Dr. Robert Anthony – Rapid Manifestation
This is not about theory, it is about measuring results.
You’re not the only one. Millions of people have believed in the Law of Attraction. ‘too good to be true’ The fairytale has spread like wildfire. We all wonder if this fairytale really exists.
You are intelligent. You’ve seen people succeed around you and you’ve decided it’s your turn. You want something tangible that will work in your life.
You’re ready. You are tired of waiting, you are tired of watching, you are tired of hoping and now it’s your time.
And here’s the truth, if you don’t do something different now, nothing will change.
The Number One Reason Why You’re
Banging your head against a wall is because…
Living in DEFAULT mode, instead of living in DESIGN mode, is unconsciously creating your life.
You are most likely blocking deliberate creation because of conflicting messages between your unconscious and conscious messages.
Are you consciously or inadvertently sabotaging your own self-interest?
Absolutely not. No one deliberately harms themselves – it’s not possible because of the way we are hardwired.
I’m merely saying that you create your life through insufficient, often unconscious, beliefs and unexamined habits.
Did you know that nature’s natural state is decay?
It’s true. You will eventually die if you do not take action. In fact, even though we grow, we start the process of decaying.
Do nothing and you will live with the default principle decay.
Be deliberate and you can prolong your growth phase and prosperity exponentially by taking control.
And here’s the bottom line…
It is impossible to achieve success by slapping
Positive Thoughts at the Top of a Lifetime
You have no expectations
Perhaps you were led to believe that all it takes to be successful in your endeavors. “manifest your dreams” To set your intention, send positive thoughts and trust that the Universe will miraculously grant you what you desire.
You’ve been told to keep repeating this process, over and over again until the manifestation has happened.
Well, it’s time someone finally shot straight with you…
You can manifest the most important things if you approach it this way “experts” If you tell me to, you’ll be very disappointed.
I’ll be blunt:
Books and programs similar to the “Secret” They are not sufficient. Period.
It IS vital to think positively, set your intention and believe strongly. However, this is just a part of what you have to do in order to intentionally create the things that you desire.
Listen, it’s no secret that 95% of all “Self-Improvement” efforts fail. YET it’s not usually the person’s fault, most people never get beyond information to achieve actual results.
Because first and foremost…
Manifestation This is about alignment…
Before we get started, please know that I can’t tell you everything in one page letters like this.
But I can help you see the difference and show you why I may be the man to help you get what you want.
Let’s go back to alignment…
Let’s clarify what “alignment” I know what this really means because I often see people using it without actually explaining.
This is CRUCIAL. The Alignment Occurs at Two Levels
1. Alignment to the Laws of Quantum Physics
Quantum Physics says that thoughts, whether they are positive or negative, attract their vibrational matches. Positive thoughts will attract positive things. You will attract negative, needy or bad thoughts.
Because whatever you focus on with intensity or emotion will cause the Universe to move in your favor.
Emotion is important here. We send far more emotional signals about things we don’t want than we do about things we do want.
Now that’s normal, it’s how you and I are wired and it takes very deliberate thinking to overcome our emotional hardwiring.
But it is possible. (Don’t worry if this seems a little strange to you right now. I’ll give you plenty of real life examples in our certification course)
2. Consciousness and Subconscious Alignment
Your Subconscious desires and Consciousness must be aligned.
Contrary to your Subconscious Mind’s desire for one thing, your Conscious mind wants another.-Intention) It is impossible for you to create what it is that you desire.
While you may temporarily be able to trick yourself into buying something when you are not in alignment with your values, it doesn’t last.
Take, for example…
Maybe you get a new job but soon you’re right back where you were before –barely scraping by and miserable.
Maybe you find some way to make money, or create it through a side hustle. It soon disappears. You chalk it up to the cliché: “easy come easy go.”
And I’m here to tell you, that’s a lie!
The truth is, it’s just as easy to keep whatever you get once you are in alignment.
Doesn’t this idea of alignment explain a lot of the ups and downs in your life? You may be thinking, “That’s great. But, how can I align my life?” The answer is easy.
To create the life that you desire, you must first identify and eliminate the unconscious blocks and patterns that keep you from creating it.
The Secret of Deliberate Creation can do this for your.
Plus, I promised you that your results would be available. “certified” In a tangible way that can’t be doubted
The Secret of Deliberate Creation eliminates the limiting beliefs that prevent you from creating what you want.
Listen, I’ve been studying this for the last 30 years and I can tell you science is teaching us more and more every day about the relationship between our conscious and subconscious minds.
That’s why it is critical that whomever you decide to get your manifestation and self-This tidal wave is full of ideas for improvement.
A teacher must be able to distinguish between scientific fact and scientific opinion. Like me, you need someone who is excited about looking through scientific studies and journals to uncover little details that others might not.
These ideas are enough to get me excited. There’s so much more I want to share with you…
It was almost like someone hit you with a pair of twos.-By-four!
“When I first listened to the Secret of Deliberate Creation, I could not believe what I was hearing. It was like someone hitting you on the head with a two-by-four! I learned more from this program than all the self-improvement stuff I have ever read or hear”
– Tom Console Scottsdale AZ
It’s just “clicked”…
“I purchased your Secret of Deliberate Creation out of frustration because none of the other self-Over the years, I’ve gotten results from help material.
But, there is more. “clicked” You can listen to your program for two weeks. I have made a huge change in my life and can now achieve all I want. Thank you for helping me to focus my life in the right direction.”
— Kirk Fowler – Las Vegas, Nevada
Kirk has what I want for him: To have everything you want.
Before The Gurus… Before The Secret…
Before The Internet…
Since “The Secret” Numerous manifestations of the publication were made “experts” “gurus” They have arrived on the scene.
Everybody is profiting from the Law of Attraction.
It is important to remember that I have been teaching Law of Attraction and manifestation for more than 30 years.
What that means to you is that for more than a quarter century, I’ve been helping people just like you get what they want, when they want it.
This is not the way to make quick buck.
This is my life… my calling.
I have published fifteen books on manifestation, Law of Attraction and personal growth. I’ve been published, in real books – not self-Published in e-Books – since the eighties
Here’s a screen shot from Amazon…
Remember my promise: I’m going to make sure your results are certified when you use The Secret of Deliberate Creation.
The Secret of Deliberate Creativity WILL Work
for Anyone Who…
Tried other programs, but was deemed a failure
Thinks it’s too late to have what they want
Stuck on the mouse wheel, trying to live each day exactly the way it is.
Fear and self-suffocation can make you feel suffocated-Doubt
Feels lost in their lives
Doesn’t even know where to start
Is breathing…
This program works!
I’ll get to WHY it works for everyone in just a minute, but first, take a look at this letter of appreciation I received…
“Though I own literally hundreds of spoken-Word audio courses. I can’t recall ever taking the time to write testimonials. This was something I had to do. An extraordinary level of excellence requires recognition, respect, and most importantly, gratitude.
It is impossible to describe it to anyone who doesn’t think this is a normal person.-The following improvement program is available:
Imagine the joy, romance, excitement, and sheer fun that would flood into your life when you met a real woman.-The life treasure map. You can imagine that this treasure map takes you step-by-step to one of the most valuable gold hoards anywhere in the world. It is right here. You’ll soon feel the joy this program brings to your life if you just take a minute to visualize those feelings.
This is the real deal. Life’s ultimate Treasure Map. The most reliable and easiest.-To-Anybody can use the map to locate any treasure in their lives, be it gold, love or health, or anything else that adds wealth to their lives.
I was thinking “Think and Grow Rich,” This book was the first to make a million millionaires. It has been outpaced by “The Secret of Deliberate Creation,” The power of thought is the new king in making dreams come to life and manifesting your desires. Thoughts have wings.
This program is essential. Without it, one can spend years or even decades drilling dry holes and digging through barren shafts, reaping little more than dust. It will take the same person straight to the mother lode at the speed of their thoughts. I cannot recommend it highly enough.”
— Gary Bencivenga, Accountable Advertising, Garden City, NY
Let me be clear, this is not a letter I am showing you to impress you. This has worked for real people, just like you.
The truth is you don’t have to be ‘special’ Oder ‘gifted’ The Law of Attraction offers many benefits. This Universal Law does not favor any one. It’s there for EVERYONE to use. It doesn’t run out, it doesn’t pick and choose, it simply is.
And it’s there waiting for you right now, all you need to do is learn HOW to access it and that’s exactly what The Secret of Deliberate Creation is all about.
My Rapid The Change Process is Easy
It’s fast and efficient…
You may have difficulty believing that you can change your life quickly. Believe it or not, even therapists. “it takes a long time to change”.
Problem is, when we purchase into the “it takes a long time to change” Mentality makes it more difficult. We are also programmed with this. “no pain no gain” A mindset that is not supportive of your goals will only lead to more struggles.
Here’s the truth (and this might shock you)…
You don’t have to struggle to get what you want. This belief system is not real. Fact is that people who are financially and personally successful and happy have no need to work hard.
To join those happy, successful people you need simply need to know HOW to change those limiting beliefs at the core level and that’s exactly what I’m going to show you in The Secret of Deliberate Creation.
You have the right to take control of your life
Multiply it by 10.
Once you have learned how to create purposefully, you can grant yourself permission. I know that sounds crazy, but it’s true. Permission is something we all need. We all need permission to do, want, and be the person that we know.
That’s exactly what I give you with this program – the permission to take back the reins and finally live the life that, until now, you have only dared to dream about.
Once we take the ‘mystery of life’ You can manifest your dreams with precision and certification.
Imagine LIVING those dreams…now multiply it by 10!
Everything you Need is in My “Doc in a Box”
Once you decide to take back control of your life using The Secret of Deliberation Creation, you’ll get access to my very best work on the principles and processes of manifestation.
Here’s a sneak peak at what’s inside your fully loaded “Doc in a Box”…
You have 6 hours of manifestation gold waiting for you.
Remember, these principles can be applied to your life quickly and are easy to implement.
It is so simple that it begs the question: why do they have six hours of instruction for this program? Good question!
Six hours of instruction has been included. This is because there is a huge difference between knowing how to do it and actually doing it. Most often, we don’t do what we KNOW because our Subconscious mind resists change. The Subconscious mind will resist change if it isn’t convinced that change is safe and possible. The Subconscious is the ultimate authority.
Also, my job is two.-fold.
First… I must “convince” Your Conscious, or logical mind, will explain how and why it works. Your Conscious mind will accept the following: “logic” This will enable you to understand how and why it works.
For lasting and permanent change, both the logical (Consciousness) and emotional (Subconsciousness) minds must be in sync. This is possible with several techniques.
Second… after aligning your Conscious and Subconscious minds I give you simple instructions on how to use the information to create anything you desire. Your Subconscious will then align your intentions with Quantum Physics (Law of Attraction), and you will be able to create anything you want in a very stress-free way.-It is possible to do so in a completely free way.
And, it’s a repeatable process. It is not difficult. It can be done over and over again.
However, you must get the course… use the course… and apply the course in order to get what you want, when you want it.
I Spent 30 Years of My Life, So You Don’t Have To
My whole life I have been a seeker. In the last 30 years, I’ve read and studied almost everything on success and Deliberate creation.
The result? It’s the absolute best and most cutting-edge of all that is out there. It was a lot like assembling a huge jigsaw puzzle.
My intention was to put the pieces of the puzzle together for my clients so they didn’t have to. I was able to achieve my goal after many years and the Secret of Deliberate Creation was born.
This program is the culmination of 30 years of hard work. Take advantage of the time I’ve already invested and save yourself the headache of trying to find all the pieces of the manifestation puzzle on your own.
Once you understand and follow The Secret of Deliberate Creation exactly as I have it laid out for you – you can live in a natural state that allows you to easily and effortlessly create and attract an unlimited amount of abundance in your life with no stress and no worries.
I have to be honest with you
It is quite simple. The Law of Attraction existed long before I was born. I didn’t invent the power of manifestation, nor did anyone else. It is a Universal Law which exists since the beginning.
So I can’t take all the credit for this amazing program, the essence of it is already available to you right this very moment.
What I did was the gruntwork, the experimentation, the years and hours of study that all came together to create an easy-to-use, laid out for me like a spreadsheet. ‘chocolate on your hotel pillow’ program.
So you have a choice…
Go out on your own and follow in my 30 years of footsteps…
You can fast forward to where you are now. This amazing source of all things is your fast track. Use the sweat of my brow to catapult yourself into the life you’ve been scared would never happen.
The Lone Wolf
You always have the choice to do it all, to be a lonewolf, and to create your own path to achieving what you want. This may lead to some success, but I’d like to share my experience with you. I’d like to share with you my personal journey.
It’s something not many people know, but money problems were a problem in my early years. It was all a problem in my life: not earning enough, not managing it properly, not having sufficient, and fearing losing what little I had.
The idea of manifesting, or the Law of Attraction was just an intellectual concept when it first came to my attention. (I now call it Deliberate Creation). And when I tried applying that concept specifically for money, it terrified me.
Despite all the knowledge I had at an inner level about alignment, I lived in fear of financial loss. These fears kept me from pursuing the truth that I KNEW to be true. So I – maybe like you feel right now – felt stuck.
I had all the information that I needed. It just wasn’t possible for me to do it.
I was trying desperately to figure out how this money manifestation thing worked on my own. Finally, after many years of study, research, and countless hours, I came across a breakthrough.
Although I intellectually KNEW about Deliberate Creation I wasn’t KNOWING Deliberate Creation. In other words, I was causing this Universal Law to not exist in my financial lives by not trusting it.
I fell for a trap that was not my fault. I had to be able to walk the walk and not just talk the talks. It was at that point I decided to follow – to the letter – exactly what I will share with you in The Secret of Deliberate Creation.
That was the moment I realized my financial freedom. My Subconscious mind and Quantum Physics guided me to the right people, situations and opportunities to turn my financial situation around.
You don’t have to go through the same lonely, scary struggle. I am sharing my program today.
Warning! This is not for everyone
I would like to call it a “time.”-out’ right now and say…
If you aren’t already beginning to see and feel the power behind what I am saying, then this may not be right for you.
This isn’t for everyone. It’s not old, dusted off knowledge from yesteryear. It’s all that we know about this once mysterious power, and it’s easy to understand.
This program is not designed for people who want to change their lives but don’t know how. It’s not for those who want to close their eyes, snap their fingers and have their lives change in an instant.
This program is not for everyone. This program is for people who are tired of feeling tired, and want a better way of living.
If what you’ve been hearing does ring true… if you have felt the same frustration I felt… then that is a sure sign you’re ready. And that’s great news, because your life is about to change dramatically for the better.
Quantum Physics is at Your Side
This is about taking control over your life.
Once you align your Subconscious and Conscious Minds to the same frequency, the manifestation doors open up and creating your life is no longer a dream, it’s a reality.
Quantum Physics can be used to your advantage. It sounds complicated and complex, right? But it’s just the opposite, you are simply drawing to you everything with a vibrational match.
Positive thoughts are the key to good manifestations. It is possible to attract the things you think about, even your own thoughts. ‘inner thoughts’ too.
You can support your thoughts by expressing strong emotions. The vibration rises and, you guessed it!, so does the manifestation power.
All of this ability is at your fingertips, it’s there for the taking.
The Secret of Deliberate Creation works in the same way as driving in the carpool lanes. You get to your destination faster and more efficiently. You get tangible and measurable results. You don’t have to guess anymore. Instead, you can be certain that you are creating something.
Once you’ve seen the proof with your own results, the sky’s the limit!
Why It’s Just $97
This is the best of my work on the principles, and processes of manifestation. The ideas, examples and exercises you’ll hear on these sessions are the same ones I use daily in my practice with my clients.
The only difference is, you won’t have to drive to my office, get me on the phone and worry about scheduling. You won’t have to pay $500 an hour.
And when you consider there are over 6 hours of session content, that’s a very real value of $3,000.
Instead of spending $3,000 for one-on-one sessions, you can get them for as little as $70.
Only $97, which is 45% off the $177 hardcopy price
My Iron-Clad Double GuaranteeGuarantee For The Secret of Deliberate Creation
#1: Quick Start Guarantee
You’ll certify your results or you pay nothing…
It is very simple…
As I said earlier, I will be certifying your success as a Deliberate creator. My Quick Start self-You can quickly show the cost of your program using the proving process that is included in your program or request a refund.
By manifesting your investment in this course, you’ll prove to yourself that this is the real deal… with cold hard cash.
Your confidence will increase. All your doubts, negative beliefs and skepticisms about Deliberate Creation will disappear.
You will learn how to do this with the Quick Start program. Five messages will be sent to you with detailed instructions on how to quickly calculate the cost of this program.
A rapid manifestation audio will be sent to you, where I will walk you through each step.-By-step… It’s like I’m your personal coach each day.
This is the crux of the matter: in reality, there is no difference between paying $10,000 for this program and manifesting it. However, I will teach you how to walk before running. There will be no stopping your confidence once you are confident.
Are you still not sure? Let me help you…
#2: Unconditional 60-Day Guarantee
I’m so confident The Secret of Deliberate Creation will transform your life… financially… emotionally… spiritually… in your relationships… and more that I’m willing to take all the risk, and put my most prized work on the table for you to pick up and put to the test. PLUS I’m giving you 60 days to use it risk-It’s free to make sure it works.
If you are not totally thrilled with your results… IF you don’t earn more money, IF your relationships don’t improve and IF you don’t have a happier and richer life from using this program, then I’ll refund your full purchase price on the spot. No questions asked. No hard feelings either. You can return the course within 60-days to receive a full refund.
Your Future is Decided Today
The most important principle of success is that nothing happens tomorrow. Things happen right now. Tomorrow is an illusion.
It doesn’t matter if you think that you’ll do it tomorrow.
Listen, if you’re not where you want to be RIGHT NOW in your relationships, finances and personal success, it’s because you’ve postponed taking care of that part of your life.
You don’t have to wait for fulfillment when you can get them now.
Your life is not a rehearsal. You have the power to change the direction and course of your life right now. Or you could simply sit back, watch TV, and remain the same person for the rest your life. I don’t think you want to do that or you wouldn’t have read this far.
Now that you have the facts, it’s time to decide The Secret of Deliberate Creation is “right” We are here for you.
You are tired of struggling, and you want to be free, happy, healthy, and abundant in all areas of your life. This is the time to get started.
I Nearly Forgot to Mention
My Total Success Library
When you decide to change your life with The Secret of Deliberate Creation today, I’ll give you 7 of my books absolutely free. These are the exact books that have transformed the lives of millions worldwide.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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