Dan Kennedy – Ultimate Consulting Business
“Advise and Profit! –
How To Create Exceptional
Income As A Consultant.”
Two of the country’s top ten consultants team up to put you into the exciting and highly profitable world of being a professional consultant…with a turn-key, ready-to-go “Consulting Business in a Box” handed to you on a silver platter!
Dear Friend,
I’ve never made less than $100,000.00 a year, part-time, from my consulting activities. I think most people have the same opportunity and ability, if they choose to utilize it.
For a whole collection of reasons, the marketplace’s need, desire, demand and willingness to pay for “advice” and “specialized, expert assistance” is bigger than ever and growing explosively. There may never have been a better time to pick one or several consulting specialties and ‘hang out your shingle’ as a consultant.
In many respects, consulting is a near-perfect business. You have enormous freedom…. you can operate with virtually no overhead, even from home if you choose….and it is relatively easy to “bill” at least $1,000.00 a day.
There are well over 1,000 consulting categories and specialties, so the odds overwhelmingly favor you having some combination of education, practical knowledge, experience, credibility and interests that can be “packaged” as consulting services desired by some market or markets.
(Among my friends and clients who’ve become successful consultants, there is a reformed bread truck delivery man-thief, a physical therapist, a former college football coach, several salespeople, and a tailor.)
Why Do Some People Find Consulting The Easiest Way To Make Big Money
While Others Have To Fight Tooth-And-Nail Just To Scrape Together A Living?
One of the most interesting aspects of the consulting profession is the vast disparity between similar consultants’ incomes – why does one earn $200,000.00 a year, another struggle to make $20,000.00? If that interests you, I do have the answer.
Actually, there are a handful of them – a handful of absolutely critical, essential skills and techniques that a person must master, in order to hit high income levels in consulting.
And there’s a lot to know about the business of consulting. For example, do you know ALL the ways to “spot” prospective clients who are ready for your services? Do you know how to prevent fee resistance? How to diversify your income? How to avoid getting saddled with “problem clients”? Why the way most consultants prepare proposals dooms them from the very start? How to “customize” your services for different fields?
After years of prodding from people interested in how I’ve built my consulting business and helped others to build theirs, I decided to create a Course; actually a complete “Consulting Business In A Box” to market. And I enlisted the assistance of Elsom Eldridge, possibly one of the top two or three “consultants to consultants” in America.
Elsom was closely associated with Howard Shenson for many years – Howard, who passed away, was the “dean” of the consulting business, the author of nearly a dozen books on the subject (many available in bookstores), and a provider of seminars on the how-to’s of consulting to nearly a half-million people worldwide.
Elsom is a graduate of Harvard, a former California State University professor, and the author of six books. He also has his own successful consulting business, in the sales training, business development and association management fields. With his contributions and editorial assistance, the most comprehensive set of how-to instructions for the consulting business have been assembled.
Who Is This Course Built For?
Experienced consultants will find this a good “check-up”, and will certainly discover some strategies new to them – many find major income breakthroughs. People just starting out in the consulting business will find this to be almost the equal of a “McDonalds franchise” for the consulting business – although at nothing near a franchise price tag.
So, who should get this Course? Any already established consultant or “freelancer” open-minded to new and better ways of making money, attracting clients, and managing the business. Also, anyone interested in making $500 to $1,000 a day “part-time”, who has a marketable skill gained through education or experience.
Many engineers, scientists, psychologists, executives, retired military officers, computer experts and writers do very, very well in the consulting business.
The Kennedy/Eldridge Ultimate Home Study Action Course For THE CONSULTING BUSINESS
How To Achieve Maximum Income From Consulting & Freelancing
This giant Course includes TWELVE CDs covering every imaginable question and answer, how-to strategy and opportunity in the consulting field, accompanied by a 10-Section Manual with over 200 pages.
The featured Contents include:
Shortcuts To Successful Start-Up
7 reasons why the demand for consulting services is booming – How to get in sync with these forces
How to decide on your consulting specialty/specialties and define the services you will offer
The 5 best ways to decide on your area(s) of specialization
Should you start part-time or full-time?
How to quickly become a Bona Fide EXPERT in your chosen field
The key characteristics shared by successful consultants based on industry surveys: consultants’ incomes have increased by 20% per year for the past 5 years…How you can enjoy that kind of a “raise” every year in YOUR consulting business
The AVERAGE hourly rate charged by consultants now exceeds $100.00 AN HOUR – and that’s why a good consultant armed with this course can make more money part-time than many doctors, lawyers or other professionals make working “Overtime”!
An Insider’s Look At The Consulting Profession
How can you do well financially, right from the start?
How long should it take to match your ‘Old’ Salary?
Inside-the-profession facts and statistics
“Meet some successful consultants”
Shortcuts for important business research
How to turn your spare time into REAL MONEY – starting with no investment, no risk, no overhead
How To Set Fees, Structure Deals, And Earn No Less Than $100,000 As A Consultant
How do consultants get paid?
8 different fee-setting strategies and compensation options
How to earn enormous incomes via results-based compensation, contingencies and royalties; how to eliminate the limitations of billable hours
How to avoid giving away your time & advice for free
How to WIN with the very first meeting with the client
How To Attract Clients
Marketing your services with low-cost strategies
What consultants need to know about advertising
9 tools in the Consultant’s Marketing Tool Kit
Your professional brochure
All about proposals, action plans, letters of agreement and other important business & marketing documents
Why & how consultants should use newsletters
Sales & negotiation techniques
How to give a good group presentation, speech or seminar
Techniques for selling to committees
Low-pressure sales methods you can use COMFORTABLY
Offbeat ways to promote yourself, locally or nationally
Why And How To Diversify Your Marketing Efforts And Your Income Sources
Writing, publishing and promoting your book(s)
Introduction to the incredibly profitable “Information Products Business”
How to match consulting with The Paid-Speaking Business
How to earn $500.00 To $5,000.00 per day & be treated like a celebrity as a paid professional speaker (Even if your knees shake and your teeth chatter now at the thought of speaking to a group!)
Special opportunities in working with government, non-profits….gov’t grants & contracts
How to create streams of “Passive Income”
How to build a “Referral Practice” in 3 years or less!
Mastering The Consulting Process
Managing initial client meetings for positive outcomes
Diagnostic strategies
Retaining and satisfying clients
How to profitably handle “small” clients
How to ‘network’ with other consultants
As you can see, this course is just like be handed a profitable consulting business on a silver platter!
Okay, Dan This Sounds Great…How Much Is It?
I contemplated, seriously contemplated, selling this Course for $1,000.00.
This is the most complete course about how you can advise and profit as a highly paid and respected consultant. If you want to instantly add an extra $50,000 – $100,000 per year income stream, I strongly encourage you to buy this today
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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