James Bauer – What Men Secretly Want
Let me ask you this: Have you ever felt like things were going well, but you knew something was wrong? Or did you feel dreadful? “The Talk” You tried to get to know your boyfriend, but he became distant and his entire attitude changed. Before you knew it, he was gone.
4You felt that things were going well with a man (could have been your boyfriend or husband) but you wanted to know if he was really interested in you and if you are the right girl for him.
Well, you’re definitely not
These stories are all too common for me as a relationship consultant. When the problem became too real, I knew that I had to do something.-seated “Gap” The Lunch That
It Changed Everything Her new man at work had been introduced to her. The first few things went well and were very exciting.
It began with romantic phone calls and text messages, but soon it was moving to romantic dates she would rush home and tell her friends. She thought that everything was perfect for weeks. They would talk all night and spend the nights together. “text flirt” All day long at work. They had an unforgettable, romantic night together. They talked on the phone about the future and it ended in a great place.
Then, things got worse. He was always so happy and romantic, she had never seen him behave like this before. She tried to find out why, but he simply said that he was tired. But that wasn’t the end. She tried to call him again the next morning, and he ended it much sooner than usual. Soon, his texts were not answered and they stopped communicating altogether. He never called her again. She didn’t want to tell anyone about it, considering how many times she had already told them. “the one” It was amazing!
The next night, she fell asleep wondering if it was just her inability to be romantic. She was probably meant to be single for all eternity and never experience the joy of having a loving, secure relationship. The next morning she woke up feeling the same dreadful and lonely feelings she felt for years. She was in such pain that she couldn’t go to work. It was difficult for me to hear. The pain was overwhelming in her voice. Unfortunately, I hear it all the time. This girl is dear to me and I knew exactly what she was going through. I had spent the past week trying to solve a similar problem, but it was unrelated, for a course I was creating for men. It suddenly dawned on me that the two issues were in fact very closely related. The answer was right in front me. It’s something that I now call The Respect Principle, and it’s the biggest key for getting any man to want to truly commit to you.Once I told her about the insight and solution I had (which really only took about ten minutes to explain) she completely lit up. I didn’t expect her to believe me so quickly, but she seemed to instinctively get it. She knew what she had to do differently and she was eager to put her new knowledge into action.For her it became a story with a fairy tail ending.She’s now engaged to an amazing man that adores her for who she is because she actually understands the way he thinks and the way he experiences relationships.But for so many women out there, things just aren’t as easy. They don’t understand this vital principle.The root of the problem actually comes from a deep misunderstanding that you see everywhere in the media and popular shows and magazines.Sometimes it happens during the attraction phase, and sometimes the same root problem manifests much later when talk of marriage and commitment comes up.But the good news is: It’s not your fault, and there’s a clear and effective plan for easily overcoming the problem.The key is understanding men on a deep emotional level, and how the subtle things you say to a man affect him much more than you might think. (When you know how to do this, you’ll be able to deeply connect with a man, and powerfully attract him.)
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