Igor Ledochowski – ACH – Mind Bending Language Cards 16 CDs – Transcript
Because you’ll learn how to “download” NEW hypnosis technology into your brain on this page. This technology is so potent that when it’s injected into any discussion, not even hypnosis veterans with more than 40 years of experience will be able to “see it coming.”
Furthermore, when you’ve jumbled their thoughts like a pack of cards, they won’t be able to describe what transpired. It is a development in hypnotic effect that may be applied in virtually any circumstance you can think of, such as…
Votes, ideas, bargains, and hypnotherapy
Reservations, occupations, the mind, and
ANYTHING, the hearts of others!
“All Back Taxes Removed”
“I am a 62-year-old student right now. I had to visit City Hall last week to try to rescue my mother’s house.
“The Assor eliminated all back taxes from my mother’s property after a talk with a little Mind Bending Language.”
Theo Williams
retired teacher in a school
USA: New Orleans, Louisiana
Applying the knowledge is simple, easy, and advantageous.
“After receiving the Mind Bending Language decks and spending a lot of time studying and practicing the material, putting the information into practice is simple, helpful, and effortless.
It is and should be utilized with great caution, depending on your own area or motivation for learning or owning this excellent instrument.
“The Mind Bending Language deck has helped me in a number of situations as a Deception Detection Investigator.”
Mcclintock, Reed
Investigator for Deception Detection
Beaverton, USA, Oregon
Everyone Pays Quiet Attention Before Following Your Instructions
“Hello, Igor. In my leisure time, I work on stage productions and do some therapeutic work, but during my profession as an IT consultant, I constantly utilize the MBL to help individuals open up.
“Something always comes out that I didn’t realize when I go back to re-listen during my study time, such as on the bus to and from work!!
“My most recent project, a new multi-million dollar data center for a big global bank, is the finest illustration of success,” I said.
“I work for the bank, and my responsibility is to make sure that the building and service providers have tested, certified, and commission the data center to the appropriate tier level.
“Usually, the toughest part is towards the end, but with some MBL and conversational basics up front, the task is on schedule, at the correct quality, and moving forward, and the folks involved are relishing the success feeling!!
“We are on schedule for the handover on February 1st in return for a sizable cheque!! The biggest complement came from a colleague consultant last week, who noted that the best representatives from the top New Zealand businesses in this industry, including the country’s AT&T Telecom corporation, were present at our project meetings.
He added, “I’m amazed, you don’t say much, but, everyone listens silently and follows your instructions precisely. I never imagined these people would get along so well.”
“I answered that we were really happy to have such a terrific team,” as I grinned and shrugged.
Richard Wilson
Hypnotist and IT consultant
Auckland, New Zealand
“A Simple And Quite Powerful System”
I’ve been using the MBL Decks for a while, and they have unquestionably had the most impact on my coaching, training, and therapy businesses.
“The reason for this is straightforward; I can now speak in a way that allows people to see the opportunities that are available to them.
“I can construct phrases that divert, perplex, and engage the unconscious mind, and it’s at this point that I frequently witness people’s lights go on,” the author claims.
“I recently met with a woman who needed assistance managing her pain since she had fibromyalgia. When I started utilizing MBL to delve deeper, she hesitated for about 5 minutes before breaking down in tears.
“She continued to tell me that she now understood why she had come to me for assistance and that it was because of her father, who had beaten her and made her feel unworthy in the past.
“After working with that, she has entirely transformed, and it is wonderful to see how much her family has noticed this.
Once again, Igor, I appreciate your basic yet really powerful system.
Peter Maryan
Trainer, Coach, & Hypnotherapist
Scotland’s Aberdeenshire is located there.
Nearly magical
Dr. Milton Erickson’s reputation as someone who could assist those no one else could was among the initial things that drew me to hypnosis. I immediately recognized what I intended to do as I read that phrase.
“I have studied under some of the best trainers and professors in the world, and I still have a strong desire to learn more from the best teachers there are.
Conversational language patterns, I found, were one of the most significant and fascinating communication vehicles for transformation.
“When I learned about Igor’s training resources, I was once again quite delighted because of the outstanding and unique trainings he provided.
“Something extra I could utilize to increase my knowledge and succeed in my career even more. I wish I had the language decks when I first started studying 20 years ago.
They are practically amazing, they make learning so much simpler, and they have given me more confidence with my customers.
“I advise anyone looking for a “shortcut” to advanced hypnosis study that is intense and of the highest caliber.
“Igor is an excellent teacher, and I can’t wait for his next release. Thanks a lot.
Jillian Starodub
Licensed clinical hypnotist
Canada’s Oakville, Ont.
“An Important Tool”
“Even though we interact with language every day, do we really give a damn about how well we do it?
“Silent and graceful use of language is of the utmost significance if anybody who speaks with others wants to impact change in a way that is good.
“This is the goal of covert hypnosis. When I initially started learning hypnosis, I had the impression that I was still in school, memorizing linguistic patterns without truly knowing what I was doing or why.
“What I was lacking was a tool that I could utilize to properly understand and master these ostensibly challenging patterns. And for me, the Mind Bending Language (MBL) cards were the last piece.
The accompanying training starts with a crash course on hypnosis to lay the groundwork for understanding how MBL is constructed, as well as the definitions of various forms of hypnosis, the philosophy of MBL, the NLP communication model, and how MBL may be used in practical situations.
“They next examine the three decks and the four or five suits of cards in greater depth, learning how each deck functions, using the decks, and, most importantly, practicing.
It all comes down to seeing the cards, expressing the linguistic patterns, manipulating the cards, and “doing.” After using all of the cards, they haven’t been relegated to my bookcase as a discarded toy is put away in the toy box.
They have grown to be a crucial tool in my ongoing effort to learn language patterns for use in interpersonal interactions.
Garland, Neil
Netherlands, Amsterdam
A genuine act of genius
For the past six weeks, I have listened to the mind-bending language instruction virtually every day.
“I placed them on my iPod and have been cycling back and forth, in and out, above and beyond, above everything else I should be doing, with them in my thoughts.
They are among Igor’s best contributions, in my opinion.
“A genuine brilliance move. Igor, thanks once again
Dr. Arthur Balin, Ph.D.
Dermatologist with specialties in longevity medicine, Mohs micrographic surgery, and skin cancer
Pennsylvania, USA, Media
“A Radically New And Exceptionally Powerful Approach To Conversationally Producing Positive Change”
“Mind Bending Language is a completely new and very potent method of bringing about constructive change via discussion.
But until recently, learning the abilities and methods of Mind Bending Language was challenging.
“The card decks from Igor’s Mind Bending Language eliminate that problem. If you practice with the card decks, as Igor advises, and employ them, then…
“The Mind Bending Language patterns will be so deeply ingrained in your mind that they will become a natural part of how you normally speak,” says the author.
“At that point, you won’t even have to deliberately think about employing the patterns; they’ll just come to mind naturally,” the author writes.
Sterling Spurling
USA: Fishers, Indiana
Making Significant Changes That Result In Unanticipated…Personal Success
“I discovered the cards to be a fantastic source of practice material for my client preparation.
“Also as a source of many different words, ideas, and queries for script composition.
“I have worked with patients referred by doctors who have been diagnosed with cancer, Lyme disease, and chronic auto-immune disorders, as well as athletes who are dedicated to learning how to perform at their best, students who have extreme exam anxiety, and others.
“They are making significant adjustments that result in unanticipated personal achievement for them.
“Thank you for offering such valuable information in a way that allows for quick study and practice.”
Emrich, Art
retaining a hypnotist
USA: Sarasota, Florida
written by: Igor Ledochowski
the 26th of February 2020
Beloved Friend,
In order to get mind-altering hypnotic outcomes like Oren, Dan, Ken, and David, I’m going to demonstrate on this page how to utilize a NEW hypnosis technique to begin activating a 5-million-year-old evolutionary “reset switch” in other people’s brains.
What sort of outcomes?
Look at this:
Oren is one of those incredible individuals who meets with “ice cold” multi-millionaire (and even BILLIONAIRE) venture investors in the “lion’s den.”
Oren pitches for huge sums of investment capital using nothing more than his words and demeanor (he doesn’t utilize PowerPoint presentations or hide behind props).
And even though Oren hasn’t had any formal training in business presentations or sales methods…
Over the past few years, he has personally raised more than $400 MILLION.
leaving almost all of his contemporaries who were “money hounds” in his wake.
Dan comes next.
Dan is a mentor for entrepreneurs.
High-flying businesspeople from a wide range of sectors come to Dan for advice on how to increase their level of mastery and control over their enterprises and their lives.
Nothing too special there, I suppose.
However, do you want to know anything amusing?
Dan never makes an effort to persuade anyone to pay the steep five-figure cost to enroll in his business mentoring program.
In fact, it’s sort of strange what occurs on those calls because Dan will talk for 39 words… and then shut up—every time a reluctant potential customer calls him on the phone to learn more about his program.
He says nothing further.
What follows is what?
In general, there is a pause on the other end of the line. There was a frightening quiet.
Then what?
The potential coaching client will then go into great detail about all the reasons why Dan’s program is ideal for them, and always…
They Excitedly Sign Up (And Pay) Right Away
Dan never tries to persuade or sell anyone on anything, as I previously mentioned.
See, Dan (like Oren) has found a secret “reset switch” in the depths of the human brain, giving him an unfair advantage over all of his rivals who haven’t yet found it.
Which brings us to Ken’s intriguing narrative.
Ken is also aware of the brain’s secret “reset switch.” He then used that rarefied knowledge to the competitive world of…
Calling to solicit money
the stock broker
Yes, Ken would pick up the phone and “pitch” shares to total strangers.
Ken didn’t really “pitch” shares, though. Definitely not the way the business training program instructed him to.
Instead, Ken performed something that, at first glance, is difficult to classify or describe in terms of the majority of well-known pitching or selling techniques.
But guess what?
Ken would continue for months.
The “Thinking Brain,” the Neocortex, may be as stubborn as a mule.
People trusted Ken totally and he completed 90% of agreements on the first contact, despite the fact that they had never met him in person and had just just phoned them.
Actually, because Ken’s firm was so skeptical of his sales statistics, they called the “audit police” on him and tracked his conversations.
They identified him as a dishonest broker who used coercive, threatening, and unlawful phone-based manipulation techniques on the persons he phoned.
Not at all.
He only understood how to activate the brain’s “reset switch,” which is concealed.
Does it ever become weirder?
It does, really.
Because David should not be forgotten.
Before I tell you David’s tale, I must forewarn you that you might find it blatantly disrespectful or that it might make you feel jealous for your own reasons.
See, during the evening David would phone up women from a local magazine’s dating listings.
Many of these women would be very “rigid,” career-focused individuals (like power-hungry lawyers, financial analysts and corporate executives, etc). Additionally, a few of these women would be more “homey” types with a range of interests.
But it doesn’t matter because almost always, after only 20 to 30 minutes of speaking with David on the phone for the very first time…
These Females Would
having unpredictable
Complete Orgasms
even several orgasms
Additionally, David typically forbade the women from “touching” themselves.
Also, this is not a joke.
The following is the truly amazing part:
Even though Oren, Dan, Ken, and David’s horrifying mind-altering feats appear miraculous, the truth is…
Their Methods Are Still Rather Primitive (And Limited) Compared To What You’ll Be Able To Suggest To Another Person’s Mind, When You Read On…
To understand why that is so, we need to open up the skull and take a closer look at the human brain.
Basically the human brain is composed of three parts.
First there is the “upper brain” or the Neocortex as its officially called. The Neocortex is the thinking, reasoning, analysing and judgmental part of the brain. It’s where we hold our habitual ingrained thought patterns.
Anyway, if you’ve had any experience of trying to reason with or argue someone round to your way of thinking… you already know…
The “Thinking Brain,” the Neocortex, may be as stubborn as a mule.
Next we have the “mid brain”. Officially known as the Mammalian brain.
This part of the brain is the social part of the brain. It helps us make sense of social interactions and allows us to relate with other people.
But for the sake of having the most powerful hypnotic influence we are primarily interested (initially, at least) with the “lower brain”. This is often referred to as the Limbic brain or the Reptilian brain.
Or, as I like to call it…
The Crocodile Brain
Here’s what’s important to know about the crocodile (croc) brain.
In the lower west side “Zip Code” area of the croc brain is a small ball of motor-neurons called the Amygdala (pronounced Ah-mig-dala) (pronounced Ah-mig-dala).
The Amygdala is about 5-million-years old in evolutionary terms and is a fickle little “neuro-network”.
Most biochemists and neuroscientists talk about the Amygdala as the “fire alarm” in the brain. Or some such equivalent description.
That’s because the Amygdala gets triggered when we perceive a threat (like a snake slithering into view or a jack-knifed lorry skidding toward us) (like a snake slithering into view or a jack-knifed lorry skidding toward us).
It’s the Amygdala that instinctively kicks into gear and causes us to run away from any kind of perceived threat to our survival.
But guess what?
There’s a way to “verbally drug” the Amygdala to cause the whole brain (including the “security guarded” Neocortex) to open up its doors ready and eager to absorb new information and ideas.
Actually, when the Amygdala is “verbally drugged” in just the right way (like I’m going to show you how to do)…
The Entire Brain “Spins Out” And A Person’s Ingrained (Defensive) Thought Patterns Collapse
In An Instant
And when that happens – you can literally “reset” a person’s thinking patterns so they accept and act on the new ideas you “feed” them.
That, in a nutshell, is the “invisible” secret Oren, Dan, Ken and David have used to pull-off their mind altering feats of hypnotic influence.
They have each, in their own way, used hypnotic “reset” language to collapse the thinking, analytical, judgmental part of the brain (the Neocortex) by positively…
Hijacking The Amygdala
But… (and this is important)…
Where the likes of Oren, Dan, Ken and David have been able to “verbally drug” people by hijacking the Amygdala in specific contexts and specific environments (where certain conditions are set up in advance for them to be effective)… there now exists a NEW hypnosis technology which allows you to positively hijack the Amygdala and collapse (and “reset”) a person’s stubborn thought patterns….
Anywhere, Anyplace, Anytime
And on any person – no matter how “set-in-their-ways” they are.
Plus, the person or people you’re using this NEW hypnosis technology with will have no idea what you’re doing.
Their conscious mind’s will not get in the way.
All they’ll know is they’ll feel uplifted and emotionally energized after communicating with you.
Another thing:
Not only can you use this NEW hypnosis technology anytime, anyplace, anywhere – you can use it in natural conversation for an endless variety of reasons.
Put simply: Anytime someone has a “stuck” mindset around a particular issue or decision you can “unstick” it with the new hypnosis technology.
So for example:
You can use this new hypnosis technology in a therapy environment to make transformational changes in others in record time and grow the reputation of your practice in leaps and bounds.
Plus you can use it in a business environment (to clinch big deals, lead important projects, or turn-the-tables on a tyrant of a boss so they start looking up to you)… and you can also use it socially in everyday life (to help a friend drop a lifelong phobia, help your child with their enthusiasm for school subjects or enable certain people to feel very good about spending time with you) (to help a friend drop a lifelong phobia, help your child with their enthusiasm for school subjects or enable certain people to feel very good about spending time with you).
And here’s the really neat thing:
In each case where you use this new hypnosis technology you are enabling someone to make superior decisions compared to what their “stuck” mind was capable of making.
For that reason…
Nobody Will Ever Get “Buyer’s Remorse” Or Feel Cheated Or Tricked By You
It’s just not possible for that to happen.
Anyway, just what is this NEW hypnosis technology?
I call it “Mind Bending Language”. It took me 8 long years of trial-and-error to formulate, synthesize and refine so I could use it fluidly in any situation.
Then it took me a further 2 years to figure out how best to teach it to other people in a structured and easy-to-learn way.
It’s been a long (and at times, frustrating) road. But it’s been well worth it because you can now have a lot of fun transforming yourself into a brain “re-setting” master hypnotist (and do so in a matter of a couple weeks) through the new course I’ve put together for you, called:
The Mind Bending Language
Card Decks System
The Mind Bending Language Card Decks System – (the ONLY “all-inclusive” place on earth you can “upload” the mind bending language skill into you) — comprises 3 decks of mind bending language cards and 16 accompanying MBL training sessions on how to use the cards to get really good, really fast, using Mind Bending Language.
Basically the components of the system break down like this:
Training Sessions 1-2: Lay the groundwork for the entire system and cover the fundamentals of mind bending language (MBL) and how it fits into the overall framework of hypnosis.
Training Sessions 3-8: (Used in conjunction with card deck 1): Formulas You Can Use For Instant Effect:
Training Sessions 3 to 8 and Card Deck 1 cover predefined language patterns of mind bending language (MBL) (MBL). Together they get you up to speed quickly with how to use MBL and can be considered your “training wheels”.
There are 50 cards altogether in this module, divided across 5 suits of cards, each of which has 10 cards.
Each card features a unique MBL pattern that I painstakingly designed to lead your thoughts in one of the five fundamental directions.
You will develop your ability to talk in mind-bending ways as you practice with this program. This enables YOU to stretch YOUR OWN MIND so that you naturally begin to think more broadly.
Training Sessions 9–12: Using Mind Bending Language In Any Situation (In combination with Card Deck 2)
You will learn how to seamlessly incorporate MBL POWER WORDS into a discussion with anybody, anywhere, at any time in Training Sessions 9 through 12 and Card Deck 2. You will learn how to “go freestyle” with MBL during this phase of the system so that you may use it naturally without relying on memory or cards.
You’ll learn how to use the THEMES in this lesson to make everything you say to anybody, at any time, into something enlightening.
They will only be aware of the fact that they are no longer able to see things in the same way, feel the same way, or even think about them in the same manner.
This module has 60 cards, divided into 4 suits of 15 cards each.
Training Sessions 13–16: Advanced Techniques for Best Results (Applied in combination with Card Deck 3).
You will learn how to become very strategic with MBL in Training Sessions 13 to 16 and Card Deck 3, so you naturally think, talk, and act like a master mind-bending hypnotist who can change people’s perceptions quickly and shift them into and out of covert trances within minutes of talking to them. You will also learn how to overcome people’s problems, fears, and anxiety and get them “unstuck,” sometimes without even saying anything (Hint: Language is just one way of achieving mind bending results).
It’s time to start being more and more STRATEGIC with the WAY that you use language once you’ve stretched your mind and increased your vocabulary so you can naturally FLOW with MBLs whenever, whenever, and with whomever.
You see, MBLs may be utilized quietly to give folks a little push in one direction or another with imperceptibly slight rotations.
You must comprehend how people think and use language, as well as the assumptions that the mind has formed, in order to employ the MBLs gracefully and with certainty in order to achieve your desired outcome.
This 59-card deck’s 4 suits will provide you with that accuracy. Your power words will reach new heights thanks to the sophisticated principles in Mind Bending Language and the tactics it will teach you to apply at various situations.
Here is a list of Mind Bending Language System’s “components”:
Card Deck 2 is like learning to put the letters together to form words and phrases to convey ideas with, if Card Deck 1 is like learning to write by copying letters and words out in a book.
…then playing Card Deck 3 is like to enrolling in an advanced writing or storytelling course. Here is where the true creativity and polish are displayed. The knowledge in this module will be mined by you for MANY years to come!
Click Here To Begin Using
This shortcut system, or “MBL,”
Anyway, the conclusion is as follows:
You can follow along as I move through the training cards one at a time since you’ll hear me working one-on-one with students in the training sessions (giving you examples of how they would be incorporated into a real conversation). Learning is done in a highly engaging way.
To maybe “nuke” a fear. Perhaps to assist them in making a decision on a problem they have been having. Or just to make their brains shine like the Las Vegas Strip.
And by only using the system…
You’ll naturally begin to advance in skill as a mind-bending language hypnotist.
But what precisely does it imply to suggest that you’ll become an expert language hypnotist mean?
Now consider this:
I want you to picture yourself in a huge auditorium with 10,000 other very skilled and knowledgeable hypnotists.
You should also see yourself as the front-row performer, calling each of the 10,000 skilled hypnotists on to the stage one by one while you begin MBL on them all. To maybe “nuke” a fear. Perhaps to assist them in making a decision on a problem they have been having. Or just to make their brains shine like the Las Vegas Strip.
Would you like to venture a bet as to how many of the 10,000 skilled hypnotists would be aware of what you had just done with them after you had personally worked with them all?
The real answer might surprise you.
since, at best…
Only perhaps three or four of those skilled hypnotists would be aware of the NEW hypnosis technology (MBL) you had used on them.
I am aware that may be difficult to believe.
However, keep in mind that I regularly teach hypnosis to sold-out crowds all over the world (meeting some extremely skilled hypnotists with 40+ years of expertise under their belt along the way), and I can positively state that MBL is a completely foreign idea to them.
They “Dropped Their Jaws In Awe”
Haven Young “In August, I attended the National Guild of Hypnosis Convention. I utilized MBL while eating lunch with other hypnotists to adjust something for another hypnotist.
“No formal trance! The others just dropped their jaws in awe!
Just imagine how well it might function for You!”
Everett Young
Master NLP and hypnosis practitioner
Fresno, California, United States
Because of this, I refer to MBL as.
Ahead Of Its Time In Hypnosis
If you let it, you’ll develop neural dominance and become a hypnosis superpower.
You’ll spend the rest of your life as a linguistic scuba diver, exploring the seabed of awareness where you have complete power over how others see the world and behave.
Listen to this as well:
Put it to the test if you still don’t think a hypnosis expert with 30 to 40 years or more of expertise won’t grasp (and won’t detect) MBL when it’s utilized in front of their eyes.
akin to this
Let all the information and MBL patterns “seep” into you as you go through the Mind Bending Language System in its entirety.
Then, locate the best skilled hypnotist you can find, challenge them to a head-to-head competition, and have them work on a subject with a “stuck” attitude. Let the skilled hypnotist go first, then take a seat and see the outcomes.
Then what? Then, utilizing MBL technology, you work with that same person (or someone else who is experiencing a similar issue).
What will occur?
I am fairly certain of what will occur. The quickness and thoroughness of the outcomes you achieve in contrast to the erratic outcomes of hypnosis veterans…
They’ll Completely Fool and Embarrass Them
And that’s true even if you’re only just getting started with hypnosis right now.
Simply said, MBL technology is that quick and potent.
Because of this, I don’t want just anyone to possess the Mind Bending Language System.
As a matter of fact
If You Are Reckless or Vengeful In
In any case, please take care of yourself.
Stay Away From This MBL Content
You are not the intended recipient.
To be precise, the Mind Bending Language System is best suited for the following 3 sorts of people:
PERFECT CANDIDATE 1: Currently practicing hypnotists and hypnotherapists
If you are a practicing hypnotist or hypnotherapist with high moral standards and a passion for helping others make positive changes in their lives, MBL will be a very powerful new “tool” in your toolbox for hypnosis.
PERFECT CANDIDATE #2: Fans of influence and motivation
MBL will completely change the way you can convince and influence others. Just consider the outcomes Oren, Dan, Ken, and David attained with a very rudimentary and basic MBL.
Ideal Candidate 3: Those Who Love Self-Improvement
Even just going through the Mind Bending Language System will profoundly alter how you view yourself. Your connection with whatever used to be an issue in your life will change drastically as a result.
MBL is a very effective “apply it on yourself” self-development tool as a result.
So, here’s how you receive the Mind Bending Language System if you fit into one (or more) of the three ideal candidate categories:
Normally, a reasonable investment would be $397 Plus shipping for these 169 MBL Cards and the 15 hours and 45 minutes of related instruction.
But for a limited time, I’m reducing the cost to just two straightforward monthly payments of $97.
Additionally, I’ll also include FREE Worldwide Shipping.
I’m taking these steps because I want the hypnosis community as a whole to have access to this special hypnosis technology. Nevertheless, I retain the right to end this exclusive offer at any moment.
You are, of course, completely safe with my…
Guaranteed Money-Back for 60 Days
The accompanying Training Sessions and the Mind Bending Language Cards are backed by a 60-day money-back guarantee.
Therefore, send the cards back within 60 Days for a 100% refund if you don’t think you can use MBL “on the street” with anyone you meet to effectively change people’s minds, get them “unstuck” around a problem, or get them to see new possibilities in their life after reading through all the material.
There are no questions.
You are now in charge, so.
I urge you to take advantage of this chance to learn a very beautiful ability that very few people in the world are familiar with.
So all you have to do to get your cards and training is click the “Add-To-Cart” button below, follow the easy procedures, and it will be sent right to you.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
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> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
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