Honest Chemistry – Honest Signalz
Imagine this. You’re in your local Starbucks.You pulled up strictly thinking about getting your Vanilla Latte and getting out. Supposedly simple on most days.
But not today.
Today is one of those days that will, in retrospect, haunt you. Today is one of those days where you end up asking yourself: “What if?” and telling yourself “If only…
You walk inside to the same Starbucks you’ve been inside at least 100 times. Same baristas, same smells, same menu… and then you see her.
Brunette. Soft, delicate face. Tasteful amount of makeup, not too much, not too little. Face kinda looks like Emma Watson, but a more girl-next-door version of her.
She’s just your type, the kind of girl you see maybe once a year. And quite reasonably, you ask yourself: “I wonder if it’d be a good idea to go up and talk to her.”
But then, annoyingly, this imp-like voice in your head reminds you of all the times.
Times that things didn’t work out with girls you really liked, despite how bad you wanted them to.
Times that you left dates disappointed, wondering why it just felt so boring. Times that you wondered why all your interactions with the girls that mattered always felt like sandpaper instead of silk.
Or maybe you’ve always been an anxious kinda guy. Maybe you’re really smart, and deep down, you know you have a pretty cool personality – you just don’t know how to show it.
Maybe “showing it” is tough because you’re so painfully shy. You might’ve been like this your whole life. And most likely, it’s not your fault.
Whatever the reason, you never figured out how to build chemistry with girls the way that you saw in the movies. And while you’ve always wished you could be like the charming protagonist of a movie, that one element has always seemed to elude you…
Discouraged, you snap back to Starbucks. You bring yourself “back to reality” and decide to not talk to her. What’s the point? You wouldn’t know how to build chemistry or connect with a girl as cute as her.
So you might be wondering – what the fuck was the point of that painful thought exercise?
Don’t worry, I’ll tell you. Gladly. Because today’s the last day you’ll ever have to suffer from this again – if you’re down to hear me out.
But first things first – you’re probably wondering who the hell I am.
Meet the World-Class Dating Expert
with Millions of Students
Also Known as YouTube Sensation
“The Most Interesting Man in The World”
I’m Vadim. You might know me from my viral “Most Interesting Man In The World” YouTube video that had millions of views.
Or perhaps from other videos where I demonstrate how to attract the women of your dreams to millions of guys like you.
And while, in my comedy videos, I play characters for fun…
What I’m about to show you is 100% the real deal.
This is the stuff that helped me and hundreds of my students go from introverted, shy, and anxious chumps…
From being helpless in attracting the hot girls I always wanted…
To being “that guy,” the one that the women of my dreams would fall in love with. The one that they’d tell all their friends about.
This stuff is what allowed the “floodgates” to open…
And allowed me to have options, choices, and world-class results with world-class, model quality women…
How Did I Get Here? What was the “Secret?”
Long ago, the first girlfriend I ever had decided to leave me.
In spite of the vacation plans we had to France, and in spite of how much I loved her, she dumped me. All because I had no idea what women wanted.
The truth is, I sabotaged my chances with her through my ignorance. I was using old and outdated dating techniques that I learned from pickup artists and charlatans.
You know, the kind that tells you to “not show interest” and “get her to prove herself to you.”
Manipulative stuff like that. Stuff had her constantly second-guessing why she was with me to begin with.
After the breakup, I remember going on a date. Having still not learned my lesson, I tried to do more pickup-artsy “cold reads” on a girl. It was part of this routine called the “Cube,” where you’d basically tell her to imagine a cube in a desert. Based on how she described it, I was to pass off vast generalizations as “sophisticated cold reads,” which would lead her to believe I was “so mysterious and deep.”
At least, that’s what the pickup artists sold me. That routines made me mysterious. That masks like these would make me attractive.
But they didn’t. In fact, I remember the date getting super weird. I remember the date ending super early. And above else, I remember that feeling of frustration in the pit of my stomach.
It was right then that I decided I wasn’t going to tolerate this.
I realized that If I was always thinking like a pickup artist, I’d only ever get pickup artist results. I needed to discover how to create genuine chemistry, and have authentic connections with girls.
And so things needed to change. I made a commitment to moving away from slimy pickup artist-style techniques and mentalities. I started researching, learning, and trying out everything I possibly could in the realms of attraction, male-female dynamics, psychology, charisma, seduction and personal development. Not to mention, going out and meeting lots and lots of women.
I was a determined “scientist” and this quest for learning how to form an authentic connection would send me on the second phase of my 15+ year journey.
And then, during this one magic mushroom trip, it all clicked.
It all came together in the most elegant fashion. I finally understood what women wanted.
They weren’t looking for what I, and the pickup artists, thought was attractive. They weren’t looking for money, status, good looks, or fame. And they definitely weren’t looking for my habit of trying to impress them with wittiness, routines, and unnecessarily complex vocabulary.
And so, having discarded these preconceived notions…
I started to internalize what a healthy and authentic male-to-female dynamic truly looked like. I started to internalize what it meant to be truly masculine and self-respecting…
And of course, I understood exactly what women truly wanted, and how to connect with them on a deeper level than most guys ever could. How to have real chemistry with a girl.
Through my over 10+ years of travelling the globe, meeting thousands of women, dating hundreds, and teaching other men how to replicate my results…
I can confidently say I’ve “cracked” the chemistry code.
But before moving on…
Have You Ever Wondered…
Why your interactions fail, leaving you feeling like you’re not good enough?
Why you always miss opportunities right in front of you or constantly regret not being able to take action despite your best intentions?
Why you often find yourself settling for women who you know aren’t really what you want?
Why you perpetually feel like there’s something missing from your interactions that you can’t quite put your finger on?
Why you never take any risks, and always play it safe with every girl you talk to? (Despite how you wish you were that bold, charismatic dude?)
Why you avoid any form of conflict, and try to play the “nice guy?”
Why women constantly ghost or flake on you even though you felt like “things went well”?
Why you always attract the wrong kind of women, or why the good ones perceive you as a fuck-boy?
If you do get in a relationship, will it be genuine, or will your partner just use and abuse you?
If you’ll end up dying alone?
Here’s What’ll Happen If You Learn How to Build Authentic Chemistry
You’ll always feel comfortable in your own skin, in any situation, because you feel like you’re good enough.
You’ll be capable of seizing opportunities immediately, when they arise.
You’ll take massive action, and know EXACTLY what to do in every part of the interaction or date.
You’ll have high standards and ONLY date women who meet your criteria of what you’re looking for because you have a lot of options to choose from.
You’ll take risks knowing you’ll still be able to handle any situation if you mess up.
You’ll be your TRUE and authentic self, no matter whether people like it or not, knowing that it’ll still allow you to get the results you’ve been seeking.
You’ll be with the right partners who want to be with you for YOU, as opposed to other shallow reasons.
Women will stop flaking or ghosting you – because they’re actually EXCITED to see you again.
My Magnum Opus Of Nearly 20 Hours Worth Of Content…
Packed with over 5 hours of real life infield footage, from 50+ different interactions showcasing every concept outlined in the course, which includes:
You’ll learn what the true definition of attraction is, and how it works in real life. From what constitutes social and sexual value, to the role of honest signals in conveying them. Finally, I’ll show you how this is all manifested in the ever so important “man-to-woman” frame. You’ll learn how to set the right foundations for your interactions, where you will be the masculine man unlocking her feminine energy.
I’ll show you when and how to build sexual tension, how you can set a more romantic-non-friendly tone for your dates, and how to spark sexual interest in the first place (regardless of her initial level of interest). Regardless of whether you look like George Clooney or not, I’ll get you oozing with sex appeal.
I’ll give you the tools to identify the barriers preventing you from naturally connecting with women. It won’t be easy – we’ll have to walk you through a lot of the psychological barriers that hold you back. I’ll also teach you what it means to have a “familiar” vibe, along with the principles of building comfort and rapport through time, space, emotional range and conversation.
You’ll learn exactly what chemistry looks like, and how it feels when built properly in an interaction. Natural or not, you’ll be given a comprehensive blueprint for the fundamentals of chemistry that will teach you how to create the magical combination of security, passion and understanding that all women crave.
Have you ever envied those relaxed, laid-back guys who attract top-tier women seemingly without trying? If you’ve always wanted to be that light-hearted, fun, and playful guy, while still having a James Bond-like edge, don’t worry, we got you covered. We’ll discuss mindsets, principles along with various tools and techniques that will turn you into a flirting machine.
I totally understand if you find all of this “non-verbal” stuff confusing. But this is what conveys your “vibe” and a good vibe is key. Here, I’ll help you understand all the nuances behind eye contact, body language, facial expressions, vocal tonality and physical expressiveness, so that women (and people in general) can feel good around you.
I’ll show you all the ways you can be the suave casanova you’ve always dreamed of being. You’ll learn to create and use your own unique brand of humor that’ll have girls saying “You’re the most fun I’ve had in a long time!”
Does the term “physical escalation” concern you for fear of coming off creepy? No worries, I’ve got your back. Here, I’ll hold your hand (platonically) through exactly what you should be doing to escalate naturally. You’ll learn how to go from a basic high-five to having your hand down her skirt – all with zero risk involved. Tall order? Yes. Will we get you there? Definitely.
You ever ask yourself why you can’t sexualize a conversation? You might’ve hypothesized it was your words. Or maybe you didn’t think it was appropriate. You might’ve even started to think you were lame. Fear not, I’ll give you the mindsets and a step-by-step framework you can follow to successfully sexualize a conversation, every time.
You’ll not only learn to wield the sword of sexualization and have a basic understanding of how sexual tension is built. I’ll also teach you how to navigate the advanced mechanics of this area so that you can strike a perfect balance in your interactions, dates and relationships between a normal cool dude, and the guy who gets her “wet”.
Simply put, sexual tension leads to arousal and arousal leads to sex. But things are not as simple. Thus, I will be discussing the relationship between sexual tension, comfort, environmental factors, arousal and sex. You need to see the big picture after all.
“I don’t know what to say, I just blanked out”. Does this sound familiar? I’ll walk you through the psychology of where this feeling comes from, workarounds, as well as principles, guidelines and topic structures, of how to have a good flowing conversation to help you never feel that way again.
Understanding all this stuff I teach you is one thing. You also need to learn how to adjust to the myriad of grey areas that come up when you go out. So I’ll help you build the necessary social and emotional intelligence to navigate any situation with ease, even if things get a little “off track.”
You know all those nights out where you’re having fun with a woman, it’s on and you would love to take her home to “extend the fun” so to speak, but just don’t know how to. I want to make sure that never happens again. I’ll go over everything that this entails so that you will never be left with your d*ck in your hand again.
You probably knew this, but tests aren’t only found in schools. Morning traffic tests you, your boss tests you, and girls will without a fucking doubt test you. Each “ congruence test” is a representation of a subconscious desire from a girl for you to show her you are that guy. I’ll show you exactly what’s up and how you can handle them.
Have you ever seen Mean Girls? In it, popular girl Regina George is just one representation of the “hot high school cheerleader” archetype. We don’t want to put people in boxes, but generally, you’ll find that there are common behaviors different types of girls exhibit. I’ve created an entire template for you to be successful in any style of interaction with any type of girl.
Never again should you have to stare blankly at a phone screen wondering what the hell you’re supposed to text her. In this section, I’ll teach you exactly when and how you should be texting a girl to help you move interactions forward. And, why texting, does not just mean using “text” but how gifs, audio and video messages can and should be utilized.
This section’s basically rated R, but I’m sure you’ll be able to handle it – and if you can’t, not to worry. I’ve also been there. Here, I’ll show you everything there is to know about helping her indulge her senses such that she’ll naturally open up to you sexually, how to escalate things towards and and how to have mind blowing earth shattering sex that will get her hooked. I’m not joking.
And sure, while you might come away happy from all the content, you’ll inevitably have questions later. That’s why I’ve decided to create my premium FaceBook community, where you’ll have access to me, my team and a set of amazing guys committed to the same results you are. You don’t have to go at this alone. Let’s rock!
In Reality You Have 3 Options
Ignore Everything You’ve Just Read
You can continue to creep girls out whenever you approach them, inevitably get ghosted, and allow your dating situation to deteriorate. You can let me know how you feel about this, but I don’t think things get better with time – if you’re not getting better, you’re getting worse.
Try to Figure It Out by Yourself
I imagine you’ve already tried some form of this. You might’ve read online help articles here and there from “gurus” who have never even talked to more than a couple of girls. Naturally, you were hopeful, earnestly tried out their advice, and all it got you were wasted months and years of your life aimlessly running around on the streets. Or clubs. Depending on if you’re more a morning person or a vampire. Trial and error’s fun and all, but you’re a busy guy, and how much more blood, sweat and tears do you want to put into trying to figure it all out on your own, from people who are by no means qualified?
Make the Same Choice I Did
Learn the Honest Chemistry system and start growing, putting everything into action, and IMMEDIATELY start noticing results in your dating life. (keywords: putting things into action)
1. Learn my unique system that I have taught to 1000+ students worldwide.
2. Take advantage of my 15+ year journey – with all its trials and tribulations, innumerable successes and guidance from various teachers.
3. Put my system to the test, knowing that you are backed by a 60-day money back guarantee.
Options 1 and 2 Aren’t as Fun as 3. We’ve Tried Them.
Click the “Get Instant Access” button, and take 60 seconds to enter your information on my 100% up-to-date secure and encrypted form.
You’ll get INSTANT ACCESS to the program so you can immediately get started.
Just remember, you have absolutely nothing to lose, and in fact, you aren’t really even paying anything today.
It’s really more of a test drive…
Because if you try everything in the program and don’t find yourself creating more chemistry with more women than ever before, just let me know within 60 days and I’ll immediately give you an unconditional, no-questions-asked refund.
So go ahead and sign up for Honest Chemistry because your new dating life is right around the corner.
Did You Just Skip to the End of This Page? Here’s a Summary.
I’ve spent the last 15+ years traveling around North America and Europe, meeting thousands of women (through cold approach), sleeping with and dating many, and showing my students how to do the same.
The missing piece that stops guys from getting results isn’t money, status, fame, or washboard abs. It’s more along the lines of not knowing how to attract, connect, and create sexual tension with women. Flirting, showcasing your masculinity, and creating the appropriate comfort and rapport. All of these “missing pieces” can be encompassed in a word: chemistry.
Chemistry is exactly what this course covers in excruciating detail, tailored specifically for people like yourself, so that you can digest exactly what you need, when you need it.
You’ll also benefit from 5 hours of real-life hidden camera infield footage, from 50+ different interactions showcasing every concept outlined in the course.
I price this course at $997, but for a limited time, for the early adopters and die-hard fans, you’ll have access for only $497.
If you’re fed up with not feeling “good enough,” and feeling like you don’t have permission to create incredible moments with women…
Or you feel like you’ve been stuck in the same place for years on end because you keep “playing it safe…”
Or, (and especially) if you ever fear you might not find your dream girl…
This course is the blueprint that’ll finally get you from point A to point I-can-do-whatever-I-want-in-dating, because you’ll learn how to bethat guy.(If you need help visualizing that guy, imagine you, but everyone reacting to you like they would to Tom Cruise.)
Plus, you get to test drive all the material for 60 days, and if it doesn’t work for you, it’s risk free – I’ll refund you, no questions asked.
So what are you waiting for? She won’t come to you – let’s get started on this journey together.
Delivery Method
> All courses are available. We will send you the course you purchased via the order email.
> If you can’t find the download link for the course you paid for, please don’t worry about it. We will notify and update you via your email at 7:00 AM – 11:00 PM (UTC)
> In case the link is broken for any reason, please contact us via email [email protected] or live chat on the website. We will resend you a new download link.
> All courses are digital online versions, so you will download and save to your hard drive.
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