Gaylene Popovski – Dynamic Chakra Empowerment
Your Chakras are your Power to Create
- Experience 12 Days of Optimal Clearing & Alignments
- To get rid of our own interference in the manifestation process
- New ways to think about yourself and your life
- 12 days of transformation
- 12 Hours of Clearing & Alignments
- 6 Hours of Added Interactive Clearing & Alignments (all live recordings for available for downloading after each day)
- 2 Powerful Bonus MP3’s to continue to Create Change
This is our most powerful time on the planet……. We have been experiencing our Creator more and more, with the power to create our world from within.
This program is designed to facilitate deep clearing.
Clear the many blocks that our self-judgments and responses have created.
Clearing each Chakra This allows you be congruent to YOU. When all of YOU are in agreement harmony, manifesting becomes simple.
You don’t have to surrender your power to any external circumstances or to another being.
You Have the Power to Make Your Dreams Come True!
We can easily and elegantly make any changes within ourselves.
The Chakras store so much information and by clearing lower frequencies caused from previous experiences we can have large amounts of clearing and alignments in optimal time.
The Keys are in the Chakras
To create harmony and change within ourselves
Harmony is the key to success in every area of our lives
Inner conflict leads to outer disharmony – we can have a positive experience by clearing this.
Dynamic Chakra Empowerment This was created to help us clear our energy patterns and to unlock our inner resources. It is easy to manifest quickly when you are in harmony with yourself.
It is not about colors and symbols. It’s about clearing the source of the problem and resolving it to create harmony and allow for positive change.
One part of you may want wealth, while another part is too attached to self-preservation or judging others.
You may desire to have a partner in life – forgetting You have an aspect of Yourself that hasn’t released resentments and feelings from past relationships or how You felt about Yourself in past relationships.
While you may be able to make a decision to be well, it is possible that you are still feeling unwell.
There as so many ways You can be keeping Yourself from Your desire for happiness and success and You are not be aware it is coming from You – thoughts, judgements, opinions, words, feelings, …………
The insights about chakras are extremely powerful for creating change. They also give us the ability to manifest our power.
Each chakra directly influences the process of manifestation. This is because it affects our feelings about ourselves and how we experience life. You have the power to change your energy system and become the master of you own destiny.
Dynamic Empowerment Our chakras offer powerful clearings and updates to our energy centers, which house broadcasting abilities and attitudinal abilities. I discovered that they were operating on outdated frequencies or stuck in old patterns which do not work.
For a manifestation to take place, it is necessary to align and clear the chakras. There are many aspects of our lives that influence our reality. However, we may not have realized the impact they have on our ability or ability to manifest. Our lives have been affected by others and we are not seeing brighter outcomes.
Creating powerful inner alignments allows us to experience life in a state of self –acceptance and as we become more congruent with ourselves and we can enjoy the process of creating our manifestations as well as their outcome.
Clearing out any old patterns and making strong decisions allows us to recognize that the creation of energy has already occurred and manifestation is a natural outcome.
Methods that do not work in today’s system can still be used and are needed to be deleted. Humanity has grown from being a result of the world to become creators and partners.-Creators of this universe.
The power to manifest your life belongs in YOUR OWN HANDS – learn and experience NEW INSIGHTS for understanding YOUR OWN POWER to be in driver’s seat and create your world instead of being a product of it.
I have created 2 Powerful MP3’s which I am giving as bonus’s to add to a powerful 12 days of clearing and alignments.
Chakra Clearing and Alignments – Creating Inner Harmony. This MP3 is powerful and will help you feel lighter. You can choose from a silent or with nature sounds, and brain entrainment.
Chakra Manifesting Alignments: This allows all of your aspects to align with the manifested manifestation. This will allow you to reach deep areas of your self that you may not have been able access. There are two versions: one silent and one that uses isochronic brainwave stimulation.
All MP3s were created to enable you to be present and supportive of yourself, as well as the joy of being who you are.
“The MP3s in Gaylene’s Dynamic Chakra Empowerment Packages are powerful-I could feel the intensity and deeper sleep from the beginning. This allowed me to experience more relaxation. Although I had participated in many energy work programs, I felt my chakras were so out of alignment that I could not tune into them except theoretically. Within a few weeks of starting to work with, my chakras were out of alignment. GayleneI was able to feel the areas of my body where the chakras were being pulled into line, even though I still had a long way to go. For many years, it felt like some of my chakras had been splintered or left my body due to different shocks, experiences and so forth. It was difficult at times to feel the energy of this work but I persevered because I knew something was going on.
Old multiplication was an issue I almost gave up on.-My psyche has been influenced by multiple religious beliefs. As a result, I felt extremely fearful about the consequences of being a unique individual here on earth. There was deep training that made me believe that to be an individual was only a negative ego and for which there was no punishment. Every expression brought with it fear of retribution, and every act of rebellion. This dynamic has been present for a lifetime. Although I could and would preach the truth, my life was dominated by the evil religion. The MP3 had already given me a greater awareness of the importance of being an individual, and it was a good thing.
Fast forward a week and I saw a difference in my appearance. I kept looking until I saw a version of myself that I trust. The change I saw has stayed with me and I now feel and look different.
Thank God, I have found that I can appreciate others better and am less judgemental.
Kathleen USA
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> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
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> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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