George Hutton – Charisma Generator
Unleash Your Natural Magnetism and Create Irresistible Attraction and Desire
Dear Friend:
Imagine this. You walk into a room filled with attractive people. The people you dream about being with the most. Maybe for romantic reasons, maybe for business reasons. Maybe for other reasons.
Some people would walk in and feel a bit nervous. They try and think of what to say. They look around, hoping to see a familiar face. Somebody to latch onto you.
Not you.
You look around, and you instantly feel the energy shift. You realize that since you’ve shown up, everybody knows. They feel your presence. They crave your presence. They all are thinking the same thing:
“Please approach me! Please come and talk to me!”
Far fetched? Outlandish? Not at all.
Because inside of every single person is a highly charismatic and irresistibly magnetic person just dying to come out.
Only in most of us, our natural, outgoing, charismatic self was hammered away. Covered up with gunk. Fears, uncertainties, anxieties. That invisible shell that keeps us from expressing our true selves. Our true natures.
Little kids don’t worry about what people will say. They don’t worry about being the center of attention. They CRAVE it.
Sure, maybe you’ve forgotten. But if you could remember, you would. You were lying there in your crib. When you were happy, you laughed. When you were sad, you cried.
And you made sure that EVERYBODY knew!
The good news is that as an adult, you can rediscover your inner magnetism. That deep part of you that is happy to interact with others. That is excited to meet new people. That isn’t afraid to share your enthusiasm.
The truth is that most people are scared. Most people want somebody ELSE to make the first move.
That’s why when people see you at that party or social gathering, they’ll be desperate to talk to you. Desperate to get to know you. Desperate to simply stand in your presence.
Think about that.
What will that be like? How much easier will work be?
Or finding a job?
How much easier will it be to meet interesting people for romantic relationships?
How will it feel to walk into room with hundreds of people and choose whomever you want?
How will it feel to stand in front of a huge crowd, and give a powerfully persuasive speech just as easily as you sing in the shower?
This isn’t something foreign. This isn’t something you need to learn. This isn’t some kind of behavior you need to practice until you get it right. This isn’t a matter of facing those fears until they’re gone.
This is simply a matter of letting out what is already inside you. What has been there since you were born.
The natural, charismatic and magnetic you.
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