Igor Ledochowski – The Power Of Conversational Hypnosis
Module 1: Conversational Hypnosis Foundations
How to harness the principle of confusion for rapid retention of simple and advanced covert hypnotic principles! (You’ll finally remove the number one obstacle to becoming good fast!)
The first “law of learning” any new skill or body of knowledge! (If you don’t do this first, you’ll be fighting an up-hill battle to understand hypnosis.)
The real secret of effortless hypnosis that works when it counts!
How to “catch” the mind trying to sabotage your best efforts! I’ll show you how to beat the bad habits (rooted by years of traditional education) hampering your natural ability to perform covert hypnosis like a pro!
A big mistake people make when developing their conversational hypnosis abilities. (Easy to correct when you know what it is.)
My secret process for helping the unconscious mind soak up hypnosis training automatically. (Nothing… and I mean nothing… will speed up your progress faster.)
Why “beating” yourself up stunts progress and prevents you from unleashing the built-in persuasive potential you already possess!
Two quick ways to take the difficulty out of practicing hypnotic exercises!
How role playing as a great hypnotist allows that image to become reality… without… you doing much of anything at all. (Kids do this all the time because it’s so much fun. Now you’ll use it with purpose and direction to plant the seeds of hypnosis success deep in the psyche.)
How to command the total cooperation of a roomful of strangers! (You’ll see how I trained over 200 people in a matter of minutes to pay attention to me on cue.)
How “stealing” enhances your self-image as a great hypnotist!
A perfect example of how experienced hypnotists let prior knowledge and training prevent them from acquiring new and better skills! And the easy solution no one ever talks about.
A rule about touching people during a hypnotic encounter never to break!
Which thoughts enhance and which ones diminish your influence!
Module 2: How To Be Naturally Hypnotic In All Your Interactions
The secret to “sweeping” people into a covert trance induction!
How to stop people from sabotaging a hypnotic experience before they get away with it! (Never tip them off about this and everything should be okay.)
How to set the right hypnotic context so you’re in charge every time! Follow my instructions here… and… whenever you meet anyone you’ll be in control.
Why using “language softeners” increases compliance! (And 7 language softeners proven to melt anyone’s resistance, uncertainty and fear. For instance, using the word “why” puts people on alert but an alternative phrase relaxes them instantly.)
Why it’s impossible to make scripts work during covert hypnosis!
A simple way to eliminate “performance anxiety”… while… getting more compliance to your suggestions at the same time!
Two big mistakes which kill your chances of hypnotizing anyone! (And how to cultivate the hypnosis mindset so you can influence anyone you choose in any setting!)
How to speak in a smooth-as-silk conversational manner while dropping people into trance! (No one – not the subject nor the onlookers – will know hypnosis is happening right under their nose.)
One subtle reason subjects refuse to respond to your suggestions… even when… it seems you’ve set things up perfectly! (HINT: WHO you are in a particular situation has more impact on subjects than what you say or what you do! I’ll explain what I mean.)
How to position yourself as a trusted authority figure others follow! (It’s an easy way to gain celebrity status and wide-eyed admiration with almost anyone you meet! Ever wonder how pop icons, movie stars and high-profile politicians feel? Now you’ll know!)
How your body language, speech and mannerisms tell others to respond to you! Plus… the uncanny way your mind supplies just the right thing to say or do at just the right time!
A neat exercise to relax yourself in the blink of an eye!
How to introduce riveting trance themes into conversations using power words! You’ll be amazed as people hang on to your every word with rapt attention… regardless… of what you’re talking about!
How to present an “illogical sequence of ideas” that lead to a hypnotic state!
How to stop the Law of Reverse Effect from screwing up your intentions!
Why hypnotists get stuck during an induction… and… two easy “fixes” that keep you in the flow no matter what! Plus… a salesman’s trick that prevents you from losing control of an interaction!
Module 3: Hypnotically Leading Others And The Power Of “Yes Sets”
Why inducing trance in yourself makes you a better covert hypnotist!
How to “cherry-pick” empowering experiences from the menu of your mind… so… every hypnotic encounter ends on a positive note!
How to never run out of things to say whether you’re talking to a friend or a stranger off the street! This is perfect for shy, reserved types who freeze up and or get tongue-tied. It’ll never happen to you again after discovering this technique for keeping conversations going as long as you want.
Why mindset trumps everything else and is your most important asset!
How to construct a “room” within your mind to store the hypnotic skills, abilities and attitudes you’ll need for conversational hypnosis success!
The fundamental “building block” of how your unconscious mind reasons!
How to link a smooth chain of hypnotic ideas that compel subjects to follow your commands! (Here’s a secret way to infuse your words with meaning and captivate the minds of everyone within hearing distance.)
Why “truth” is mostly relative and how to use this insight to change… or at least direct… human behavior in any direction you choose!
The only thing that inhibits the hypnotic process and how to deal with it!
Why you must step inside a subject’s shoes and truly understand how they feel during a hypnotic induction! (Practice this exercise and you’ll develop a “sixth sense” about what’s going on in a subject’s mind during every phase of hypnosis.)
How to “hijack” someone’s resistance so they trance out on the spot!
How people convince themselves of ideas and notions they’d otherwise never believe! (Do you think knowing this little tidbit will make you a better hypnotist? You betcha!)
The psychological reason diets don’t work, never have and never will… and… how to really lose weight and stay healthy and fit for life!. (By the way, the same underlying principle that guarantees diets don’t work seems to help during conversational hypnosis.)
How to get total strangers into the mental habit of agreeing with you!
How to “manipulate” reality using the Law of Association!
Module 4: How To Use Strategic Hypnosis To Get People To
Adopt New “Truths”
How to dissolve long-held beliefs… and… create new beliefs that were never true for someone before!
How to get people to reveal their deepest personal secrets!
How to present false ideas in a way that makes them seem plausible… and… how to nudge people to accept bizarre suggestions that don’t make sense!
Ethical Influence: The true story of how an entire industry lost credibility due to underhanded tactics… and… why ethical behavior is the surest path to long-term success in life!
A simple formula for becoming wealthy! I’ll give you the title of the book from where I read this secret. It just might be the most profound way to riches you’ll ever read about!
How to apply your new conversational hypnosis skills with purpose from now on! (No more “hit-or-miss” hypnosis. You’ll know how to deliberately hypnotize people in everyday situations at work, home, school, etc.!)
Why people destroy relationships and can’t fix the problem!
The Piggyback Principle: Your key to making unbelievable claims and suggestions perfectly acceptable even to the most critical of subjects!
How to “spoon-feed” suggestions to someone until they believe every word you say hook, line and sinker! (HINT: Think baby-steps!)
How to talk to the conscious and the unconscious mind at the same time!
How to cause physical sensations in a subject’s body just by choosing the right mood and words!
How to “dial-up” a person’s desire for a specific outcome without their awareness! (This is how genius persuaders engineer automatic reactions in people leading to a predictable result!)
How to create enough “leverage” to motivate action! (I’ll show you the best way to get someone going in the short-term… and… keep them going for the long-term.)
What triggers the mechanism that makes indirect suggestion work in the first place? (Don’t bother guessing. I’ll give you the answer and practical ways to get positive responses.)
A crucial question to ask yourself so all your indirect suggestions go unnoticed by the conscious mind… and… drop undetected straight into the unconscious!
Why “Universal Experiences” weaken the critical factor and let you string subjects along until they have no choice but to agree with you!
How I got a roomful of people thirsty without saying a single word!
Module 5: The Instant Rapport Technique And Hypnotic
Eyes Revealed
How master influencers think! (Your “performance” as a conversational hypnotist hinges on your willingness to adopt the same thinking!)
Why the eyes truly are the “windows of the soul”… and… how knowing this lets you engage with people on a deep emotional level!
How blind people use their visual process!
How my friends used their eyes to gather large crowds! (An amusing story but it reveals a certain truth about getting and keeping anyone’s attention on what you want!)
How to arrest attention, build positive emotional pressure and put people under your control with the Hypnotic Gaze!
Three factors crucial for hypnosis to occur! (Miss just one and the entire context is off.)
A subtle way to disrupt the critical factor so your suggestions quietly sneak into the unconscious mind like a thief in the night!
How to overload the mind to the point where it allows almost anything in to get a little relief! (Plus two things you must do — one of them does the job 90% of the time — to maintain a friendly environment until trance happens!)
How to build instant rapport with people you just met! (Got a job interview… blind date… new client? This is how to break the ice and warm them up to you in seconds!)
How the signals we send out unconsciously affect everyone around us!
How to relax people so they fall into a covert trance!
Module 6: How To Hijack A NO And
Turn It Into A YES
What the phrase “hypnosis is anything but a casual relationship” means to you as an ethical hypnotist who has everyone’s best interests at heart!
How to get to a point where hypnosis happens all by itself without hardly any conscious involvement!
A nice description of hypnotherapy which reveals your true role in the process of helping someone else with their issues!
An exercise perfect for establishing instant rapport and maintaining it in any interaction! (Imagine attracting people to you just because of how you feel within. Powerful stuff.)
How to match your ideas, language and emotional context so what you say is congruent with how you think and feel in the moment! (Really important. Because if what you think and how you feel is “off” people will pick up on the dissonance… and… they’ll balk at your attempts to influence them.)
One thing to stop doing in order to influence others with your words!
How to emotionally connect with people who don’t speak your language!
How to capture someone’s imagination with your eyes!
A “magic pill” solution for smoothing out verbal disagreements in a flash! (Perfect for dealing with belligerent people dead set on contradicting whatever you say. Within a few short moments, they’ll be eating out of the palm of your hand!)
What it means to “hijack” or “ratify” a person’s experience!
How to “prime the mind” to accept suggestions… and… how to strengthen and reinforce the raw power of every suggestion you’ll ever make!
One of the most powerful techniques for getting “failed” suggestions to take!
How playing the game “Dueling Hypnotists” increases your covert influence… like nothing else!
A big misconception among some in the hypnotic community about what it takes to create a trance experience!
Why getting people to disagree with you often leads to a “Yes!”
The easy mental shift exercise that always puts you in total control of any interaction!
How to transform rejection into massive opportunity! (Only a handful of elite hypnotists know this secret but it supercharges your influence… and… practically compels people to agree with you even after they flat out rejected what you said!)
How to build deep rapport by upsetting people! (One of my friends did this to a cafe owner and now gets greeted with hugs!)
Passing the honesty test: How to do it by keeping quiet and doing nothing! (Based on over a decade of personal experience and research… I reveal the best way I know to establish yourself as a trustworthy friend!)
Module 7: Trance Rhythms That Put The “Critical Factor” To Sleep And A Hypnotic Revivification Demo
The “hard-and-fast” rule to covert hypnosis success to always keep in the back of your mind! Follow my advice on this, and you’ll never have problems inducing trance in any setting!
The Shaman’s secret to creating a hypnotic atmosphere… and… why it forces people to hang on to your every word!
How modelling the Bardic Tradition of epic storytelling sucks people into your conversation and keeps them spellbound until you’re done! (Amazingly effective even when you mess it up!)
How to become the most interesting person in the world.
A simple way to win the admiration and adoration of anyone you meet!
How to uncover the verbal rhythmic “sweet spot” perfect for lulling your subject into a compliant state of mind!
The secret to discovering trance words and phrases ideal for hypnosis! (This works even when you’re in high-pressure situations and dealing with people you’ve never met before and know nothing about.)
The trance-enhancing effect of the “echo” technique!
Watch as I put a student in trance who said he had never been hypnotized before! (Which only proves the power of the covert influence secrets I’m teaching you!)
When “thinking” is helpful… and… when it gets in the way!
How the influence process alters you and the subject in a positive way! (It’s a “hidden perk” of hypnosis that transforms you into a better person.)
Where to spend your time and energy… if… you don’t want to fail as a hypnotist!
2 quick-fix trade secrets to get you back on track if a subject is fighting your covert hypnotic attempts with all their might! (This will mesmerize them so fast they won’t know what happened.)
Module 8: Advanced Conversational Revivification
Demo And The Little-Known
Previvification Technique
Live demonstration of how to ratify an experience… while at the same time… intensifying a waking trance to the point where the subject does anything you ask!
How to excite people to do things they normally loath! (Want to get your kids to eat their veggies? Want to get bigger orders from stingy customers? Want to get yourself to do things you don’t like? Then use this technique and watch in awe as the magic happens without effort on your part.)
My personal insomnia cure! (Never have a sleepless night again!)
How over-using your hypnotic powers can turn you into a social pariah! (Why Milton Erickson [the greatest hypnotist who ever lived] had very few personal friends… despite… his unusual charismatic charm. Things got so bad his colleagues refused to even shake his hand.)
How to ferret out hypnotic triggers while talking with someone… and… use those personal trance words to begin and enhance an induction! I share with you the “Sherlock Holmes” technique for detecting the key words your subject is most likely to get hypnotized by!
What it means to “ride the trance”… and… why it makes you irresistible to others! (Watch in wonder as people open up to you and start “gushing” their closely-guarded secrets.)
How to manufacture experiences for others that never existed for them before! (You can actually inspire others to completely change their lives. In fact, I fell “victim” to this process while watching a certain TV show and that’s how I decided to become a lawyer. Which is proof that TV is a very hypnotic weapon.)
The true story about an infamous book authorities banned because people were killing themselves after reading it!
A neat way to re-introduce trance in a follow up hypnotherapy session without starting a brand new induction from scratch!
Instant Paradigm Shift! The magic formula for changing someone’s state of mind on a dime… and… convincing them to take the action you want NOW!
How to get suggestions accepted by people who don’t understand your verbal commands! (Overcome language barriers with this simple compliance strategy! Works wonders when you’re in a foreign country, need cooperation… but… no one knows what the hell you’re saying!)
The biggest mistake people make during the influence process!
The real reason people do not follow your advice, no matter how beneficial it sounds! (I explain a simple way to take all of the resistance out of the equation. When you do, they’ll accept your advice with no hang-ups whatsoever.)
How to attach the good feelings someone enjoys about one topic to another topic they want to improve! (Especially helpful when you need quick results… but… everything else you tried failed!)
An example of a negative hallucination, how it happens during covert hypnosis and how to steer people back when it occurs!
An elegant strategy for crushing objections before they come up!
How to present outrageous ideas in the most plausible way possible… so… subjects have no choice but to agree with your point of view! (Incredible how this causes people to accept the most unbelievable things and not give it a second thought!)
The trick to resolving conflicts instantly!
How to predispose the mind to acquire new skills with ease!
The “referential index”: Why it allows you to plant undetected suggestions directly in someone’s mind!
How to transfer your enthusiasm about any topic to someone else with such power they immediately become excited! (I learned this from my surrogate grandmother who made me love knitting even though I had no reason to do so. Must-have secret for sales reps and anyone involved with motivating people to take action.)
How to prepare people emotionally to succeed at anything they try!
Module 9: Freestyle Conversational Hypnosis And How To Amp Up Your Hypnotic Influence
A 6-word question that uncovers how susceptible someone is to conversational or any other kind of hypnosis!
A mental pitfall that makes you less… not more… influential.
Why you can’t influence… unless… you’ve been influenced first!
The five “must-have” tools in your hypnotic grab-bag! (The critical concepts to embrace for becoming a fluent conversational hypnotist. You can forget everything else except these!)
How the Priming Effect turns you into a world-class hypnotist automatically! (This is how to study hypnosis if gaining competence at the highest levels quickly is your goal!)
A famous quote by martial arts master Bruce Lee that reveals the best way to approach hypnosis… or… anything else for that matter!
The three most important principles in hypnosis!
How to use conversational hypnosis to master everything you want in life! (One of my students teaches people — after an hour in a conversational hypnosis setting — how to put 10 bullets through the same hole on a target. And these are people who never held a hand gun before in their lives.)
How I use conversational hypnosis on myself to put on ultra-successful hypnosis seminars! (NOTE: Apply this process before work, a presentation, sales call or whatever and watch your success ratio skyrocket.)
5 hypnosis “laws” you should commit to memory!
My “go-to” formula for creating the perfect hypnotic situation! (Here’s how to find hot topics to begin an interaction… while… entering the secret conversation going on in the other person’s mind!)
How to tie into “universal experiences” and weave a yes-pattern almost impossible to break! (Do this and just about everyone will have no choice but to comply with your requests!)
How to read minds, influence actions and predict outcomes with almost 100% certainty… plus… a secret Ericksonian technique that turns absurd statements into acceptable suggestions!
Module 10: Hot Words And How To Use Conversational Hypnosis Immediately In The Real World
How to gradually become more hypnotic so people don’t notice what’s happening while you’re talking with them!
What an “invisible” yes is and why it’s crucial to get as many as possible!
What to do with your eyes so the interaction seems more natural! (It’s the opposite of what most hypnosis training teaches.)
Why influencing becomes almost impossible if you don’t allow for rejections and disagreements! (Better watch out if all you get is yes after yes.)
Body language that reveals when someone is mesmerized and drifting off into a responsive hypnotic state!
The only time it makes sense to ask a “why” question! (Plus several other ways to ask “why” and get a much better response.)
One word to avoid using or you’ll create conflict instead of resolution!
Watch as a roomful of hypnotists convince each other they are conversational hypnosis experts!
How to train the unconscious mind to respond perfectly!
How to use emotionally-charged “hot words” to make a bone-crushing impact with everything you say… and… the secret to saying the right things when you’re at a loss for words!
What publications and books to read if you want a world-class education in how to influence the masses! (One of these is, I believe, the most widely-read publication in America… but… no one wants to admit they read it.)
Why reading The Cat In The Hat will make you a better hypnotist!
Another technique (this one relies on a fun visualization exercise) to keep a conversation going when you’re stuck and don’t know what to say next!
Module 11: Framing, Re-Framing And “The Unconscious Blitz”
Examples of how to set context so suggestions stick like crazy glue!
What you must know about the concept of “frame control”… how to create the perfect frame… and… why the wrong frame will make all your attempts at covert hypnosis impotent!
The three main types of frames that let you steer a conversation to the end result you choose!
How to “guide” someone’s emotional reaction!
How to make any problem totally irrelevant! (A quick way to change someone’s perception so something that was important to them is no longer such a big deal.)
How to make anything you say seem like a good idea… even if… it’s off the wall crazy!
Can you present ideas and dissolve objections at the same time? Yup! But don’t try to guess because I’ll show you how!
How to choose the right hypnotic concepts in conversation! (Doing this is what separates proficient hypnotists from the rest. I can spot world class covert hypnotists from a mile away just by zeroing in on this factor alone.)
Why it’s a good idea to study “how” politicians answer questions! (Watch a few congressional hearings and you’ll realize just how polished these folks are at frame control!)
How to test for compliance… and… gently guide non-compliant subjects to agree with whatever you say!
Your best bet for overcoming a critical factor that’s on high alert… how to check if a subject is under your influence or not… and… the trick to making people do exactly what you request!
An exercise to help you come up with metaphors that create a hypnotic conversation!
How to talk directly to the unconscious mind using the “triple layer” hypnotic voice!
What the “might as well” feeling is… and… how it pushes people to do what you ask!
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