David Burns – Feeling Great: A New High-Speed Treatment for Depression
Watch David Burns, MD, anxiety and depression expert and author of the NY Times Best-seller Feeling Good, which has sold more than five million copies worldwide.
Research indicates that most, if not all, current treatments for depression and anxiety are barely more effective than placebos. In most studies, fewer than half of patients experience even a 50% reduction in depression after treatment. Research also suggests that therapeutic failure nearly always results from patient resistance that hasn’t been skillfully addressed.
Now in this all-new training based on his latest book Feeling Great, Dr. Burns dives deep into why clients seem to cling to feelings of depression and worthlessness and how to tackle the distorted thoughts and feelings that trigger their depression.
You’ll learn about two different kinds of resistance that can exist within clients that hinder treatment, and how to quickly eliminate resistance and open the door to ultra-rapid recovery.
Prepare to explore a revolutionary, paradoxical, and exciting new treatment based on the premise that depression and anxiety do not result from what’s wrong with you, but from what’s right with you!
Discover how to:
- Accurately track changes in symptoms from the start to the end of every session
- Accurately track therapist empathy at every session
- Avoid the “reverse hypnosis” that sabotages treatment
- Distinguish between Outcome and Process Resistance, the two roadblocks to successful therapy
- Use the elements of the TEAM—T = testing, E = empathy, A = Assessment of resistance and M = Methods—to bring about high-speed change
- Quickly melt away client resistance
- Crush the negative thoughts that cause depression and anxiety
- Conquer your own feelings of insecurity and self-doubt and leave the workshop feeling great!
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from a master of rapid recovery approaches for depression!
Manual – Feeling Great (1.7 MB) | 67 Pages | Available after Purchase |
First segment: Resistance Revisited
- Why does therapy fail?
- What is TEAM Therapy?
- The eight most common forms of resistance
- depression
- anxiety
- relationship problems
- habits and addictions
- What happens when you ignore resistance?
- What happens when you address resistance?
Second segment: The Anatomy of a Miracle
- Karen tells her story: “I’m a failure as a mother.”
- video clips illustrating symptom severity at the start and end of the session
- How to melt away resistance
- Invitation
- Magic Button
- Positive Reframing
- Pivot Question
- Magic Dial
Third Segment: How to Trigger Rapid Change at the Gut Level
- How to crush negative thoughts
- Video clips illustrating
- Explain the distortions
- Externalization of Voices
- Self-Defense vs. Acceptance Paradox
- Survey Technique
- Video clips illustrating
- Your questions
- Were these changes real?
- Will they last?
- Is rapid recovery rare?
Fourth Segment: Healing yourself
- The negative thoughts of therapists
- Positive Reframing
- Externalization of Voices
- Self-Defense Paradigm
- Acceptance Paradox
- Counter-Attack Technique (CAT)
- Live demonstration with audience volunteers
Fifth Segment: Process Resistance
- How to address process resistance for depression
- Dangling the Carrot
- Gentle Ultimatum
- Sitting with Open Hands
- Fallback position
- Live demonstration with two audience volunteers
- Questions:
- What to do when the patient says “I’ll try”
- What to do when your patient “fails” / “forgets” to do psychotherapy homework
- Therapist resistance
- Questions:
Sixth Segment
- Bibliotherapy: Does it really make a difference?
- How to improve your clinical results
- From Feeling Good to Feeling Great!
- Q and A
David Burns, M.D. Related seminars and products: 6
David D. Burns, M.D., is an emeritus adjunct clinical professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine. His best-selling books, Feeling Good and the Feeling Good Handbook, have sold over five million copies worldwide. His latest book, Feeling Great, is now available on Amazon.com.
Although he was a pioneer in the development of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), in the past 10 years he has created a more powerful approach called TEAM-CBT. Individuals who attend this workshop will be eligible for Level 1 TEAM certification by the Feeling Good Institute in Mt. View, California.
More than 50,000 therapists have attended his training programs over the past 35 years. His website, www.feelinggood.com, offers many free resources for therapists and clients alike, including his tremendously popular Feeling Good Podcasts.
Speaker Disclosures:
Financial: David Burns receives royalties from PESI, Inc.
Non-financial: David Burns has no relevant non-financial relationship to disclose.
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