Russ Horn – Tradeonix Trading System
You Have Never Made A Dime Trading, This System
Could Transform You Into A Trading Pro And You
Could Start Making Money Right From Day One!
The key to your success with this system is the sheer simplicity of it.
When you are over-run with indicators it can become a huge distraction and make it confusing as to when you should be trading. That’s why this system uses only the things that are truly necessary, and nothing more!
Your success will be boosted by the suite of top secret custom indicators that combine data from the micro trend, the medium, trend and the long term trend, all in one easy to use dashboard.
System Without Ever Having To Look At The Price
The Most Accurate Trade Entry Signals I’ve Ever
So what do you get?
You are going to get what I consider to be the safest, most accurate and most profitable way of trading that’s ever been made available to the public. Coupled with a targeted risk reduction strategy so that even when you lose some trades (which is to be expected with any form of trading) the losses should always be a mere fraction of the initial 1%-2% that you risk on every trade.
When you actively reduce the size of the losing trades (while at the same time squeezing as much profit from the winning trades as humanly possible) the inevitable result is that your trading balance could grow faster than you ever could imagine.
On most trades you could quickly find yourself in zero-risk situations if you follow my trade management strategy to the letter. And don’t worry, I make this super easy for you to execute like a professional, even if you are new to trading.
Everything is broken down into clear, step-by-step bite-sized chunks of actionable information.
Which makes it possible to make money on up to 83% of trades!
trading system will be broken down into bite-sized
chunks of highly actionable information so you can
quickly start making money on up to 83% of trades!
- Even experienced traders are guaranteed to find new insights and gain access to my deepest trading philosophy secrets. It will act as a perfect refresher to place you in the correct state of mind to make this work to put cold hard cash in your pocket.
- You’ll be shown how to install the groundbreaking Tradeonix system onto the MetaTrader 4 platform, which literally takes a few seconds and is so easy that even if you are someone who thinks computers are complicated, you could still have this set up and ready to make money in seconds.
- No stone will be left unturned, and all the trading terminology you will ever need to understand will be explained in the simplest of terms so you can focus your attention on the important money making tasks rather than get tied up in jargon!
- You will dive deep into the function of each of the secret custom indicators that make the magic happen. You’ll understand why each and every one of them provides a specific function, necessary to see the crazy returns you have already seen this system deliver in the live trade videos peppered throughout this page!
- You will hear my views on the currency pairs, which ones I value more than others, and at what times they can be leveraged to see insane profits so you can take the shortcut right to where the money is hiding in plain sight.
- You will learn my rock solid money management system that is designed with only two things in mind: How to protect the money you already have in your account, like a rottweiler viciously guarding it’s dinner, and how to grow your account in the fastest and safest way possible. This combination of factors are the backbone of growing the money in your account at terminal velocity.
By the time you complete DVD #1 you will be pumped and ready to dive into the real meat of this training.
It has come to my attention that many people who are new to Forex trading often worry about the basics, and rightfully so, because without having a solid understanding of the basics, you can easily feel overwhelmed.
However, you don’t have to worry about this anymore because DVD #1 will take care of everything for you. You’ll wonder why you ever let this stuff worry you after you discover how simple and easy the basics are once you receive my expert tuition.
Next, let’s take a closer look at what you’ll discover on DVD #2.
trading because it contains the key information
needed to create the reinforced financial stability
that you and your family could rely on during your
As with every trading system, sticking to the rules of the system is the single most important thing you can do if you want to become wealthy, so that’s why I’ve devoted an entire DVD to cover these in great detail.
If you learn the rules of this system properly and put them into practice on every single trade, the only likely outcome is you will make more than enough money to help you plan for a better retirement and enjoy the finer things in life.
- There are only four basic steps to trading this system, so the rules will be easier than ever to stick to, meaning you’ll be able to pick it up and start making money with it right off the bat.
- You will see exactly how to execute each type of short and long trade in both an aggressive style and a conservative style so you can always trade in a style that you are most comfortable with.
- You will see there are very exact trade entry signals, so it will be easier than ever before to determine whether or not to enter a profitable trade.
- There will be no guesswork involved at all with this system and I will walk you through multiple examples explaining everything clearly. You will hear and see the reasons why each and every example is a perfect trade setup so you can quickly and easily recognize the best trading opportunities when you come to start trading the system yourself.
- You will discover how to quickly enter trades with a risk:reward ratio of 1:2. This means that you can make twice as much money as you are risking for each trade, so even if you were to lose twice as many trades as you win, you still wouldn’t lose any money.
- You will discover how to manage each open trade using two separate techniques that could allow you to be active in the market with absolutely ZERO money at risk. As the trade progresses you will have a clear understanding of how this works so you can ramp up your returns. There’s no better feeling than being in a live trade knowing that no matter what happens, there is no way you can lose money.
- You will discover the secret to squeezing every single cent out of your successful trades by using a sneaky tactic that will stop you exiting the trade early and leaving easy money on the table.
- You will discover two different ways to run a trailing stop loss which is a way of reducing the risk you’re exposed to, automatically, so if you have to pop out while you are in a live trade, you will have peace of mind that nothing is going to go wrong when you’re not there.
- You will be shown how to trade with the trend on your side, with a special twist thrown in that will ensure that you never get sucked into a trade with any false signals. This is a secret I discovered and I know you’re going to love its simplicity and the genius behind this important idea.
By the time you get to the end of DVD #2 you will have a full, in depth understanding of the rules of the system and will see how the indicators all work in unison to help you on your quest to become a consistently profitable and wealthy trader.
The manual will provide a handy reference to everything you discover on this DVD however we shall cover that
Before that, have a sneak peek at what you’ll get on DVD #3!
microscope on the planet to discover secrets that
will change the way you think and feel about
trading forever!
DVD #3 is where we take everything you’ve learned so far and tie it together by analyzing 20 different trading scenarios in close, granular detail.
- You will be walked through 20 different examples, step-by-step, and the amount of knowledge that will be downloaded and embedded into your brain during this DVD will have a lasting effect on you.
- You will be taken through five conservative long trades, showing you the safest and easiest way to grow the money in your account so if you are risk-averse, you can move Forward with the knowledge that Forex doesn’t have to be risky. You will have enough chances to make money using a conservative style of trading without ever having to be more aggressive, if you don’t want to.
- However, sometimes taking the aggressive approach will be exactly what the situation calls for, so you will also be taken through an additional five scenarios that will show you textbook aggressive long trades. If you are in a hurry and need to make big money fast, you will discover all my secrets for making aggressive trades in the safest manner possible.
- Then you will be taken through five conservative short trade examples. This is where you are placing sell orders, when the indicators alert you that the currency is trending downwards. This particular style of trade is perfect to give you a level of protection that stock market trading is lacking. If a currency goes into freefall, instead of losing everything, like stock market traders can, you could instead be making even more money than you usually do.
- And of course, you’ll be taken through five separate examples of aggressive sell trades. These have the potential to instantly transform you into a very wealthy person during the financial and economic uncertainty that we are facing, as reported by the news with an ever increasing and alarming regularity.
- You’ll be shown firsthand how to use the combination of the eight custom indicators to decide whether or not to enter trades and I will guide you through the thought process I go through, in each scenario, so you can have a framework to allow you to use the indicators to their fullest potential.
- You’ll discover how I suggest you use the indicators, including the specific things to look out for in order to increase your chances of hitting a home run and making the kind of trades that could replace your weekly income in just a matter of minutes.
- You will see the theory in action and any questions you might have from DVDs 1 and 2 are sure to be answered as you listen to me explain everything in fine detail as we pour over charts.
- You will find out how you could even trade with this system JUST using the indicators and not ever having to look at the price charts, that’s how powerful this system is. It’s like how helicopter pilots are able to land their helicopter safely after blacking out their windows and using only the indicators on their control panel to touch down.
working on the charts and by the time you
complete this DVD you should have a newfound
sense of confidence and the belief that you could
really make this work!
It doesn’t matter who uses this mechanical system. If you have a copy of Tradeonix, have the indicators installed and you follow the simple rules, then there is absolutely every likelihood that you will make a lot of money that could provide you and your family with the financial security that’s been missing from your life, up until now.
And to round this section off, here’s why you’ll watch DVD #4 again and again!
system to build up profits so you can see
what this system is truly capable of.
You can watch as I talk you through absolutely EVERYTHING that is going on in my mind, in every trading scenario as I show you trade after trade how to bank an absolute fortune, right before your very eyes. So you can mirror my actions, make similar decisions at the right times and employ the same strategies that I teach in order to squeeze every last dollar out of your trades and make money like a professional.
DVD #4 includes:
- 16 live trades.
- Like the previous DVD, you will be shown both conservative and aggressive entries for both long and short trades, so all scenarios are covered and you’ll know exactly what to do in your own trades.
- You’ll see first hand how to reduce your risk on every trade as it progresses, so you could regularly find yourself inside a live trade with ZERO RISK of loss.
- During these live trades, each step of the way, you will hear me “think out loud” giving you the full picture of what’s going through my mind as I take each trade so you can model my thought process for your own trades so you could win as often as I do.
- You’ll see both of my secret trailing stop loss strategies, one aggressive and one conservative and you’ll see how I use the indicators to inform how this is done, so again, you won’t have to guess whether or not you are doing the correct thing. These are the exact strategies that you can use to reduce your risk massively and squeeze as much money as possible from every trade.
Landing on your doormat along with these four powerful and profitable DVDs, filled with the most cutting edge trading information you’ll find anywhere on the planet, will be your trading manual.
information you require to profit in the world’s
largest and most liquid market, Forex!
Because I kept it short and to the point you will soon know the pages of this manual inside out, and in no time at all you will have internalized all the money making information contained on its pages.
- The powerful information in this manual goes hand in hand with the secrets you’ll discover in the DVDs, with absolutely ZERO filler content.
- Every single word in this short yet concise 40-page book is designed to get you up and running, banking more pips than you ever imagined possible, in as short a timescale as possible.
- This system was designed primarily as a fund trading system, powerful enough to be trusted with a giant account full of other people’s money so you know it’s powerful enough to grow your solo account.
- The information contained inside this manual is powerful enough to help you smash through your earnings ceiling and maintain a more wealthy lifestyle for the rest of your living days.
- Page 36 gives you an in depth guide to using the heat map indicator to guide you directly to the big money that’s currently waiting to be deposited into your account.
- Discover how to use ‘aggressive trailing’ to reduce your risk in a trade in the fastest way possible and to lock in the maximum amount of profit if the market swings against you before you hit your take profit target. (Page 30)
to transform your life forever by giving you the
financial security currently missing from your life
and it could completely erase the stress you suffer,
as you worry about how you’re going to pay for
your retirement!
Yet… That’s not all you’ll receive!
100% access to my elite, private members’ portal.
It is in here where you will discover the real secrets to making massive profits when you trade.
Not only will you access the secret custom indicators that make Tradeonix the accurate, powerful and easy to trade system it is…
is the only one you’ll ever need and
why it’s makes making money easy!

When you know the easy heatmap combinations to look for, this makes it very easy to assess a currency pair fast.
If the heatmap looks good, then it’s worth looking closer for a potential trade! Such a timesaver!

- I can’t tell you exactly what it tracks, right here, that’s reserved for VIP Tradeonix members only and is only revealed once you become a member. However, I will tell you that this gives you a strict instruction on whether to go long or short. This saves any guesswork on your part so you can focus on collecting the profits.
- This part of the system also gives you exact instructions for the optimum stop loss level. Tradeonix uses a secret stop loss technique that causes a mathematical principle to work in your favor which causes your losses to be massively reduced. The risk:reward ratios will be heavily weighted to your benefit when you use this. It will be one of your best friends very soon because it’s a crucial key to your success, and the huge profits that could be soon heading your way.

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