Dave Kaminski – The No Bullshit Digital Course Boot Camp
The No Bullsh**
Digital Course Boot Camp
The The Raw, Refreshing and Honest Truth About Creating and Selling Digital Courses
Get to the Heart of It All The Learn from Crap
What to Do Digital You can take courses right The First time
Have you ever been screwed over by people, until finally you find somebody who knows their sh** and you think “I wish I would have gone to this person in the first place”?
Digital courses are the future I’m the guy you wish you would have gone to in the first place. I’ll explain why in just a moment.
First, digital courses are the hottest trend right now. This means that people can learn through audio, video or text, or a combination thereof. And it’s not hype. Online money making is faster, more profitable, and cheaper than any other way.
Additionally, digital courses can be a great way to continue earning for many years, provided you do your homework. You do the work once and you get paid forever..
When something is successful, of course. “cool thing to do”, a total wave of bullsh** follows. For example…
If You Put a Gun To The Head of Most “Course Experts”
They Told Them to Create and Sell A Product. Course On The Spot,
They’d just give up on you and tell to pull. The Trigger
That’s because they are…in a single word…Posers.
Most of the time, they’ve maybe published just one course (usually about making money online), it did okay and then overnight they somehow become a “course expert”. And people who don’t know any better end up paying $1,000+ to learn from them, only to regret it later.
The truth is these experts don’t know sh**. They don’t know video. They don’t know courses. They don’t know graphic design. They don’t know copywriting. And they certainly don’t know tech. They pay others to do all that stuff.
They don’t know much about marketing and advertising. Wait! All that stuff is also paid for by someone else. It’s basically like a mini version of Hollywood, where “course experts” These are the stars who sing the lines. However, everyone else does all the actual work.
Here’s why this is important to you.
It is a no-brainer that selling digital courses online will be a success. it’s going to be the tech that bites you in the ass. 100% of all times Guaranteed. And if you’re not learning how to create and sell digital courses from someone who knows tech inside and out, you’re in for an nightmare ride. Good luck getting help.
These are the Things Doctors Do When They Feel Loud
That’s a classic headline from an old direct response ad. It must have been for Anacin…you know, the pill that combines caffeine and aspirin.
But there’s more to this headline. Let’s get to it.
What do course creators do when they have problems?
They come to you.
That’s because I’ve been creating, marketing and selling digital courses for 20 years. I have more 150 digital courses under my belt (do the math, that’s an average of 7+ published courses a year). And they cover a spectrum of niches…from animal training, to cake baking, to self-Help, from fitness to marketing to tech and beyond.
Hell, I made my first “digital” course back in the 90’s. Except it wasn’t digital, it was actually analog (cassette tapes). Imagine listening to cassette tapes to learn how to fix computers. That was my experience. “digital” course. Whatever. It was sold.
The point is, people come to me because I know my sh**.
The “course experts” Particularly, come to me tech help (that’s my second warning to you of tech being a pain in the ass). They will either hire me to create all of their tech related training videos…or to unfu** the tech they use to sell and deliver their courses.
Here’s why this is important to you. If you had a choice, would you rather learn something directly from the top source on the subject…or from someone who is just repeating what that top source told them? That’s the difference between me and the “course experts”.
I didn’t make a career out of creating and selling
Digital Courses Because “That’s My Degree Field”,
I Did It because It’s Damn Good Living
Truth is I don’t even have a degree. Unless you count all the sh** you go through in the United States Marine Corps as a degree. You probably should, now that I think about it.
However, I believe that selling digital courses and creating them is a great way to live. So, let me tell you about my life.
I get up and go to sleep whenever I want.. Roads are dangerously slippery when it snows. Who gives a sh**. I work from my basement. Sometimes, I work out of my basement.
A jerk boss? Cowardice-workers? Do you have to deal with drama, company politics or other stupidities? Nope. None. I can do whatever I want when I want it and I will not be influenced by anyone.
How do you trade time for money? Never. That’s f****** insane. I get paid for the work once.
You continue to work year after year, but you don’t get a raise. No. I decide what amount I receive. In the digital world of courses, you can just publish a course whenever you need a raise.
What about family vacations and time off? Again, I do what and when I want. I answer no one. I’ll take a vacation whenever I feel like it. I will take a nap if I feel like it. My web sites do everything for me, day and night. They are my employees. They are my employees.
I can live anywhere I’d like. Digital courses don’t care where you live. I currently live in the Midwestern U.S. The Winters can be miserable, but summers are blissful and life is very affordable. When I want to move, I’ll move. As long as I have an Internet connection, I’m in business.
I learn a lot. It’s a lot. Whether it’s researching a new market for course ideas or discovering the weird (and often counter-I can see how people shop online in intuitive ways. I’m always learning something new and never repeating the same mindless-Every day, ass tasks
The Freedom is the key ingredient to all these things.. I am free to live my life as I see fit…not live someone else’s life. Freedom, freedom, freedom.
Is it possible to be disciplined? Sure. Yes, I could. But I have the discipline to not. My paycheck is not guaranteed. It’s up to me to create it. But those are what I consider things. Responsibility.
They are also small trade-Me thinks that offs are in exchange for freedom.
I can’t guarantee it by creating and selling Digital Courses
Your life will be just like the one I have described.
However, I can guarantee that you will not do anything if you don’t.
Your Life isn’t going to change at all
Let me assist you.
No Bullsh** Digital Course Boot Camp
Big surprise, I’m selling a course on how to create and sell digital courses. You couldn’t see that coming, could you?
Actually, I had no intention of taking this course. So why am I doing what I’m doing? Because I’ve been contacted an annoyingly-Number-This is-People who have bought training from another company are often able to say that many times. “course experts” Who are in search of help.
As gruff and blunt as I may seem on this page, the truth of the matter is that e interests me.-Digital learning industry. Sh**, I’m one of the dudes who helped build it.
And it’s obvious that most of the training being peddled out there on this matter is over-Priced at over-Overhyped and woefully inadequate-delivers.
So I’m sharing the no bullsh** truth on what it takes and what you have to do to successfully create and sell digital courses.
Let’s be clear about this: The Register-Go…
This training is everything The DIY Approach
What the hell does this mean?
It means you’re going to learn what I do. You have total control of your digital course business. Which means you’re not relying on any third-You can also use party platforms to promote your courses.
Specifically, that means I won’t be teaching you how to use Kajabi, Teachable and Thinkific. In fact, I’m going to tell you straight-They can be used up to once a year.
Here’s why. It is not a good idea to give your income (from course sales) to a platform that sells courses. If their platform goes down, you’re f*****. If they go out of business, you’re f*****. If they decide to kick you off their platform, you’re f*****. Furthermore, It’s a significant monthly expense you don’t need and if you ever want to leave them, you will be in for massive headaches.
Instead, I’m going to show you how to do-it-yourself (DIY). You’ll save a boatload of money and have total control over everything.
Yes, DIY is more technical.. You know what? That’s my specialty…I take technical sh** and make it easy for you to understand. In fact, with my training, you’ll find going the DIY route to be easier than using one of the course platforms.
This is a tremendous benefit.. The “course experts” will tell you to use one of those course platforms because a) they don’t know how to do the technical sh** and b) they are earning an affiliate commission from those course platforms. I’ll be saving you a ton of money and eliminating future headaches by teaching you how to do it like I do it…the right way…the DIY way.
That’s it? Good. Now let’s take a look at everything else I’ll be covering in the course.
Camera Tech Everything
You can’t sell a digital course if you don’t have video. So here I’ll be covering everything you need to know, do and use when it comes to camera tech. This includes audio, lighting, and all other aspects of the subject. In short, I’m going to show you how to make your videos look sensational using cheap stuff. Like I do.
Everything you need to know about screen recording tech
Maybe your digital course isn’t going to have on-camera video. Instead, you’ll be doing all screen recording videos. Cool. There’s nothing wrong with that. Here I’m going to show you need to know, use and do, whether you’re using Windows or Mac. You’re going to get to see exactly how I make my own screen recording videos. This will save you a lot of time and reduce your headaches.
Everything You Need to Know About Video Editing Software
Again, video is the mainstay of digital courses. Video editing software is necessary when working with video. This is an area where you can go down so many rabbit holes, but I’m just going to give you the no bullsh** facts on what to use and exactly what to do when editing course videos.
Everything You Need to Know About Workflow
The most time-Making all the videos is the most time-consuming aspect of creating digital courses. Once again, I’m going to give you the no bullsh** approach, where you’ll learn the exact workflow I use to complete entire courses sometimes in under 1 day. This is an area where people often make mistakes.-They get frustrated and lose their way. I’m going to make sure that doesn’t happen to you.
Everything about Course Ideas
I don’t know what to sell. I’m not good at anything. I don’t have any skills I could teach through video. Actually, you do. We all do. You should.-Old girl “make bank” Selling make-up tutorials, while you claim you can’t do anything? All you need is a new perspective. There’s a reason I put the name “boot camp” In the course title. That’s because in area’s like this, you might need a kick in the ass to change your perspective. I’ll give it to you.
Everything You Need to Know About Delivering Courses
If people cannot watch your course, it is pointless. To allow them to see it, they must purchase it. And you also need to keep the people who haven’t bought it out. This is the technical aspect of the training. There are many moving parts that make course delivery possible. Relax. This is my speciality. And I’m going to walk you through exactly what you need to do and use to make secure course delivery happen. Without swearing at the screen.
Everything You Need to Know About Marketing Courses
Here’s some free advice that the “course experts” will never tell you, because they flat out don’t know. Different courses and different audiences require different marketing strategies. So in this section, rather than giving you a single blueprint (that probably won’t work for your market), we’re going to take a look at all the different options. That means you’re going to learn multiple approaches to getting eyeballs on your course and making sales, not a one-Size-Fits-All blueprint.
The The dark side of Digital Courses
Spend 20 years doing something and you’re going to discover there’s a dark side to that something. In this section you’re going to get info that no one else can give you. Cyberscammers, hackers and digital thieves, pain-In-The-Assemble-Customers, competition and more. This is basically all you need to know about people and events that could disrupt your blissful existence as a digital course creator.
My Own Course Templates
This is a crucial part that new course creators often overlook. How are your customers going to see your course videos? These videos need to be on a page. Then the creation of those pages and getting your videos onto them becomes a pain.-In-The-People abandon their course ideas when they are given a difficult task. So to fix this, I’m just going to give you the templates I use for delivering my own course videos. Problem solved. With my templates, all you have to do is change the text, add your video links and you’re done. It’s that easy. You’re welcome.
I Probably Forgot Some Stuff
Be assured that you’re getting everything from A to Z
How to Market and Create Digital Courses
Over 10 hours of video lessons that go step-by-step
And without any bullsh**.
I’m going to show you exactly how I do it, so you can do it exactly how I do it. It’s that simple.
There are three main reasons people don’t create digital courses. They think about it, talk to it, and even dream about it.
1. They’re too lazy. Too harsh? Too bad, it’s the truth. My course is a bootcamp. I’m a former U.S. MarIne. So you’re definitely going to get The kick-in-the-This department has everything you need. Motion cures laziness. And I’m going to make sure you take action on my training.
2. They’re too scared. But they won’t admit it. What if it doesn’t work? What if people make fun of me? What if I look like sh** on camera? Once again, in the training I’ll get you over this mental hurdle. And that’s all it is, mental. It’s totally fixable. Although it might take some effort. Which I’ll give you.
3. They’re too overwhelmed by tech. My specialty is once again taking crazy tech and making it understandable for technophobes. My. No Bullsh** Digital Course Boot Camp you’ve got noooooooo worries In this department. I’m going to show you exactly what to do, removing all of The confusion, mysteries, headaches, gotcha’s and pain-in-the-Asses along the route.
The Only way I can make digital course creation more simple for you is if it’s something I do for you.. But you’d sh** yourself if you knew how much that cost. So I’m giving you the next best thing…the step by step detail on how I do everything.
How much?
That’s the price.
$695 grants you instant unlimited and lifetime access to more than 10 hours of video training. You just need to watch me and then do it again.
No upsells…no “but wait, you also need this” bullsh**…or any other gimmicks with this offer.
This is your bottom line The No Bullsh** Digital Course Boot Camp This will allow you to Considerably Better training than courses that cost 2.-Three times the amount. It’s as simple as that.
So for just $695, it’s a freaking steal. To take advantage of this deal, click the button below.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected]
or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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