Dr. Dain Heer – The Earth Session May-19 Langkawi
Welcome to The Earth Session with Dr. Dain Heer!
This recording is a true gift of “The Earth Session” originally facilitated in Langkawi, Malaysia by Dr. Dain Heer & participants of the Access 7 Day Event in May of 2019.
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Translated versions available. See details below!
Duration: 40 Minutes
Facilitator: Dr. Dain Heer
Format: MP3 Digital Download & YouTube Invitation from Dr. Dain Heer
Pre-Requisite: None
What is The Earth Session?
This recording is a true gift of “The Earth Session” originally facilitated in Langkawi, Malaysia by Dr. Dain Heer & participants of the Access 7 Day Event in May of 2019.
You can take this session with you anywhere. People have reported taking it into forests to change the energy of the land, on airplanes, in their cities and homes — in different places and spaces on earth — anywhere you are you can receive the gift that it is, that it was and that it will continue to be in the future.
What if you allowed it to contribute to you and every space you take it to?
We’re opening spaces that never existed before and when you open a space that’s never existed before, you open that space for everybody else on the planet to have it.
–Dr. Dain Heer
The more you listen, the more change it will create for you and this beautiful planet of ours.
Communion is that dance of gifting & receiving simultaneously.
–Dr. Dain Heer
Class Deliverables Include:
- MP3 Digital Download
- YouTube Video Invitation from Dr. Dain Heer
Translated Languages:
- French
- Spanish
- German
- Hungarian
- Japanese
- Mandarin
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Spanish
You will have immediate access to the digital downloads in English and all the languages above.
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