John Hyre – The Real Estate Investors KISS Guide To Entities
All successful RE investors understand that you make money by buying properties for less than they are worth. The decision to buy is properly based on well-honed analysis and reliable numbers. Buying or selling based on emotion is the fast-track to losing money. Most investors seem to understand these rather elementary points. As such, it amazes me how many would-be investors purchase overpriced advice and overpriced course material based on emotions. Johns entities material is:
- Based on current experience: John is a practicing attorney and accountant and real estate investor. All of his clients are real estate investors.
- Reasonably priced: What you get for $299 will more than suffice to meet the entity needs of a small to medium sized RE investor. Spending more than that makes little sense.
- Focused on cost-benefit: Johns material focuses on balancing the cost of entities versus their benefits. He looks at the benefits in light of their costs and costs arise in many ways (e.g. your time). He looks at the benefits in terms of their true impact (Remember the $50,000 in deductible life insurance is actually only a $100 deduction!). The costs of entities can also be indirect (e.g. needing a licensed attorney to evict once a property is no longer in your personal name). A high cost and lack of real benefit is why he does not care for Nevada entities in RE, for example. Cost-benefit, cost benefit, always cost-benefit.
- Explanations: Heard conflicting advice? John doesnt just tell you what to do (or not to do!) he also explains WHY you should or should not do something. That way, you can use your own judgment in making important decisions. You can compare my whys to others reasons for doing things (assuming that they provide any reasons at all).
- A state-by-state approach: The first two-thirds of the course focus on universal principles, applicable across the nation. The last third provides the documents needed to set up and run an entity in your specific state. One size does NOT fit all.
- A KISS approach to setting up entities: Setting up an entity is quite easy any literate adult can do it. We walk you through the process, step by easy step. Most attorneys charge at least $500 to do this (and John does too). Setting up ONE entity pays for the course!
- The documents needed to run the entity: Meeting minutes, corporate resolutions, bylaws, they are all there.
- Clear Choice of Entity Rules: Knowing which entity to use is of key importance, especially where taxes are concerned. We provide an analysis of entity types and the reasons to use (or not use) each one. Which entity for flips? For rentals? For Sub2s & Lease-Options? We answer those questions!
- Non-Entity Asset Protection: Entities are just ONE step for proper asset protection. We cover a number of other KEY issues, such as how to run your business and tips on drafting enforceable contracts.
- Cover the TRUE Nature of the Lawyer Problem: This country does have a lawyer problem but it is probably not what you think. To effectively defend yourself, you must know the true nature of the enemy.
- Available for the Following States: AL, AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, LA, MD, MI, MO, MS, NC, NJ, NV, OH, OK, TN, TX, VA, WA
Johns course, The Real Estate Investors KISS Guide to Entities, will teach you to select, set up and maintain the correct entity for your RE business. You can pay $299 now, or you can pay MUCH more later when:
- You pay someone to set up an entity that you could have done yourself;
- You set something up yourself that you should have paid a professional to so (we help distinguish between #1 & #2);
- You pick the wrong entity for your business and pay extra taxes as a result;
- You overcomplicate the business, adding expenses but little real protection;
- You focus on entities to the exclusion of other important asset protection issues.
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