Greg Greenway – The Justin Bieber Method
From the desk of Greg C. Greenway, Hollywood, CA
Someone important is in the room tonight.
There’s a buzz coming from his table.
The women can sense it… even when he’s surrounded by people and his face is hidden.
They don’t even try to hide their interest.
A few minutes ago, they were all sipping drinks and having “proper” conversations.
Now they’re a bunch of naughty giggling schoolgirls.
Even the most icy, superior, “unapproachable” woman in the room…
She would drop her “hard to get” act and play nice for this guy in a heartbeat.
Just the prospect of being near someone of his status…
…the mere thought of being noticed by him…
…the fantasy of having even a *small* chance at winning him over…
It’s enough to command her complete, undivided attention.
She doesn’t even know who this guy is yet, and she already wants him…
She’s not fully aware of what’s happening, but…
Deep inside of her…
…right in her emotional core, where all her sexual decisions are made…
…a powerful spark of attraction has ignited, like a fuse on a bomb…
She can’t help it.
She’s excited.
It’s instinctive.
And that’s why she keeps craning her neck to see… and wondering out loud…
Who IS this guy…?
Justin Bieber… Greg C. Greenway… and YOU
What you just read is a true story I happened to witness one night in Miami Beach.
The guy in the room was none other than Justin Bieber.
That’s not the craziest part of the story.
The crazy thing is…
The girls were all attracted to him BEFORE they knew who he was.
All they knew was that he was someone of very high status.
Once they found out he was Justin Bieber… that was the icing on the cake.
Of course they wanted him then… he’s a sex symbol.
But that gut-feeling of attraction… that’s what came inside of her first and grabbed hold of her emotions.
And it wasn’t because anyone told her there was an A-list celebrity in the room.
It was because of the way the people around him were behaving.
As a life-long student of human behavior, this really got me thinking…
What if you could deliberately engineer this effect any time you wanted?
So that, instead of chasing the women you want…
… the women you want chase YOU…?
Well, now you finally can!
Complete Control Over Her Emotions…
What you're about to discover will give you a power very few men in the world possess.
When you master this, you will literally be able to have any woman who comes into your circle of influence.
So that, instead of having to approach girls, compete for female attention, or try to “pickup” or “game” the women you’re attracted to…
You will be able to sit back and relax while those same women come to you and compete for YOUR attention.
And once they do… they will start working SO hard to win you over that you can literally take your pick…
… and she will say yes to almost anything you want.
Best part? You can have all this TONIGHT in just 3 simple steps.
The Justin Bieber Method
This is the step-by-step guide I reverse-engineered from watching Justin Bieber in action.
I was able to create the same effect for myself using the three steps below, the very first night I tried them!
Since then, I’ve seen it work over and over again, until I realized…
The psychology is the same no matter who you are.
ANY guy can create the “Justin Bieber Effect” if he knows the right steps.
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