Lloyd Lester – Unstoppable Orgasms
Brian didn’t know that his girlfriend was already fantasizing about another man…
Brian was the “perfect boyfriend…”
He was always there to listen, never forgot her birthday and gave her gifts and attention.
He made every effort to express his gratitude to her.
But somehow… the sex life he always wanted to share with her never materialized.
She was clearly bored and distracted in her bedroom.
She came up with excuses, such as “I’m tired” Oder “I have a headache” Not to have sex.
When he tried to hint at trying something new and naughty…
He rolled his eyes as she said that she would never do that with any man.
He tried everything he could to try and get her hot and bothered in the bedroom…
But he didn’t seem to be able to increase her pulse rate even one beat per hour!
But as bad and frustrating as his lackluster sex life was…
Nothing Prepared Him For The Betrayal He Was About To Experience…
It all started when he tried to message his girlfriend over social media one Friday night…
He entered the domain in his browser, and clicked the Login button.
But just as he was about to zip off his message…
He noticed that something was different…
The image in the upper left corner showed his girlfriend.
That’s when he realized… he was inside of HER account instead of his own!
Inadvertently, she had saved her login details in the browser.
He was about to exit out and log back in with his own information when he noticed something…
A few tiny thumbs-up icon on a picture in her scroll feed…
Brian has never seen a picture of this man before.
Now, this isn’t something Brian was prepared for…
He knew he was supposed to just close the page, forget about what he saw and trust his girlfriend…
But his curiosity wouldn’t leave him alone…
He hit her message icon and started reading the messages she’d been sending back and forth…
And That’s When He Saw Something That Made Him Feel Like He’d Taken A Sledgehammer To The Groin…
What was it that Brian saw then?
Why am I telling this to you?
Well… I’ll answer both questions in just a minute but before I do…
I should probably introduce myself.
My name is Lloyd Lester… I’m an internationally respected coach, best-Selling author and master sex coach for men
And I wrote this message to tell you about a completely revolutionary study that reveals for the first time ever…
What a way for a man to give sex to a woman so they can live happily ever after?-changing…
It literally inspires her to
Worship You
In fact, in a minute I’m going to show you an image of a female brain in the throes of a mesmerizing orgasm that changed the way science has viewed female sexuality…
An image proving with cold, hard, irrefutable data that this unique pleasure experience actually changes the structure of her brain…
Converting shy, conservative and even-tempered people “frigid women” into wild nymphomaniacs eager to share dirty erotic adventures with you and only YOU…
I’m talking about life-affirming, explosive sexual pleasure so powerful…
She’ll do ANYTHING to return the favor.
And believe me my friend when I say anything…
I mean ANY… THING!
You want her to look deeply into you eyes while she passionately gives you oral sex?
By the time you’re finished reading this message… I’ll show you a way to give her soul-tingling pleasure so intense…
She’ll physically NEED to feel you inside of every orifice.
Imagine your women telling you how hot they feel, and then having them imagine a 3D movie.-You and another beautiful woman can go a different way.
Once you add this powerful new science to your sexual repertoire…
You’ll dope her brain with such intense, primal pleasure… she’ll practically BEG to fulfill your deepest and darkest fantasies.
Or if you’re like most men…
You only want her to start sex on nightly basis, and you feel naturally passionate about sharing your heart.-pounding sexual experiences that make both of you deeply satisfied…
And in that case… I know that reading message will be the most important thing you ever do for your sex life.
Because I’m About To Reveal A Set Of 4 Techniques To Deliver “Shock And Awe” Orgasms So Powerful…
They Will Change Any Woman’s Mind, Body And Soul…
The breathtaking experience you’ll create will be more addictive than cocaine…
You will be able to access her heart, mind, and soul in ways you never imagined possible.
Her fantasies will bloom and she will be able to indulge in more adventurous, raunchier, and more satisfying sex.
I’ll also tell all about how my client Brian was able to save himself from being cheated on and go on to…
Transform a boring, lackluster sex life into a nightly safari of erotic adventures that have fulfilled both he and his girlfriend’s most intimate fantasies.
You’ll also hear from other totally average and in some cases… even boring guys who’ve used this breakthrough science to:
Have a woman BEG him to give her anal…
even after she refused to do anything more taboo than missionary before…
How one man had the hottest women among his social circle
practically force themselves on him after word of his legendary sexual powers spread…
How a guy who’d been married for nearly 3 decades…
converted his wife into a nymphomaniac who can’t keep her hands off of him…
But before we get into all of that…
I think it’s important that you know…
Why You Should Even Listen To What I Have To Say In The First Place…
Now, I’m not some fly-By-Night charlatan, who woke up earlier in the morning and decided that I would be declaring myself an author. “orgasm expert.”
My knowledge was earned in the trenches with actual experience… not ivory tower “theories” Talk points that are politically correct.
The unfortunate fact is that not 1 man in 1000 actually has the slightest CLUE as to what really lubricates a woman’s loins…
Over the years I’ve done 1000s of hours of research and produced over 23,405 satisfied clients around the world…
But just so you don’t think I’m the only one singing my own praises…
Here’s what some other famous thought leaders from around the world say about my advice:
ALEX ALLMAN // Revolutionary Sex creator said these:
“Lloyd Lester is one of my colleagues that I never hesitate to recommend because his methods are grounded in an entirely different philosophy from mine, so they’re a great compliment. And secondly, because his stuff flat out works.”
ADAM ARMSTRONG // TheNewAlpha.com founder and master sex trainer said these words:
“The sad truth is that most people are not so fortunate.”-So called ‘sex experts’ haven’t got a clue.
It’s a sea of blessings. ‘fake experts’ There are some great teachers out there who can truly teach. ‘get it.’ People who know how to please women in real life and how to help other men do the same.
Lloyd Lester is one of those men.”
SUSAN BRATTON // Hot Sex Advisor, TV Celebrity, CEO, Personal Life Media, Inc., and creator of world-famous programs like Revive Her Drive, said this:
“Wanna get really good in bed? Add Lloyd’s techniques to your arsenal of bedroom moves. He has a treasure chest of pleasure techniques I’ve never seen. We’ve been friends and compatriots for over a decade.”
I could keep going… but I think you get the idea.
When it comes to giving ANY woman you want incredibly connected and physically gratifying pleasure that completely ruins her for any other man…
I know what I’m talking about.
I prefer to keep my profile low and turn down requests to make media appearances and podcasts.
I’m a bit shy and reclusive to be honest and generally don’t care about drawing a lot of attention to myself.
Unless you’ve been personally referred by one of my carefully selected Joint Venture or business partners…
Or been referred by word of mouth…
Chances are you wouldn’t have heard of me.
Which brings us back to my client Brian and to…
The Shocking Betrayal That Led Him To Seek My Expertise…
See… Brian never saw it coming that his woman would think about another guy.
But here was the proof staring him right in the face on his girlfriend’s own social media page.
On the surface… Brian could see why she would like this other guy’s photos.
He was tall and well-Built, well-built and adventurous.
His profile featured photos of himself riding his motorcycle and traveling around the globe.-climbing…
The final blow was when his curiosity overtook him and he began to sift through her messages.
He felt guilty doing it but hey… wouldn’t you want to know what was going on if it was your woman?
His girlfriend and one her female coworkers exchanged details via a text message.
It turns out… “Mr. Mystery” Her first job was as a hire in the company.
He was the “office hunk” All the women were smitten by the water cooler.
His girlfriend clearly had a crush on him.
But it got worse…
His girlfriend confessed to his coworker in a series of messages that she sent her, that she had a dream about. “Mr. Mystery.”
And not a PG one either…
She described in detail the raunchy, sexual acts she had hoped to share with him and how she felt.
She also confessed guilt about her feelings of love for Brian, but not being able to accept his sexiness.
She complained that he was predictable in bed…
That he always tried to initiate with the same boring tactics like…
Giving her a massage…
Or getting her buzzed on her favorite wine and playing some mood music…
But the part that really sent Brian spinning was what she said next…
“The Worst Part Is I’ve Never Had An Orgasm With Brian…”
“He tries really hard and he’s a sweet guy but he never makes me come.”
She was understood by her coworker and she told him how sorry he was. “unacceptable it was that he didn’t make her come…”
And suggested that it might just be a sign that her and Brian weren’t meant to be.
He closed his laptop and slumped down in humiliation, shame and anxiety.
How could his girlfriend betray him in this way?
Why couldn’t she just tell him what he needed to do in order to please her?
Over the next few days, Brian kept spinning around in his brain imagining all kinds of horrible scenarios…
He was nauseated and unable to concentrate.
One of his friends noticed that he was so unhappy and distracted, and invited him to a drink to cheer him.
After a couple beers and a shot of Jack Daniels, Brian finally opened up about what was going on…
His friend listened to him and when he was done he said…
“Brian man, believe it or not, what you’re going through is pretty normal.”
“Most guys have no clue how to please women and chances are if you’re not getting the job done they’ll never tell you.”
“Women are culturally conditioned not to want to mess with our egos or create conflict…”
“The good news is… I do know someone who can help you.”
Brian received a card from him with my contact information.
And his timing couldn’t have been better…
Because I myself was in the middle of the biggest discovery of my career…
Which all began when I stumbled upon…
A Study Showing The First Glimpses Of A Rare Orgasm That Can Change Any Man’s Sex Life Forever…
See, I’m always doing research trying to come up with new and innovative ways for men to give women incredible sexual experiences.
And you might think that this would be a fun job but the truth is…
It’s actually really hard work.
I have subscriptions to all of the biggest science journals on the planet…
Nature, Journal of the American Medical Association, Journal of Neurochemistry, and the esteemed Genes, Brains, and Human Behavior…
And that’s just to name a few.
Most of the studies I read lead nowhere…
But occasionally I find something interesting…
One example is a Rutgers University study that gave us a glimpse into the female mind during an orgasm.
These are the images that I found after going through all the data.
The image at the top shows the female brain just before the onset of orgasm…
The image above shows the female brain just before the onset of orgasm…
This image shows the brain at the peak of orgasmic bliss…
These pictures are nothing more than pretty pictures by themselves.
But when scientists looked closer they noticed something really interesting…
There is proof Orgasms Can Affect The Female Brain In Ways Similar To A Religious Experience…
You see… the real reason these studies matter is that they show the first verified proof of a rare and uniquely powerful neurological experience that scientists call “entrainment…”
Entrainment refers to a rhythmic firing of nerves that create intense, heightened states of consciousness…
It basically means that her brain has gone into a coma. “sexual trance…”
In fact, entrainment is the very same pattern of brain activity that’s seen in scans of highly religious people in the midst of intense prayer…
Or monks in a state of deep meditation…
And the reason this matters for you as a man who wants to enjoy a more satisfying sex life…
Is that if you can create this unique pleasure experience…
You will automatically liberate wild and sexually insatiable parts of her personality…
Parts that are hidden below the surface of her consciousness just waiting to be awakened by these rare and powerful orgasms…
For the first time, real is possible-time brain scans of women provided proof that these unique entrainment orgasms weren’t mere speculation…
But cold, hard scientific FACT…
Not only were they viewing the characteristic rhythms of nerves firing right before their very eyes…
The women who had them were so moved by the experience that they wept, 80% of them!
Now, there is a problem, which you should know about before we move on…
You can’t just give your woman any old “plain” orgasm and expect to have this potent effect on her…
In order for entrainment to occur the orgasmic experience needs to have 2 qualities…
First, the orgasms need to be of very high intensity…
Second, they must last long enough to permit the brain’s entry into this heightened, trance state.-like state…
This study, and previous research before it are very clear on this point…
Entrainment can only be achieved through rare and powerful nerve stimulation.
In a minute… I’m going to share with you a simple set of 4 techniques to create these uniquely powerful experiences inside of literally ANY woman you choose…
But just before I do, I need to tell you the most powerful part of this discovery…
As I continued with my research I found out that…
These techniques will make her feel special. “Entrainment Orgasms” Often Enough…
You’ll Alter Her Fantasies At The Deepest Level…
Proof that these unique entrainment orgasms could occur was just the beginning…
Because when the research team looked more deeply they found something even more fascinating…
When you give women these experiences often enough… they found that the parts of her brain that create fantasy are physically changed.
And the more often they experienced entrainment orgasms… the more powerful the effect became.
This means that she could be influenced by these special pleasure experiences, and her brain may start to dream more about sex!
Not just that… it will stimulate her brain to imagine new and delightfully naughty sexual adventures she never imagined before.
Well… that was when lightning struck for me because I started to understand…
How to give women a gift Orgasms So Intense… She Sees You As A Sexual God…
Now, I had cold, solid scientific proof that these ultralow temperatures were real-Intense and prolonged-lasting orgasms could change a woman’s brain forever…
It was important to me that everything could be put into practice easily so that every man could benefit from this breakthrough and become sexually unstoppable.
So I used this new research and combined it with my own experience to create a simple series of steps that would allow ANY MAN to give women these orgasms…
It was very challenging for me to figure all of this out…
Even though I was already very experienced at giving my wife pleasure…
The orgasms I gave her did not create enough stimulation for entrainment…
I thought I could just give her the same clitoral g.-spot, and vaginal orgasms I had before…
But I was wrong!
To give her these rare orgasms, I had to go back on the drawing board to find new pleasure-inducing methods.
My first clue came when I touched her using a powerful method I’ll tell you about in just a minute…
It made her swirl her hips in a unique way I’d never seen her do before.
This was my first clue that I was stimulating unique pathways in her brain…
I continued to go, and I could see that she was closer to the climax.
And when she finally came… her body seized and spasmed in a way that was unlike anything I had ever seen before.
Instead of moaning loudly… she grew very quiet.
It was almost as if she had lost her speech.
The next thing I noticed is that she didn’t stop spasming for over 2 minutes…
This was at least four times longer than an average orgasm.
When I was done… I looked into her eyes and that’s when I saw something I had never seen before…
Tears Were Streaming Down Her Cheeks As She Cried Forcefully…
At first… I thought maybe I had hurt her somehow.
But when she was finally able to catch her breath…
She assured me that she was happy to help!
In her own words “she felt so touched by the experience… she couldn’t help getting extra emotional.”
Next, I started to notice other changes in her…
She became more friskier in the bedroom.
She started initiating with sexual favors she didn’t normally do.
Now, this is a little embarrassing to admit… but I have a dark secret about my love life that I’ve never actually told anyone before until now…
See, despite being an internationally respected sexual enhancement coach for men…
While he was not directly responsible for helping the men give their women hours of pleasure,-curling pleasure better than they’d ever had in their whole lives…
My wife didn’t enjoy giving me oral sex!
Now, don’t get me wrong… we had an amazing sex life and I was very satisfied in general.
But let’s be honest… what guy doesn’t like to get a blowjob?
My wife, however, would only be down on me for special occasions like my birthday.
In just a few days, she was able to give these instructions. “unstoppable orgasms…”
She Started To Crave Giving Me Head…
I couldn’t believe it when one night she stared deeply into my eyes with a gleam of mischief…
Then, she began to kiss my lower torso and then ended up at my groin.
I was shocked when she unzipped my pants and devoured my manhood…
She took me into her mouth, and she slurped as I was swallowed whole.
The noises she made were the same as when she enjoyed an especially delicious meal…
After I exploded into her mouth and she swallowed every last drop of my release…
I watched as her face twisted and furrow, and she started to shiver and groan. She was enjoying her powerful climax.
She had an oral epiphany on me, and she did it without me touching!
I was totally blown away!
I saw something in her eyes that was unlike anything I’d ever seen before.
A place of submission, happiness and respect!
I felt a powerful surge of confidence swell in my chest and felt a newfound sense of masculine pride…
Then, I realized that I had just discovered something very special.
This was just one of four powerful strategies I used to awaken women to sexual pleasure.
I continued to add to my discoveries with new insights from different fields of research.-Through years of experience, I have gained the knowledge that I now possess.
When the dust finally settled…
My discovery was simplified to a simple system that would allow any man to give his wife these special, unique, and life-changing gifts.-altering sexual experiences…
Unstoppable Orgasms ™
Unstoppable Orgasms™ is the first and only set of 4 sexual tactics designed to create uniquely powerful sexual experiences inside of any woman you choose…
Giving her intense, deep soul-A religious experience is a similar experience to sexual pleasure.
Imagine how much more satisfying your sex life would be if your woman suddenly snuck you off to the bathroom in a restaurant…
You could be taken all the way to her mouth and then swallowed your release.
How about having HER beg you to penetrate every orifice of her body… and scream with delight after she explodes in orgasmic bliss?
What about whispering in your ear about how hot she gets thinking about bringing another hot, sexy woman into your bedroom…
To experience the wild and erotic adventures that you once fantasized about as a teenager?
Now the way that your woman will respond isn’t something I can personally predict…
But I Can Tell You What Happened To My Client Brian Once I Gave Him These 4 Tactics…
First, he immediately turned his sex life around…
He didn’t just give his girlfriend her first penetration orgasm she had ever had in her life…
He also gave his full support.-body squirting orgasm that soaked their bed sheets…
Another first for both of them…
And just like what happened with my wife… Brian’s girlfriend was so moved by the experience…
She began to weep.
But That Was Just The Beginning Of The Sexual Delights He Shared Once He Deployed These Tactics…
Just 2 weeks after I helped Brian install these 4 pleasure techniques into his love life…
His girlfriend was over at his condo and showed him a picture…
“Do you think she’s hot?” He was interested in her question.
He looked at the screen to see a gorgeous blonde with toned legs, an epic ass, and a perfect pair of tits…
“She’s attractive,” he answered back… playing it cool.
That’s when his lady dropped a bombshell on him.
“She’s my Pilates instructor…”
“The other day during warm ups I started fantasizing about her, you and I…”
“You were taking me from behind while I gave her oral… it got me so wet… I had to leave class to go to the bathroom and masturbate.”
Brian couldn’t believe what he was hearing…
But she wasn’t even done!
“I invited her out for dinner and drinks with us next week, maybe we can make my fantasy come true…”
His girlfriend looked at him with a serious look.
He could tell by just looking at her that she was serious.
He’d gone from a guy who was so boring in bed that she was fantasizing about other men…
She was so sexually inexplicable she wanted to share him.
That’s When I Knew Just How Powerful These 4 Techniques Truly Were…
But I’ve gotten my reputation by being a guy that thoroughly tests all of my trainings…
So I set up an insider’s only digital coaching program that I offered to a small test group of 20 “guinea pigs” I recruited from within my tribe.
I taught them the techniques using a simple set 4 PDF guides. At the end, they had fun. “homework” They will be able to practice and internalize the concepts.
This made the learning experience more immersive, which is far better than reading books or listening to audios.
Each paid $297 each for 4 weeks coaching and 1 personal 1-On-1 can help them with any questions.
Given the success Brian had with it I expected positive results…
Download it immediately Lloyd Lester – Unstoppable Orgasms
However, nothing could have prepared me for the amazing feedback I received.
Here’s what just a few of the “guinea pigs” We had to add:
Rick S. Melbourne
Drop me a line and tell me:
“LloydThe ‘4 Sexual Techniques’ I am so grateful for the lessons you gave me. I already put your advice into practice and when I did my girlfriend got so turned on…
She began squirting, while having orgasm after orgasm. She demanded that I fuck my senseless in any hole she wanted.
These techniques have directly contributed to countless hours of pleasure and enjoyment for both of you.
Cheers mate,
Rick S.”
Anthony P., Gavelston TX
To say the following:
“Lloyd, the techniques you’ve shared have been invaluable. Everything you’ve taught me has made a tremendous difference in my sex life.
I have now given full, intense attention.-Multiple women are captivated by the body squirting and sex orgasms they receive. Keep up the wonderful sexual work you’re doing for men!”
Finally… Johnny K. in Synecdoche, NY
was so impressed with my expertise… He wanted me to print his feedback for other men. He demanded I print his feedback so that other men could benefit.
“LloydMy wife demanded that I write to you to let her know how much we both enjoy it. ‘The 4 Sexual Techniques’. They’ve been directly responsible for turning her into a raging nymphomaniac and letting us enjoy better sex than we’ve ever had in our entire lives.
After over 3 decades of marriage we’re enjoying the best and most frequent sex yet! Print this endorsement to show your support so other women and men can benefit.
Here’s A Small Sample Of The Almost Supernatural Sexual Power You’ll Gain Once You Discover The Secret To Give Any Woman Unstoppable Orgasms™
Before we get started, I would like to remind you that this program is fully immersive.
Everything you’ll discover is accompanied by carefully designed practice sessions to help you literally install this power right into your nervous system…
So that bringing your woman to sexual rapture on a nightly basis…
It’s as simple as tying your shoelaces.
Don’t worry though; this will be the most pleasurable “homework” you’ve ever done.
As I have already mentioned, there are four core techniques that make up The Authentic Method. Unstoppable Orgasms™ system.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected]
or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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