GeniusIntelligence – Complete Guide to Genius
Section 1: The Intelligence Increasing Techniques
In this section, our members are given specific training techniques to increase intelligence, inside a written guide called “The Complete Guide To Genius™”. This includes information on the IQ increase benefits, what areas of the brain are targeted and schedules to use. Each technique has variations for additional levels of intensity and results. You can contact us via e-mail to get a personalised program.
This variety allows our members to specialise in their training and includes:
21 step by step techniques to increase intelligence.
Techniques designed to boost IQ by up to 20 points or more.
Techniques designed to increase concentration and focus abilities.
Techniques to improve memory, learning abilities and store information much more quickly.
Schedules to allow dedicated users to achieve a real IQ of 170-180.
Exercises designed to increase creativity, intuition, idea generation and rapid thinking potential in user’s minds.
Exercises designed to improve problem solving, abstract thinking and mathematical processing speed.
The PTMR Technique to gain insight, intuition and inspiration. Can allow IQ increases of up to 10 points.
The Square Attention software program to target multi-tasking, sequencing and logical aspects of your mind. This is an IQ training program that is played on your computer.
Section 2 – Brain Nutrition, Diet And Supplements
In this section we will talk about how to modify your diet to give your brain maximum firepower! The right combination of food and supplements can help you to operate at peak performance for longer and maintain a strong IQ.
Your diet also gives you the building blocks to get maximum benefit from the techniques.
The Glycemic Index of foods and how it affects intelligence.
The foods that naturally improve intelligence. This is the laziest and easiest way to enhance your brain power.
The twelve guidelines to feed your brain properly and create awesome inner power.
What you should eat at breakfast every day to maintain inner clarity, cognitive strength and power.
The link between sugary foods and your brain. Eat well towards mental training success!
Section 3 – Accessing The Power Of Your Mind For Goals
This section will help you to make maximum use of your new mental powers! It reveals the secrets of some of the world’s greatest achievers and how they reached true genius during their lifetimes. We take a look at the subconscious mind, how it works and how you can use it to achieve your ambitions and goals in life.
This allows you to use your higher IQ for the things that matter to you, helping you to achieve your life goals.
How to deal with distractions and make yourself motivated to succeed.
How to access the power of the subconscious mind to help you achieve your goals.
How to tap your super genius creativity for higher levels of thinking and better decision making.
All of the above, under the three step system will improve:
Overall brain power and IQ
Intellectual creativity, intuition and idea generation
Intellectual diversity through new found talents
Problem solving and analytical ability
Memory, directly and through an onset of photographic ability
Learning and study skills
Become A Member And Join Us
Our membership, which includes The Complete Guide to Genius™ course is a revolution for your mind. It will completely change the way you think, act and process information. It will boost your confidence, ambition and ability to succeed in life. We are pleased to offer our membership to you now at a realistic and affordable price:
Genius Intelligence Membership: The Complete Guide To Genius™ + Bonuses, is only $67 US.
Click Here To Join Now
Membership is processed by PayPal. We accept all major credit and debit cards.
The technique of Optical Enhancement, a visualisation technique that works the mind.
The advanced QWS technique to help increase IQ past the 20 points mark and boost results further.
Eight techniques to increase visualising ability. Link deeper to the subconscious mind and increase mental clarity
Tips, pointers, guidelines and secrets to maximise training effectiveness and get the largest gains.
The Dualist Mental Expansion techniques: How to take advantage of physical exercises to increase intelligence and maximise permanent gains in IQ.
Frequently Asked Question sections detailed at relevant points within the guide to help you understand the training on a deeper level and boost your gains further.
How to prevent over training and ensure you get steady increases in brain power on a continuous basis.
Personalised customer support for your training schedules whenever you need it! Simply send us an e-mail using our support desk.
The 15 supplements that will boost your brain power in ways you never thought possible.
Discover which supplements reverse mental aging.
Discover which supplements restore a youthful memory.
Discover which herbal and nutritional supplements can help those with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Lou Gehrig’s or any other mental disease.
Why and which supplements are important if you want to maximise intelligence in the shortest time.
Ways to improve your mindset, thinking patterns and dedication to your goals using mental power.
How to determine what you truly want out of life and go for it with maximum speed.
How to program your subconscious mind like a computer and help push you to your goals.
Reading ability, including increased reading speed
Rebuttal and argumentative ability
Concentration and focus powers
Mathematical, logic and abstract thinking skills
Mental confidence and inner self esteem
Ambition and your ability to achieve your goals
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected]
or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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