, bold, and open to endless possibilities. You will feel an activation as your inner blocks to your inner power fall away. of You can see your potential, and you will be able to watch as your greatest talents, talents, and capacities combine to achieve the vision that only YOU can.
#4 – It Increases Energy, Vitality & Presence
Because there is a continual release of It reduces anxiety, stress, and tension. of energy in the autonomic nervous system and unblocks the acupuncture energy system. In short, energy goes up and stress goes down. As stress goes down, physical and psychosomatic disorders improve, and optimal function is restored in the body. You will feel more alive and full of energy.
#5 – It Makes The Impossible – Possible!
Self-eliminating-Sabotage and limiting factors of Viewing allows for greater success in achieving your goals. You will find that you can achieve more by letting go of all your guilt, inadequacies and lack. It feels as if a hidden force is carrying you and setting things up so they work out perfectly and in ways you couldn’t have planned. Your creativity is unleashed, and it flows through you to solve even the most impossible problems.
This is precisely why I created The Way of Surrender We are here for you.
If you’ve been wondering why you keep running into roadblocks in your life, and you’re looking for a different approach that goes beyond what most personal development programs offer to deeply transform your life, this is for you!
How can I find out?
Because I’ve personally experienced it myself and I’ve witnessed it work with all my clients…Since 1995!
One of Many of my clients suffered from depression and low self-esteem.-Worth it of His life. He had been to a lot of places. of Different programs were offered by different therapists, but they didn’t seem to last.-term. This was until he began to practice regularly. of letting go.
His depression was gone, and his friends and family noticed that he had transformed. He also gave advice to them on how to be happier. I heard him tell me his story one day, with tears in both his eyes. “I really never knew that you could feel this good!”
Another client dreamed big. of Being published. She was concerned that she would be over 50 when she started to feel it was too late. Once she let go of her fear, worry, and self-doubt, she felt free.-doubt… she went on to publish not just one…not just two…not even three…but FOUR books in ONE YEAR!
I’ve seen what most people would call ‘miracles’ happen regulary in people’s lives once they commit to the process of All your inner limitations are released. But don’t take my word for it.
Watch and read what they have to say in their own words…
What people have to say about it Joshua Benavides
KRISTEN HOWEAuthor. of Get Everything You Want Now
SCOTT WHALEYPeak Performance coach, President of Real Wealth Seminars and Speakers
Angie King-Nosseir
Functional Medicine Nutritionist and Transformative Coach
“I’ve gotten everything I was looking for and more from this experience. I’m happier. My job satisfaction has gone through the roof!”
MARIA CABRALUnited Nations Foreign Minister, Africa Development Visionary, Accomplished International Diplomat
PETER RAGNARThe Author, Longevity Sage of More than 30 Books
Alejandra Lopez
Women’s Empowerment Educator
“I’ve taken several courses and seen coaches before. This has been the most impactful. It’s had a great impact on my relationships and career.”
STACEY MORGSTERNCo-Founder of Holistic MBA & TCM: Transformational Coaching Method
“Joshua is an extraordinarily gifted and ethical Coach who has the ability to tune into whatever is going on right now and also bring to the surface what’s holding someone back. He then provides clarity to the situation at hand as well as simple tools to release what’s holding you back, so you can live a more balanced life. I’m often skeptical of most healers and coaches due to my personal experience and seeing so many unethical and manipulative people taking advantage of other’s fears, hopes and dreams. Joshua is the “real deal.”
ADAM COLLINSChief Inspiration officer at Social Strategizer and Social Media Expert
Shae Bryant
Wellness Educator, Holistic Healer, Yoga & Pilates Instructor
“If you have a specific subject or an issue you would like assistance with, I can assure you that Joshua can help you on that subject. But I also assure you, you’ll experience a shift on all subjects.”
We’re making this affordable for everyone.
I believe that healing and transformation should be accessible to everyone, regardless of Their economic circumstances.
That’s why even though you’re getting the exact same releasing sessions that my clients have paid thousands of Dollars for, you won’t have to pay thousands of dollars.
Purchase The Way of Surrender Today, the price of This is the life.-changing program is only $197. FOR A LIMITED TIME, $97
Why? Because I want it in my hands of As many people as possible, and I will help you to rise up to a state of Being where you’re fully alive and experiencing a joy, freedom and peace that defies imagination and comparison!
Experience The Way Of Surrender Today!
Get access to 59 targeted, unique and exclusive offers “Transcendental Releasing” Audio Sessions & Self-Awareness Worksheets
Only $297 $197
Pratical & Easy
Each guided ‘Transcendental Releasing’ Session averages between 15 and 20-It takes 20 minutes, so even in your busiest hours you can fit it in. of days.
Deeply healing
Each session will guide you to go deep within your mind and release any unresolved issues that may be limiting your freedom and joy.
On-Go Support
We strive to provide excellent customer service. Got questions? You can get answers by email.
Get Instant Access to The Way Of Surrender
When you buy The Way Of SurrenderWhat You’ll Get is:
59 were specifically targeted “Transcendental Releasing” audio sessions – guided by Joshua – to facilitate deep healing, surrender and genuine transformation from the inside-out.
Sessions address self-abundance and self-sufficiency.-Self-love, confidence, procrastination, love-Judgement, fear, and many other topics. All audio sessions are available in MP3 format. You can stream or download them to your device.
59 ‘Self Awareness Worksheets’ to deepen your releasing sessions – all in PDF format.
An expert guide who will support you through every step of This is the way.
Click here ‘Add to Cart’ Button & Begin The Way of Surrender Today!
You can access the entire program digitally from your Smartphone, Tablet or Computer. Listen from anywhere.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
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or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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