Jimmy D. Brown – Free to Fee System
My name is Jimmy D. Brown and I’ve been making a living online since 2000. In fact, it was back in 2000 that I first used free content to convince people to buy my product. During the fourteen years since, I’ve continued to use the same system!
Indulge me for just a moment as I stroll down memory lane…
CASE STUDY: Back in 2000, I created a free report entitled, “How To Sell 300% More Of Your Product In 72 Hours Than You Did All Month”. This was my “free sample”. And let me tell you, it was as tasty as the free cookies from Hy-Vee! In this free report, I taught people how to use simple endorsement joint ventures to get a massive amount of traffic. I used my own experience using those JVs to launch my ProfitsVault.com site. And I did so in such a way that the free report “whet the appetite” of the readers so that many of them bought access to my paid product. I’ve been doing this a long, long time. Here’s a screenshot from my original “popup” window (wow, it HAS been a long, long time!) describing my free report…
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