Jason Capital – Attraction Installed System
The EASY Way To Attract ANY Woman You Want In 2016, Within The First 3 Minutes Of Seeing Her…
And it doesn’t matter if…
- You struggle with shyness…
- You fear rejection…
- You don’t have a millionaire’s bank account…
In the next few minutes, I can promise you one thing..
As you read every word on this page, you’re going to see how anyone using my unique approach… no matter where you’re at today… can attract almost any woman within the first 3 minutes of seeing her.
Best of all? With zero fear of rejection.
If you’re seeing this page it’s likely you’ve experienced results with my programs firsthand.
My shit works. Hands down. No screwing around.
Today, I’m going to cut to the core of WHY my shit works. What makes it so fvcking powerful.
What creates irresistible
magnetism in women…
You’re next, my man. YOU.
Now, if this is your first time here or you have yet to buy one of my trainings, no worries.I’m not going to talk over your head. I’m not going to talk down to you either.We’re guys here. We’re Team Capital. And anyone who wants to learn, is welcome.
High Status = Natural Effortless Attraction…
But I guarantee high status is not what you think it is, so make sure you listen to every word, because…
- If you’re struggling with women…
- If you struggle with shyness and fear of rejection…
- If you want to attract the hottest of girls…
What I’m about to reveal WILL change your life, if I have anything to say about it.
In the beginning, it’s no wonder *I* was never able to attract girls.
In getting where I am today, I probably made every mistake in the book. Probably deserved it too.
I was boring. How boring?
I worked up the courage to ask a girl on a date I had a crush on for ages. Midway through dinner, she sighs and says…
“I’ll be honest with you… this is a boring date.
You’ve got zero personality and I’m too
lazy to do a window escape, so…”
Then she got up and walked out.
Don’t laugh. It’s true.
I also put up with a TON of bullshit. I was a doormat…
For instance one day, I was video chatting my supposed girlfriend. As we were talking, she answered a phone call.
I sat there the whole time as she planned a date with ” a guy she used to know” over the phone…
I’m not kidding about this. See, in the beginning I was probably worse than you are right now.
I also tried looking cool…
I found out that this girl went out with me only because she thought I quote “looked rich.” She broke it off once she found out I lived in a crappy studio apartment and drove a 15-year old piece of shit.
I tried being clever…
Listen don’t ever try asking a girl if she’s artistic. Why? Because it sounds like you’re asking her if she’s AUTISTIC. Ask me how I know.
I tried getting serious with chicks.
I once asked a girl if she loved me. She goes, “Uh, my vagina does.”
Fvck me. I’m telling you…
I tell you stories like these because what got me through those dark days, was only one thing…
You gotta focus on what you WANT.
Not what you don’t want.
You gotta burn with desire to get what you want. Enough to get out there and go after it.
Now let me be clear. This may sound like it’s ol’ Jason Capital giving you a pep talk.
BS. I am not. I am giving step #1 of my 3-step strategy for how I finally broke out and broke through.
It starts with DESIRE…
Desire to get this part of your life handled. Desire for the girl. Desire to learn the game. The desire to be successful at it.
Desire is one of the big reasons I am where I’m at today. My desire not just to get good at it, but to be the BEST at it.
Let me tell you what most guys think…
Most guys think the right opportunity, the right girl will magically fall into their lap.
Or they try one time or two times, and when they get shot down they give up and quit.
Or they think the game’s rigged against them and they don’t even try in the first place.
Here’s what they lack:
Belief Belief in themselves. Belief they can win.
They’re in that uncomfortable place I call no man’s land. Where they’re not out there trying to score. But they’re not actually failing either.
They’re not even in the game.
Because they don’t know how to win, and they’re afraid of failing.
I know how that feels. And then I was reading something and they talked about how failing actually teaches you what the right way is.
It’s actually pretty scientific. Like… even if you get out there and try just ONE time, you stack the odds in your favor.
Fortunately, I’m gonna share some techniques and ideas which I think will totally transform your game with women.
And I’m gonna show you…
How to leapfrog over all my past mistakes so that you NEVER have to make them…
And the absolute biggest impact you can have is to view yourself internally as a high status man.
Do that one thing and that one thing alone and you’re in a different league than almost every other guy out there.
The desire to be a high status man, to be seen as a high status man, is the thing YOU should desire.
Start there. Don’t start with desiring girls. Don’t think with your dick at first. Wait until you view yourself as a high status man and everything else will come so much easier.
And now, let me give you a secret every girl knows. But guys don’t.
What’s one of the things that makes a high status man?
Answer? High standards…
So what do I mean by having high standards?
I mean having high standards in the things and people you choose to be involved with.
That implicitly means you’re selective. That means you know your value.
Now that doesn’t mean you’re arrogant or that you’re a dick about it. You can be cool about it.
I want to make sure I don’t confuse you here…
When I say being viewed as a high status man, I’m not saying you should have a nice car or nice clothes or a big bank account.
You’re looking at it the wrong way.
Girls can tell if you’ve got your shit together
and you don’t need a Rolex to prove it…
Can’t wait for your Saturday afternoons to look like this dude..
I know lots of guys who actually prefer flying under the radar. Why? Because it weeds out the gold diggers and girls who need money for their little addictions.Trust me, I know.Remember, I’ve tried a lot of things. And one of the things you don’t want is women who are into you for what you own.
Been there, done that.
You want girls who are into who you are as a man. Not even what you do for a living.
Of course they’ll ask. Just like you’ll ask what they do. But that’s not why you link up together.
I don’t say “I gotta date this chick because she’s a super model”. Although admittedly, that IS pretty cool
But I can tell you about over a dozen times where I’ve shut down a chick who WAS a model because she was just an entitled little bitch. Sorry I’m not sorry.
I don’t care what she does or how she many millions of guy wish they could get her. I don’t care if her daddy is US Senator or Fortune 500 exec. None of that matters.
I care first, that she’s really attractive (which is a prerequisite), then much more importantly…what kind of person is she? Her values? Her intelligence? Her energy? She’s gotta win me over.
Now I want you to take that attitude and overlay onto women, because that’s how you want them to see you.
Make sense?
And it first starts with the desire to be a high status man, above all else.
Then something happened that
changed everything for me…
Remember, when I started out I stumbled. Fail. Faceplant. Time after time.
I’d try shit and it wouldn’t work and then I’d keep trying the same thing harder, expecting a new result that never came.s
And I had this friend. She was actually a girl. Jessica. It was platonic.
And she said “you know what the problem is?”
And I said “What?”
Jessica said girls sense all these negative things about you. They have a sixth sense about guys like you.
“Guys like me?”
Girls focus on WHO a guy is…
Get in there dude, you deserve it..
You see here’s what I’m advocating:How many of you go out on the Internet, see a technique or video, and go out and try it?Few do. Even though it may work.
Why is that?
Because there’s something missing you need for it to work.
It may be courage, or the ability to tell a joke, or self-respect, or an opportunistic, be-here-in-the-moment mindset.
What I’m saying today is what if I told you you DO NOT need some technique or gimmick with what I’m telling you.
Listen, do a gut check.
Attraction isn’t about what you do. Attraction isn’t about what you own.
Attraction is about WHO YOU ARE…
With what I’m advocating, attraction is naturally a part of you. It’s who you are. It’s what you do.
They could take every ounce of conscious knowledge you have about game away from you and you’d STILL get laid like a motherfucker.
They take away your game and women will still be attracted to you.
Why? Because attraction is a part of your IDENTITY. It’s who you are. You’re just one of those guys women unconsciously know they’re supposed to be attracted to.
You’re an Attraction God.
This, and more, will be YOURS soon..
That’s where YOU want to be..Get it?It’s what you do because you can’t help doing it.
It’s like breathing or blinking your eyes. It’s completely natural for you.
Ever see a group of guys hover around a pretty girl? Why?
Because her beauty is naturally part of her. She can’t help it.
Ever see a group of people hover around a baby? Why? Because they can’t help it. For whatever reason, a baby is naturally attractive.
The SAME EXACT thing happens with guys. I’m telling you. And it’s awesome.
Game at that point acts as a pickup accelerator. Accelerating the process of attracting women, engaging them and ultimately bedding them.
And I’m telling you, with desire and commitment, you can easily follow through and…
Become an Attraction God in your own right…
Now here’s the interesting thing. And you’re going to love this.
Once you become an Attraction God, EVERYTHING you learn online is amplified. And at the same time simplified.
- It’s like in the Matrix, where Neo sees the code…
- It’s like in Wanted, were the guy is able to bend bullets…
- It’s like in Karate Kid, where Danielson is able to take all those bullshit jobs he did for Mr. Miyagi and turn them into totally integrated karate moves…
- It’s Luke Skywalker learning to have deliberate control of the force…
You see, recently I was coaching a very successful client who’d hit the wall. We’ll call him M.
M pays me a lot of money, and I mean A LOT of money to get him back on track. Upwards of $55K.
Yeah, no kidding. That’s not “pizza money”.
- How to create unconscious sexual attraction with your presence and vibe alone. No matter what your looks or age
- You’ll get can’t fail tools that make it literally impossible for you to run out of things to say. You’ll never be “tongue-tied” ever again!
- How to get women soaking wet in under 3 minutes, using nothing but laughter. Especially great for waitresses, hostesses and much younger women!
- How to always know exactly what to say to the HOTTEST GIRL in the room, specifically..
So if you’re trying to memorize endless openers like stupid survey questions, you can forget’em. You don’t need them unless they’re truly fun for you.
And if you struggling talking to girls, your days of struggling trying to impress a girl are over. The only person you need to impress is yourself.
What if I said you never had to experience rejection again? It’s true.
Rejection becomes a
thing of the past…
If you thinking the only way to demonstrate status
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