David Burns – Treat Anxiety Fast: Powerful, Fast-Acting, Drug-Free Treatment Techniques that Defeat Anxiety & Worry
PESI is proud to offer an exciting seminar by David Burns, M.D., a pioneer in the development of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT). Achieve rapid and lasting recovery with all your anxious clients, just as Dr. Burns has done in over 35,000 therapy sessions with severely troubled clients. Become skilled at treating every type of anxiety without drugs.
In this unique course you’ll master more than 20 treatment techniques to help your clients eliminate the symptoms of anxiety quickly – even your most challenging, resistant clients.
Dr. Burns will illustrate concrete strategies that provide rapid, complete recovery and lasting change for your patients. You’ll learn…
- How to integrate four powerful treatment models to eliminate symptoms.
- How to enhance your client’s engagement in therapy.
- How to develop a treatment plan that specifically targets each client’s unique problems and needs.
- …and so much more!
David will provide you with guided instruction and share powerful video sessions that capture the actual moment of recovery. You will take away practical strategies to use immediately with any anxious client. Leave this course recording armed with tools you can use in your very next session!
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from one of America’s most highly acclaimed psychiatrists and teachers!
Manual (Part 1) – Treating Anxiety Fast (1.62 MB) | 68 Pages | Available after Purchase | |
Manual (Part 2) – Treating Anxiety Fast (0.40 MB) | 48 Pages | Available after Purchase |
Day 1
What is TEAM-CBT? Reverse Hypnosis
- How your anxious patients cast a spell on you and sabotage the treatment
Four Powerful Treatment Models for Anxiety Disorders
- The Cognitive Model: I THINK therefore I FEAR
- Single session treatment for Panic Disorder (video)
- The Exposure Model: Taking a Page from the Tibetan Book of the Dead
- Blood Phobia
- The Hidden Emotion Model: Cycling Back to Freud?
- The Burrito Slasher
- The Motivational Model: Heading Off the Resistance at the Pass
- A Case of Severe Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Overcoming Toxic Shame (video)
- Magic Button
- Positive Reframing
- Acid Test
- Magic Dial
Clinical Exercise
- Electrical engineer with Body Dysmorphic Disorder
- Recovery Circle: Failing as Fast as You Can
- A Visit to the Shopping Center from Hell
Day 2
The Cognitive Model
- Truth-Based Techniques
- Compassion-Based Techniques
- Uncovering Techniques
- Motivational Techniques
- Quantitative Techniques
- Visual Imaging Techniques
- Humor-Based Techniques
- Role-Playing Techniques
- Spiritual Techniques
The Hidden Emotion Model
- The Niceness Dynamic
- Bringing Hidden Feelings to Conscious Awareness
Innovations in Exposure Therapy
- Classical, Cognitive, and Interpersonal Exposure
Treatment Algorithms
- Who Do We Treat? The Person or the Disorder?
Relapse Prevention Training
- Getting Better vs. Feeling Better
David Burns, M.D. Related seminars and products: 6
David D. Burns, M.D., is an emeritus adjunct clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine. His best-selling books, Feeling Good and the Feeling Good Handbook, have sold over five million copies worldwide.
Although he was a pioneer in the development of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), in the past 10 years he has created a more powerful approach called TEAM-CBT. Individuals who attend this workshop will be eligible for Level 1 TEAM certification by the Feeling Good Institute in Mt. View, California.
More than 50,000 therapists have attended his training programs over the past 35 years. His website, www.feelinggood.com, offers many free resources for therapists and clients alike, including his tremendously popular Feeling Good Podcasts which draw more than 50,000 downloads per month.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: David Burns receives royalties from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: David Burns has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
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> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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