Eileen McKusick – Biofield Tunings & Vocal Sounding
Deeply explore the healing powers of your voice — while receiving virtual tuning-fork treatments — and come to trust your voice as potent medicine for creating and maintaining a healthier, more authentic YOU.
As we continue through these turbulent times, it can feel like we’ve been caught up in an uncontrollable riptide.
And if you have a backlog of unprocessed emotions — as many of us do — these tumultuous circumstances will only continue activating your stress responses…
This means everything that’s been hiding under the surface will rise and force you to face it.
You don’t have to stay feeling stuck, though. Instead of choosing to resist and struggle against life’s circumstances, you can surrender and make use of the current constraints to focus on what you CAN do — which might be much more than you think.
You already have access to a powerful instrument that can bring you deep into your authenticity — an empowered, balanced state in which you’re less prone to the upset and exhaustion that often leads to stress and dis-ease.
This instrument is your own body — and it includes your voice. To experience this peaceful state of wellbeing, you only need to care for your instrument (“clean the pipes”) and make sure it’s fully in tune so your authentic self can emerge.
Join us for an advanced 10-module course with Eileen McKusick, sound-therapy practitioner and founder of Biofield Tuning, as you explore sound-healing practices to bring about profound inner balance, peace, and wellness…
… and learn to speak your truth from the core of your body so you can move through the world with greater confidence and ease.
Eileen’s Biofield Tuning is a sound-therapy method based on the premise that the human biofield — the energy field that surrounds and permeates your body — is inextricably connected with your conscious and subconscious mind.
Physical, mental, and emotional dis-ease can be traced back to dissonance in your energy field.
Biofield Tuning creates vibrational frequencies that allow the body to “tune” itself — while enhancing immunity and optimizing overall wellbeing.
The coherent vibrations and tones of Eileen’s biofield tuning-fork treatments can reduce dissonance and resistance to optimal health in your body’s biofield — while the complementary practice of vocal sounding (an ancient healing medium that’s been used worldwide for thousands of years) can help transmute difficult feelings that hold you back from speaking and living your truth.
As you liberate the potential of your voice, you liberate your whole self, according to Eileen. And don’t worry, vocal sounding isn’t singing — it’s vocal toning, and anyone can do it!
The more you can remain in the state of calm equilibrium you’ll achieve with biofield tunings and vocal sounding, the better your body functions and the healthier you become.
Like a bigger boat with a deeper keel, you’re able to ride the swells in your environment… and before you know it, a deep sense of ease will replace the upset and exhaustion.
In Eileen’s empowering 10-module course, you’ll:
- Visit places within you that you’ve closed off and silenced — and begin exploring them, tuning them, and giving them a voice
- Discover how toning with your voice amplifies the healing power of a tuning-fork sound-healing treatment
- Experience a biofield-tuning adjustment on your throat center — to release blocks and open to more fluid expression
- Learn how exploring your voice as a sound-healing instrument helps you identify heavy emotions, access their antidotes, and speak your truth
- Explore your inner architecture with a tuning fork to open up the balanced space within your body’s resonant cavities — so you can experience the interior of your human instrument in a whole new way
- Discover that allowing your authentic voice to emerge liberates your truest self and builds integrity — where resilience and true holistic health resides
- Discover how to play your human instrument through humming and sounding the C scale with simple vowels
- Explore and tune all the natural elements (earth, water, fire, air and aether) within your body
- Learn to play and tune your diaphragm as you connect to your voice’s tone, volume, and freedom
- Bring awareness to your lower abdomen’s key zones (womb, bladder, pelvic floor, and psoas muscles) — so you can use intention to change the shape of the sounds you make
- Awaken forgotten potential through stuck pipe sounding and experience a new sense of liberation of your voice and emotions
- Connect with your ancestors and heal your inherited wounds — your own shadows, and the collective’s
What You’ll Discover in These 10 Modules
In this 10-modules transformational intensive, Eileen will guide you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to find emotional alchemy, increased immunity, and true self-embodiment.
Experience Tuning-Fork Practices
Sound healing using a tuning fork creates vibrational frequencies that allow the body to “tune” itself. These tuning-fork vibrations detect imbalances — and listen for sound that indicates that balance or resonance has been established.
You can harmonize your emotions and electric health during these trying times — right to your bones, where feelings can embed deeply.
You don’t have to have your own tuning fork to take this course — it’s not a training on how to use one. This program, which does not count toward a certificate, is an opportunity for you to explore the sound-healing powers of your own voice — while experiencing virtual tuning-fork treatments — to create and maintain a sense of inner balance.
The Power of Streaming Video
You’ll experience Eileen’s teachings through on-demand video. This will be easy to use and will enhance the impact of Eileen’s body of work. Or you can easily connect just via audio if you choose — through your phone, tablet, laptop, or desktop.
(Can’t make it to the scheduled course sessions? No worries! After each class, the video and audio recordings will be available for you to stream in high-quality format at your convenience.)
Course Sessions Tuesdays at 5:00pm Pacific.
This course will feature LIVE Q&As, pre-recorded teaching sessions, and experiential practices with Eileen. Her engaging, high-quality pre-recorded teaching segments include everything you’ll need to access your voice as potent medicine — to create and maintain a healthier, more authentic YOU. Each session will build harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to become an emotional alchemist as you move through these uncertain times.
If you have not experienced Eileen’s work before, you’re welcome to sign up for this advanced course and we’ll bundle in her introductory program, Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions, for you — which you can do before, or in parallel with, this more advanced program. This extra course is described below and is included in your registration.
Module 1 — Reclaiming Your Voice: Tell Your Story, Tune Your Throat (September 15)
You probably have a complex, vivid story about your voice — and how it operates as an instrument in your life.
In this opening module, Eileen will share everything she’s learned on her journey to reclaim her own voice.
You’ll experience a biofield-tuning adjustment on your throat center to help you release blocks and open to more fluid expression.
Eileen will also introduce you to a powerful deepening practice where you’ll tell the story of your relationship to your body as an instrument, including the story of your singing voice.
Before the next module, you can tell this story to a friend, switch on a camera and tell it on video, or write it down.
During this opening module, you’ll explore the power of your voice to:
- Make you sick or help you feel empowered and well
- Affect the way you create and manifest experiences in your life
- Determine how others respond to you
- Reveal how embodied or disembodied you really are
- Reflect all the trapped emotions in your body
- Begin the process of voicing and releasing stuck sounds
Module 2 — Exploring Your Inner Architecture (September 22)
This module you’ll explore your inner architecture and resonant cavities with the Fibonacci tuning forks, 144 and 89 Hz.
As you’ll discover, these forks represent the Golden Mean — the ancient philosophical principle of the desirable middle between two extremes — and they hold the information of harmony, order, truth, and beauty that comprises the human body.
Eileen will guide you to explore the inherent perfection of the geometry that underlies the human body and the container that these patterns create.
She’ll use her tuning forks to open up balanced space within your body’s resonant cavities, allowing you to experience the interior of your human instrument in a whole new way.
In this module, you’ll:
- Understand the Golden Mean’s profound power, and how it impacts your life
- Anchor yourself in awareness of your energetic template and its perfect geometry
- Experience a new sense of inner space in the resonant cavities of your body
- Explore a deeper relationship to the concept of order, within yourself and in the outside world
Module 3 — Playing Your Human Instrument Through Humming (September 29)
In this pivotal module, you’ll begin to explore the frequencies present within and around you…
… and discover your potential to resonate with these frequencies — through awareness and very simple sounding.
Eileen will guide you to gently play your human instrument through humming and sounding the C scale with simple vowels.
As Eileen will explain, your body is like a flute — and you can place each note in the C major scale in each of your energy centers.
She’ll use guitar to sound the scale and a tuning fork to work through any of the notes that feel stuck for you, or your fellow participants.
In this module, you’ll discover:
- Proof that your body truly is an amazing instrument that can make a huge variety of sounds!
- How the universe is a sea of infinite vibrations — and your own infinite consciousness has the ability to resonate with each and every one
- How you can choose to dial what Eileen calls your inner radio station
- Why sounding comes from your body — not your mouth or throat
- The inherent playfulness of producing sound
- A deepening practice to help you sing and hum the musical scale
Module 4 — Playing & Tuning Your Diaphragm: Connect to Your Voice’s Tone, Volume & Freedom (October 6)
Many of us have diaphragms that are locked from being exposed to circumstances that caused us to tense up and hold our breath…
This module, you’ll focus on how your diaphragm plays a key role in the tone, volume, and freedom of your voice.
As you’ll discover, unlocking your diaphragm muscle is the key to truly liberating the potential of your lungs.
Eileen will guide you to tune your collective diaphragms, and lead you in breathing and chakra vowel sounding — to connect your awareness to this part of your body.
In this module, you’ll:
- Experience a greater connection to your diaphragm
- Move into a more profound sense of relaxation in general
- Liberate the breath so you can breathe and sound more powerfully
- Release fear and trauma from the kidneys
- Continue to deepen your connection to your body as an instrument
Module 5 — Exploring Your Belly, Pelvic Floor & Psoas Muscles (October 13)
While your diaphragm plays a key role in supporting your voice, it is, in turn, supported by your psoas muscles.
In this session, you’ll use your imagination to explore the inner space of the womb, the bladder, the pelvic floor, and the psoas muscles.
You’ll explore how to bring awareness of what’s going on into these zones — and how, through deep connection, you can use intention to change the shape of the sounds you make.
In this module, you’ll:
- Tune each area — the womb, bladder, pelvic floor, and psoas muscles
- Experience a deeper, more conscious connection to your lower abdomen
- Deeply relax and connect to your psoas muscles
- Feel more comfortable and at home in your body
- Explore toning with the womb, bladder, pelvic floor, and psoas muscles deeply engaged
- Discover the simple power of breathing even more deeply
Module 6 — Exploring & Tuning the Elements Within (October 20)
This module you’ll continue to explore your body’s ability to give voice to what is within you and without — this time, by exploring and tuning all of the elements within you.
You’ll discover what earth, water, fire, air, and aether all feel like and sound like.
Eileen will tune each of the elements that make up your body and biofield, bringing you into a new harmonic relationship with these powerful aspects of your being.
In this module, you’ll:
- Recognize the powerful truth that you’re made up of components of nature
- Learn to feel and express the elements of earth, water, fire, air, and aether
- Begin to understand the shamanic power and healing ability of your own voice
- Improve your relationship to each of the elements — embracing fire, getting to know aether, and more
- Recognize when to introduce each element into your approach to life
Module 7 — Visiting the Silenced Places Within: Sounding Your Stuck Pipes (October 27)
An essential part of this journey will involve visiting what Eileen calls the pit of despair, the den of disappointment, the furnace of fury, and more…
In this pivotal session, you’ll get into the real meat of this work, as Eileen says, and take time to visit places within you that you’ve closed off and silenced — and begin exploring them, tuning them, and giving them a voice.
In this module, you’ll:
- Use tuning forks in support of each closed-off zone within
- Clear out what Eileen calls the energetic rust and junk that’s standing in the way of you sounding all your notes
- Add air, awareness, desire, and intention to all you’ve learned so far
- Liberate sounds and delve into a much deeper connection to your own body and your authentic self
Module 8 — Awakening Long-Forgotten Potential: Deepening Into Stuck Pipe Sounding (November 10)
The work you began in the last module will continue in this session…
You’ll once again go to places within that feel shut down — that have long existed without a voice — and continue to explore them, tune them, and empower them…
In this module, you’ll continue to:
- Awaken long-forgotten potential in your mind and body
- Experience a new sense of liberation with your voice
- Improve your ability to recognize and give voice to emotions as they arise
- Understand how naming and voicing your emotions positively impacts your health and resiliency
- Move through deep yet surprisingly simple ways to heal long-forgotten wounds
Module 9 — Connecting With the Ancestors: Ancestral Healing & Sounding (November 17)
Now that you’ve opened up all these places that weren’t allowed to make sound before…
… you can work with the wounds of your ancestors — those who came before us who were unable to express their pain and experience this level of healing.
In this module, Eileen will work in the extended biofield, where you’ll find the records of your ancestors’ lives.
You’ll discover how to become the vehicle for your ancestors’ healing — and explore how this process also heals you, and informs our entire collective.
In this session, you’ll:
- Explore how many of the burdens you carry are imprints in your energetic DNA
- Experience the release of burdens you didn’t know weren’t yours
- Connect more deeply to your ancestral heritage
- Radiate coherent vibrations throughout all the DNA you’re connected to
Module 10 — Celebrating & Playing With Your Newly Tuned Human Instruments (November 24)
In this celebratory closing module, you’ll write and sing a song — with Eileen’s special guests, the Brothers Koren…
Isaac and Thorald Koren are a singing and songwriting duo who were once signed to a major music label, toured packed arenas, and heard their music in major motion pictures…
Yet one day, they woke up to the truth that they were allowing the music industry to define their value. They set out to reclaim their voices.
This module, they’ll take you through a powerful exercise, The Songwriter’s Journey, to help you reclaim your voice, too.
In this final module, you’ll:
- Celebrate and play with your newly tuned human instrument
- Co-write a song while engaging in a fun, creative group process
- Experience a singing session with the amazingly talented Brothers Koren
- Reflect on all you’ve learned about experiencing your voice as potent medicine to uncover a healthier, more authentic yo
About Isaac Koren
Isaac has the uncanny ability to climb inside an artist’s head and guide them to the download of their soul’s song. His love affair with music began in dramatic fashion when a friend casually picked up a guitar, and he found himself compelled to wail the blues. He left Australia in pursuit of his studies in music theory and its effect on human psychology and physiology. His Artist Identity and Lyric Immersion sessions ask us to delve deeply to touch the place of inspiration within.
About Thorald Koren
Thorald knows how to fully embody authentic expression. He was just 17 years old when he left Australia to join his brother in New York to start The Kin, and unexpectedly found himself navigating not only the highs and lows of a newfound rockstar lifestyle, but the challenges of mental illness. His experience has given him an intimate knowledge of the tricks and workings of the human brain and emotional body, and he brings this insight to his vocal and Whole Body Instrument coaching.
Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions Introductory Course Is Included!
This intensive builds upon the core teachings from Sound Healing Alchemy to Transmute Difficult Emotions 7-module course. When you purchase the full 10-module intensive, you get access to this powerful resource as well! You can complete this material before, or in parallel with this more advanced program.
In this 7-module transformational course, Eileen skillfully guides you through the fundamental body-mind-spirit skills and competencies you’ll need to boost your immune system and rediscover the courage, playfulness, and joy hiding beneath your difficult feelings. In seven sessions, you’ll explore how to tune in to your emotions, discover exactly where they show up energetically in your body, and transmute them… by understanding them and allowing them to express, as you become an emotional alchemist.
Each session builds harmoniously upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a complete holistic understanding of the practices, tools, and principles you’ll need to become an emotional alchemist as you move through these uncertain times.
- Module 1: The Power of Electric Health & the Biofield Anatomy Map: Discovering Fear’s Connection to Your Bones
- Module 2: How the Emotions of Worry & Uncertainty Show Up in Your Head
- Module 3: The Sticky, Tricky Emotions of the Throat, Heart & Lungs
- Module 4: How Anger Impacts Your Solar Plexus & Digestion
- Module 5: How Your Lower G.I. System Is Connected to Emotions Like Guilt, Shame & Low Self-Worth
- Module 6: Why Your Knees Are Linked to Feelings of Being Trapped
- Module 7: Tying Everything Together: Why Your Feet Hold the Empowering Information You’ll Need
About Eileen McKusick
Eileen McKusick is a researcher, writer, inventor, practitioner, educator, and speaker on the effects of audible sound on the human body and biofield. Elieen, who has an MA in Integrative Education, has been researching sound since 1996. She is the originator of Biofield Tuning (with thousands of students trained worldwide since 2010), and the founder of the Biofield Tuning Institute (which conducts grant-funded, IRB-approved, and peer-reviewed studies on the human biofield).
She’s the author of the award-winning, bestselling book, Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy, and the upcoming bookElectric Body, Electric Health (January 2021). She’s also the inventor of the revolutionary and much-loved tool, the Sonic Slider, and the CEO of BioSona, LLC, which provides sound-therapy tools and training globally.
Eileen is a pioneer in the fields of therapeutic sound and electric health — her work leads people from a chemical/mechanical perspective of life, health, and the universe to an electro-sonic one. This new perspective makes health and life easier, connects the dots for people, and ties together multiple concepts in an elegant, easy-to-grasp way. Eileen’s work, which creates an accessible bridge between what’s been considered pseudoscience and what’s been considered scientific, leads people to a much greater sense of personal empowerment.
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> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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